HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-02-06, Page 5THURSDAY, F,P1i01,1.41iT Oth;
Lyceum ..
. Theatre
• .
-wiNo-iAm• •
• . • t
Show, start's at P.m, 'except
• Sattirdhyp, Saturday night
.two'shows at 7,45 and 9.45 pfm.
• 'Thur. aital• Friday, - Saturday
Feb 6 7 8.
• !*
Ars :.AT SEA"
• ‘4"..1rER'FIDGEON*
,Nick (after Detective
:-COmettY and- Mystery' to make
an eveniiig: Add of laughs uifd
Chills. • •;
Alatiliee 'Sat. nfternopn 2:30 pin
Motidik; TneSdaY,' ,Wedaesday.
wheiber mohst neoPle western .Canada: .$pecial. Bargain 'Excursions ‘'
ghtenel tbaa e,y do - .
10' 11; .12.
- •
iWasAn Adventuress
The story of what happens. :I
when jewel theiveX fall,put. •
tkise-!`MIL*.31. OF TIMR"
"Cartoon" "SPecililty"
.• ...
The Whitechurch Red Cross- sotiety
held their annual meeting irr the Vt.-
.stitute Hat last- Thnrsday ofternoen.
Those' elected to Office:, president;
Mrs; 4ey. 4: . rollocfc; ,I.st viee, Mrs.
R. Mow.bray; -seey, Mise"Arzelina-Scot-C
.Treat., Milan Moore; convener Atatn•
paign.l.cominittee„ Gibsen Gillespie;
conyenel wcirk, Mrs. Lance Grain; as.
, sistants„. Mrs:, diliton,Gillespie, Mrs.
' C. Murray; -cutter, Mrs. R.:'MowbraY;
1 rePre.s.entative. 'at Winghern, 'Mrs; L.
,S.Grain. The rePort 'of Work :for. nine
• months: 170- pairs. stoke, .19 ',ewAters,
-25 scarfs; 1 heititet, , 24 • Piiittnas, 1
Vittlets, 01 bottle. covers .43..pilloir.
.,ease0', 17 '1-.ieets.;2 :OM's, 4 :flainielet'pe'
blankets, .17 Woollen blankets, 4, coin,
Plete_infaat.laYettes. Children's Under
'garmentswere also made.' In .011 59
garments. were mede..9flie tottil;- re
' ceipts•vtere 8745.31. Expenses $514.84.
Balance Un hand, 8230.47. - '• • ...t.
Mrs, Nellie' ,Marsball . of Toren -
ito spent the Week -end with her: par-
ents. Mr.' ,and Mrs. OpOrge Harknese.
1, 111rt•I 'J.. RiChardion 'and Bob spent
I Sunday. with Mr. .and . Mrs. .Victor
ti,:inerson. . ' . . •
Mr: WM. BroWn spent the: week -
end With- relatives.'at., Pine 'River.
1 A ntirribei froth here attended the
' hockey match- in ,Wingliata. ,
arid' Mrs. R. Stuart;,' Velma,. Eileen
-enci Donald spent -IVIonday___*-yening
with :Mr: 'and Mrs., George .Tiffin, • .•
• The . Young' People of Langside,
practised their:play' "Grandpa's TWirt
siter" 'at the.....hcmc_.0 Ili@.S...Ardy..,,ss
Bron. on ,Friday evening and Tugs,
'clay evening Of this ,week they 'prac-
tised, at the •home ,of Mr;: Foster Mof-
Nr. and *Ts. •Geoxge Yundt and LUCKNOW SgiNTINEL
.Miss Oaseney of Merieton visited.Mr. Published everY.:!Purstlay
and Mrs. H. J, L; Eedy SundaY.
U3dserwent Operation .
Miss -Jean Smith, 'eldest daughts
a Mr. and Mrs: Abe Smith; 6th Con.
of; Vest Wawanosh- and, theltriew
School student underwent an
oopeTation for appendicitis at Goderich.
Hospital. She hats returned" to het
home again and is imPrOving nieelY.
'Mr. Wm. FerguSoni. eth Con:' of
.West Wawanoidt" Underwent. an* op-
" -Victoria •flospital;; London.
Rtj:le,"anisld:1174M•aYeiv. ille13••1:QuIr15:4rt.4t4(46e1
Verna Anderson); a SO, 4oderich
hospital, Oongrapulaticins: •
recently and is reported to be iniProv-
ing very well since. . ••;
Villagers were also pleasantly stir,*
prited.tbis week to hear of the stork
visiting Dr; and Mrs. -T. Toll, :Blyth,
-b-Kinging littlediughter.
Mrs;, Dairi•Fowler,.who is 'spending
the•ivinter with Mr..and Mrs. :Victor
Errington is not enjoYing the best
,of health
Mr. George Hodge is' a:victim of
'the -41u this week.' • • •
. • Mr. and Mrsa% Charlie Mills and son
Bob GOderich visited Mrs. 'Mill's
Uncle, Mr. John • Mos on Sitrfday,
anima_ JILL_Co'mfUrt. • •
A strange convey•anee which.
:treated_ much attention- aPpeared in
the Village last FridaY7 indien. a tarp -
horse power Sleigh -mobile owned and
operated bY Mr. ,Sarn• .Sherwood cif
Crew was used 'bring Mr. and
Mrs. SherwoO.d7 and friends lb•-•
the annUal Red Orate meeting. The
body. of a 'sedan was mounted, on a
raeligdulgttatsio”nlarm sfeigh, and the steer
hig was looked after by. opening' tile
tcindshield slightly to allow the "spark
levers, to Com' *•:through. We
are Wondering if •Sain gets by without
new. becuse-pla-tes--foar-Ahis.
at Lucknow, Ontario.
,Mrs, A. p. 1114(Itenzie-pi./priew.
Campbell ThOmPsan---Publisher
:THURSDAY, "'FEBRUARY 6th; .4,41,
. .
• Mist Eileen Hall of Lucknow spent
the" Week -end: with Miss wind
. Th\e Langside Club, Wiehtild th
entertatimient; dance, cgt Frid
evening.. in the Hall. Itt
The Whitechurch Women's Institu
Will held their February theettirg-7'
The following 'fetter, reproduced in
Part, was ,received by peeve N. E.
Bushell 'from a friend 'overseas.:
1.'`I am one at those queer individ-
who regard ilits.Varnot sci_miieh
ativila fight against' aggressien (altho
that parts is important), but rathers,
as ti battle ,between forces of reaction
and revolution and my belief .ii that
in our, usual ;British 'fay there will
be a reasonable ,compromise in this
country and that what we do Will
have its influence, throughout Europe You can't alWays tell which. We cer-
., ,
at any rate. Big changes fir the social tainly feel ,that we are Iffiii-elicitir-
order are inevitable and everytbmg ,riTig times arid :cannot, coMplain of
getting bored. We. naturally, miss•the
.lioeimngv incointodlelePdellbasy 7r1:iestliprnesibehlean:n1
unselfish persons. There
certain number who hope; after ' the
are still „a hailing •others in your he -Use, but ire
nated teachers and they fit in very
three children and it isn't all., honey
have been lucky. :We have turn:. evac-
thunderstorin-Pr bably less. In the
daylight raids we ride about im buses
and walkabout \the streets quite
and, after all) th.e chance's a
.a.bonab coming just Where ybi happen
- Going. .1)..aily. FebMaii.--1.0,1941 Inclusive-
. . _ .. ,.„
•.Re...ttrn liMit-”,45. days •• .
TICKETS •0000. IN • .., • -
te7be are 'rather'yemote, Actually we COACHES. at fares APProxiniately: :11/sc per mile
,ofteiL. 4011,!_t iraew Yi4ethet.' VOURIST„ SLEEPING CARS .at atiOrMiiniate1.3" 1.-%C per lalle
raid on or not. The nightly birr4.1ge' " STANDARD SLE-RPNG
.London,is-a different thing, ' but
then ,everyone -takes' cover because of
the •shrapnel,' I have fortunately been
able,to.get home every night, We g -et
.pjanes'over Chorleywood regularlY
every night' and have h.sd 40, hoinbs
in the Parish but netlffing closer , 40
na than the cerninen,• • just the other
side of the railway line. To start with
we took cover -under the stairs which
we had rigged up as a shelter; but
now we -usually' go on haying • our
Meer of reeding.
There As a' raid on- now and 'I call
hear bonibi or guns in the distance.
war to ,revertito the conditions which
existekbefore With its gross inequa-
• ities„ and colossal uneMployment,, • not
realising that any attempt to do this
The folio -Oiling letter in Part'from
would inevitably :lead to revolution
Ackert. , Ftbruary 11th Tbe',igntln--Love_
Mrs*. John Reid of ,Reid's Corners, tr r d •• . • •_
last a. few o wiong to no one, w
,e given by Mrs: Thos Gaunt. -
call-,I.a.ws 1I'd like to change. Pap
'Legislation, Mrs. V. Emerson.,
spent a feW' days the past week wi
her daughter, Ra.ynard A.ckert.
•Mr. told Mrs, Robea MacDonald
and.fa,mily'spent Friday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford 'Johnston.
Mist Gwendolyn Aetert. left fol•
.• Toronto On Sunday for a two Ayeek.s
• course and will then resume her pot:,
ttien Burleigh; Falls:
!gr. and Mrs, Win. Eadie, Doris
and Lorne spent••Sunday evening at
Mr. Robt. MacDonald's... •
Miss Mary Sinith and -Miss Winni
fred Ackert tpent TuesdaY evening
'With Miss Eileen Valad, •
Mrs. A. Ackert, krt. Wm. Elliott
Mitt:Mary Sinith,, 'Miss Gwendolyn
Ackert, Messrs. Jack Ackert and Or-
ville Elliott spent Wedne,sday even-
ing at Mrs. Charles Congrain's.
Robent IdacDonald and farnili
• spent Monday afternoon at Mr. 'Thos.,
Harris': • • . - •
Miss Doris Eadie. Meters. Lloyd
and .fack Ackert attended the Rih
School skating •party- in 'Lucknow
Wednesday night. . •
• ' Mr. and Mrt.'Neil •MacCallum and
'Mrs. Bill' Scott of Langside, 'were re-
cent •visitors with Mr and Mrs. Cliff
Mr. and Mrs.' Richard Elliott spent
Sunday at Mr.'Thos. Robb's at Lent-
• 1
.1-10SIGOING TO U. 5.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Johnston and
haby -Spent Tharada_y evening. at Mr.
Richard Elliott's. • •
A new factor has entered the al-
ready disturbed Canadian bacon sit -
nation -hog exports .,to the- United
States. S.ubstantial shipments are,iil-
ready,sreported from Alberta and east-
ern *niers are said to be preparing
to export to Buffalo and Chicago,
says the Financial Pbst in a ePecial
despatch from Ottawa. High Amer-
ican log prict.s, of coursels 'the reas-
on for this new deireloPrnent which
completely reverses the situation' of a
yearago. Then better prices in Can-
ada as a result of the' 1939-40bacon,
agreement with, Great Britain, attrac-
ted a big, volume -of American' pork
to Canada, a',movenient which „was
only stopped' by., the 'imposition of a
virtual 'embargo. • '
Fear Switch to -States
IlOg prieee. in the.. United 'States
have moVed up from little over , $5
per. Cwt. a year ago to 'over : $8 at
present. There is a 'substantial ,duty
on these animals entering the U. S.
, •
Mr. Matthew Shackleton is in
• •
Annual -144 Crois4ke
•A• successful year'a work Was .te7.
viewed when the . Dungannon Branch,
of the Red Cross held its tiiiniial.meet-
, ,..
iiig in the United. Church, basement .
on Friday; 'January 1st with thepres-
• of 'the slums, has. opened: the ,eyes
ident Mr. H....1, L., Eedy in the chair. of litany to the condi:bens under which•
The niinutes were read and iiiinroied. the poor live and called forth a wide -
Mrs . R. Davidson, Werk convener, ex- .
alit ..writing this ie:tter 'at :the cif-.
pressed apPreciation of the:splendid I'
yloo as.l'ani 'going to a nieeting at
.0,.'ii...yind....we...43,_not,:_witiltr_ .... . Bob Thompson, .son • of Mrfl and Mrs.
' • , X.--"It.-ThorripsPii; irittY PtevO-iriterest-7-'
taLorarobreaders.' Bb . is a -Wireless
eri-Navy --mine-
"You are in. 4 vosition to be Able i
to judge =these queitions ,.flom the ionpger
point of view of big business and, sweeper OneratingfrOin an Eat Coact
also that of the; social , reformer and port• .' ' ' • : 41: - I :-;
1 :should be very interested to k ov, • .
Monday,' January ,27th, 1941.
-What 'cOndirsionyou-have -reac d•
I am net among those :who nt to: Pesi' !other,' Da'd and Air: '...- s
abolish private enterprise with its. Monday everthig"and I'm unin the
incentive and: ability to get things Dartmouth Service Canteen With a
done, but .4 am convinced that there friend of mine from the boat it's a
Inuit be more State Control, I, partic- new place' we've found to go'. to an
ularly of essential:, serviOS such as it's Only about ten minutes Walk froni
transport a:dr1 mines, and also that where:the ship is docked.. It's a hitter
mone3L.mnst ,11.1e brought back to it cold. night Out,\up=fy around mi.()
original piirpese as a :means of ex-. buflown- here eeraa-i-ike•-abpnt-:-ff'cighIe:TW-we , eren't-hr-t-ilf-fiveLoc" ock-
, . ..
cbarig,e 'an -a not a medituri-.to le ould t home, on ac- Saturday 'afternoon as it -began to
Mg: The evacuation from the towns; .,count „et' the dampness.
• , snow very heavilyand also gOefoggy.
the : nightly pilgrimage of the poorest You remember the letter I wrote Also we met a , Convey coining Out
daises te the tubes-, and the bomhine last. Wednesday about seeing the big so we, ,jiiit. crawled along.
liner come in. The civilians And sol- W11, I WaS•• just on the verge • of
UI I i eke about seeing On it turn -:-filling mit:a requot form for leave
Baggage Checked. Stopesers at all points, going and returning. ,
Tickets, Sleeping Car Reservations and all inforntation final any
• (.
Agent:. •
4:sit FOR nip,Npkapa " ,T1•
it in a newsreel .ar anything. ron% ashore now einee, you get the stat-
knew, its the ,•gOod ship Cpmei. ;. To i ionery free •(1'm getting very Seotch).
make a ,good showwe all had to wear I I- get an ectra 26c a day or being
th-ey7Piped. "action I en a minesweeper--lart4ts-orkly--.Paid-'--
everY three months at is the ittn,
stationer and we • all had to sling our
gas, rna.sks-:over .our. shoulders wells'k
I was'. an deck • a feW:timee se May'
.hapPen.. to 'be the pictures:, The
camera was on .another sweeper •fol-
loWing •• . •
:•FridayeVenidg Ted'.dimnirighain,;a
signaller from Hamilton. and.,Mys.elf:
came up te DartMouth -where we dis-
covered ...this . canteen 'and its 'really
nieest,,„yet think.' We. had
a ..COUPle of games, of Ping pong 'and
then, we:Went • up •to the North IStar.
money, so you :see I'm really getting.
4; -be "in the -money".
With love -to all, •
Lady:"What size shoes do you
, •
uire?" -
Tramp: "l)utino, mum. ¶ ain't never -
had shoes that' Way. I can .either get:-
rny feirin 4re'iffiaY can't. ,
- bow 'de 'SrOri de
nne ignorance?"
and dance every Friday might, so you
See. I celebrated 'Burn's Night„ after Willie: "It's when 'Yea. den% knoW: '
all . -I was thinking .of the big hockey,' '36inethirig and someone finds it Out",',
game: and daire-e7at home ainr Vdhlir :•'• : • ----,7-7"'""1- ' - ' '•' :-7- ' -
- ,
certainly 7 like to • 'haVe, been there for. "Stout peOple. are Much :more • bon -
them: However, I still hope' to be vable than thin Ones":
*, „' ."1 -low do you Make that out" ,,
hoine ,before • the hockey season .
• . "Well,. it's difficult' to,..get them to
• We haven't been to tea, since Sat- toop yth"g lvi.."
, .
oon !*ari _in_ , lo'v" •
urday and expect to he in'. for.,,a, Couple , •-•::. -.,--, - -
Teachezi "Make , a. sentence with. the
more days as they are having enTine
ell. "• mari eat on -a
fice at 1' o'clock on a Saturday after -
co -operation given by all: in • aecom
Plilshing the large aniount of Work ,
done, The treasurer, Arthur Brown 'terror at 3..p.ni..1.O:atiaugUrate a ser
reported a. 'total of $5g6.8.5 raised .i.es of lectures On "The. -New: Order
with .$23.28 balance from last, year. in Europe,' It it arranged under the
$274:92 tivare expellees, outstanding auspices of the W,orkere Educational
invoices $180.00 and there's, $234 hal, .Asseciation and the Universities and
ance •in tbe treasury Mr. Newman We are hoping to get "a.
took the chair for • the election of itatte4 Chorleywood where wehave
officers which are: president, Mr. H. succeeded in getting a number of
J. L. Eedy; Vice-president, Mrs:' • R. st•Litilt going The 'Church gives
Davidson; •Mrs. Olive S. Culbert, sec us no help at all and unless she does
retary and Mr. Arthur Brewn, Tretts take an interest in tbe 'sociological
urer Auditors, Mre. ,I3ert ,Roiteli and question I think she is doemed. I
Mrs. Lorne Iveis. A representative was severely taken to task at a wet-
froni each district and Organization i e of. our *Clint* Connell because •a
forth the Work committee, with Wri":"&ferrairst-Wea.trainster. when' lied in
R. Davidson: work cOnvener. All res- vited to address tip, had talked pOli-
ident clergymen are honorary presi- tics and because the meeting didn't
dents. A vote of thanks for the of ;open and Close With: praier! I am
ficers': work,. the church for Ineeting; afraid .i .ain a rebel: against 'orthridox
drivers of bread trucks for • delivery religion as .feel- that tine religion.
of Work arid material. were heartily is slimmed yp. in our duty towards' our
endorsed. The seeretary has received neighbour and not forms .cere-
acknowledgethent of 426 pairs sox,"thonies and doctrines. I have ceme
20' sweaters, 46, scarfs,' 51 wristlets: across se many' hypeerites in connec-
1 knee cap, 2 hot rater bag covers, tion with the Chureli that I am often
7 .Ifelmett% 11 wash ,claths, 170 tempted to sever my cennection With ,
pyjam'as, 224 ,shkets, 182 pillow cases7
51 blankets, 19 gate, 5 cartons of giving Us a lead •in the right ,..(nr
refugee clothing. On Friday another rather left) direction and ; Would
Shipment was packed consisting Of, not he -Surprised to see a real revival
60 pairs sox, 1 'pair seaman's long in the near future under his leader' -
SOX, .3 sleeveless sweiitert; 1 turtle ship. • .
neck sweater' ('havY, use), 31 serfs (Sunday) .1 went to my lecture
Air ptain 4iitts, 3 two-way' mitts; yesterday afternoon and from• the
10 helmets, 28 pair ipOtinas, 4 ,sheets, talk given. by the tutor you. would
I Pair flannel blankets, 1 pr.: women' P have thought- be had been reading
bloomers; 9 unfits. this letter! And this morning I at;
tenclea 'a Britieb Legion 'parade at. the
bet this'iS offset almost entirely by e
10 per Cent preraiain on Arnerican
fonds, 'Ta Meet the .Cdinetition of
.Arnerican lag bitYers, Canadianpack-
ers have been forced. to bid domestic'
prices up to a point beyond that just:
ified hy the present British bacon deal.
The Financial Post is :informed. So
far prices are not -far out of line but
Ottawa officialg are .distinctly wor-
ried over: the possibility of serious
'divertion of Panadian hogs' to tho
united States.
Woodatock. attending :..the funeral of
his stint, Mrs,. Chambers.
• Miss Mabel Reid spent a week re
• ceritly with relatives in Toronto. .
Mr. Colin Crozier of Lieury and
Frances of London spent a pleasant
week -end at their hone here. ,
• Mr, and Mrs: Herb Curran ef„Maf--
• eking yisiied friends here on "We&
Mr: Bert Treleaven is visiting with
his daughter, Mrs; Vernon.Huntor and
• Mr. Hunter near . '
---"Nriuirig64!1",ffilrere-littended the -
annual Meeting "of .lthe Red Crois
whieh Was, held At ,Dunginnon on
Friday. Interesting reports were giv,
-en, Which'showed tbe wonderful work
• .416-ite by members in each district. ,
, .Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Drennan and
3. C, spent Monday evening with Mr.
P au d Mrs. 'S. .1. Kilpatrick.
Miss Miniel Quinn Wes att her home
„' near Kincardine for the 'Week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Curran and fam-
ily ,Were, &Mao visitors 'win friends.
at ,Ifafeking. •.
The Sunday. School and Y. P. IL
held A.Sticial in the school FriditY•
etenine *Ilen. it'. gerod-'prograta of,
•:gAinei and. co -min -unity 'singing and
tisPeiling match .by Mrs. Cecil Blake
was enjoyed: She taught when she
•Wag teacher 'here scrne re* .yard
an esPalater clans° in the been deal
'; w`hldi provides ter 'a :higher Uritisi)
• Oriel in the AineriCan coin-
, . ,
APProxiinately 70,000 live hags are
needed weekly to maintain our • pro.
raised galon supply to Great Brit-
ain. This onstitutes a major outlet
for Canadian farniers in Great Britain
and Ottawa determined no matter
hew hiih Aineilean kiag prices may
go ,that the British bacon quota must.
• To Held IT. K.:Quota ,
' The boraiiiioli Government. C01.114,
Of course, .solve the whole' matter Very
cluickly by placing an embargo on
Canadian hog shipments .to the Un-
ited' States. But this, it is feared,.
would- me.an: a feria rebellion. and
after its experience With butter and
with the present agricultural delega-
tion on its hands,. Ottawa is not going
,to ask for further' fttrin trouble.,
••• A mare likely course 'will be 0 ad-
vise Canadian packers to' continue
competing with American prices tb
secure sufficient Canadian hogs- to
:fill -the bacon qiibta and any losses
incurred .will made' god by a'
Another possiBilitY is a higher ba -
cm !price 0.41 Great Britain: Details
oi the recent bacon deal have' never
been made public but teceirt4i at a
Arestern farm meeting gon. 3. 01,
Gardiner: Dorninien Minister cif Agri-,
culture and negotiator Of the, _agree-
ents With the Moth,* Country', is
iepOrted haie Stated that thee is ua
ed out to be largely German prisoners when one,. of, the gparkers went to
expectiou read in tli.epapers about
the tweescaping: ," - • • -
• iThursday morning we weren't Sail,
nand' a gtoup .of us who,bad never
received' our ,gas ma:slre, went over. tb
the dockyard for our gas course: In
the morning we •were given lectures
:on 'the: different • types of gas, how
the :hospital with a very heavy cold
so I. didn't is I want everything to
be 'favourable sAs possible , When
I do ask for it, but I've a notion I."11.
be seeing you sometime in. February
although' so many things •can happen.
I 'forgot to mention that the chap
I was-, with, \Sunday night' was Galax;
;aek and :he.:rose,".
Two Coininunists were 'walking in' .
he park. "Nice weather were bay -
•.ng,' said one, "Yes", said the ,other, •
grudgingly, "hitt the rich are ,having
it too."
Mary: "I' hear your boy friend
wants 'to settle `down and own a
house." •
Jane::"Well, he's got a. good start.
ga,ve .him the gote last night." ,
.to detect •thein and what to• do. abo.ut •anteeried (the' whole ship) soon
it, In the afternoon we got oni 'masks as he got back on board On aceourit ,
and were ptit in a Cliamber-filled With of diphtheria. However I've come lin mall'ieiv4 his wife' 4 f"
coat, is that, love?". "'It. depends on •
tear' gas just to test them. To prove contact with it quite a. bit so hope I
i'whether he gives it. to her to ketqi
there really Was eta in -the room we can, centint,re to keep free of it',
. • 'her Warm or keep ,her Oral"
had to take them off..for a few mill,. Spent .part of. t afternoon
in t
'utes'and we all had, a good cry. TWIT room listening to the rael\io.".I
-There seetaecl' to a lot of things cart get alinost any place in the world
happening list week. On Friday when • it: I was. listening to the "Happy'
we sailed, a movie camera M:ewe came Gang" .and Could' picture' -YOu at
along to take 'pictures of mine sweepz;horne also 'earing . •
. •
ing operatioas.: So if you ever see Yell notice I write all my .letters couple." .
Salesnian- repretent the
, . •
Wool compa.ny, madain.o.Would you .
he interested,in tome,,coloffal,yarnsl'
• HOusewife: "Yeah. Tell me a . •
13n"ptigt church and the sermon ykrasi on
. ...______ „ .exactly similar lines. What everNon
BORN.i. On January •27th to Mr. is insi:stillg on now -As that the Gov -
and Mrs. -T. Jantzi (nae Anetta Fish-• 'erninent should .announce in noun-
ei;), a son. Congratulations. -- certain terms ,what our peace termo
Mr's. Tichberne Of ,Ooderich:ii spen- are - that we are not fighting for
ding a ew-Ldays.with-1115flther Mis. 'Imperialism •and that National SO?:
Kwinedy, as her :brother Peter 64 eieignity will ' be . subservient to col
been in bed but We are 'glad' to, say. °Perati.on with all .other countries on
is some better. . . an equal footing; that we are deter
Mr. and Mrs. tt. Serott of Teeewaker mined to abolish • uneinploynnent even'
if the work we pro'vide appears to- be
visited •reeetitly with his sieter, 1VIrs.
O : Murray. ' , ", unecemOnlic; that everyone Wile can
chance' -
4 reeeption'was held at the honde of benefit .„ •• by ft will 136 given 0,
Mr.; and Mrs. David Gibbs in hinico of a higher education; and that•ever4Y-
of their 'daughter's 'marriage, mi.a.1 one shall have .a • decent wage. The
will ilo longer be;7put Off 13.3r
Helen Gibbs to •Pte, Whitby of toel,-.: people
the, plea Oat we cannot afford suCh
now, which took Place Saturday; • '
reforins . as ' the financing 4) :the war
! The. annual ineetink of the Pro-
byterian church WAS held Oil Vionday, has exploded .that • falladY, I ani con -
'A good attendance was p4sent. All x'need that unless we can premise
reports were gone over and 0, very a social order which the °boa -ries of
good , report of all theWiirk of the Europe are certain is better than that
past : year. Four„, new managers were offered by Did* we shall not get the
elected, Mesers- James Million, John rtoo.divill, and the war ,Wi31 drag on
Craig, Albert Paterson, John mow_ Much:longer. Priestly holds this view
strongly and he has an • erior-,
lyray. We are sorry to report the, vqrs'
Rev, Mr. Pollook, OtVirig td- his doe.: ihcins felinvoillg$
tor's ordos, has; to take -a red and • rlqow ite to h,ow the war is affect
may not be able to preach for a yearfag os personally,' We appiteciate Your
A...Supply or the Young 'PeOple will thought bit we are really not having
take the .serviees'at 11 oleteek Eo is so, bad a time as yOu wenid think,
, °' " .: Of ei*irs the risk t 46 greater but in
Reflectiag with TRANSPORTATIONthe.13ank •
of Montreal has team•worked with.this industry all,
the•way--from stage -coach Co sue:unlined triirq from
tailing ship to modern ocean liner; from plodding
canal.boat to swift -flying aircraft. '
Hundreds of great and small carrying coinpanies rely on
the, Bank of Motakeal lot the specialized services Chey
need,wia i le tens ofchousands of the pee* Who work int
them are among our welcrinie customers Who have saw
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Serving Canadians and their indusiries in every section of thoostrtnotnity,
we invite joss to discuss.rovg banking rercireniessts witkut.
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