HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-01-30, Page 8vantage 01 Our January Sale
RAYON NIGHTIES -Embroidery trini,.no'sleeves. Maize, Tea Rose
• 'and White. Each .. • • • •*. • • ••• • . • • • ....• • •••'• • •;-,08e
UNBLEACHED COTTON -38 inches . wide, free- from darts spots•
• ,.
Special, yard ., ...'• • • • •• • •• • ••,•••• •.• • • . . • ; • • • • • 1.8e
UNBLEACHED SHEETS -4 -Heavy Wabasso, 81inoieo 1„,;;;d4.
- stitched. Le* won to day's wholesale Priee. Each
COLORED 110MESPIJN-46 inches wide. All smart new s▪ hades,
•••,••.• • • -_•A•i•,:t.,•• • • ••• • 7.: • • • • • • • t. • ' • • ! ; • • • • • • • .$9c
CHENILLE -BEDSPREADS-40 x 109, inches. Green; IVInnite7; Peaeh,
:ALL -WOOL SWEATERS for Sehael, . several .diffetkak.iittlea and ,
'color Continuations. .... •••••• • $t19
tmcnNza:--. AttiTutaroRD
A voqikong interest •inanY in
'this district place irst Pres-
bYterian• churcht Springfield Ga14.oria,
iLong Island, New Yerk;-When jean R;
the,Only daughter oT Mrs. Mani ttath-
:•erfOrd .and the late Bei.' -Charles M.
•;r. utherfprd (former .pater Pine
,:•-• River Presbyterian church),• beenme
the bride of Russel, E .Leeturer .of
aio ERAk)
Have You renewed Ynur Sentinel
subscription yet/ -
If •You know of A personatvor any
other item of news, please tell us
ahol4 it; •
Thi is • a book wig thoroughly
noy -because o oanow kikteres
'• 'THURSDAY, JANUARY 30th, 1041
• ' •
• 1.011)FALL,
tte1711 .Slinte
at the hemer
Oardens• cer,emeny, Ur. and Mrs. ,Pank Dut'mn was SFr, and its sitsarbmg st°r•Sr• The author
was • pfr_torined.; by. . Joachim, H. p.,,Pa\t*ro,A,'?x'he R.OkEr, retalya. %as, the happy gift of MajpRig his
bricle'.'S father Was' also.• -a ene4Ime . • ,•••:
pastor, The brid_,e who woe' eacOrted- Johnny carter NI* has • been 01.4f: In this; :':''''''.1,v9:::::grhouisndst9thrY'e
to the altar 14 -her brother, Rearm:II' -se4s, ,tor ttroe s been trail lilts as its- aigeritiar
Rutherford of 'Hamilton, Ont., looked Royal Air Portent War,and his chief
relw::i7e1; imit;;Igd 'tditY*Iect,kngiY(.441kleo.eurt1
things he •,himelt;ir.i Conversant
and knows. thorettlehliliVirile he has
several "Successful Iiinoles to his. credit.
by vocatiep,he is an tierenautteal en
.gitieer, and ia in.the'AdMiraltY.offici
in London. " ,
ing officer In the' R.A.F. engaged n
coastal patrol off Portinnouth..At the
Pastor of the &lira. which the wa, Ontario. • 4'. ; his aituations auth-
!MOP e rea a ,
• ferred from• a • Holding Unit:to the •
eharmin0 in -we goWn of, wh:te Mar,. •
.quisette, with 'lace bodice, and :veil.of, 1.1tn krid: istarl•ery, .•
white. tulle, .caught with orange bIos.
soms.'She ;earried a boulinet of 'white BACKACHES GO QUICKLY, • 'often:
r•os ,s 1 ly . the va,161,. Mrs. Wm. after. Jfitret doso, RUMACAPS two --
; .0S4felnimenorr: geolreinIt'. tit, ;t1iiiidee.e:sinsatitroockii ;ay.8,eti
_T. 0, n•attaas
'- '.01e,catipe,- relieves
. dr enilnqiii0ed..cirgalifbi ty:iinined with Oa imin,; HO'HIWP- DItH6' STORE
,.. •blire, and a large _leghorn hat Her .4. 'N
• bOUqUet WaS of white prvirgi4erites' and RI"nd'Sbilinnin Of the K.C.;A:P4 at'
. blire-neltihinitum:---The•-•-brides-Other Present stationed,t-at-Teinnto,--- 0.1)441,
. \ IteCrin-
attendants .. were. a Consin, Miss Ellen the. week -end vvitlihis parents, Hi,
;;irthrt arolit,}1-crtn:ti.; .
and ,Mrs. Airstin SOIOnion,.. and on.
‘ costumes or *Inte. embroidered 0..• account• • of the death . of Ids. „grand.-
' kandy, trimmed with fuchsia: 'Yellow father, Mr, ' 'Samuel -McGuire wits
betel fwhich is an inforinal thib. foi .
g :' • tread and adopted HYinn' 513 Closed their bouquets. , Mr.; Robert •Lechnei• tir Friday; • ' • : :Mmint •the waitreaw in the- snack bar.
the Offieets,.. he fang • in. love wit)!
. - margueritei •anil snapdragon •fornien granted an extension c4 his leave un-.
. Kenzie . hito charge
: the
!)pgr.an.i marriage ena -followed by ..a reception . , . In the 'Anoint,. Of - his duties- jerry.
-.` this Part. of the meeting:Jessie Mac, utis groOmsman for his brother Th' . •
Ashfield W. M. S.. .' throUgh no Inuit of his :Own gets intc
with Robert Burns as. .her oheme, .at the, home, Of the brides' mcither WRITES TO BLYTH' EDITOR '
. The :Jannary meeting .of the \Ash:1 Zlire.hietrit:41.11',1.4.14iz Will reeide M . •.. 2 , - . , - . ....,,, , • very; serious . trouble Which threatens.
..tieiii. ,Atinivati,,:x(i*iitmoy ,.aeie.ty wa;3' Miss. Katherine.."AgneVir:;favOiired us Island, New 'A. recent letter • :appearing ;in the his :career in the Air . Foree,, How lik
Blyth Standard, Will ' be. of 'interest .is reinstated with the help of his
held at :t6 home 6f; yfra,..Dento.,Niac_, with a Selo, and Doris Ritchie with
tlinW•44,•'''''KT, .4as'I• .15.-a•e_./kivi..„...kaaalde.i..i...e-rifi, 1 ...The Jessie •Maelteniie-far, :
- . • . . 'York; - . , . .
' tenth:4i byL.sinking a,test well ' ne•ar,--, . _ s. .-,. • _ , ..---... •,. .
liner in the ' library called "Ordeal'.
--a---Seoteh-,readifilv-Jefter,-thia-LMr.-W,-:.----- --- , , ideally to many who. are accaitinted sweetheart makes' a vent absorbing
, .
''-Keirzie: with an attendance Of 20 . Rig.;
L.- MacKenzie gave . na a 'Very. inter,- • - with, tie writer, who is confident that • Story. • '
oil 'exists iri tiii Ffuron-Brnee ar.04, , There is another book by this au,
• E Hewes - Opened the meeting with
eating talk on his. recent triptO Ne'w HOLYROOD : and is enderivoUring to ,prove his con- ;
fer'eelliig .,..,,..„ti.,,,,;4,..faT'Neil J... ae_., p. saiiiii„ p•uted. . ,v4k, with
_11,,_piono__50.0,. otea.:_:_i.,,, ........._., . ,,_ _.: . .._ . _ ”.. ,
• - vehic'h you will find tnriumg and ex.
- rea---' Ctheli*Ipliii-6-:leSSein .frni4 . ,,
. . Hector',',11/1aeLoan 'read th .
27. 41.x,, , , ,:,,. , a 7.40hilei 2.4k; Tod had :.4lideji : cit o•dr. Mr. and Mrs -j-dhusfon and , • - ' '.-7.: ''.- -,"!:' -----4•Uill'a-ty-Ta.,49'n: eitingz ./t .:. --is- 'the- ;Trim -8114". realitstie,
Flak. ' With singing hymn , 400, arKt bit-bY spent -Thursday evening •With• Mr.
, . To the !Myth Standard; •''' ' ' Story :of ;how a. family faced the • tior :
le 1
- Neer: Y'ear'S[,f'-iire'a.Sage "Forgetting au
. , the National Anthem,brought ' and Mra. Ivan Conley • ..
iors of modern Warfare, in k big silty:
' . reaching loril0i4hen- Mrs, John 'Mc -I think that under circumatances
interesting evening .6 a 0080,; .. 1 : Miss Rota Walden returned to her When . there are. so many runkna , as Yen, will want to read • bath of thest
, Itiie,*ave, the :tre0anrer!e report, Mrs. home at 'Olivet after snending,the Pleat
__ , to what has happened and, is .happenhnnka
'Mg at the well being drilled for bil,
on the •Bert. Allen ' farm in 'Mullett
-Townthhip a7-freink and -full statement- .
• . 47 OBITUARY' '
should be made. • '
The -well is now. down '1590 ieet,-. .
- . - -
• cased off and the hole in perfect con-
• dition. . We had seine. thin layers Of SARAH RIIR14 RHiD
limettone in, the bottom of the. gait
ferniatiOn. as the "salt 'dissolves from
ereppsiire to"the air some of this iiirie-
stone is loosened- and falls . inte the
'well. This.. 'May 'cause - a bad. fishing
itsolltL.FOR WAR WORK .
st000.ms :Votedia0 ,Promote'Organis-
ing*. Of Unit, of. Fedration of Agri-
conotio-,Roloi 'Salaries -readier
'Shortage Reported Acute. . •
With the roads- et. the County • satUr-
ated: with water , as1 they ,are;' -unless.
very favousable conditions vrevail, it
is to be • expected that ,they will
subjected • to much" damage 'before
garenler-1.17. PeaatthttrrbO8rrrri;oefds!'H' -County
ty Council on Wednesday. .
diipreciation apparent on
the bituminous surfaced • nada but it
•3..tts. grivernm.insuentfda::: tthrae.attisilinnet •rawilesaeg:
'And build thein up: '' •
The report of the Opvernor of Mar-.
un. County. jail Showed 14'0. prisoners •
(hiring the, year. The ous,t per prison;
er per- d5r-was 1$1,iseents. Tliere.are -
at present eight prisoners. , • •
• Teacher Shortage .
-E. C. Ireirebin, inepeetor-or publicT
;ichools of ..South Huron,. gave. a cern,-
ineliensive, report of the progress of,
Thurs., Fri., Sat. Tau. 30, 31, Fleh•
' PicTURE •OF 1941
HOME" - •
Thomas• Mitchell • jowl Wane,'
• .(Rev:).--:;,..Ealer, read,a. letter ;written .
. . ..,S1::._11: .... : • . fe days -with her cousin • Mrs Ray-
, . . .„ . . , Ray -
II‘l - ' •
-"---,-byMiFiki:',Vtes:=-:Qtiit-.;of.--:-Iiinia•--r-tellizie, ' ard - Ackert:7-- Stre-WasTetecomprenied--
' • of . her Wark.: there, ;I,etter•s' of ' thanks Ac. ert. who .will visit .with
.....: The, ....telleviing, '...ar.tigl* have. been - •
--,froin'Ars.:--ahaS.,7'141;',,fOr -O.,-,-Clorist friends ther lox .,,a, Jew ciays. • ,
:7!#.4:epeiiibrance, and fient Mra.. Wip, t'''...qrwaieled,to• the, Luelincief ;Red 'Cross'
'Berri ,' .fOr'a quilt reeefrOdy ere read, ,fienri, the : ladies,: of this community . , 3fr, and Mrs. Peter Mbffat and
.,. - .. . . , .,- . • . . , Were atoPoitited to „.nttend
Members Onir of.soas; 7 .nnir Of-mitte; .tWe family of, Curress spent -Sunday with
, • ' . : ':
to the making of quilts, Mrs. a A.
MacLean for ,Laurier,IVira.-• Duncan
MaeOniie- for l'.:4ochalsk.rigts.Wittred
f.*POJiLfclr,PlATOPitia.GOrniers' and. Mrs.
C°1W4Nti4t-a„kOt' ffkr-'";40,titni.ly 10*,.P4)
. C*;;Tiiii****f.d. -iiitii.a verse' fkinii
'. ScriptingiTiren.,wO iverseS of hymn
697: ,oefiT-iiiiii:-.:The''Life of the-riiis-
=nary- :."111ary• ..-Siessor. „,.:Was 'given
by Anna:May, -MacDonald -.-blii. D.
A. MacLean ; read a paper on the
Gent* ',Of.'•,preatiYterianiani. Mrs. -,1•11c,
'• Charleek•led in Prayer.:•;•blia.-'Jorhn•MC• .-•
. Hak.gave-"a,rending, ."Ye have done it
• s'unte -me". The retiting-prepideht,,g*,s.
E. poiii; :thanked,: all inembera'fOr
, •; their .help during.her . term of •office.
' The Meeting elosad.;*ith.'Prayer.'.,The
ne*,preerident,.,Mte, Donald MacKen-
zie now .'rierveir lineh ',Assisted. by
friends. . .
-pair of 2 -way mitts; 9 helmets; 3' :Mr. and Mrs Jas Smith..
sa1ox!s-scarf5, 3 Soldiees -aberfs;--4----•-:-The-fineeting-tlif4he Sunday
•dozen khaki handkerchiefs; 10 dozen Setiool was, held in the schoolhouse on
,gsuss_e• handkerchiefs;._2 afghans Made Sunday with an attendance of 35. 'Rev.,
by the nnpils`nn4,tearcher,* 8 S io 11 C. Todd of tueknow• gave a short
'1 and :the .gift of ,orien.large':and one but inspiring address and assisted an
small...afghan from Miss McQuillin organizing. Come next Sunday and
and pupils of St. Helen's, School. Any- bring' your Bible and hymn book Col -
one wishing to knrtfor this worthy: lection will be taken up to pay for
mese may obtai▪ nwool from Mrs. W. the Sunday School papers. ••
A. IVIiller. •
, ,Richard Baker was a ,receni
. The main feature of the iff."-P, U. visitor at Mr. Thos. Harris'
meeting held On Sunday evening was .
Misses Mary SMith. Gwendolyn Ac -
the interesting lectureen;the life of iisert and Mr. lack Ackert spent Sat-
- . The:-Fehri•l".3r meeting of - • urdaY evening at Mr: Wm. MaeKay`st
, 10th. COncession.
,Men's Institute will be held- on Thurs-
Mt: Richard Elliott.attended Coun-
day; Pebruary 6th -in, the, Community • •
Hall Roll hand time; °Sub- tY: e°tin°1 last weak*
• Mr. and 1VIes.: Howard Harris spent
ject-:-Historieei iteseaegh in' charo
Sunday evening at Mr.. McDon-
of Mr's. Ball: I, Program. COmmittee-
Mrs: Ernest Gaunt, Itylii.:13As.' Lyons ald s• •
HosteSses7-Mrs. D. Phillips, Mrs, J(0§. . Mr and Mrs. HoWard Robinson,
United Chnth Y 4i. S. Gaunt, Mrs: W. - A. Miller. It is re Shjrliair and 13illie. spent' Sunday with
Goderieh fiends.
The Young 'Peeple's , meeting open- quested that all namei and inoney for
ed With the singingof hymn 514, PI' the autograph quilt be- -handed in at
ing rind the scripture lesson was take, tiaitor with Mr. Wm. ilia Miss Bea -
gave a.,"very • in.,c-resting, tea& W
- .
'Iovired by the Lard's. Prayer. Rex' Os- this Meeting
Ms U. J.:Biggar of :OriinsbY is a
.by .Wilson. The :niinutes were bice _bleQuillin.
• Feb. 7 & 8 from LUCKNO
TeStations Oshawa and East to Cornwall inclusive,.'Uxbridge, Lind -
Say. Peterboro,' Canipbellford, Newmarket, Collingwood "Meriford,
Midland: Ninth Bay, Peaty5 ound, *Sudbury and west , to . Beard-
more. .
Tra)n,s 'Frio, 'teb. 7 ,All Trains Sat. Feb. 8,
elan .to Brantford, Chatham, Goderieli, Guelph. Hamilton,. London.' •
Niagara Fails, Owen •Sotinci, St. Catherines, St. Maryts, Sarnia, Stint- ,
ford, Strathro4 Woodstock.
See handbills for- complete list of destinations. 4'.
▪ For fares,, return limits, train information, tickets. • etc 7 ;consult
• . • • nearOst Agent. •••• ' T39
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ackert spent
the weekend in Toronto. ,
Messrs. . Leonard Reid and Donald
Courtney. of lield's Gcneriers spent Sat -
. _reviewed by 'Marjorie 4o. ston
, Hunter '
. ;
Mon:, Tues., Wed. • EA.. 3,
bucille Balt • • '•An Miller
Bicluerd Carlson
.schication. The number of schools in •
,JperatiOn during the fall tenni; -be
*ewe -a: :decreaae,-.:due .to the.
.•ltosing of U.S.S. No. .10; liullett afid
.4osierich.._where only three. ere
inrolled.'There are .now -77 rural and
five, urban schools in operation, . em-
Pleying 116 teachers, in the rural'
and '30 in the urban SehoOls.. ••
••••Mr. Beacom' stressed that the ahort-
age-•of, teachers has -become even More
'cutetiiiinolastrear,--and .atetentheit
4 .is now : inipassible to...' secure •
died .teaChers. Other than, married wo,
The' death occurred at her home or
the Goshen line; Stanley 'Township; Or
Sarah ,Ellen Reid E Ward
Merner, after a' very short illness
Sirs. Merner was the. theughter.of tie
jOh so we cannottake any chances en rate John Reid, and •Eliza• Ann? Clardi
t at and was born in Stanley Township or
• , .
. We had t� -get another string of May 11th, 1379: She was married te
casing and that WM 'coat about .$1000. Edward Merrier in September, 1993
Altogether we figured that we should and resided on the Bronson line, Stan
have $2500.00 more to finish the Well Bleayiftieenaswhihp;i,Ienthle9y111.itvildey.unint jorielinti
se I Went to. Toronto and succeeded
in securing the necessary' amount an o except for a short time spent in 'Clin.
• we have secured .the casing and ivTliheeyeetthheony inhandvesdineteo rtehseidGedo.sshhet
ing for it to be delivered. This new
is survived by her husband, 2 daugh
--capital: cornea in oh the very same
terms as What has been subscribed. ters; Mrs. Quentin Hallinan
before, dollar for doper. Every. on( New Dundee: and Edith. Ws. Gran-,
connected undertaking has Turner of Clinton. d two ions, Mer
beep working •togetheir..to majce: this teorrisestiefivtipaGier9gfidasehrreilik;,,RilnisdooKbee:tanirftehi:i:::imGteoirid
a real honest kest. We have the best
of equipinent and good drillers .arict
Elizabeth Reid. ef Toronto. and Mrs
net one penny has been spent ,but for
eRVit-Lerttileckeid ofialiBaYfailienletirboraci-:
the aetuar drilling, I have been On the:-tte•-rw:emhstr.
•job every day -there had been drilling
going on. We will do the -best we can ___Stanlrel:toAiwnvsah,i&.ervO in adnadil gEhatte
and 1, have neVer been more 'Confident' two suns, "
l pi?e
of the Outconielban 1 am today. • • deceased their wither when children
The funeral ' was held on Saturda;
W. INNES I'ATERSON afternoon. trent 'St. ,Andrew' Unity
Church,• interrhent being in-Bityfiele
cernetery. The Pallbearers were Elnie3
StephensOn, Lane Armstrong, Win
Armstrong, Henry Hayter,
McClinchey and Percy Johnston,. Flo*
er-bearers were Arnold Merner, Divie
McKenzie, °Bruee MeCliiieheY' and El
in Porter. Relatives froth a distance
who were present for the funeral itt
chided Mrs.Johnathan Metzler. Wind.
sok; Mr. and Mrs. James .Welistel
Lrieknow; late---and-Mtir±McNaini-Ant: •
berleir; 'Mr. and :Mrs. D. MoKentie
'MIAMI; Mr:. and Mrs. Qiientin
man, : New Dundee; Miss Elizabeth
Reid, Tbronto; Mrs. George Menier
Mr.: end' Mrs, 'Arnold Elgir
Merner. Mrs. F. • *Trier, _Drediarpod
Mrs. Wesley Merrier, Euriejt.. . ••
Kinloss Reeve Returned
To Highwaysl Commission
The Bruce Highways Committee for
1941 is comnriaed of Reeve McTavish
urday evening witli the forineessiii- of Greenock, • Reeve Elliottt of' Rut-
ter; Mis. Rayriard Ackert. loss and Re,eve Downs ,of .Hepworth.
•• -Mr. and Mrs John Jamieson and I
t-Sri-iart Jamieson Of Liiiknaw,
CHU k:0-1
. • 0
Robt. Treleaven , of Saskatoon Spent •
'Wednesday at ph:. Thos. Hernia'. Mrs.
, Treleaven is a cousin of Mrs. Howard
Miss Mary. Johnston "tif Kincardine I
, • • . , •
spent the week -end with her- .par-
ents., Mrs. Mirk Johnston.
Mrs, Malcolm Lane and family of
Kinlough spent a few days atthe
hoine , of her . father, Mr. Wni. 'Con-
tikr ' (looking, at son',s, report):
Do you know that. George Washing-
ton was rit' the head Of his dies when .
he was your age? . '
Son: Yes,, but he was President ,of
the United States when he was your
age, pop!
• •
P8131EIJARY 2nd
.• t
11 a.ncr-Morning Worship.
• g p.m . -Church Scholl':
. •
7 pm. Subject --- "CAMOU-
Alt Services Will le Held In The
Sunday Sehool Room Until The
End Of the Winter.
•••••• •
.veliejahave:lett, the .prottsLiOa'
•.-kncl.in a numberof instances, elle pow
taking. schools.__Theee,he . fett4, would
ee available in sufficient munberi
prevent the. closing of any schools nee'
to the lackof a teacher. As the num-
ber of students at. Normal Schools is
below the average, of former .years
the present -shortage will not be re-
lieved during the Currentyear but
many even -be -accentuated- Salaries ir
rural schools show an increase, the
average Joeing :$772. as ,compared with
'$750 in -1939; The lowest salary, paid
in rural schobls is $650 and the -Wh-
eat $1,050i "
Salaries Increased •
Mr. and Mrs. .Bert Treleaven 'and
Gwendolyn spent Friday evening with
• Mr. and Mrs. p, J. Kilpatrick.
• Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Blake entertain,
•ed . the Young People .at, a skating
Party. on; Baturday evening. The ice
was in .eiteilest condition. All -spent
'' a very enjOyable evening, also a dain-
ty lunch served by the. hostess. •
•••••4•Mr: inelMisr,RayMond-Pinnigan,
Chester andLoniseiteclon Wednea._
day, with her mother; Mrs: 4.•-i
• n ey and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Om*-
The,saiario of Eetraty--Treas
A. H. Erskine an( COurity Clerk Nor-
man Miller were raised to $2,000; This
.s an inerease in each -ease of ,$240.
Sneaking in fever- of the orgeniza-
tion of a unit of the Federation of
Agriculture in Huron County, J. C.
Shearer, agricultaral repreaentative,,
declared' that great deal of Vino
;lad come �f -that "famous meet -
.ng• of , farmers in Lennon", as it let
_le department at Ottawa know the
eeling of -farmers. • •
• Farmers have i iegitimate kick ir
the way they have been used, he eon
tinned. They are most -patriotic but
they do objeet to the ineepraLty ex,
" sting in comparison' with lahor
Farmers are laboring under pegg•ee
,prices.:for butter and contracts fot
cheese and, hacOn. •
Approve' _
. . •
Reeve Raymond Redmond, C'enricin•
delegate to the Convention ef the bed-
eration. of Agriculture, reperted on
the proceedings. Council voted $100(
to the Agkieultural Committee to pro -
mete the organization Of a Huroe
County unit, hiving previously de-
feii•ted a motion that County' Couincil
Vote- $500. and eticb inunieipality he
ashen for $50.
County Council On Friday author-
ized the setting aside of one-kralf mill
or approximately $27,000 for use in
the :-wrir effort. for 1941, vvhich the
Warden's' Cominittee Was empowered
to ' administer--subject-tow the a.jip rev,
al of the conned',
Of this amount, $10,000 was vote
to the Canadian Red Cross leadqyart-.
era at Toronto to be paid during the
nekt campaikn; $2,000 to the Salva-
tion- Army's Red Shield' Fund and $10(
to the Greek War Relief Fund.'
The ' recorinnendation ' the War-
den's Committee that $2 9.00._be set
_, •
aside for equipment or other facilitiei
ASHFIELD NOTES for the recreation hall- at Port Al-
• . ..61.•••••••••••••
• Mr: and ' Mrs. Ebner Wail Spent
• Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.;Lea Bitch-
Mr. and Mrs. Will Hunter spent
Sunday with Mrs. Lloyd Hinter..
, Hiss Atha Hunter spent the weeld
end withher parents; ' •
• Mr. John Gilmore has been -con-
fined to bed, for the past'three weeks.
We wish hirn a speedy recoveiy.
'bort' airnOrt 'was .passed, the . Work to
be done -Wider the supervisionof thc
superintendent, and. the cost to be
applied .to- the .v.rar fort fund. •
On a division of nineteen to- nine • thc.
Council iote4 to increase the expense,
allowances to each County .constable
(Conatebles Jennings: Ferguson'. and •
aardner) . to ..;,050,an increase of $150.
Co-operate l remember tire, banana.-
tVery time it leaves. the bunch it gets
skinned. .
Miss Harriet Whitley visited duet
week With friends at Belfaat.
Miss; Violet Culbert of Laurier
spenteasaut week-endwith her
parents. XI\ fuld Mts. T. Culbert. .
Mr, Repaid Treleaven entertained
the Young People at him . home on '
Thursday evening -when 'games and :
contests were enjoyed by all., Home••; •
made -sandy and-nuta-were-Sorved4r.'
the - hostess. •
A' nul'Oer of hockey fans, attend-,
ed the hockey nuttek in .Liicknoat on
Friday erening. . • ,: •
Sat. 'Feb. 1st...
i 5c
Free ,Dance After
The January Month -End Sale•
Receive A 8
ursday, Fridayy,
n Your Mali yoi
id Saturday Of ,This Week. If You Did Not
CaflGiet One At The Store!
• •••
• r. • -
., • P KO' n e
„: • I ,