HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-01-30, Page 6. •,• TRAIL RANGERS 'TINY TWINS BORN AT • HANOVER HOSPITAL' boy weighing only two Pounes, six ounces and a girl weighi ieg three pounds, 5 ounces, were boni to Mi. and Mrs. Edward, IVIalieux of Hanover on Monday the 1,3the-Atoing, the imallestbitlea horn in. the Han; over :Hospital. .. • 'Placed, immediately„ in , the • incuba- tor And fed hourly with an vie -drop. Per, OM twins are responding te ,Care and 'seem to. have a :fine chance to survive. • Well. gang, another Week has roll= • . ed around, And again its time for our column to go to press. • We're glad ••eti know so inany of .you • lads readthe column, but what. About yeer parents and, 43.0, public in generaPt This col:, • men is foie -them too to let thein know, •• just What we're ,40Mg; 'so spread the •. mews areund and let thein'-kneei there really IS a Tiait,Rangee• cohimn. 'Wee of the • opildoe:Nhat too: few, of • our.. townsfolk know about oue - groin; and: tOo„meny -just aren't inter- - -ested--..whether-eve-go-fardLor-fait, Iri:Otir'tevteand a half years of organ- . ..iliUtiem,,we'haVe.Spent in. the town of. . tareithoW alone' nearly $150:00 in over: 15 business establishments. We pride ourselves r' as. hitstrieSitneri for our group. is -reit entirely on chili collect- ions and peanut profits.. , • We. agree With, the editor- of our • : 'group magazine; who is . firmly .and enthusiastically of the-vpinion that the Ttail; Ranger-Texis . pro -grant; Viewed, front. any . angle; is, the finest . boys' ,work ••• tnovenierit ever. devised To help the Red Cress. -no. pat - and thewiener we all get clown to ' riot Will Shirk. • : .... ., • '-'beass•-teeks!!"-aeld put our Whole ere,•••-ir•L-stends for *dollar"- and also for Oasis on the promotion of this prO- , "deed'. . grant the better, the boy -life Of 'Can- . ! , •The Red Cross. :asks • both, and . .. adie will be .seryed, , ..... , : that :with all speed. , C -stands for the "dress'''. , . .. Loiii,,. in wheie name . - --- .W.e.,:.are- Inot:-:inab--a-,:gronp. :by:_oltre selves, ,„• . The •Red-Croes appeals -refuse to • . .S.;,- but one of thousands of Trail ', '. - RangerGroupsergariized throughout „ your shame. •.,,,canatio • and the• :wow,. :No.: oi,kaiiize4 R2 -sterids. for "ready"; by night and ' ' , . • ' . • fareign- Miugionurii• effort has been by da, • :nude, hge,.., .e„, good news,has spread -:•tifirliltiO Prt'sTisi-readi-i:F"erv where it na*Y.:, and Trail ' Ranger. groups • have been . , . ' ' 0 -stands for "ought"; and each ought founded - iri Newfoundland, Bermuda, to ask Trinidad,. England,' Africa, Auetralia: ....... , new.: he can assist the Red Cross Mexico and the 'United States. • r ,... : hi its task. • , , - .S.::•.stands, for: "service" that Watch - Next. week -we'll tell. our readers ' •' : Word sublime A littlebitabout, the Trail Ranger 1 Lived by the Red Cross in ee, . -., pregrani; its history and a little bit elloto; , ' '• • . about Our. Owla. group, so be. With • us, S -stands . for l."sacrifice". All must wen't YOU..• , ---e.:,--- '• - To. sacrifice freely, tbg: eietote • '-'• YOUNG 'MOTHER DIES The funeral of Mra. *meld of. Kincardine-wai held from laer , te residence, Mit Thursday , to Kincard; inc Mrs t Wilkie, I formerly Mitijorie Ser of North. Keppel, was 29 years. of age. ` ,• , . ' • On.Friday; January 17th; Mrs W,11 kie gave birth to a _daughter and was making satisfactory. progress when unforeseen tomplications erose, ree 'sulting in her death Tuesday after, .a0011. • • She is survived by her -htisband; a 'Son Ronald- aed -her. leifant-datighter.. THE LUCK , SEPOYS WiN THRILLUR IN OVERTIME 6 to 4 ••' • RED CROSS „ fiar which • the !led • . • To people who etiffet7titit-tridy may still live. F, --Stands one"-WleCt-eltoidd ' • give and wt.:Irk Flyers Stage Miraculous 1!)e-+ fenslye Game To. Turn Back Cone theeed Assault Third Period- Crack- Ins 03*.time.7 1: In the serariplegi battle •.witees:- sed in the local arena this season, the Sepoys gave everything they had tei Lake a 4,.to 4 decision. from:the meet:: improved Port Albert R:A.F. :team. It was a , nip -and -tuck battle all the, .aysti,. that eaw•the• tie. y,1 PP.. at --4-4 by the skyininute Marki in the third period. For the met 'Oil .the'. stanza 11.3e Flyers, backed by the sensational Werk of their goalie, gave superb-.demonstraticin of .,deferisive heckey. The Sepoys swarmed inside their blue line with 4 and A-mare.at- tacks for 'Almost :fifteen' minutes straight, but :they couldn't hat the rubbeeheme. ' • , It was the sante thing in the over- time • for-uecasional •:dangerous: breaki'by the,Flyers,, but it was mid -I way through the' mitre ten „minutest .before they cracked, when-, Babe Book' :slainnied home Greer's :pissoet.At „eine_mientee. they, salted it meay_itSi McCormick broke and slipped the disd to B. -Beek 'foe e to 4 'decision: It was a*-kged-•-liardshitting-battle, all the . way, with both teams giving and taking the bumps without atein; per . 'flaring.: Whether ..or not. it pro - dud the best .ithekey Of the :season, THIJR§DA17,, 4 •LJARY 60.th.; RAri..gr AND .411CICNtiW 41NI,ORS RATLlE TO TIE Ten Minutes Of Overt -him 110 :To Break 6-6 Deadloek n. RiPleY cnt Monday Evening.. .- • • Ripley end-lincli-nOW--JUnioreAate- tied:for 70 Minntea on Monday night to a 4-6 dew*, in: a wide Open game played on the Itedroetijs home Ace; ,Ths Luelcriew .lads. treiled-:fer the first tivo periods, but took a third - period leadonly ,to have the Ripley team tie -it rip with less than h min uteremaining of the regulation thne. • it ,definitely provided the meet' ex-• • • citeMent. • •• Atmettong; defence, McDowell, Sproul, . centre, • Funkhaes, er; wings, Govier, 'Steele; •alt, Willis Boothinan-,--TheraPson, Brown,- Iterteitt, Lucknow-Goal, Riven; def., Geo. Beek, MeCormieic; centre, B Book, Fisher, Greer, •-,---alt4;'-Bezton; Hiris Setheeland, Savage, •Graharn, Referee -Tory Gregg. our. This week's meeting is again •en Thuesdayelivening. (tonight)" and pro - grain piens are,suke to mike this one ' Of ilie-higgest and best meetings -yet. -".7 executive meeting' will be • held after,,so merithers of the execu- tive and group leaders are urged to be out Remember the meeting to- night at 7 o'clock, and bring your pad and Peden. • • to win. • . , CHINESE PHILOSOPHY YoU-Watireredit, Me no giVe. Yoe •get epee You want 'credit; : Me give, You ne pay; e get Sorel Better you, get sore; • • NoW., It's 'Whooping Cough , : Following on the heels el .al gen- eral epidemic Of influenza, .both Tees - water and Chealeynow report several , :cases of Whooping Cough. in' these two " : • • To 'Hold Fair -In 1941 . Cancelled last year due, to the War, Ripley Fall Fair, is likely. to be held in, 1941; according to the feeling of those .in attendance at the annual meeting- held recently. .. • II' "Every. duo:, well and honestly done, its a contribution to victory:" - Tifi Fiume MtNtsrsa OF CANADA. , THE WILL TO. SERVE Poles, i'vires, cable, switchboarsis,these' are the material pads of the teleelhond system! : But -then there are'the,peeple• who notie these things serve you --over ter: thousand of them. They build, main.: . • tain and improve the telephone plant-I:deg its service to you. All put warmth' and life into your telephone:TO the nation's war effort their work is vital, , Long agc! we 'roundthat you can't •ride courtesy and • friendly interest into being. Telephone courtesy COMO from ;rigid& It is,. in casette°, the will to :Without the men. and woman workers who have caught • this idere.telePhone seevice, as you , knot:Lit, would not he possible. It ' is they who make a livingl reality ' • of ..our 'the hest •telephotie servree at the lowest Zest consistent et. ' 1''4 With financial .srdety." Gsokel 0 ' Summary First Period 1-R.A.F., Govier (Funklieuser) 420 2-Lucknow, B. Beak . ,...... , 7:23. Penalties -ell. Beek, •McDOWell. • . Second, Period 3-'Lucknow,, McCormick., (FM- . •et) •' 4--R4.F., Bootinntin; (Govier; Funkhautter) . . . . 5-Lucknow, B. Beek (Fisher). 8:29, • 6---Lucknow, G. Beek :(Snther-' laod) 1555 Penalties -114 --ms: Third FUnkha:user. 1:40 654 • Penalty--430othemn. Overtime • 9--Lucknow, B. Book (Greer) 4;13 10-Ltielinew„ B.. Book (MeCor. : 6 . . . 8:68 • Penalty--Funkhauser. The overtime period was scoreless. . The Lucknow • heya;• 'tis said, had it all over the Ripley : Squad, except ;cm ',the *re sheet; - which after - all is what' counts. • , • . • -Ripley led 4-2 at the end ;of, the first; 5 to 4 it the end of the sec; ond: In the third Lucknow took A 6 to 5 .1.3110 but lest At with e matter: of seemias to go: The Lucknow line-uwas as fol- lows: Goal, McKim; def.; Cook, Dah- mer; centre, Hamilton; wings, Biggs, and Button; alt., Duckworth; :Robert- son,. Johnston, Roberts, Wylds, Me - 'Kinnon. - . • Summary of Lucknow eereing: ..First Hamilton, (Biggs); Hamilton • (Button); Second Period (Johnston); 4; Hamilton. Period---,'5;--johnstcm-11.1oberts)-7 6, • Johnston (Duckworth). . Weeks Results. - Wingham Lucknow 3 Gode.rich 3 R.A.F. a Paisley 7, • Hanover 5 Wingham, 13, Hanover 1 Paisley 4, Goderich 2 •' LriCknoW. . R.A.F. 4 (10. min tes •overtime) • " .'„ . .Juni�iRSult5 • Hanover 14, Ripley 3 Lucknow - 6, -Ripley 6 . • :" The Standing an -Virer contracts Placed from July 1,939 to December • 31st; 1940, on .• hoth-Calladiaar and -Unite ft King faiceguortlend atituotedelf:, purchasing$ l,105,8d 93i9n.pro- vision.This 809f9.enlarged plant facilities. Total number of contracts award- t Contiaits:Aiwitrded by Depart, ent of Alunitions and Supply etiring_xeeek ' ,•-ended January. 10 numbered' 2,295 andAotai $5,314,967.: Contracts for -18 =octant- ship?, A- warded to Canadian Yards on be-, • half. a Britio-Governanent. Ships. . have 'deadweigit; eapetity. of 9.,300 ` tops.' They :Vein he 416 feet in length. 56 feet in imam and draw' 25 AM • of water; ' .,:r. .. • II• •-• ...... ; . 4.'t '',.., • .... ..... • ...... .. ... ....... .... .. " • PIGS pigS,‘6'0-8.0 Ge. twainley; con. 9, .Asbfieid. WANTED' -- Man or: boy for farm work. Enquire' at 'Sentinel 0.ffice: WANTED÷A number of intiskeat traps : Apply .at 'geritinel Office._ OST -white; Silk scarf "at- Burn's Bali,Finder please' leave at Sentinel Office. •-• FOR sAok—g Yoksikire sows, car- riing. second litter, , due in • 6' weeke. , • . Sid Gardner, 'Phone 69-6, Dungannon. LOGS •W' NTEP--411 beds of legs. .ng7911:11t:Lostiuserk Inporiwli ecs 0 nil epf.ai,ont. spell iloi itcrk; CaMedies national income for 1940 (i.e. 0mm FOR SALE -490 acres with , inekcini.e of . teritatitiely good buildings; adjeining 1O� acres estimated' by Donutilon Bureau of' also ea.:ail:able if required. Enquire at : Statistic's at $4,808 Millions, cern Sentinel Office. : - -Pared with $4,409 millions in 1939, • a gain et nine per cent.: FARM FOR SALEL-Consisting Of 220acres with geed house'and barn, elOse to mill, church & school. Spring water. Apple, to • Mrs. Grace Long, R. 3, Lucknow. • . Canad.a's wheat -crop for .1940, ac- cording to Donainion Bureau'of Sta- • tititica third estimate, placed at, :151,396,00-0 bushels. Thin'is second •largest wheat crop grown in ban- Business operations ji"'Canada reach , peak level il 19402 -:. • • - Canada's domestic exports increased sharply during, calender year 1940, aggregate being 0,178,950,000 • in -=---comparison-with--$924;92t3;609nt - 1939, and was highest figere at idiiee 1.928: -United Kin-gdom was Canada's best Customer during the year. WE CARRY a good steck of Skiers :needs and .HoCkey supplies: Try us„ we erin. swite--YOu mioney,*C-Iimpbell's Garaee, - Canadian Tire' Cerporetioff, Ster_eLWingitain, 'NOTICE TO CREDITORS . In the Matter of the Estate of Ed- ward Joseph James, late oithe Town-. ship .of Kinloss in the 'County. of ' Bruce, Farmer, deceased. ,-Noticeis-herebe-givere--'ptirstienVio the Statutes inthat behalf, that all' Creditors .2. -and- others ' having claims against the Estate Of the said Ed; ward Joseph James, who died on ',et about the First day of DeceMber, A.D. _ 1940; are required on or before the ptikeer.--waitime illibuieir-ieor lower ,,Ei.fteenth day of Februir - A:D. Du paid 'Dominion .Government employ- to. eend by:Vost prePaid, or eliver to Arthur Hodgins, R.R. No. 1, •Holyrood, ees. Grade 1 employees; clerks, ,Oritario, the Executor of the last will 10gsettehneoigeraatePhgeerisi,estypistsincrease andvnd . several 2nd Testament of the said deceased, their :naines, addressesl' and deserip- tiorts, the full particuars of their • after ,sik months efficient service, olaims, a statement of their acemintS. from ,$60 to :65 a *nth, as from and the nature of the securities (if • o . January 1. Inereaseo cr to fo ,,, _ ., ,. . inY), held' by there duly verified by durauon of war. 'affidavit, • • ''' . 1.• POTATOES Cobblers or Green Mountains 41.15 per 751b. Bag. • ONT. POTATOES • 90c per 75Ib. Bag • FRESH SUPPLY' OF FISH' FOR. THE WEEK-ENie Finlayson Bros, L. Pts. Wingham. ........„ . 7 0 14 Lucknow: ..... ▪ 5 Plaisley, ,......., 4 Hanover . ... • 3 • Goderich .. .. . 2 - Junior:Standing ' W.. L. • T., Pts. 'Hanover 5 •0 . • 10 Lucknow •••3 Ripley ........„ 1 • - 3 Southampton ,3 WINGHAlVi WINS AS SEPOYS FALTER ON HOME STRETCH • 1200 Faris Saw Sepoys Take 3-2 Lead In Third per:oil But 'Pail To- Hold It-Winghani• Scored Winning Goal • With But Seconds Remaining. . • The Lucknow: SepoYs -missed a. •,:harice to move into a first place tie -withWingluim last FridaY night, when they dropped a 4 to 3 decision to The • dans on ,Luelaniwice,beforo' 1200 laltsu* But that's let4lie.,Whole story. The 4.epoys Scored twice in quick succece slon early in, the third period to -Put •them on, top 3. to. 2. They, held this lead for some ten ,minutes untU Proc- tor tied it ef: :with about five min- utes to go. With only twenty sec-. mds remaining, and with Lucknow, a Alan sh3:;• English seared on 'a .nice effort to tuck away, another win for 'Wingham and their •Otle straight in as many starts. , 2 The • Sepoys looked like the .better Iggreertion in the first :period, al- eough they dnly bulged the twine once, and that 'before the genie was LW° ulin4tes old. There was only half a minute to go • in the first period. when The Indians tied it Up. The Sepoys weren't "80 hot" in the 'second When Wingharn scored the only goal to take a 2-1 leach In lees than flair a minute at the 5 -minute merh in the third. the Sepoiie ,bagged a pair of gbals. to ,take the lead again, only to falter on •the. horee stretch. Winghant—. Goal, Stukee def., • F`ro. matiger, English; centre, Cy Proctor; wings,. Dan Proetor.• G. Johnston; Olt, ;%.ditchell; Foster, Nichol, Elliott.• 'Lucknow-Geal, • Matheson; def., G. Book, Thompson; centre, B. Book; Fieher, Greer; alt., Barton, clams, R. Thompson, McCormick, Jrahani, Savage, • Referee, -Tory Greek., , • Summary r First Period •"-Lucknow,•G, Book. (13. Beek) 1:31 1-1Vinglicini, Elliott (Nichol) 19:30, Penalties -Barton, C. Thompson, English:, • • 'ecend- Period • :--:=Wingheen, Elliott (English) 4:04 Penalties --English, Mitchell, D. Prrheireittoip'.eriod Lu ckttiow---B.' Book (Greer ) 6i87, ,I-Lucknow; Greer (B., Hooke Fisher) , ,' • 5:45 .-Whigham, Cy Proetot .... 16:20 :---Wingluern, „English . 1010; 'Penalties •-- Elliott, Harris, 'R. Thoiripson 2, ' • • V, , 2 The *Sepoys admit -it -they should have been laboted" for losing last Friday night's game to. Witighttm.. For four seasons (einee the new rink was built) , The' Sepoys haven't won a game ,here from Winghana hut without fail have been able to "take them" on Wingham ice. •• Will history repeat itself? Well next Monday will tell the tale when the locale invade the Indians', wigwam ter a. "killing", .'tis hoped.' • ' ' , • We delft mean that "killing" lit - many of course;for- while Wingharn aas featured in some lively scraps ;hie season,' Friday night's ganieowas purely a hockey battle. "Tory" Gregg handed out a total 3f 10 • penalties, all for Minor of- fences.. and apparently with a view co keeping the game well under con - troll fromthe start ' • ' The O.H.A. executive dealt with that, Hanover-Wingham• fracae last •eeek;." suspending ' Magwood of Hare, mrer for one game and Varr 'Slyke els "partner in Jaime" • for three James. Beth will be back in•ifie game when The Sepeys meet Hanover' in a pair of postponed - games, the dates d which have not ,yetbeen set. :• aegardifig this brawl, the Chesie3 • Enterprise' last' week made reference t� an attack on a Chsley player about %tee years ago: by "these same lads". The item claims that,one of them ;lel& the Cheiley player while the :ther used the butt end of ...the stick m his ribs. :three Canadian Officers in RoYahlAAe Perte awarded Distinguished'; Fly- ing Ceoss. They .sre.: Flying Officer M: ;Fleming, Ottawa, Of- ficer E. IL: Badoux, StellartonIN: • S.; pilot Officer J. II. Geben, Port • Alberni, British Cohimbia. - • (Distin- guished Flying Cross :is of siiVer and is awarded to lafficere and war- rant officers reetiMmended. for ‘"an • act or itets of valoirr, courage . or devotion to duty peeformed While flying in native operations against the. •eeenty". ',Decoration instituted • by King Georg...! V in June 1913). Major •Melcolin P.: "Jolley appointed. general -manage*. of the Govern- ', ment-owned company, 'Small Arms Ltd. Major Jolley is an oidanee • Mechanical -engineer in the Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps and, was • seconded to • Small Atma Lid, ei• e August 23. Small Arms Ltd: is now • tooling Rifles.gd;upfori::•production of • . Lee - 4 • Justice C. P. MeTague of- Toronto and Windsor appointed to advise Minister:of' Labor on- inditattial dis- putes judgments. - Men reporting in the first three.drafts called Up for Military trainingun- • derofthese,heyIolailiiti,20tion wAerete reetedlled • 812 • on inedicatkrouride; an average ol 8.11 per cent.: The third of the three drafts now undergoing 'training. If such is the case,one and three :ram suspensions is pretty lenient refitment on this occasion. Paisley gave further evidence that. this team is • a, strong contender for Gretip e honote, by defeating Hanovet to 5 on Friday. They did • it, the hard way however, -:oming from behind • to score four zoals in the third • period without ')Pa 4eply fromi the visitors, • Cordick WAS going 'great grins for the Cardinals, who as well has Dick Craig‘ on the lineup for the first Ante with this . smooth, speedy lad winding tip jzr the eecoridperiod tot tink4tinkita411 that flashed the , red light.. •- , • . When lincknoiV and. the team met in Coderich last week, two foi•mer Saskatchewan rivals were again matched against each, other.- One was Babe Book of Loreburn, the other W. G. Thompson ofLucky Lake. Each played centre on opposing lilies in the West and the game held true when., they faced off. in Goderich last Week. Thompson is an officer at the Peet Albert Air Navigators' School,. a • The Kincardine line of, Sutherland. Savage and Graham were ymrking • well on Tuesday night, but just could - click for goals, although they did their part to make it plenty exciting aiound the R.A'.F. net: 2, , Members and officials of hath teams Were served refreshments at a "ban- quet" following' the pane in the Mas- onic banquet ha1l„• EirEinrrow4 o. it: lomoommtemomm • It was generally circulated •last _week that there waS trouble in the in- • termediate. Hockey Camp, but week= end meetingti of exemitiVe mei:Aber:3 and players cleared the air Mid eery - thing is hinikydory now and the, boys are raring to go, Out after top holuiee in the Grotip race.• • Most of the trouble -and the whole thing was pretty Much a ternPeet .'in a'teapot-virasidue toOrronecnis re- ports that were circulated andupon which assumptions were based. I ; Any grievances Oat did exist were freely igeussed over the Week -end - and no difficulty ,Whatsoever was ex' .perienced'in:.Straiglitaiiing these mak I ters 'out, AND take • notice that ;after such • last' Mentioned date„ the said Exe- cutor, will proceed to . distribute the assets of the said deceased among the oarties entitled thereto, having regard • enly to the claims of which he shall then have notice, and that, thesaid Executor will not be liable for the . 3aid assets or any part thereof -to any person or persons .. of whose claims aotice shall not have been received • be Dated at Lucknow, thir .25th, day of .January A.D. 1941.. • Arthur Hodgins,, No. 1, F101yrood, Ont. Executor. • Order. Bray Chicks now, and be • "kicky" when egg prices cloth• , integx:::1103, Scep::,moditr phtcitmnetimsme, !tempt delivery. F in] a yson,.Bros,. • LUCKNOW . • • .10VERSEAS ,MAI From Somewhere In England, December 15th, 1940. Dear . Campbell: ' ° • This is more M..' lesel'e slack. titne:' and I thought 1 Wonici do oneof the! things that. should have .been.done: long ago. . • • • 1; 'Value 'the Fite Company'sgift very highly' and also I wish tothat* the Women's Guild of the. Anglican' Chnich_fee their ,loyely parcel. • • Well Camlibell, England is a grated -Country--end--it very -unforttinate-i- that' it be marred' by war.: We. think , of Englaedlas such a• email country,' but so far ' as Mileage is, concerned there is more in one mile than in ten ' miles at 'honie. , E. Convay ,4 Kincardine, • ' °ramie, • }ranch .Office in The :Spence • Week, Lueknow, East of the Beek of Montreal., Will Be l_Jacknow Each • Wednesday Morning. & After; , . noon & each Friday Afternoon, ARMSTRONG - , OPTOMETRIST • I, 1N LUCKNOW E.Acg WEDNESDAY : • AFTERNOON • , , • 1:30 to 6. o!chiele •••• • AT WM. SCHMID'S tiriromg. • Western- Ontario -Mot.irwaYs BUS' SERVICE from,. LUCKNOW Revised Schedule, Effective , . • Gaither 6th, 1940 • L'EAyps . LUCKNOW--Daily, except. Sundays' and Holidays , . at 7 a:ra. for Wingham, Clin- • ton, London/ Detreit, Sarnia. Stratford,duelph, 'Termite, ' • ti ilton. • • 3UNDAYS •& Holidays -- 340' • • . • • I have *ever been on many unpaved • roads and while there are plenty of •turns 'and visibility is .poor, the small cars seem to make good time on Mein. • One has to McIntire the People for the manner in which they., are taking the bembiegte, etc! • The' siren' goes •people take a' look and Carry on with . . their •work • less the holnhs Start and thenhcit get it But I have far very well 1 si tire I L Olt th • • -now.•Everi trine there's a laoat 'goe • -TQIIIIPLEY 8c-Kincardiner- lea-- es daily, except Sundaye, Holidays 9 p.m. SUNDAYS • 8c • Holidays -'-10:40 :HOLIDAYS ONLY ,-,L2:45 p.m. Por. further : information ••S€0 • Local -Agent • -Central Garage • • • Luelineyv • . . got x p e s from ix - dropping real lose. hen they go to e shelters. the boys ell, say; "Hitler will s England, and 'Scotland Ai' far ea I .(1°wn can see is one big fortregs. Almost pay f” that." ' The ,aveatiier has been real nice for , every turn,bridge, or crossroad has *. , . - • Mines, tank traps, and camouflaged the Past six weeks and quite dry for - • pillboxes. The pilibekes are placed so'Eullgtewarm lldlqiveanfteierd when it 111111 I'it g a ts ' any Attacking force would be in blank q ' view before they could protect thein -It's hard to realize that have been. selveti'frem pillbox flee, .. away, frorn.town Since' Jure.. It's only We ihave had a feWclose cells here the changesenditirteattakeway'pthlaiteeeoioaith u realirt ahd. know 'what it Ili to be hoymebede', tirh,,6,. Suppose fter- -having one fid all a few ' there, Will • be a lot Of tiVray from Our "harracka, We had only lia,cire at. facerotsarhooeppido•vtNyi,t bytheditini.1:zieee, elget been off the train about twenty 'Min - b ute:a When .the first air raid siren hie*. Well Cerimbell, I must ring :Off for • I Will admit. I Was Seared at the time; new My best!‘regarcis to Mrs, Ti:and, but they wild..have to Cottle pretty all the Ong sfolitia towiv'siid the cio*-to lesre me now; as We have got post offiee 1 Min • thOiii 'aila,1 am used to them. ghtd.in get a leiter frain'igood " We sure have, a fine company of Old liticknO*, : • . , boys in the 1th • Field Co'y 1 think Youtii sin**, they would go thretigh anything and • . . Herb, crave tor a change to ..get at Jerry:'S, Atpr 1.110613414e.ciumini . • 1""• h°:13:Vethbeeegtluensilirig ft.let of triall 2rid-Divieion; Royal 'Canadian Eng.' the last Month or so it etird)riake ineets You down -hearted to look forward to 7th F;Sid• CA.F.Se getting se Christinini parcel ftiiin home Nat Offiee • Canada •