HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-01-30, Page 3unpick
:a A'i1T 4.R7¢",a,9rQthd: `19?t1
°Show starts: at . 8' •: ex ' t
. p*� . cejp. ,.{
Saturday. —:, .Saturday night
two shows at. .7.45 a c;il 45 p:m
" l'hursday ' Friday- Saturday
Jan. 301r
• n. W AYRES •
fit -
A C S�
Thee young; doctor` , Kildare. in
another thrilling adventure:
Alto "Miniature!
. P
. - Tlne Three Stas• es9.
Matinee .. Sat. afternoon 2:30 pm •
onday, Tuesday, Wednesday
e. 3,
A.._Sstardoy ;Evvetiing, ,Po
"Leon ",Errol Comedy"
and "Disney Cartoon"
1Twelve ladies Under the: •auspices,
of the Women's Associatioii .metlast
week • at' the home of Mrs.. J. C. Rob-
insonand completed; a geilt to be
sentto. the .Dungannon •Red Cross..
The St.. Augustine Vtomen's Insti-
tute will hold their February' meet-
ing on Wednesday, the 5th, at. the
home. of Mr$. J. ''.Craig. Sukject—
"Health';' convener, Miss M. A. Bro-
phey. ., Roll call -Favourite_ recipes.'
Current. events,.. Mrs 'Robt Chamney.
Hostesses—Mrs. Craig;; Mrs. R. Led-
' 4Y, Miss 'Donna Armstrong. aitd Mrs..
John , R.. Thompson.
r .
Mr. David_ Jewitt; •Wingiiain, visited
his sister, Mrs .Dayid S. Errington
for .the 'week -end. •a
Mr.nd. Mrs. Albert Ca _ . n4$'belt and
a .
son Donald `Westfield visited • Mrs.
Fitzgerald and Mrs..1, Barkley, the
;latterLvh.o.irecovering from the flu:
Miss ,Gore ' Culbert' is _ spending a
few •da with. 'her sister Mrs. eon-
.Ys ,bL
and Crawford,. Goderieh
We are glad to see MissoLois Tre-
leaven out again after, being indis-
pose& with chicken pox and measles.
A few new cases' are ' breaking' out
again.' •
Miss. Letetia, Dreanoy is feeling
quite pooriY'these days. She'has. been
visited :recently
by 'Mrs Dr;.. Hall' and.
other relatives at Goderich'
Mr;.. .Y os: Stothers is-im roving
Th. P sift
ter 'having anattacko f ,-the flu, two
weeks age
•Mrs.. John Stonehouse, who returned
after' two months spent in •Wingham
ls. spending a 'few '.weeks withMrs.
W. B-.Andr'.aw. . -.
The W. M. S. of the Erskine church
met. on Wednesday, January 22nd, at
the' home of •Mrs R:°Davidson. In the
absence:: of the president, Mrs. Mc
Whinney, Mrs. 'Herb .Stothers pres-
ided. The,'minutes were- read and AP—
proved ' and the roll .call answered' by
a :. verse of " Scripture.. Mrs. Stothers
'conducting -the devotional period, read
a paper -"rhe Timeliness of -God":
A discussion' also took place' on ways
sand--means-af.: raising -the- baler for,.
1941, which; items require have been
r ceived Mrs. ,Davidson had attended
an executive •meeting of the Pres=
byterial ;at Wingham the week before
and gave a report of the same. It' was:
decided to make a' Red Cross quilt.
Thee meeting • was : closed with the.
Lord's 'prayer in unison andMrs. Ai
Ian Reed', pianist, for the meeting;
-'llayed'';:the 'National Anthem..
:dames Reed :and Davidson'served dain-
ty refreshments at the close.
Urge. Rink Action 1 , At a meeting of Kincardine. Busi-
ness Men's Associatioiislast week, ac-
tion with a view to securing an arena_
' ' in 1941 was. advocated 'strongly.. The
cost of an. arena was estimateat
$15,000, and an, associated community
hall for other recreational purposes
estimated at $7,500. Committees. were
appointed to investigate, these mat-
.ters. i
Mr. Prank McNall was home fro: -
Tare, .Sun ay. 1
' Mr.: Bill Reed, Jr. and Fred And-
erson, Jr. visited with Tiverton
friends Tuesday: •
•The funeral took place on. Tuesday.
' of Mrs. McLeod, an old resident of.
this, community. , Mrs. McLeod' was
formerly .Mrs. Bowker ;and is survived
` : , by -her - i rely. • • _ .tL 1, ;Mesa- Maude -
Bowker. We .extend oir sympathy'. in
her bereavement. • .
'Mrs:•Rieherd McQuillincalled to se(
• her brother, Mr. Daniel , Alton of
Lanes . recently. �.
Weekend visitors. with Mr. and
Mrs. W. G. Reed Were .Mrs. Nelson
Webster, Shirley anti Ross, Mr. and
Mrs. Benson Brown, Shirley, Cpl, Reg.
Piper of Port 'Albert;'tratning scheel.
and Fred Anderson, Jr., of Zion.
Miss Noreen ,Thompson is assisting
at. Mr: Jack Irwin's at $elfast these
• •times.
Mrs. Robert Treleriven of . Hanley'
Sisk.; and Mgrs. John ' Jhmesoii of
Lucknow spent last Prida* afternoon
, with Mr. and Mrs rhos. Blake:
Mrs. Richard Johnston has gone
to :Watford` for an eittiended visit with
her daughter Mr's, iiiratn. Moffat.
Mr. Chas, Twan:ley. of London Spent
last Thursday and ''riday with, his -
sister Mrs. 1 Milton Kilpatrick. , •
Rev. W. R. Newnan of Dungannon
dichanged pulpits with 'Rev. Wilkins
on 'Sunnday and had; charge of the.
evening service' here 'at 'Makes
• Mr. and Mrs; George.Twamley at-'
tended the wedding ori Saturday of th
tended the wedding ;on Saturday of
the latter'a brother, Mr. Hill McCann
Of Nile,;
Vl�n+ are glad,,to •see, Mr. ,Hellard
Kilpatrick out again after hit recent
illness. • ' ,
A. n'hmber on the Mite attended the
hockey ntateeh in Lticknovo. last Fri-
dityr evening, -
Mr. Wm.' Brown, Ardyss and Ger
tie agent Sunday 'with their 'relatives
at Pine River. I ' _ • "
Mr Victor Emerson spent ' :Sunday;
witk Mrs. A. Emerson' of West Wa-'
Mr: -=and; M-rs. -Harold Johnston and-
.Bobby of Lucknow. spent Sunday With
Mr. and .,Mrs. Wm •Conn
Nr and Mrs.' iussel
companiedMr; ElmoPritchard • t
o .
Preston on:Sunday and spent the day.
with: Mr. and Mrs. Tem. -Hockley.
Mr.• and Mrs, Wesley Tiffin spent
• Saturday _ evening with Mr. and Mrs.'.
•Brij .Scott. .
1VIr• ' a '4' Mr's • � nester .Panel o
nd . ,., C _ . 1
Culross spent Mondale with Mr: ` and
;lune':Rutledge;. Temperance•Herald,;
Gwen• Stewart, : Japan, <J�aFk' *tidy;
Canada, Marietta Stengel; China—
Pauline Jones; Korea, 'Bertha Popp
India; Dopald Squires; 'Trinidad,' Iso-
bel Errn ,n- Africa Helen McGee;
Pianist, Doris • Reid;. assistant; pianist,'
Marietta ,'Stingeh' Story "The Hope
of the World' by Corabelle • Dickson,
a hymn "The Wise• may :bring ' their
learning". A71, .joined in a gsame. The
meetings are to be held the last Sat-
urday in ' each month...
Mrs. Jelin Richardson,
Mrs. John Reid •is • 'spending a 'few
das w thher parents M. arid Mrs
Harkness of •Culross: .
The :Langside Club held their pro-
gram a,. dance last Wednesday even-
ing. Mr, Wesley Tiffin was chairman.
SOPA, Mrs. '#Mussell Moore, kr: Geo.
Tiffin; readings', Miss M.. Yu11LMr.
Charliegore; musiea: ?}
' , umbers," its
Hope and. Gordon Wall., A play,, '.. en-
title.' "The 'Gathering ' of the Nuts"
wa '.conducted'' by Miss Yuill, Those
assistingin, it were,- Meters: George.
and Wesley ` Tiffin - Russeland.' Chas:
Moore, Tom Moffat, Gordon Bali, Vic'
for ' Emersion, Mrs. •Dan ' •McKinnon
and Miss Hope Wall. The singing of
n cos thepro
National Anthem , m l e'd' P
gram:. Lund;,' was then served:. The
Club Meets again :February 7th to
enjoy dancing. , • • *1.,,
Mrs. Wallace Conn spent the ' w.eek
end .with hertparents, Mr: '.arid Mrs.
Earl Caslick. of .Culross. •
Mr.' and Mrs. Tom : HilI -spent Sun-
day with Mr, arid Mrs.` George Hark -
nets. •
r.. Bi 1 'Smith. of ortr. Albert air-
port spent the • week -end at .his home
Mr., Billie Caslick lie's` been assist-
ing Mr; Toren Hill, withfarm work
and Mr:.'' Wilfred leaslick 'with the
"work&. at Mr. Johnson Conn'ii. • ' ,
Y. The Mission •, Band will. :,held their
meeting 0- apt
the home o„ Mrs., P ..
Moffat :on Saturday, February 8th,
at 2480 ;pail, Please note change of
date. '.
The United W. M: 5,. vilt:hold their
meeting' at -the home of Mrs. Thos
° .: :.:ediiesda ebruary • 5th at
2:30 .pain. ,
Miss Joan MacKinnoirwent to• Tor=°
onto on Saturday.•tC,eiiter St. Mich-
aels'. Ifospit 'l. as` nurse -in -ti airing: '
• 'Miss 'Irene Johnston of :HolY. rood
is assisting at .the :home of .Mr, and
Mrs: Farrish Moffat, rho .are .a£.pres-
out laid up with the ful; • .
Clark LaP•spent Sunday:, with
friends, at Goderiek,
;Help'.,Smash Hitler, by :buying War
• Savingi 'Stamps.
Appointed ` Presbyterial .'Delegate.
The executive• of Maitland ..Preaby-
terial of the Presbyte^ian Church,
-Met recently in Wingham • with . Mrs.
Ro•Eert—Davidson of :Dungannon .pre
s�.ing.'It: was reported that ;the al-,
Tb`ca'tion of. '$3500.00 had been over-
subscribed by almost $100:.00: Mrs. R:
Ester Of Ashfield wasappointed as
delegate to the Provincial Annual • to
be held at Brockville in May...
We are sorryto report the death
of Mr, Henry Godk n,, a lifelong ,and
highly respected•resident'of thisgcorn-
munity.' had. been suffering . from
heart ,trouble forthe. past few months.
He leaves to mournhis loss' kis' wife:
and 'one jPn;, :Gordon, f; mgl#a
His funeral was -held . des Wednesday
to Wingharn ° Cemetery, conducted by
lass pastor, Rev.: John yPollock; .
Miss 'Velma . Scott ,spent : the week-
end in Wingham,with• her friend. Mrs.
R. Hall. ' ;•
Miss.- Agnes Gillespie entertained a
few ,of -her friends at a quilting' Iasi
Thursday._ :° ..
Gauntand nd 'Mr ;Peter Ken=
. ,P •
reedy. are under the doctor's' care.'
Mr., John ,Laidlaw isknot, improving
fast • as .hie Manr:friends ' would
The annual :meeting of the 'Presby-
terian Church Will be held in the kase-
ment. •on Monday afternoon; February
3rd at 2 ,o'clock.
Wb are sorry to report . Rev. Mr
Pollock to be' unable: to take his
church work for a time.• We hope he
will be much improved'soon.'•
Wedding balls • ;are; ringing loudly.
Miss Dorothy, Knight•' has gone: .to'
Milverton to the home,: of •Mr; and
Mrs. Jantzi., -
Miers Mildred" Plowman •of' Tees-
water was a Zion visitor on Sunday
Rev. • Newman 'of Dungannon .too'
the service here on Sunday. last in the
interests of.. the Missionary Fund.
The Y: P. S met' ath
the lime
•Mr:-art&illFs ' Wz T: 4ardwer-a x.,
day evening..
The Young•People' Zion in
presenting their play • "The Mesad is
tures of: • Jimin '" in 'Dun annon •
Y 8'.,
ited Church onFebrua , :7t
.,. ! th.
Mss',Ellen Andrew win Lo
don on Tuesday. ' `'
Mr and Mrs. Elsner Wall 'of • Cui: •
rosy were Sunday visitors.,in the burg.'
Mr. Chas. Anderson is at presea: -
assisting *Robert Button of 'Lucknon
with his, fermi work. ` -•
Councillor A'ndersen•. Tilade a ,busi-
ness. tril3 to ' Goderich on, Thursday , •
Mrs.. S. .' Treleaven of D�ungann•
was a visitor 'Iast week with MS.ndrew.,..f'
The . •mont ly Meeting of the V...1
.�I. S. met o Thursday at 'the hra , •
if Mr.��d . es t
{{rs Mrs.. Frrr t, Gardner r,
:he,. resident 'Mrs. 'E. Gardner i chi
.P. , n.
:heir; Plans were made for the, com»
ing year.:
:On Tuesday. afternoon, January 28,.
the annual. .Vestry meeting of St:
Paul's Anglican church was held. Mr:
R9bt. Durnin ';was'elected as. mini=
'star's 'Warden; Raymond Brown, pee-
ple's warden;. R. J. Durnin, lay dele-
gate. ands -the Select Vestry .comprises,
Raymond ., Brown, R. J. Durnin, Lamle
Ivers, :Hugh Stewart, Mrs. J. Young,
Mrs....RR.', Durnin and 'Wm.• Caesar, Jr:
The 'Parish hall committee -Mr: and
Mrs:' L., Ivers, Mr. Jas. McWhinney,..
and Raymond.. frown. Auditors for .th •
church books—Lorrie Ivers and Melin-
da Black., Parish, Hall books t� be' au-
dited '=by R. Durnin and Raymond
Brgwn.. .
• OnWednesday evening, 3:anuary'22"
a splendid supper: preceded the annual
meeting of . the Dungannon- United
'church. Reports from• all -departments
gave. evidence that- 1940 had been a.
good, year. A co'mmitte'e under the
chairmanship 'of Mrs. J. J. Ryan was
appointed: to • plan for the Anniversary
services.. This year may mark 90 years
of religious life in' the district. ".;All
retiring officials were re-elected and
Everett. garris.'appointed to fill a. va-
-ancy, on the 'Board of, Stewards..Thos.
Webster, treasurer, reported,•that for
the seond .year in succession, the.
church •was .freeof debt. All accounts
having .been, settled and a balance in
treasury..In• addition 'to the reg-
ular, work of the Women's organiza-
tions,:' •many ladies ; of- the congrega-
tion took an. active part in the work
-nf -the worms sit r;-Red'Crnas1
The' report was given by Mrs. Rbbt.
Moore; showed a' splendid response
bad been made. to this' worthy eause.
One Most encouragingfeature was the
renewed interest .shown, in the Mis-
sionary program, of the church: In-
cluding Crewel and Port Albert, the' '
other church on the pastoral charge,
the gifts to the Women's Missionary
Societies and' the general Mission fund
totalled nearly $5d0:00; a fine increase
of •.$135.00 over 1939: Last! summer a
Baby • Band was organized under the
leadership' of Mrs. Melvin Reed with.
q membership of 17. On January 25th
a Mission Band held its first' meeting
This was organized ' by Miss dors-
belle Dickson' and Mrs. Clendon Chris-
'tie. The minister; Rev: W:c P. New-
man, acted as chairman for the Meet -
.and Roy : Rutledge, was , elected
secretary. •' ' •
Mr,. Melvin Reed; '.Toronto, spent.
`he'week-end.. with His wife and family
here. '
Mrs. Bert Maize, Mrs. Arthur El-
liott, Mrs: Thos. Dickson, Sr., Mr. and
Mrs. John Blake are among those who
have been on, the sick list• lately:
- The first meeting of the 'Mission
Band '.°was held Satnrday aaftei r:eon,
January 25th under the leadership of,
Miss Corabelle Dickson and Mrs. Clen-..
d:on Christie. The.theme of the meet
mg mat "Courage". Hymn "Jesus b!d
us Shine"; scripture; John lith Chap:.
fer, • hymn "Hear the Pennies Drop
ping" ,followed by the' collection • and •
'fees. A story ".4.fraid of the • Dark'!
1y Mrs. Christie. The election of of-
ficers is as fallowss president, Doris` '
Reid; vice president,. Jere Newnan;
secretary, Dorothy, McGee; treasurer,
ALREADY. the, pattern and pace of life in 'Canada
have undergone "a • .profound change. Gaps in '
employment are rapidly filling . up. Some 350,000
Canadians .who; were unemployed-:hefore the outbreak
• now
of war are noemployed. Another 200,000 are with
our armed forces. Factories, which until recently : were -
turning out goods .for civilian. consumption, have been•:
transformed into humming arsenals,. pouring. Out in
struments of war: Night and day shifts:•have become
-the rule lather than the exception. But the peak' _of
effort is not yet in 'sight.
, r
In 1941 still more factories will switch to war produc-
tion .'.... new plants will be established, thousands; more
will .be -employed- This _rislf]g__ticlea turity _
• continue until we reach the flood of effort when every
Canadian will be employed and. working to his utmost,
every. ;possible square .inch of plant will .be utilized,'
every wheel will bh 'whirring in -the race we ate waging
against time and the enemy.
' More men are working ..' working longer hours
making more munitions..earning more money
producing more goods . :'putting more money into
.circulation. ' Most Canidiansare sharing in this . in -
Creased national wealth =- have extra dollars in their
The effort the , Prime 'Minister calls. tor is .gaining
momentum, .rut ,many Canadians,'as individuals; have
not yet felt the real pinch' of sacrifice.
' Canadians of all . classes are sharing tax, :burdens, but
it must be admitted that up to date the larger part of
the money needed for Canada's war effort has come
from business firms and ; individuals with large`
incomes.. They; are paying high taxes. They, have
already invested heavily in' War Loam Bonds..
s kING •
(NEW YEAWS EVE.. 1910) ' . .
This is not enough. The ptain' truth is that .Caiaada's. - -
�. rapidly` expanding ,production for war purposes will`'
require increasing' sums of money. That is • why the;
Prime Minister warned Canadians in- his New Year's -,:
broadcast that the • year ahead demands more effort
and more sacrfice•
Every man, =tan. Oman' and child is asked to lend. ' Every
helpto• putanother
' man ' .
dollar ' you le .11in�a ob
Malting _more munitions. Every dollar you lend
may save a soldier's life .. help to -shorten theyar.
Small -wage earners must carry. • their share of the
burden, too. •
No one.need go without necessities,• but you are4urged
to 'forego'the. purchase . of unnecessary••amides .
however small- the cost .. no matter how well you
are'able to' pay for them . . whioh take labour. and
material away from the great task of providing'' goods
needed to win the war:
'This is your war:` Everything you have ...'everything
'You believe in '.:. is now at stake. This is a message
to you ... a challenge to every Canadian ... a. call to
:: the colours :; .'.a call for, volunteers®'
Be sure to make provision to pay your Income Tax
• payment is made easier by the new instalment plan.
But be prepared to> do more -- budget your earnings
to make'sure that you will have money available.to' buy
War Savings Certificates and to subscribe for War
Loan Bonds. You will help Canada --- you 'will •help
yourself, a .
MIniithr of Pendia: