HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-01-30, Page 1a P,Q0 A YEARLIN ADV4N*CE-^-50c EXTRA TQ: Lucknow Ont., Thursday January 306 '1941 , I 4,• utKNowfs yvAit. -s-A-v.1Nps1;iyptA On A Mein Of 'A Population Of •1000 . Persons, Lncknow's,Monthly Quota _ , Would • Be Roughly :$1200:; Or ...$14.400 During 1941. To Play a niajor part in financing ;Canada's 'war effort, sinintenaiVe na- tion-wide campaign swings into „notion in February to recruit 2,000,000 Can-• adiana.as regular purchasers of War • ----Saqngs certificates. " , The -National objectiveis $10,00,- 0001 Monthly or' $.120;000;000 during 1941.• Ontario's shareaverages more th n=61:20 per month foe:every .man, 'irtt au and child: in the, Province. • - Providing.. every community, whin and rural, were able to. raise " its monthly quote, Lueltno•W's share, Would be roughly $1.200 a month or $14,400, for 1941 -This is based on population t • -• -igures-On-1000-pereons, - - Kitchener, district chairinan for the connties. of Bruce. Huron, Perth, Waterloo and Welling- -Mx -Pointe min -that' irs7itni1l-btodif.=- fictilt for some of the.-"leid--Prosper- cortnnainitiea, particularly in the country, to raise their quotas, those cities, towns and villages of More Substantial means will be '..challenged to exceed their minimum monthly ob- • jective. RECEIVE_ OVERSEAS LETTERS''• 'EXTRA TWO PAGES:PRINTE • • OODH-WILL .MISS• • • • - - ...11BRE VIP , • Intereating letters have 'been."re-, `' • eeived this *past Week by. Mr. and 1VIrs., R., J.. Button frem their juin „Russell, and by Mrs. Thomis :Alton, from. her eon /Tom, telling, of their ocean voyage and then; safe arrival "Somewhere in England''.. . While these two Lucknow boys:. went overseas in:. the saine,,nonyok, they gavelled on different treeP, ships: and landed at :different points in the ErOiSleJsl'ea. At the tune :they ar- rive& overseas, during the holidaY aea. son, cables, .were: received •frontboth announcing they .had reached their de;qtination. The. letters. Whic1, follow- ed give an, interesting: ifeeourst of their Atlantic and their 'Brat experiences and thrills. upon reaching the Motherland.' SAMUEL MeGUIRE PASSED .AWAY ON. SUNDAY • • Samuel Meduite, a-hifhly:esteemeit resident of the •Village, passed away at ,:his , home here on Sunday After:. noon Wei. $5.rd_year and Iritcrbe,en in failing health for 'a time: . The funeral service was held in the Milted Church on Wednesday atm-- net0eerny.with interment, in RipleyCern- •1 ' Citizens are asked to', support the •:. monthly Bank or Honour Pledge Plan.: '-, I; Wish to thank the Worrieri's Guild, , Throngh the former they :eat pledge aiia ineinhers of St. Peter's . Chuieh- themselves to lend to Canada for as- for the. nice Christrnad parcel Whielf sistance in the 'war effort; up to $40 they had gent me at Christmas time. per -prionth. or suell lesser ,amount' It arrived in goed,bonditionand reanY : as they may he financially; capable of thanks for the contents which:were . through z anthoility . to the, Bank to very much .appreciated. I wish each make the monthly deductions, Where one and all A Preeperous Year: dur- the Bank Deduction Plan is not des- ing 1941., ired, the Honour Pledge system of.e- Gunner Donald A. Stintscte, • greeing to printed se' much ' monthly in ", "Somewhere In England" • War Savings Certifieetesi can be fol.- • , owed: • c' While in toWif this woek; drop' in and renew 'your anbseriptien; , , WEEK -END ENTERTAINMENT • 1ETTER-74-1HANKS • Lucknow and district, can and should Make a real contribution to , Canada's war effort by inmediately organizing to promote this canipaign designed to rally an army of war savers acrods the Dominion. 7 • APPOINTED ifousE --REFErdwii-mrsjou-N- After Completing 40 'years of 'con tinnoup • service as •physician to the Bruce County House a Refuge, 9F. W. A. •Ittill tendered Ilia:resignation At the. November ,sesnion and the • Coinmittee. was authoried to.; receive • • applications :to, fill- the vacancy at • the 'January, session of Council' last There were five applicants for the position: Drs. J. 0. McDermott, G. W. O'Toole, J. T. IL Robinson and T. A. • -Sinclair, all of 'Walkerton And Dr. B..11/filler *of Mildmay. Dr. Sinclair was selected on the first ballot and •he will take over 'his duties at once. The position carries fesalary of $200. per year. Per, your week -end entertainment the. Lucknow Refugee Committee 18 sponsoring, a dance in the Town Hall on 'Friday evening, and on Saturday, ,evening 'under ,L:O.L. auspieee the talking picture show, "Ten Nights In A Bar Room" will be. shown, being brought here' by Eckardt Brothers, members of that Widely known treup., • the Swiss, Bell Ringers: • • TRYING TO 'LOCATE • FORMER FRIEND, • We received a letter recently fibin Pte. Hairy Chisholm of the 24th Field Ambulance, Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps; and at preant located at Vakartier. The ptirposerif the letter was to learnif possible the whereabouts Of Mr. Alfred Mortis. 'a former C.N.R. section beds in tuck - now, and *.a. Mend. of Pte. Chisholm. We have been haveadvised that Mr.. lives„-At-Thornitale-and, W. A. CUL.BERT HEADS have informed Pte. Chisholm to ' this DUNGANNON FAIR effect. • : In his, letter Mr. Chisholm points The 81st annual meeting of the out that has tents and relatives forin- v • ,... • rllived Lucknow ., , - ,and that' his Dungannon Agrieultural Society "waa e father enlisted in Lucknow in the last . 'held in the Parish Hall, Dungennen, war. ns Well as his cousin, Henry Ab - and conducting the meeting -A sue- eesskid yeas work was reviewed, ' -showing that $446.85 was the amount , of the gate receipts'onthe daY a the "THE, HOME OF fair. The prizes were paid On the basis of 80 per cent, With $470.67 be- ing paid out in prize - money: There •-waft. a good, showing a cattle, among • them being the chanipion heifer at • tt the Chicago Fair own`ed, by Prank Todd of St Helen's. The following' directors were elect- ed; Bert Me*hinnek, Elden. Culbert, •' Wilfred 'Drennan, John Brodie, nos's: • McPhee, Lorne Inithin; Geotge Alton, Thomas Webster, San Alton, Marvin • Duran, W. A. Culbert,, C. W. Alton and 'Clifford Crozier. Assoniate ectors: 'Walter Dickason, Allan Reed, Cecil Johnsten, Gordnii Lyons, Frank • Idalwain, G. C.: Treleaven, William Reed . Associate directors (ladies): Mie.•R Davidson, Mrs. Arthur 'Cult "4N-nrt, Mrs. 'Mei. Culbert, Mrd. 31. Ryan and Misd Anna Reed; Horioretry Ditectots: Thomas Stoth- ere, WillisoU Wateern, Jas T. Lyons, Thompson,' Albert John- • Stoti, A.' E. • Errington, Mi.s. 1. V. • Whyard, Jacob Reed.. Audit -cat.: Wm, A. Stewart, Arther &Own. • . . At a Meeting of the directors held at the apse of the, meeting the fol- • lowing nkficere were elected:. Preoi- • dent, W,"" A. Culbertv 1st vice-pre:it , dent, Sem Alton; grid vice-pteeiden • ManViii Durbin; secretark-treapriter, EWA Calhert • 4. I4 MURRAY. MURDOCH" During the past week a large ban- 'ner 'wet ,strung across the west end of the Arena, which reads, in 'big black letters, "The Heine' of Murray Mur- doch, The. iron .Man of Hoekey.." :This is a title Murray earned by Playing more than ...600 denteciitive • hockey games:with :the New 'York Ittingets. It id 'a reotd,thstto nay the. least, is Atimaing and whieh, will in all probability tong: rein* ' • Murray was born in Lucknow. He is a scin of Walter Murdoch and a nephew of the late J. G. Murdoch. of Lucknow. An a youngster Min•ray moved with his Parents fa Western ;Canada. where. he played all his •hott.; key until graduating to pro ranks, But in spite of this, The $peit:Tee*ti proudly lays .,Claim • t� hint being a native Soft and will 'OA forward to the day when "The Iron Man", may find it eeniverdellil to 4sit 'tback. • home". • :' • , •„. Upoo concluding his. pawing days With the ',Rangers, • Muriitty Coach- • ed their farm team, the Philadelphia • Ran:fillets, for two years. and "We tni- dersta.nd is this year .coaehing. Yale titliversity teal% • • • •.:fs HE RVES FAMILIf Six of the e ght PagPs s ' 1idage,.. have been printPd' in The .T6 death in mici7December of Miss • :Sentinel Office this 'week, instead •: Suaan PUrVei,,,reptioved the last man- of the esnel• four- • :bey, of that family.--'4•faciailyi which, ' Pages: three and sit contain. for alfeoSt, -ad. long As residente. Of news of local: interest, including that conurinnity :can 'rerneeriher; has"*, sport news;` Tetrad neYve,„ete.; and. 'leacling•and exeinnlai.k- role. in the life, .of -that hamlet. Miss Pqrves,wiis s, daughter of the late John -PUrves,and Mary Ann. Coe- rigae, pioneer residents of the 10th Concession :of 'Kiiiless- .11r._Purves was active in municipal affairs in •Kiriloss and,Brece Cinfrity„ having served as Waden. • •• ; . His death Pedurred while his fam- ilk was quite yining and shortly After Mrs: Purves Moved/ to flolyreod, with her feUr children; John, • Elizabeth, • Susan and Ellen, where she lived An; til her death at a very Old ..age, Her, husband was the first man to .be buried, in Vinceedine Cernetery:' During the Intervening yearr; the puri/es: fainily; -with integrity and ,diligence to their task, was associated ,withthebusinesslifrt1itarea; First in the hotel business and later in the general store business, having' :charge also of the Post Office. As a young woman, Ellett Puree ivent-to.Kansa,s 'City; where she mar - :tied John McDonnel; and where she. _Made her._:bnme, until het, death In .1923: •. • ' " John, Elizabeth and -Susan remained ,Holyrood. •They •. never •married, :Faithful ter. their 'elierch friends to all, honest iri`their 'dealings, and.mest diligent in their respective tasks, this brother and two sisters worked as One in complete haintiony. As a youth John bomMencedassidt- •ing his unale, Peter Corrigan, in con- ducting auction ' sales. Heshwed a natural aptitude for this 'Work and scum , gained widespread - prouninence inran expert auctioneer.. For more than half a century ;Tenn Purves Was .a jnisy onan in the sale ring, and his reputation took him 'far afield.; and kept hini hooked for weeks ahead. • The life was strenuous and his health finaily .broke, but ;being of a nature that would net permit him to rest uri-: til he regained his strength, he re- turned to the ring. On February 25th, • 1930 he collansed as he was' pi•epating to leave to dinduct,a sale and death came quickly at the age 0'72. J�hn Purves was' a life-long tem, peranee advocate. 1e• was a Conser- vative- and Mice urimicceasfully con- tested 'the traditional Liberal strong- hold of South Bruce. Purees took her place in the hoine,and its duties We're her chief coribern and interest She was noted as a most enthusiastid viotker for the Red Cross during the Great War. liendeath Occurred in November, 1939, just nine months sifUr. her 'brother, • Ondaurited by this dual bereave- ment, Susan minded on, taking fufl responsibility jor the conducting of the storks', pest :office, the home and Tavlot. Miss. Ruby Irwin played . P 7lier-faransr-and--for -teal, Years ah able to cope oVith these, strenuous duties until her :health failed late last fall. Following,a Aye weeks' illness • She 'panted away on December 17th and On December 20th, in the nearby Roman • Catholic Church where she had 'so Often Worshipped Requiem Mass was sung bk Rev. Father ,CPShaughnessy; with interment in the • adjoining griveifird. Pallbearers wike P. ,A, Murray, John Barr, John R. Lam; Rndger Cor- • rigan. Ernie Admit, Angus McIn- tosh. ••" • *. And so the Purves family has Pas -- ed .On. HolarrOod Will not Seem the same withoutthem. Closest. relatives who snrviVe are 'a number of nephews* and nieces in the States, Dr. 3.. F. McDonnel,•Cald. well, Kansas; EdWardl M. McDonnel, Denver, Colorado; ' Mrs. Charles • .. as;„ivell' the "Want,Ad" aolump and the , Lkceent Theatre 'ad ...Don't% miss these two additional, panes ,this Week. •BRUCE.TO•PROVIDE MOBILE 'CANTEEN, ,,. Bruce Cqunty Connell in destion last week sauthorized o levy of one-half Min or.. $15,390:46 for • patriotie pur- ,poses. at this session ..reserving the right to make a further appropria tion :at the June 'session ,should the n'eed Urgent. Of the above an Amoarit-not-L-Mmeeding,--$40007:00. b_e_paiLte the • Wyo.:Lien_ Arna3r.. War aeryieea ,fund .to purchase a Inn-. :bile canteen fully equipped and. With a 'plaqiie-bearing the-name-H.county-,of Bruc7::and-Vie2,--balanee-of-the---levy- wi)l 'be- dispersed . by the Warden's 'Committee among Such Patriotic or:. ganizetiens astheyMay deem hest, but ,siiiijeet to the approval ' of the. Department of Municipal Affairs: ' This ncommittee includes Reeves C. Rt'raidti-deOf'-TarnT.-Riliort Sloan Elderslie- arid V. -:P011ock, kineatdine. * • 1. G BELLS .. FIAdiETTRANSTON • The•merringe took 'place At the Ash- field Parsonage; on Wedneeday,'-jan- miry, 29that 10 of MarY Mar,. geret-CrandiOn; .yeinigest daughter of Mr. ankake, late:Mrs.,,kaac Cranston. and Pte *Joseph Harold Ileekett, Of the Eli% Regiment and only •son of Mr. arid Mrs. J. Hackett of Hat: ,netoe, and feioneriy of Lucknow:Rev. rne VVilicind officiated.. , The hride lodked.yery becoming in "nye.' bine velVet. dress intith naiy • The .young couple's at- ,' .11(1.41.tS 'A pre Misq Nellie Cranston of the,:bride..'and. Pte.0 Dui • abtfof the Elgin Regiment, now sta- -lied at Toronto. ••*' After the cei•emonk the bride] partY. ..et•rneci to the bride's home where- . •.tatticline -dinner was served to Mi.. ••odiate.relatines. Pte. and Mrs. Radii. • '''f..iater• en a weddieg trip. . Presbyterian Guild • , The meeting, with twenty-fodr pre- ent, opened with •the • dinging of "salm 62, after which the:Lord's pray- er was repeated in unison. Bertha McDonald rend the • scripture and the Bible Study was, given by Mrs. klus- fon. After the singing Of hymn 543. the minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted and the offering received. A- duet was sung by 1Vlissee Pearl and Mary McKenzie and an in7 tereqt ng talk oh climatic eonditions in Paledt.,ne and their effect on lines STANDliNG COMMITTEES .0F, • • in' Bible ,times Was given by Evelyr • . .The foli9wing •vire Appointed, io • :lvErs. 3. W. Joynt nide' han.thesa ;mei "FAIR,..BOAR,D REVIEWS -YEAR- , • The annual meeting of the Luck- now.A.gricultural Society Was held on Friday afternoon at*whieh F. G. Todd of St Helens was le -elected. presi- dent,. John 'Fattish lst vice presi- dent and Adam McQueen; 2nd ',vice, BOBBY BI,JRN''S DANCE DREW ;RECORD CROWD. The 'Christmas Dance, under. ausp- ices of the Fire Company, was believ- ed to have. set somewhat of an at- tendance ,record, but it "couldn't held e,aridle''. tO the .advid that jammed the Town Hall On .Fildey night; fel annual Burn's Ball. At the ditectors:nieeting which 'fel- the' , ,:_- lowed, Joseph Agnew was re -appoint- Therewere 602persens paid al ed secretary -treasurer: :The setting of the dates of 'I* 1941 lair Was, left Until the 'first &Feet - ors' Meeting., . ,:Agriculturitryeprederitativea are to, be ecommunicated with regarding forming a Junior Grain Club. R. G. 'Martin and Campbell Theinp:- =coin were appointed delegates to the Fairs Association Convention in Tor- onto in February. Robert Moffat and Tom Todd were appointed collectors, for 1941. 1940 prie money was paid in full to exhibitors in the emOinft---of-$8-16760, $164.00.; sheep, $80.00; swine, $106.75; --).lowntli-ilie-gti-t-'11-trl'ie-Bb-falre'ilftthliPt4celirieareb4qui7111;e --eoP°411tor-eY'al$:-v17.e7e;tagbraleinsr4ani3i241 se4-41d, $ °2*2e.2r's; Dv4erelkerilleas some nine postcards lriorp°fesYlier the. C _11 0 of this event in. and $70-.76;• feect.---elothin , Mfg: -Bert- ',Wird and $138.50; arts, crafts, $7:76.;„heys And showing highlights of this last ' "Old' Boys" held. in nickname -- girls exhibits,"318.50.,' - imhieshi:11.11 .!na'd-dhancdeafIreectr.,t°thistocrowd, ason chap put it, there.' was ne.'1Anee to set . your feet dovvn, But at that, it was a good-natured and well belie:Y-6d crowd that seemed te enjoy the Jen': in spite , of the jani. " The Anna followed the Wingham Lucknow hockey game, to which 1100 peoples paid .adriiissien. •• • ' MANY OLD '11EUNION PICTURES 'flur reference last week,t th 0' ' ture postcard of th 1910. reeu -os-follovvs+----horses,--$16-7.514--cattler MOVE TO ORGANIZE F: BRUCE -UNIT (kb. Briice Unit Of federation' 0f• Agri! •ehltiire To • Be Organized • fni Tem'. ship Bas -.-,Organization privia.5et. • - . _ For Next We* • During the recent weeks there Ilan been ,eimdiderable discussion in farm circles about the, OrganizAtiOn of a •Bruce County Unit ef the Federation • .• Of Agriculttire, which culmiOted, on 'Friday last in 'a, meeting being "held ,in the County Council Member , at Walkerton. The,oneeting 'consisted ,of .all'the rural reeier of the, ceunty- as : well as number of urban reeves, and a numbet-;- of farmer delegates from varibus parts of the ehepp. The char - Man, of the Agricultural' 'Comniittigi of the Council; Reeve Fester, of Bruce:, Township, Opened the ineeting and ex- plained the .purpode' of .comizig, togetb- er., He ggested that as this was con- sideredTte,be the 'Provisional Cern.; mittee-Of-,the4Bruct.--ConntY7kedera tion of Agriculture, they. should ' pro- ceed to organize by electing- P chair- -Men: By-a-tManimoes-Yote;--M --Nieholson-*-Wes---ohesen- - :Reeve Foster Was then eleeted'secret- ary; By. request of the Meeting, Mr. • NicholSone explained the bahkground, of: the organization in the , Vederal and. provincial ,fields, noting the -feet that:organizations now affiliated with • 1.11-e---Federatieri;:-iiiiiiiiiit -defile 350,::".7 No farmer* Which, apProArilnqe:1 One half of the fanners of Canada • Organization plans , were then- pro- Ceeded Ninth, and it was deckled to organize On a township leafs. A con- mlttee was appointed to arrange a• meeting. in each township; and an or, gainz-er will attend each meeting to ,apSist in 'setting up the townehip urnt It was arianged, to Make an organ- ization drive the Week of February 3rd, helding three ort four meeting -eacji day and thereby completing'the organization :within the. week The • County,' unit then ' be formed ,by: drawing from the, officers elected in 'the' townships. • On •recomMendation -Of the Agri- cultural eornmittee, the County Coun- • voted a substantial grant to, assist • . in pieliminnri,erganizatiton • work. The organizers who are all -Bruce County. Men, are as follows: Orville Tityler, Kirinardine Township; Wins- Bi•erWortli, Brant Township; N. J.. Ribey, Bruce 'Townshirq, W. G. Nich... Brece Towriship;. A: B. Muir, Saugeen Township. • picture as Mr: •Ivloore showed us, and the rboar.d: !Directors-Mi.:doss,. D. Car- in the forefront of the picture can be rutkiers, Robert Moffat; Ashfielti,4, seen Mrs. Joynt's father, the iate R.. Hackett, Jacob Iltinter;West Wit- FttIt' as , heo ernoses_.,d_ite wano,sh.G.I. A. Greer,'George itiir---thre and n'Flarbt netly;.:Iinron, tin; LucknOw--7.G. H. Sinit - Associate-DirectorsKinloss, RichNATIONALIt C.' CHAIRMAN ard Elhott, 'Job* McKay, 'b. T. Mc- APPEALS* FOR MITTS.. ,,.. :Kinnon, Archie McIntyrer Ashfield- • Sam Alton, Wilfred Hackett, Kelso The urgent ;cry, comes from Epg- MeNey; West Wawanesti--4.. Gwent land for . is 'many. woollen Mitts as Wallace Miller'Fred McQhillin, Tom the wornen of Canada can send, : Mrs. Huron: -'W-, 8. McGuire, Orland Wallace Campbell, national 'chairman Richards; iLuelmovvt-4, C. Rethwell, of the..Women'a War Work Committee' Wrin' Hornell, Campbell Thoaapeen,lef the Canadian' Red Cross SoCiety, Con Decker Alex Andrew, S.'E:Rob7 repotted yesterday, ertson, Peter Wetson:' • : . tWo.-Ntrity. mitts, k,hede Mitts and Lady AsSoeiate-Directnia Jean rifle mitts,directiend for Which are LYrins, MM. It G.:Martin, Mrs. Ewart found in the 'Red Crass:knitting hotik. Taylor, Mrs Jas. Webster, MrsW E are needed in 'large quantities, thc Gordon, Mrs. A, Ackert and Presi- enaitmen:•said. Rifle onitts are,:made dead of local Women's' otganizetieps. in khaki wool only, but nay blue, . The.: entertainment' noimnittee of grey, khaki, or. •air force` bite *eel may be used for. _whole, rnitts» and two-way mitts. - ' •• n1 know that the women of dallida, do not need either. praise or encour.. egement. in the werk: it is our dutk to dor , Mrs. Campbell 'commented, "but surely there must be great sat- isfactionfor them in :the coninients we get fren Britain on the wonder- ful quality, of their work. ! do..urge. theni to keep their needles 'Working; at top speed. The Mitts are needed for use in cold Winter weather, SO new is the time to Make thern-not next week»ot, the wveeki-tAfter,*,hnt today. I urge eVery,evornan to•consult her -local Red Cross Branch' -on the need Of various articles and to 'work • with all the strengthand might at her command." 'Alex Andrew, Sant Alton, Fred,..111e- Qiiillin, :Wallace Miller .nrid George Kennedy was re -appointed: • -To HOLD JUNE SESSION •AT KINCARDINE. ' After Considerable discussion is to the respective merits of Walkerton and Kincardine as the meetingplane fot the June session of Bruce Ceun- ik Council, it was decided by a vote of 20 to 11' to Meet at the Lakeside ACcotdingly: the final :adjourn: merit was made^ to meet at the Towp ICiricardine, on Monda-y, - June 9th, at 8 ,p.m, • - • Dougherty, Rushton; Kanaha; ' Mrs. Manire, Meninhia, Tenn.; .Mrs. J. Alexander, Kansas City. Mo.; Mrs. Galitar.ty, Chicago; Mrs. Lee, Leinie, Kansas City and Mrs. Ilethert Mine; Grand Bend, !Causes. ' In. Kinloss,' Mrs. J.. R. Lane and 11rs. Jos. Hannah are Ousins on the. father's side; and Rodger Corrigan on the mother's side. 1 1tO SU DAY. • . • •*The death oCcurred in Kinloss town- ship on Sunday Of Mary 'Jane , Carter, relict., of the late 'Wm. 'McLeod. The funerak:Serviee was held at her home on the prairel Road at the Seemed Cell.. cession. ,nii Ttiesday, aftertionn with • • o solo follbwe :b tri bv Mis. es Helen and Peggy MacDonn anc T•Telen Orr. After Singina hymn 546' Rev. MacDonald closed with prayer. I , COMING EVENTS 1 EVE icHoott CONCERT Lueknow High' School concert will be held in the Town Hail, on. Thursr day evening, Fehr:eery •13th at' 8:15 Reserve the, date. • d • DANCE IN LUCKNOW ' • There will be a dance in the Town Hall,' Lfieknow, on Friday, l'ebruary 7th:, under auspiee-s of the Lucknow Agricultural Society. MeCharles' orchestra. Keep the date open for a good' 011ie. • ,' BUSINESS IEN'S MEETING A meeting of the Business Men's Chili will be held in he Town Hall, next' Wednesday evening,' February 5th at t o'Clock. Jt is important that a' full turnout be present at this' meet- ing. ••• • , • "•DANCE FRIDAY • There Will he a d4nce in the Town i141,'Lueknew, this ,Friday, January 31St tinder auspices of the Lucknow Refugee Connitittee. Lunch counter, homemade pies; iritt'Sid' by ' MieKen- zies orchestra; 8.db:fission 36e. A 'quilt will be .auctioned and -entire proeeeds of. the evening ntill7Ite devoted to Oiithing.for :British War victims. ' NOTICR, • tringelists Earle And Mrs. Mallory, will conduct ,special 'services (B. V.) in the Pentecostal :Chitech in Kinlough for, two weeks,' eminnetteirig Sunda :evening Vehtnary grid at 7.30 P40. 'interment in South Kinloss geltethrk. woco.rife to, dornd atd. Mice. McLeod is..surinVed by ,a datigh.,, theseconseeratea young .neople iv _ ter; ititudie • IA; the •goopel'ineisage in word and 'HURON cOuriTy.icoVisica, • Standing cortimittees • of Huron LOanty Council for .1941 are as fon • • lows; . Executiver--Iletheringten, Baker, Duncan, Gtain., Livermore. Legislative - McCann, ' Frayne, 'Thom, Dorrance, Moritt. Finernee--Rata, Turner, 'Thorn, Wat- -ion, Weir.,• k• Education - Bowman, .Shaddick, Whitmore, Baker, Alexander. Property -McDonald, Turner, Ratz, McCann, Webster. Children's Shelter-Weino,„ Hether- ipgtoin Leiper.• • , County Home-Dorrance, Duncan. Tuckey, 'Grain, Wilson, ' • Agriculture - Gainble McDonald, Whitmore, Passinore, Watson. • Police Iletheriegtorn Tuelcesr, Prayne. • • . Criminal Andit-Passmore, Miller, . Roads -Scott, Arinstrong, Redmond. Eqealizetion-Whitmore, McDonald Aletender, Gitinble, Rathwellt , - Warden's Conimittee -Turner, Rathivell. Miriam*, Bo-witen, Shad, dick. • 11 , EASTER LATER THIS YEAR •:ester. the next ,holiday season, is considerably later this , year than in I 940. Ash Wednesday, the beginning .of Lent, fells. on February 26th, with Good PridaYf the, conclusion of the fasting period, on April llth And raster Smithy following on the 13til Last Year the Easter Season WAS OSI1,-, ered with wintry blasts Rita *OF a disappointment to local feininine fashion exponents but With the. later date this year the weatheri*should be more favorable for t,he annual fash, ion parade, , „.• INJURED 'WHILE SKIINer rs. Morgan Henderson is at pres- itt acting, sa„ntipply • teacher in the.. Wipe • School, Atm to tha fact that a. member of the staff 'stiffered frtietured ankle . hi a Water) Saturdey•. • ,song,.. •, . • WAg 86 ON ,TUESDAY , Robertson, veteran -pro- duce merchant of this •Village,•quietly obierNed his 865h birthday On Tues- day. Mr. -Robertson retaint. ; a .fir' measure of health • and while, he re- mains indoors • during the whiter ittonths,.is abont the house each day and no doubt' eagerly. awaits the .re, - turn of finer weather so that be Mrik again :return, to his shop. '1 Mr. Robertson's many friends ex- tend Niiink happy_returns" an hest wishes-for...co/Wined good health. , • , KINLOSS REEVE. IS . ROADS, CHAIRMAN At the January session of Bruce County:Council, legi, Week, Reeve E. 3. ,Downs of Hepworth Wag appointed for a, three year term as a member of the Highways committee,taking the plate of. Reeve Dimean Munn of •Ripley, whose, term' hal exited and Who was defeated by -Mr. Downs in achage vote. The other two niezilbera Of the. :COnithittee iiire Reeve Richard Elliott of. Itirdess, who is Chairrnan, and Reeve Alex MeTayish, of, Green- ock, Wino; it Secretiry. • • Reeve4ttewnrt H. Cross of Walk - :erten is the County's representative on the „Wilde- Conak tiodpital. Board. I Ueevs»aiimahl and Welt of. Albemarleovith Mr. G. fl. Gear, Ag- ricultural reptesentative, iwfl4edniti- tute the' Reforestation dontreittee for 1941. '' Delegatet • Were appointed td the variona Associations. ds folkoine: ••Oti- tario Geed Rnads.,Asaociation, War- den; IlighWitko eothtnittee, Engiedera, Etigineees Assistant, Oinity Clerk and, Treasurer; .Ontario Airicultural Couneil, iteet.45 Foster and•thristie. • f: . • ,. LUCKNOWITES IN •VANCOUVER NEWS F: N. Hamilton, A'former Lucicnow- lin, now ' e hardware merchant. in Vatieciuver, was appointed chairman ' of the Town Planning ComMission, at their last meeting hel&Jantiary 1.6t1i. Fred is well known by some of the Older citieens havinglearned the hard- ware and tinsinith business in a store .operated by the late' D. C. Taylor and hie brother, in loteknoW; Another Lucknovvite who hasforged _ ahead in Vancouver is John A. Rob-, bison who has edmpleted a success- ful year as President ot• the District Council .of•A: 0. T. S. Clubs: During ; hie term,. a Central. Council' has been: formed to. ce-ordinate the Work of present A. 0. T. S. Clubs throughout British, Columbia, .Wpshington and •California and to organize new clubs. ' • The A. 0. T. S. is• an, organization of men • in various ehurthes following out the idea of the -lay service,elnbs. The letters A. 0, T. C. are- the initial:, lettets of the .Biblical Words "As One I That Serves". Of the , last six prepidenti • of the Council, three have, been fanner Brute copniy men--.-EdWerd F.' Odium, 1934; ' E. Atchison, 1939; J. A. tab- inaen, 1940, "the first 'and lett frail' cicriciw and Mr. Atchison from Tara. John Betts, Druirtin'ond, reader. a former Tara man, is mie Of the chief artists used by, the touncil in, supplying programs fel^ the Chiba. • Mr, Itobiniozi often :refers to the fact that he was born on one side of the main street in 'Ltielcnew atari his sisters on the other' sO that they Tletini to be of Bruce while he •ib- sists he is front Huron, even theugh, he is aware of the fact, that all •of ILrieknOw ft 4 part of truce„. t• temneeted with the A. O. T. S. were t Rini other former Lueknowites, W. R. (Dick) 0eil and Mt. Tewle. Mr. was chairmen:of the Youth Welfare Cetemittee under which the 1A. O. "T. 8:• connai ,operated a "POly- : tcclinic in Vancouver: for thre years vnt.it ris tAken ever hy the Pit aOtierinikett. Mr, Towle Nsta4 pne.ot Thecandidates for parliament , recent dr'