HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-01-23, Page 5b ce u Theatre e WINGHAM owstarts .at 8 p.m. except .Saturday. Saturday night • 4 two shows:' at 7.45 and 9.45' natl. Thursday; Friday, Saturday an.13 24, 2- 11 BIN.G .CROSBY •. DORO;PH'Y .LA;IVIOUR ' ' ' • BOB HOPE fn Road' T(:i Singapore' Two lighthearted gentlemen in. ad .evening ,a 'comedy . & songs Also "•Crime -Does Not. Pay and "News" Matinee' Sat, afternoon 2:3O pM •Mozid'ay, Tu , d y, Wednesday an. 27.:.2.8 29 JOEL, MacCREA " MARY BOLAND , NANCY' KELLY . IN'' .. ' . .: e air ed -H` s �I� `i ) A sophisticated comedy.. . Also "March of Time" and "Cartoon" FOURTH 'OONCESSION�..JAIL FQ3+i NON -s iPPQRT .. -- `' AND REGISTERING ''WICE,. ;' Mrs,..A. Martin was hostess for the a Meeting of the U. F, • W. Q. Father of «two families, but. provider January m , r ngfor neither, Alexander Henry Sted- In the absence of,the president,' us. A. Sutherland presided and themeet- into .of'Amairel'Township, was hailed, S h p e d into Magistrate F. W. 'Walker's court here on Friday; morning last 'Charged. 14t11rxou-support. Io-• Vas-also--ehar-g- TIVIIR-D-AY;:- JAN`UAii`Y'-2-ard;-194-1- ed with :having, in his ;possession The` , two! BA ND natiora1registration ;cards in N it aides •o"AXera. er -Henry and Alex= rr ander, .Stedmanacused, stated U: •..HOM •OE TOWN//WN t i that he had taken the Alexander lien- - "--."'"”----7. •opened- with, singing "O iCan- oda". and repeating •the Lord's pray- er in'. unison,, •Mrs. non read ':the minutes of - the last nzeeti.ng :.After. camnunity` singing.. rolle u- od to'•Dr the. call, was resp � . d ing 'the business period Mrs rughea' j;ad a nuriiber,of %articles 'of Red ~Cross work which she distributed to 'those. ' .21 in that name, in. order•to protect THE LUCKNQW SENTINEL Published ' .every Thursday inornine at Lucknow. Ontario. • Mrs. A. D: MacKenzie—Proprieto„ Campbell 7 . _ .. . ry registrationcard o ;On.•� August (Contributed)' • -- We begin here.. to try and interest the home4o'wn citizen in what is of vital irnportanee, and part of the` ec- ouornic life- of , our eommunuty:.Our "home : town".' in a friendly one—de, .,t,,r::went: .The. programme .included .a talk.' by Miss Dean McLeod "What, the•New Year means id• us"•'which was. interesting. • anii instructive; .. A •.Borden ••he applied for' and . received solo by Miss 'Elizabeth Robinson vas a enjoyed; A poem .hy'Mrs. Sutherland, at •the ,Post Office at So°uthampto. ;•'btnnerou;s reading' by; Mrs.. ll`ouston; a• contest conducted by:Mrs., Aekect, "Information. Bureau" and •'.t, vent -est by Kathleen. Carruthers, left that home to live with :a woman brought:. the programme to • a close, i oro Towi t ' e later maw= Cod save the King was sang. •,Re- .n xi ns h p' Y, freshmen s`-zver ` served- and - a • social t e >ng to: Atnabel._ He admitted being .' time -spent... The.. February .meeting is to. be `:at• • the home ofe•ceiv• A.. :Hughes. - the woman to. 'whom be was 'unmar- ried and later wishing to'secure em- ployment as_ a carpenter at • Camp the card 'id the naive. 'oto.Alexander Stednan.�..Stedman, .,a .printer ,by trade,. resided at .fort Elgin with: his wife .arid three children and about ' 1933 HOLYROOD II Mrs. Raynard Ackert, Mita Winni-' f xed--Aekerti-anda-i<1VLiss-Norriev--Walden- ' of Olivet were dinner guests with Mr an r. s. scar " e.:fer.? •',R a• Banff Queen Mrs.; Howard Robinson, Shirley and Billie. spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. • Cliffprd. •Johnston. Miss Mary Smith, Miss, Gwendolyn Aelcei;t Miss Shirley Robinson spent' Saturday afternoon at M'r. Richard, . our I ligtt's: ing, January: 29th in .the �C munit y the' father of three' childrenat this home and ' it ,:was because ' of these that.: he, ;was facing the non-support• charge::Stedman tolii',the court ,that although he. made many attempts 'to secure .employmenthe was unable to. do so. He was, sentenced to SIX months'. -in '-Jail ori- -the charge of • holding two. registration cards acid a similar 'term currently.—Walkerton Herald -Times: ST. HELENS -Plans- '-ate nom irleted • for ;r a : At. Home under the auspices of •the 'Wo- Men's,'Institute on "Wednesday; •even- - ,' •. hall- Musk will be' furnished by ,the :Mrs. 'A.' Ackert, spent . Thursday Gulley -Jumpers. and proceeds,'will. big ; with, friends in 'Kincardine., •• , for, patriotic purposes., '. Misses Mary, Smith, Gwendolyn Ac- Allan'. Miller • is.. spending. a , few, keit and Mr: Jack Ackert spent Mon- ',weeks in Toronto, ." ' flay evening at 1'jr Win. Eadie's. The regularmeeting of.the Y. P. U. Mr. and Mrs. 'Howard Harris. and Was held on Sunday .evening. Mussell• Lorraine; Mrs. Thos.,Harris and .Earl 'Webbread the scripture lesson. Thea er-e dinnerguests at, Mr, Ernest ,Ac- topic "Apostle of the . Outposts" was •kerx's:on Friday evening, in charge of Dorothy: Miller • aid was. Miss Norine 'Walden is :visiting with :;taken by her assistants,. Dorothy her cousin; .Mis. Raynard .Ackert at Webb ,and Earl Durnirr. • • Allfinished R Cr"" ss . articles ' are • ' pa�eseiit.' .. '� .• Red . rr; requested to,'be handed in before Sat- Miss- Mary Smith, Miss Gwendolyn• Ackert were ',entertained at;the. home urday of this week.' They may he left of sir. R Ireland *at Teeswater ori at' the store a or., at the,. home • of Mrs. Saturday evening., •W., A, Miller; • ;1lrw. Raynerd.Ackert and Miss• Nor- • ..' , ' ine.Walden spentSunday at'Mr.Ern- • - The third American girl ° , est Ackert's: : COURR i E'S CORNERS. Miss Cather rile l.ci tis r obt. MacDonald' spent Friday ter Carnival, s Mr and Mrs Wilfred Farrsh visited to become Queen, of Baili S WS R of Spokane, Wash, twits selected night, with Mr. Lou Turnbull at Un- to:,reign -over `i'esterp •Canada s . d i•wood. Mrs MacDonald's father, 'with *Mr,• and Mrs :Bud Farish and: great winter shorts festival„ be- t .; .J: E. Turnbull underwent an. ,op 'Bob Parrish in Toronto over'the week - nee • of her •Doe's ort .�••-• end. cause i e fi .n h, -- -enation in Toronto Iast week. alert~ attire • and proficiency at Miss Dorothy Drennan is with rela', ski -in@, snotivshoeing, sit•=joung To. •Hold Sunday School. ti ves in Goderich over the'week-enR.' and skating. "Queen" Catherine s { • .first official act was,to.;.proclaim , ' ".Sunday School Meetings, comnien- • . thatthe dates,of this years -carni-• cing this .Sunday at 2:30 o'clock, will 'val :at'•tile mile -Nigh 'resole would • he held during the winter months in be from February 1 3 .to 16. the H'olyrood School.. Rev. R. .C• Todd went, this Sunday. Everyone rs'aiiv tedto atm• end:' • Teacher: • A•nd no1v; whq can tell why we should. always be. neat and `,`,I understand.your little dog had` to be shot,, Was. he mad?" ` .'• • "Well, he wasn't any tob pleased', about it!" . Lloyd: "Do you attend •.a place of worship?" Ronald•: "I do. In faAt 1're - on my way to_,hee place now.". , Waitress: "We have nearly .every- thing on the menu .today; Custonier: "Yes, so. I see- Cant- yon -- bring me a clean one?" , ' • Help: Smash Hitler by buying ,War " Sa'virigs. Stamps, ,- i • Little .'Lizzie: • In case of accident, ma'am. • • , • A bride was married in a • :gown. made of • parachute silk, . That. will •• help' her to get dewn,to"earth more quickly after - the; honeymoon.—'or- onto Star., Teacher: When .you go downhill you rieaccnd, •"N,ow, te.1i''`riid,. what dp you do 'when you go uphill?. Fat Boy: Gasp. • • Mrs: .Elmer Parish . has returned home after visiting her. mother, Mrs. White at Holstein. Miss . Annie Bowler, underwent an operation last:Friday in•'.Goderich Hos- pital and. is'(iitig `as' well , as can 'be= I• expected.. . . i Mr; and''Mrs. James "Drennan visit- ed' 'with ',Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ray - IHard at Paramount' one day recently: .' M'r"and Mrs. Jerry Artoii ropy AI- goina' are 'visiting ' with Mr. and Mrs. David Little , ' :Mrs, .' George Drennan who is on the sick list ' at present -is .slowly improv - •' Marld--you' Pet ',ye to -elf out -Tar • : "You bet I. would+". ' • " "•Please do, ` It's after twelve and I'm 'awfully -tired:" •" It's my 'own invention. it doesn't stroarii, it doesn't whistle—it .lust p'la yrrs- There11 • Always be "art England," f•a FORMER PAISLEY GIRL; •. . ALLEGED "MURDERED Kenneth Mc ntee of ' Toronto was formally charged with •murder in con- nection with the death • of ,his' 'wife which occurred. early in the New Year Mrs' McIntee was formerly •Della Ru-' olph,--a..daughter--of--Hairy Rudolph - •of .;the Elora "Road, north of Paisley' °Mrs, Mclntee was taken to hos- pital oh New Y.ear's•'afternoon •after she "had .been found, on the kitche:n floor of her, RRoblook :Avenue home Toronto, by polite who went to - 'the' house in response' to 'a telephone call. from a doctor who: had been called in. by the husband. Mclntee, stated to the police'that with his wife.;, he had attended: a• New Year's Eve party, pression :may .have hitus, but`'wc .and returned to their home at,3•a.m. -continue to be 'a happy lot. The main -wrtih;• another •couple, who remained street- of ,ourtown is similar .;to that of any town.' bur size, with 'its stores, post office,, garages,. 'etc. • and "our 'frank" ..which.. is. ;housed : in" a brick 'building in keeping with its surround - Primarily a rural 'bank depends, as do the:merchants, of the town; :on the' net buying power 'of the community.. Popularly, country,. banks .:are consid- -tired at if of one class, ° institutions with mostly farmer or stockman cus- tomers, extending -credit On •'wheat, cern, cattle; hogsand other fo.odsttiffs. Actually they are widely diversified, - r : Ell- s . In, ••a each-heying-4swn p village such as :ours, ,the bank ,,at- emis=tv-theneeds=of theme TbFaies' dents, „Mills and the farmer constitu-' ency..:IHigher con s..:the, bank in �a town' of, say 3,000 to 5,000 population --it likely' has itiore' indust ries,,.mi1L� . or :factories, next Comes the county seat or: trade centre say, .5,000. to 20,- 000;: where: loaning transactions cover a wide; range of 'commercial, indus- trial ,and agricultural .operations. The pros of thesedepends, es. as dolAe.rityall;.; . that, of the blIsiness life of ..the com munity,•'.on the' buying . power or3-net ineome'of the area served. • ' ' For ten • years farm' income in" ou'r. community has been precarious;.:and our bank 'hat adjusted its methods to meet conditions:, I.n so ..doing .it has, to a: degree 'of '• success'•g `meter than is • gener'ally' understood, 'been able to. .give security: to our depositors and tet suiip1y the needs ofthe local 'com Triunity whenever: called 'upon. We have every right to 'be' proud -of otir, "home -town" ' bank=we „ •Should' `be thankful for the part• it has played rn oar daily ,life. CREWE. .•' Mrs. Wilfred Drennan 'spent the week' -end. with ''her parents Mr..and k ow. Mrq :Jos.'eph'Iiackett''at Luc n,. . Mrs:' Cecil Blake visited Monday evening •with her cousin, . Mrs. Gordo Kirkland, • Zion. :^ and ,<11rs:'• Edwin Whitley and -L• loyd' returned to"Sundridge on Thursday. Miss Muriel Quirrn spent the week- end with,Mrs.' Cecil Blake..' • Mr. 'Graham . Durnin' spent a'• few days ,'last week. at 'Aylmer.. ' A number from here attended the hockey match in Lucknow last Mon day evening:` ,Misses Lorainne Durnin and 'Lor. ainne Drennan :were home 'from' God- erich for the week -end. OLIVET• • Cerin ar me .in With . Th Firil took cha 'president, ng. ,T hymn ' Devi unison sorer scripture Guipe tat op d'' a '.S pi e n li Y The din„4 ani” lvk It Be"with. McCli left •last Milit Mrs.'. A spent of M Me ter friend of:this °, ari and f imiIy. r ° ' People c Meeting The regular eting of the W. M. S., was held the church on . Friday January '1Otli h about eleven mein= -hers present is' month's convener i was , Mrs. O. ayson and; cher help- ers who rge of the: meeting, with the 'pre t, Mrs. W. J: Roul- ston presidi ,The meeting opened with our `What a l+:ellodrship, What a Joy 'ne", after'which r all repeated. in . the (\Lord's pray- er. The trea , Mrs. O. Finlayson, gave. h good report of ,last year's- ac- count. The sc re reading: was read by i1lar .Mc . •:Our• devotional ,per- • iod ;was well taken, care of,, by Mrs. W. J: Roulst who read7a�piece ",Be Not•Disrnaye ndclo'sed.byreading a New Year ayer. A temperance talk• was taken . Mrs: John Coiling. .A chapter, " Ministry 'of Healing In India" fr' ur. study 'book was given : by, Je cGuire: "Take' my, Life and Let was our closing hymn and Rev.N. Meifenzie closed the meeting . prayer. • Mr. John Earles was one of the ',boys who .week fora month's training at ' Military Camp. Mr; and A. Belli!: and family of Gddericli one day last week at the h<nne• 'r. Thonias McGuire, Mrs. W. ' S. Guire, returned home last week of spending a 'few• holi- days 'with- s in Mitchell arid' Overt -ch.; Syirlpathy is community is Cit tended to . M� d' • Mrs, W" Walden Our° Young P, ple enjoyed a social:. l�as�t Wediesday tight • as their 'open- ing meeting sine Christi las, until 8:30. aap. At 7:10 pollee report having 'received. a .Call from .Mrs. Mc Intee that • thew vias trouble, but' when P.C. Hodges responded, he' was informedMclntee had gone fo . bed. They heard nothing ,more until Dr. J. H. Speers called police and told'. of Mts. McIntee's injuries, She was tak- en to ' the' • '.Western ` Hospital, where' slle passed away Friday `morning. , When, .taken into custody, Mclntee declaredhe awakened New Year's' af. ternoon and, found,his wife; on' the' kitchen floor, unconscious. He' wra ' ped towels. around her head, . and 'lat- exr_.shejailed to>'-shovcc: slo_signs. e�--� of recovery, •he called in Dr: Speers.- RO J . '" TR: P' BARGAIN - FARES - JAN. 314eb1LUCKNOW - To Stations Oshawa.and• East tel• Cornwall . n�lus ve, Uxbridge; find. say, P.eterbore,. Campbellford,, Newmarket, Collingwood,. Meaford,.. .MidlandNorth BayParry Sound, ;Sudbury,- Capreol and west to Beardmore, -- P. M. Trains . frig )an, :31 al Trains Sat. Feb. T TORONTO O O; TO. "also to..BiantfiSid `.Chatham God: •i ich, Guel h Hamilton, London. p ,. Niagara Falls; Owen Boned, St. `Catherines, St, Mary's, Sarnia; Strat, ' ford, Strathr-oy, Weedstock: •• See• ' handbills for complete list of destinations...... For -fares;- retur•�n•.-limits, train information; tickets, etc. consult 4 •r nearest' Agent. x.27' e NAC. �► NATIO O ZION - Mrs. .Samuel Reed is" 'spending week with her'cousin Mrs. R. Ph lips of •Goderidh. ' • ` J Mr. S. 'Reed, . Mil'vert and ; De pent : Thursday with .Mr.' and M Peter; Cook, .it being the 'occasion van's second ••birthday.. . s• aervrces •zn.tne Ashfield circuit,. be conducted by' the .Rey: Newman of p` D.upgannon on Sunday next: Mr. and.• .Mrs. 'Clifford •Hackett, ��. C es er and 'Lorne 'spent:Friday even- ing with Mr.: and 'Mil., Will Gardner,. • Mr 'laazl'Mugford of west red"was visitor with Zion friends' last .weep, Only a, small nullifier attended' the: annual • congregaitional' ni:eeting • on Wednesday afternoon last, when the activities of the:various organizations of the church. were reviewed .and en- couraging reports received, from the' various representatives..Officers for :congregation, S S::officers and teach- ers- were 'elected :for 1941. . The ,Y. P. ;S;' met: at the ;home�of Mr: and Mrs: ,Frank Ritchie-on.Mon-' ,day evening. After, the opening,; exec cages, Rev: Wilkins presided over :the election of officers which are as fol •lows: Pres:, Harvey Ritchie; yice 'prey: "E11en..: Andrew, Harvey., Ritehie, •Bit!, Gardner; .missionary convener, Chas. Anderson,' :Christian citizenship con.; Telma ,Hackett;. Christian, fellowship: ;eon.;• Rena. Bunter;. Christian culture' con., Jim Hunter, social corranittee. Keith ,Hackett, • Elleda Hunter; Elsie, • Ritchie, Mr. and Mrs: .Gordon Kirk, - land; sec'y=treas.;. Harold Gardner; organist Mina 'Hackett; :assistant oz:-' .Barbour ganist, ;Kathleen Gardner; ~ °skating 1 1•party con., Hazrvey .Ritchie, Charles • Anderson. a•.• r1- WH ITECH'URCH. vis.. re, •• We are' sorry. to, report the serious.: • of r illness.. of Mr. John Laidlaw ,who has, been confined •to, his bed,. for the past L'ANGSIDE' a. . The Whitechurch.' Wompri''s Insti- tute held-.-their--January Meeting- in the ' Hsu with' the president,' I'Mrs; Lance Grain :presiding. The roll •call was :aitswe�•ed-by an attendance , of 20, by ';"A 'Canadian• Poet" and ' two. lines of their . poem. Thanks for the gifts sent�a�t-Christmas ._were received from 'Hubert. and George. Keeswater,, Nat, Thompson, J. C. Reid Thanks for' fruit when ill from Mrs: Sanderson; Mrs; McInnis, Mrs.. Qrville : Tiffin, It • was decided' to tend Ile. to .help sup- port an Institute -hospital :in Eng- land. The'` motto"Life is not so Short but'' we can 'have. trine for "courtesy", vas prepareda:by Miss. Merle _ Wrlsozr; and, given ' by. Mrs. Ezra Sholtz. Mrs. Walter Lott: gave a reading: A piano instrumental was given by Mrs. Ezra'' :Sli'oltz. The hymn "0 .God our help inages. past": was sung. Rev. J Pot- lock, ,guest speaker for •the day,' gave An ' address on ".The • impressions' of the year's". Current events. were given. 'by . -Mrs.. W.f J. Coulter. Mrs. ' Ezra. Wellwood gave:a, paper, on "Canada ianization": The singing of the; Nat.; ional ';Anthem closed gthe''meeting. Mr.,: and Mrs. Thos:' Hill sperm Sat- urday with Mr. ,and. Mrs, Earl. Cas- lick of Culross., , • . • • 'Mrs: R. Caskinette - accompanied' by . Mrs. E. Wadel, went to' Kitchener on account of the , sickness of the form- er's mother; Mrs. •Klepper. . "Showered" 'By Friend's' " On Friday evening the young. folks • of the community gathered at the home tof Mr. and Mrs. Archie. Mac: - Kinnon to. honor <'Jean, prior to her', departure to enter training for a ,nurse. Under the. leadership of Misses Reba Marshall and Hope Wall; Joan w,as showered with a presentation. of boxes of handkerchiefs, gifts"of' mon= ey and: other articles: Dancing was en. joyed' 'bY: all:4 ' )'; Miss, Grace., Richardson, Lit.. Sec., attended' the• meeting 'of• `the Presby- terian Presbyterial officers held' in :Windt -'oar Wednesday-afterroan . Mrs. Robert •Reid ,who spent the past week with her daughter' Mrs. Helm of Tiverton; returned home Sat uxday. ' Mr, John .Reid of Ifensall' spent the week -end at his home here. • ' • . Gebrrge Orr is •Under the, doc= tor's care at the home of his sister, •Mrs. Fraser. - ' Mr: , Bill' Smith ' is working at the . airport.., Miss ' Teresa Caskinette, is spending ,a, fele weeks at hom :While her,'rrroth- s er is at Kitchener.'' Miss Reba' Marshall spent Friday with 'Miss, Joan MacKinnon. ' Mrs: 'Wnl.''-•13rown is''remaining for a time, with her.'father,- Mr, Bell of Pine 'River, , ' The, hangside Rural' Club are hold. ing. 'their entertainment - this Wed- nesday evening. •: ' • "Pa", said Johnny, looking up' from his homework, "is 'waterworks all one word or do' you spell it with°. a 1?y drant?" . " ,• oh Geer -Oh Gosh! • „ One of our ,merchants• was "up the air" in more . ways than one . re- ce'ltly. Working.oi5 a ladder trt;;front• of. his store, and clinging' rather .pre. cariously, . he was startled when dome 'prankster, shook the .ladder°:, He told' the person At the, foot what he thought, Tn 'no uncertain terms, and without hesitation, and 'then, looking down; saw that, it was one -of the 'local pat•- sons, Then he Was up in ,''the air.- Palhner'stoii Observer. , - a Mr. Ken Mowbray w.ho,; enlisted, left West -last Thursday- where die is to •be.stationed for some,time: The rxsttute� _Red Crossheid..-a sma1L- : • a t r fo .Him e' e � a `'i' P Y x W do sd y even ng and presented him with. some , nice gifts. e, wish him .good luck. The W. M. S:. of the United church held a tea • at "the home of Mrs. Ab. Coultes. ' Master Clayton •Scholtz is under the . doctdr'.ss care with an .attack of :bronchitis. We •hope for. a . good re- coyery. ' • • Mrs. Thos. Gaunt who hag been under .the,doctor's._ care•recently is.- .: visiting with her daughter act Strat- ford. We hope' she .returns: much im- proved. ' • r Mr, . and ,Mrs. D•_•f Kenne'dy,' Wing-' • • ha"rn, spent a while Saturday with his' . mother Mrs Kennedy,''who has,been' on the sick' list. Misses Janie and Ann:McInnis have also been on the sick list:', Mrs. Jack McMillan has been sick for the past week., We hope: •she is.. .' much.improveth Miss':Doro`thy Knight is taking care ',of her..'' Mr: Jack Barbour of Brandon. vis- ited recently with •his uncle; Mr. Wm. • Find Us 11 ayes Ask for a copy of thus booklet . it. will help solve' your farm problems. ANE.: OF MONTHCAL "A Bank Where 5ma11 Accoiistts Are Waldmito" }' Lucknow Branch : 'V. N: 'POST; Manager MODERN,• 3XPE:RJIiNCED • BANI*'I•NG. SERVICE . !be Q:uteome of 12,3. Years' .`tiit'estfirl Opera,tiort .• 140 I • a, •