HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-01-09, Page 4,l. PAGE FOUR ', II • • ND ..CO.N•.. WEST Mi .'Jennie -Frid:anal. Alex of Dun- •das • spent a. few days visiting with friends here:.Jaek , lionlston returned. ... - with them.. Monday .where stay.. a: ' . 'foxa,f d sevl., Y Mrs: •James Beaton Was called-• to Goderich. owing to the illness of her• --g1.4 •;.Miss• McKay, R ...Wel n Ir - returned tarn TE ' • ' - • ' ' k Bea o a d ._ Y Mites Bec ,. ,s 'vein to Kincardine on Mon; :days' afternoon: Mrs, : Backwell':spent ,a.•'few..thins G . with .1VIr. and;",Mrs. H. Button whose tittle ' boy -was: -111 •;but . is • improving. nicely, f s "• .Mk an MrW. •r' spentent. Wednesday ;with. W. J� Raul Stan and 1R u o serf` Mrs: on. Messrs. Raymond and Alvin Him - 'ikon are 'visiting friends iii• Toronto. School. started Me day. Miss 'Helen ten -Lite . o is te achin this Iamilto kn w teaching g ti . '.week. at �SS. No., 11. • •,r Mrs. ' Orville ' Finlayson has been taking, tare of a "very sore hand for a fewdays,, (Intended for .Last- Week).°' 14 and Mrs Ii Adams and babe of ' BelgraYe anal Mr . and Mrs.' Willner.; 'Hamilton?of Teeswater spent the ho] • zday faith'their niothei, Mrs. mC;. Ham- iitait:.' Rebecca and Murdena Beaton.&;pent' :; ` a fery'days 'at, thei-r home' here: Mr. Rolel•t Backwell returned tol I?Gndes after spending a week at :his hone. '. M,1 and Mrs, 11; Button and babe spent Wednesdayr at G: Barhwell's,' e • Alvin Hamilton is spand><ng a few days with 'Ur.. and Mrs. W. R. Ham-'' ilte` n ..i •$oak an orange for five minutes Belated hockey_ schedule$, have. got•-' ten •underway the pgst few days, with Port .Albert lam F. opening t hesea:.- on in Win6'ham last Friday',evenitig, when they lost out ,by . an 1$i to, 5 1. • LCKNOw,T SEN1"INE'L . has resulted in redrafting a sinjle, schedule'. , ' . . P THURSDAY, :JANUARY th, 191# game oei Friday night' when the •Se- pays go right .back to the Red Birds tuest,) 4 Paisley will call ;for reserves : from S,outhamnton ` and' '1 Port `- Elgin tide 1,, Pert while any dhes16r talent on •the: ,.. loosewiil drift lIaover we y. full e first The' Sepoys had their f s . ._„•'boiling . "._ •squad. workout of.the season on Mon in r�uater, before --peeling; The ��'score, - -. ;,_ _ ..-._.. �...,_. , . ,,,� 4 wh.te : g will thee, tinsoff with ” ` - day night, with a•qumtetie from {in Without practice •ants using:', new' card'ne and. a Ripley duo in piniform e ui meat,. the Fliers cauldn't• bre .ex to round' out. a team that ought to q p ti11AFEK I NG Mrs: Darold, Webster ,and little ,gon Allan ofWest Wawanosh are :visiting with: her •par-ents,= Mr. nd Mrs* Ernest_ Blake:. oi 'e are In ''e n� 'b r Quite .•n aunt the . laid -with the 'flu. • Mr.' and Mrs;_, Finlay' Shackleton am .�! f it , returned- Mori ' t. Forest and to �► . Navin sent• the -Christmas , vacati'on with Mr.:. and Mrs: "Norman Shackle- ton. .. Miss Grace Blake returned •on,Sun- -day,- to Drum'be :and= Miss Jeati.-An=; derson.to Kin'lough. . Miss - E11va ' Twamley ` of 'Stratford Normal' is. practice teaching in our hame scheoh this week. ^«., Pte: Harold „Hackett of London Nis- ited with friends in the .burg • last. week. • ected to put' ia: : much of a :battle, provide' some ' classy' 'hockey before p o • is fee advanced. particularly when they have:'to build the s•eas n, a a' team from players who `know rto thing of each other's tndiviaal stye.' The Kincardine bays,included, BohBob _ Thompson, Eddie, Sutherland, 'J'ack - _. _.__ - �. is ra a ` Vast ava a and- '1794M. nd M.eURi tin.:. Another handicap to..i ;the ;.R A. F. G . h..m, S g gg r ` the e e tion.• h h Teatu' is the fact that theti+,me,ii'ibeis We: -scarcely need 1<n n who are changed fi.m one location to 'an ':Ripley pair are, Keith McCormick other cin timet o time.and Bile—Harris , . . . ��J• atbenne lac I '.e'ii ifeir secondsine The Tntelrmediates play. • , h. The F i<s p aY _t g , ,, Hanover on ::M.onda night, when again . next .•'Honda . with Goderich in Ha er y g , , , ,;, , Y , •_ they made things more -interesting in Sailors: providing the Opposition:, spite of a ,9 .'to 4 .loss:.„ _ • Intermediiate_B_•Results . o '' and Paisle • ='To Tuesday,Januar 7th Goderich, :'�Luckn w Y �' P "la . d their first " .g , ame Tuesday night Wingham 18,'R.A.F. 5'. Yed.., whep Goderich visited Wingham; while Hanover. 9, R.A.F. 4 the Paisley Cardinals took on'the Se» ; Lucknow 5, Paisley 3 pot's in the local 'arena.. • Wingham 8, Goderich 2 The Juniorsx.gr_ inta._action, on Fri- day night on home. ice when they meet d e.'. •-_. .- Ripley Ren. .. m ._ • . , Lucknow ism bolstered by a clesi;<v Wingham line, and °'_probably some: Goderich talent: -Ripley has the: pick : , ..- ,... "arks of -the Kincardine Juniors; • so if 1 0 like a':teat battle on Friday 'night. :'• -Here's the; revised .Junior•schedule.- :Keep- it fer'f1ture reference: ' v Jan. �:9—Southampton. a"t:-Ranor 10 .'4 Ripley aG ueknaW . 15—Lucknow ai "Southarpton -1-8--H . i anover` Ri 1 P e _ ou. am toil. 1!I -H Hover at S th .. e p i . •l ' to f e a at ' • � outh n .. R Y ' • 20•-�S P mP . a 21—Hanever• . at Lnc sr 2.3. -Ripley .oat' Hanover 7 -Luc w at Ri. l.eY. .P ,. 317 -Ripley at Southampton_ .Feb; 4—Southampton at Lucknow Lucknow at Hanover .:For, the ruins •of the , Kincardine arena the,Town .Coutieil•has received: $100.00 -with the property^to be clean ed up. The arena collapsed late in the: fall. • One party ',,tendering on the •re- • mains, rather than offer anything: --- I. - for .. o' fox :'it .200: to- clean. it u ,. _ _ The tables are turned for the next' A ,ser%es of..Junt,r, p stpon&tnentsl wanted $, P • WANTED—A used blacksmith's anvil "n good 'condition. Apply at Sentinel Office. TRUCK FOR SAI;E .Large Faxgo Ouch. Cheap for --quick sale. Apply' to J. H. Leith,' T;ueknow• '' • • AR atmoet'ev' man and woman in the law, but it is a simple method,' namely, in �l'IIIS�TYE beery the burden of a • for. the ;: eight equal monthly'instahnents, Without inter- war. will share paying, A : million . new taxpayers will' pay who ; est, commencing to January. , ' neverpaid before. ,APersonal budget. payment , To take advantage of; themontlhlypayment, plan is available. to old taxpayers who are faced plan withoutinterest' each,.payment must lie. with substantially increased income taxes. •• made on or before • the, due, dates. Otherwise Canadians are asked to shoulder their share of :., interest will be charged - on the total balance the*far effort cheerfully and•willingly. By pay remaining unpaid after April 30th tag iyour incometax regularly you help to speed . , EXAMPLE ••OF INSTALMENT the productionowarmateriid and:bring the day ofvictory-closer.-of outhowmuctaxyon PAYING WITHOUT. INTEREST will nave to pay, anarrange .to pay promptly u when due. If your ' estimated tax . is'' Payb instalments -the easy way—and save :... �... \► '' '$60.00von pay. one-third of .. y, 1 � ,. T Cut out this page and keepi'it for future • reference: g ' FOR 'SALE—Bay; mare, general pur- pose; "'rising 4, broke or.mail: route lastwinter, dW* trade for grain. Alex Maclljay, • Dunganniien .4L - ..NOTICE. ANNUAL, MEIJT>ING The; Annual Meeting of the Luck- now : Agricultural: Society will be held. in theTown Hall, Lcltn, .on,Triday; the Y 24th da o January, • 1941,, :at two f o'clock in the afternoon. 'All members are urgently: rrequested to 'attend. - Joseph Agnew, Secretary. TENDERS ,. blic •S5. Nb 10, Ashfield? ,requir'es • Pu, , 20 cords of green hardwood, at least - half 'maple,. body. wood, 16 in.. long, to be delivered beforeyApril 1st, 1941.. Tenders reeerued_ until _January _26th. E G ZIN$T, Sec.-Treas., P.S.S. Nov 10,! e Ashfield... • WAN E •Fireman:Engineer-, •3rd clas.... _a • `tate Stead); -.44.. • .certi'.i[t. -. .x Apply to; 'l'ltd1J "CIRCLE BAR .KNITTING ' • •..CO.,. -LIMITED, K;ncard • iris .• .. Ontario. ., • of iv :- O ay e•'BARR1 TER, SOLiCITO. t•'' • . incardine 1•'Ontare. Branch Office In ' The : Spence Illock,:•••LueknowY East of, the • •Bank -'of • .Montreal. . ' -W111 • Be 'In • Lucknow. ...Each W cdnesday Morning & After-' noon. & each,Friday. Afternoon.' • ARMS R°. OPTOMETRIST Tf.NDERS :. �N LUC.KNOW • TENDERS:' will`. be received byte, :EAC :WHDNESDAY '•ndersigned up to January 21st,' for; 10 .cords bodywood, maple 16 in: long,, ' delivered at 'the school at SS No. 15, Ashfield pr}, 'or before June 15th;: Nei] J..MacKenzie, R. 3, Lucknow. AFTERNOON. 139 to 6 Pelota . AT •$i'M SCHM•ID'S STORE' • Districto, and their use will ensure accurate and proper: , allocation of your payment. However, you can sten& m your instalments by ordinary; letter with your name andaddresspllainlyy„ stated thereon,Clearly ,:indicating the division between • Provincial. and Dominion Tax payments. •'HOW 'M.UCH-' DO YOU PAY?' • The general -income-tax is pay- " me less able on -your: net income. ': • _:._ • • If you are'single, your exemp- '' 4 tion is $750.00. Thus if your total income is $1,000.00 you must pay tax on. $250:00. + "t. the tax $20:00): in four instal- The exemption for. a married` . person . is mentis• ($5.00 • each). an the remaining two- $1,500.00 plus $400.00 for each dependent child thirds •($40:00) in• four instalments (($�10.00 each). or grandchild. Thus if you are a married• man ' Your payments ere therefore •as •follows: with two . children . and ; a total : income of H •, "" WHO .PAYS INCOME-TAX?' OaorBefore On or Before On or Before On or Before $2,600.00 your total exemptions are $1,500.00. �. - , : Feb. Rai Mar 31•,_ __ Agil30 sus $400.00 for each child,. br $2,300.00' in :all. If you are a single person $S O.rr $5 a S5 So yon pay�taa;on $300.00. ht without' dependents, and• •- • i - — . our •income in 940' .was On a Before On or Bear., 'Qn or beton. O. e. Before Payment:; You may send a cheque, Post office Mav 31 • Jan. 30 July 31 Aus. 31 or MoneyOrder in a ent of income tax' " more than $750.00 you pay general=income-tai' $10 " $10 • ' $10;' = $6O ' .byy. mail, o the• Inspector of Income Tax for If you are a married person without depend- �, .-SIO . the District in which you reside, made payable ents, and.your. income in 1940 :was more than However it Js recommended that you par ' to the ReceiverGeneral of Canada Write pleinl $1500.00 you pay .general -income-tax. : es Ifyou are a married person with' ou, your tax In. eight equal, monthly, instalments of and give your nein° in `full;, so that mistakes pchildren, y in ere "ting may. be aveided: Do not send. are allowed $40.0.00 exemption for each depend- fT,50 each=;60.00. - money orpostage stamps in envelopes. •• . . eat child or' , grandchild, in addition to the • Instalment Incottie'Fax Remittance Forme are•• $1500.00 exemption. 4 ' available at any poat•ofce, or, any branch of any NOTE:In addition to the general -income-tax . • bank,, or the :office : of 'the Inspector 'for you ' • you paY National Defence Tax on your total income without any exemption if You arr'e'single and y our_tncome._goes over_$600 or if yeteeremarried and your income • goes over .$1,200. ' c;r , HOW : HO YOU ' - ' f ` \ Your -income tax • r' r ` may •be paid in the following ways,— • 1. The Present Method: At least ' ` ne:third fthe tax•to=be paidby' April 30th, the balance, with in- tenet at 5% from April 30th, to be paid. by August 31st. On any balance unpaid after August • • 31st, the interest rate will be 8 %. ' e ' 2: The Proposed Method: ho' : d In 8 ••monthlyinstalments without in- terest. To:take advantage of this ' new way of paying, the first instal= 'went must be paid on or. before January 31st. You Must, pay at • least one-third of the estimated- tax in, four equ€il monfhly, instal. " ". nients, in January, February, - March and April,' i.e. 1-12 of the "'estimated tax;in each of thefisaid 4 months. ,The remaining two. thirds.must be paid iii four equal monthly instalments in , June, July•andAugust, i.e.. -6th of the estimated tax in each of the said,4 months. (This will be in the amended law.) " 3. The Recorrin fended Method: 'This method will''not be found in • HON. the' oIsSON; ' '" O f Nofionr8f ReveMiii • RATES' OF NATIONAL 'DEFENCE. TAX Fora single person 2% on the total' .income if the income exceeds $600 and „ doe •not -exceed 41.200. _ 3 % on; the total income if . • the income exceeds $1,200: Foil married person . 2% on the total income if the income exceeds $1,200 with , a.tar credit of $8.00 for each. dependent child or grand- child. • For 1940 the tax is on one- half ,of the income_ and the. fax ',orreJit ie $4.1R1, • ' nates•-ef-rOneral4neenra—Taw • hiaf i - ratiJ' ideals hest par_ Your net taxable income is the amount left' after you deduct exemptions. . from your total income: " '° ' If your net taxable income is;l :• ;: $250 or,• less the tax is 6.%a thereon. , If between $250 and $1000 the tax is $ 15 plus 8 % on the excess over $' 250 ' It 1000 and ' 2000• •' 75 ... 12 " " • 100•0 "i " 2000>and 3000. " ',195 " 16:%•: '" " • •`!WOO - " 2000 -. e� , 3000 and 4000. • 4.. • 3.55 "ti 20%�q t. 3000 4 ". • 4'000 and, . 5000 '555 - 24%' "• " 4000 • " ; . " 5000 and . 6000. " ' .. .796 " 27 °% " '5000 -----a._..--.1--- --6000-8nii'; 7000"_-. _._.... ...1065•• .._,.30•.,/0" I.... - -• !• --• - i. n •e 7000 and'8000' ti ' 1365 . ..33 %p ..• .. 7000 " " 8000 and 9000 " 1695 ," $5'% - " • t/ 8000 " • " • 9000' and 10000 " ,- • 2045 , "' 3.7% 9000 For higher incomes refer"tti the Income War. Tax Act,' • In addition to the above rates, there is a 'surtax on all investment ; income in enema of $5000.. • Also there is National _ _enee _ and iii'. Aimee Provinces, Pr" -- . _._, Income Tax. • ,.IMPORTANT TO EVERY INCOME TAX PAYER' othe .a v' of. the.'Interest=Free To enjoy d, anlra'gels ,, Instalment Plain. ' You must' pay the first instal>n nt not later than January 31st,, "' ' and pay regularly thereafie'r' '!R• FURTHER, ►f, —" • 'INFORMATION ,including the �.. K • National' Defence Tax Booklet and the necessary forie e- '- - nmay be 'ebtained ftom`•the 'Inspector df 'Iucintie. Tax for:.. the district in which you reside. Forme are•now available: Form T.i, Special ii to be..: need • by individuals who are not in bus:- ness whose income ,lis hot more than $5000. All .othersipua;t use the regOne form Ti,Or in the. case of fanners, Form T.1A. • Proprietors, in business trust file, in addition to the Form' T.1 RReturt , an Excess Profits , Tae • Return on Forin E.P.;r 1 on or before April 30th next. n0, DIV i$1�N C. ERASER" ELUb1'1, - Cagi7 i io,e, of (ohms Tot • NOTICE TO CREDITORS' ',1'e"--Tg F. M ATTER of ithe Estate of i ndrew .11:: Hamilton late ' of • • the rownship :of Kinloss in.`'the ,County .f Bruce;• Farmer. deceased:.' • Notice ,is hereby given pu.rsuant,; o=the ,Statute's': in. -that, ; behalf , • that • 111 persons having' claims against. the :state =.of -the •said Andrew " H. '4.Hatn- "iton, "deceased. who, died- . on or about •••.he Eleventh.,day of ,May. AD.j:1939,: re required to. forward •their 'claims, uly-.verified .byw...affidavit, to_ Sarah Hamiltan- Feeae� • ate."0f. the said 'Andrew. Hamilton on 'r before,' the 'Fifteenth •day .of . Janu-.• ,ry A.D'. 1;41; after:.which ' date .the aid Free:Ai:Fir will proceed • to die ai• t tE a e f the s d este I • ribute• the „s"s is o mong the persons:. 'enttled', • there.to aVrinregard onlu• to ;and being're aonssible'only for the cia ms,of Which' he shall then have had notice.: Dated, • at Lucknow- Ontario, this -iighteenth day .'of December A.D.. 940. ' • '4• • '1:Sarah -Jane•Hareitlon, `: Kincardine, IOntario,o • '4 Executrix,, • RAPD . •CITY {Intended for' -Last Week): • • Mr. Wm: Stimson, Sr.,' of the Home ,''acrd at 'l?irfndsot spent:,Neet,Tea s.-•• veek with his family. , '•' M. ss Mary. Carter is• spending her 'totidays at her hone •and will '.prat lee teaching in our •scheritext. wee'rc:. ,Pte..Allan Binder. and' Mrs. ,Binder • nee Ruth. 'England) 'of Stratford' -are • iisitmg avith Mr. ,and Mrs Jim'.•Eng and Christmas visitors with thei•t • 'par; •mts• were: Miss Winnie Thomson of Kitchener; Mrs. Archie Nicholson Donald and Helen, ,Mr. and Mrs. Beni. son Brown arid Shirley,' Mr. Frani= McNeil of Tara, Jim McNeil of Ash field. . . • Mr." Bill steed, Jr., spent Thursday of 'last ,week, at Ldnaon, $'rainy- McConnell die spending ' s, •weekfs ol'aciays in Tvrgnto with rd s ti des. •Mr4 Allan .McConnell has been laid Ip at iriis ,ho lie:; a1sn:hie '1rFu rlaiighi: .er, who had _pneumonia, • • Mise' Mary *Millar. is. the gue36 A • her aunt,,'.Maxy Mae:Kenzie, Mr. and Mr:.{•V6'. G. Yeed.and Eu n, ce spent Christmas evening water Mr • and Mrs; h'4uti Wainer ter and Mr. Mre. Ttr" r,' 'ii'NI stet at the" 119m, : if, Mr. aid Mrt Imvid• Atter]. Mr,Mr•r;tu llin, ,sir., wrrr with Mrs :lf rt .Pah,•44Qeillin, .:ern') 'and i',aianen, •('hrastma:� l) y :cf1UkCH :NEWS: ,$urith ltinluss"W: •lVL, w;, .! '1dotwitio,tav,ding thedisagreeable .ie:atiae•r 5 ea li ocOlt fed. •lnl JRiivary ynd, there, war; "a•g40,11 attendaeri6e ,ail. 'h- first ly4) • *nesting. It..aias Mild r': the elemi re', whi+•)r 1.9 eininied -by : -` r (,hi,Trhsl, gild in its gJa s i -ase, wli'i)'h ! Rev: 'Hue)* •6fa'vlil)aa.0 h:rd.'la,rntrght Froin P.0,1tnosa anis 'rrr•6;10,6d to :the 'iuriday SehuoJ, Prayer, 111111' 11119411V: if '(J (jr,;(.; 1)4 lo -I, in ares !Mar" hull .he• mei, pi,ure reafiink by ' Mrs.: Caw. i r,e•rrr:t i4C.ti.+c.,4, Opened The Meiling. !•al..6;ilr i •.;•,n e ,-,rtt. ',X•1411-1fttitii R iil(ia the !$, tilt 'ha,ipdy take 11 li or llaaMO': .ha#p!,i:, r • :;: t,t a• 0,58 e'xtilatinerl, 11111', r,kr,d, wrrt:ia,g ,,t: the,•wall'5 will be the I •iti,(llr fr,r• next. meeting and •the pra!aai- dfuil will ie..glass. Lo we1i i0 ale any who trwy fund a 1. convenient le. attond, : • • nioni this.: Week •is mlzch 'untirtiv; Western Ontario Motorways from. LUCKNOW Revised : ' •Schedule: _ Effective October '6th, 1940' ' LEAVES I.'UGKNOW--Daily, except ,Sundays and • Holidays at;'7 a.in., for Wingham,- Chi ton, -tendon,' Detroit, Sarnia; •:s Stratford, Guelph, Toronto, Hamilton. Pi SUNDAYS' '& Holidays — 3:30 e HOLIDAYS', ONLY. -245' p.at4, For ' further'., information ee s' • TO . RIPLE &.' Kincardine, : leaves . daily, xcept Sundays & • Holidays 9 RUNHAYS & Holidays -10:40'"" • • • Local Agent Tt. smi%th'. --•- •Central -Garage` hncknow On Guaranteed Trust Certificates . A legal investment iu Frust Funds nconditionally 'Guaranteed. - + Tier STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATIONh TsTERLINGT0WElt j) • raioNio- HOLYROOD' a -Mr. and .. Mrs, , , Roger Corrigan ,.pent Monday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs ,}aims Baker. i Mrs. -Wm. Elliott .is visiting, with •fey • son,.. Mr.Ralph Elliott and Mrg. 'aliott of Huron. . Edna Boyle oK Onlliar Mtssr Olive Boyle of Owen Sonia, nurses • in -training spent a -few day's with . 'heir. parents; Mr. and. Mil. Prank' . Royle, •10th ' Concession: Miss Margaret McIntosh and Mr. • Angus MEilntosh spent New Year's at Mr, Jelin McIntosh's at Ciark's. • Mr! 'and Mrs. Richard` Elliott' and (9'614•were New.Year'a day, visiia'rs 1i'ith friends at Cookstown. Mr. and Mrs. Charrles Congram aiid , family visited ' with Mr. and Mts.. ("harles••$heill 'dg Wingsn on Nprr Year's day. • • ' Mix Miller Ackert. Gwendolyn and J x`ck Mrs, W m, Elliott spent Now .Ytai0s day with Mir; and. Mrs. Ralph • h�lliott of Huto.. • • We are. pleaat' to report that lit. tire• •1'tary:l+ou MMtaobonald, who sof- (ot'ed ari. 'atta(k of brbnchtal pneu=, 1 tit;,+f1"