HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-01-09, Page 3et?",
inese Enjoyed
Daylight Saving
• Residents of Shanghai Weed .
Tkerr First ,Experinientt May '-
Continue it Next Year .
„,eletnese Sharighat ett a whole
- Iked the - tirst -experleace witb-
443light saving and it is Cowper.: '
•prieta.ble that it. 'BI- be.usedtt
*gain iteit year: Amopg the unter- , .
wilYileged Chineeret."early to
, lend a3Iy to rise" -is a hahltrather .
i.4han a Motto. Little er.t_no *motet
extent Or them during.ttiReveottiat '
twerk •without frxed schedele .and.
the•fact that:most .of them do not
tittirrt Watches flea:rein theit "opint
'ttet--or dayught saving WJJje th,Oe
•,fare Many pros and cens en Abet',
eject aihong other elessee; ChM-
ieso eahlie bodies :hate decided not
'to Organize • ny. oppesittott tie the
nystem.-ShOpiteepers and assittante
*nci Chinese hougewites, -:ptactle*
titttt eilly a11 f ivhlena • aii,'eAtii titers,
k•.: Om' tlaitight. Winne because it
naves electrieity, •••
•P .14.0
THE, •
• .
.tieeele Who consider that. -wheel).
A. :ugh le a minor, harniltes and •
Pat surprised to learn that the
e Swan Mu•.1
The Boyar ComMiegion, on ito•e,
Has Presented .e Pinnt. tor
a,a• t e r • Asshrtatice • to •
Munlclpalltle,. by the ,
• Provinces
' (.Ne.:11). • „.
• • • Rtght. 1:4O0 as the. Rowell-Sirola
• Report ettitiet to evert., Cepa:dar,.
it is of pitetieulatt Importance to
,ratal•:Ontatiot Not enlY:js: it ,lint
• portant to rural Ontario begente
intPleaten tatter! ' will Mean a
-better Canada, more able- to look
• • ,
after Ito ;elk share of. carry g on
the .War In its uleat, effecti.. e and
efficient ..meziner,.liut it Will nean, •
-t-and this is'an.outgrowth of
sante thing,• -•-a, •stiv,ingin mon
and. ego:in:en the part_ Of 'the coun-. •
try as a ho1e..:.• ' •
ea -we have it•noW,' there
is tremendous " overlapping in the t
conflict between theproyincts .and
the rioMinleig as tit texatioe,:secial.
eervicest and • .other tervices.• Any-
thing that will make this country
of Ours a better run country Is to
,the .good • for eery ene of
Problems for the • Province •
• But Were ,are Particpler-pieb-
leitia which will he de -14i with ranch,
more effectivelyteffeeting -the Stnalit
eiomMunitiest, the :mtinicipalitief$:-.:
the local. institutions, 'if the .Re-
port is' accepted . by the...Dominion
Gerpen T.P300. 11.10*ements in Balkans Watched by
• ii14aSLAVIA, 0
I S-41;1 BLIIi•
„ NiftLES • • tet. ••••• tett
• With: the "vanguard of a new German eXpedition estimated at be,
tweeo 300,000 and 600,000 troops moving across Hungary to Rumania
•(black arrows -4), diplomatic 'sources last week suggeated at Budapest -••
that apetNaati-Germeny--,-was-e-platentlege-attiorr----ag lost T 1(0
-and--the•-provineee---at their - tan and' Greeee (shaded arrow -2) through Bulgaria, or preparing for a
ference *kith starts January .1.4th-; showdown wit)iSoviet Russia (shaded area -•--3) or •.;_,n••strengtheri.:.
• death rater Irma it in Canada note ;Thew are meny local need s leg milttarYt_foreastm Rn_man-m=t-o: ssure- ' • -
exceed '-•--P-c'sit.4•4170111.0-1tatar'r-
• that, according -te public. health out of.' the /taxation. •ef the smell •
litaloritiet, it ma'y .be 'Prevented;
einhtheria, by the thriely tree
--ltieckville. Recorder 'and
.1Iere in ' Canada, in Wartime,
.,.groat Play. to fa vorahle nevistat'the
-ex-et-este:4 anfavtorattle,,----- to Win.'
thetteitr•srei'l....clay et the *pelt:, It.
Is ' by ionaethat it is tile%
defyoL the .newspap.ers to ' !tplay
• up' 'favorable.. .news.• and •
ildwet-tte es -so as to .:bolster
. .
Veblie. m tele" But tsticli••a polity
men:111e leaes, to undermiithig. pub- .
lic, nititale *ten peoele, lose faith •
in the tteithtu lints t'of their mews
totne•e. .
. • • • .
. t ertine :teed :fn.; Notre.
•••• ter greatet. in'oduci . of
certale foiestuii.t.• etpecially. pOth :
•• and ,ila•iry• p rod t 8. Varieus people.
. tetetteely tetteth fa:I-mei-8. to bi-
creasi;'•tiroduetion.. FeWer 'people
tell • the, farmers.11 at; ;to do it,! and
• •,eentain .solt,ent. • .
.-• it is fundamental that farmers
- Itesi-tate tto-tetertse-
• titan if • that p.eogrant :wane they
. -.tine:mese tbeir 'debts:, it is just as
true that conditions
O .• ivnied enconrage farmers' to in-
. ••• prodntion more re pit .
iant.any' inipiraTiottai ttlks."
Nova Scotia can hope fer:_little
• 1rnpr�emthit in farm • produetion.
••-'•un til• • such d fie
euitteT as the , prett.
.• sent tott of :feed 'are removed.
Farmers •weuld welconie •ritore talk
,•',iliont lowering these costs and less •
• • talk about inc,re,asleg prodtc.tient
. • . -.7-Ha1ifat Citroriltle. •
• cominuett1et Which really are 'prob-
lems for the provinces, as a • wbole;
itittateritaqtrtpartWittfirettierctent -
-particularly.• that of the up:eta,
ployecl -emplOyablet, -and the pror
detits •end •. ' provincially
guaranteed .debta,-is. taken from
tt,the.t-shotildeirs-of.'ettie-teo-v-tn •
. 0
they. will be if the Report is
-plementea), -there •-trill'•,,bittgreater
' assistance tothe local Centre t and
municipalities, by• the previece:
Lower,Taxeston Beal Estate "
' Talre the rase of real estate tax-.
estThe taxte-it. property is high, far '
. too .highttEtroperty. tits betne..fer
• . more -than it .ehoUl&. for education.
That has fallen- on the small. pro- :
-Perty: holder itt greeter pitotortion
than It has, on the big' p roperty
eoretnere--With the ca -and -bin -du
Of the prat -lace' Made lighter ttb,e.
province Will be able to Pilo benie-
thieg towards the assistance of. the
smelt property oweee, .rnuch mote
than fis being tdone nowt
. The Report finds nienY 'caste et
glaring .inequittittea, arid also that
real estatetaxeS are far 'too high:
•This is because_thtt. paniticipatities
are beditr. in need • of money and •
. reittoltriatetaxa:tiOn Is one Way of
••the.Report in its generol recom-
- Mendations • and • there cant, help.:
but be an- easing of the butden of
the reel estatetowner. ••-
• : • The Report ,dealing Muni-
paltrevenue-tartth-e country -wit- •
*hole 'finds ,thet••stintettO er• cent •
of' municipal reienule. is• . obtateed '
item reel estate • 'tax. :0
O Burden' Fretri,•Smail Men .'
. The Report •goes On to say "We'
find many !patentee in Iwhich this
' tax, (which for tiie .bnlk of the Popu-
,lation is, the he.atioet paid in. the
• viers!) oitthe year) is twice. as
-*lnucli in relaOon te property ••iitt
• eome, for tesidente of some. areas : •
•ai for those in other areas in the -
same province."
Implement •the.Rewell-Sirole Re-
• , marts and the. :first Stet, .towerdif
lower property laxation is taken.
• 'Anil it is on thetionall man le the •
mktetexunttilties thettttitak bur-
den ,fails. And. remember the heart
Of the it:4mi le this: plate the'
• .burden of taxation an the source
beet' able to pay•ft. • •* '
. Canada will be Llitippier plate,
' & better run .eitintrY if the ItAtott
Is iniplemented. And tberOIs no
one in the whole country. Who
should realize. that better than .the
• Ontario armlet. '
The Book elf
•. By Howard ,SprIng •
• An overwhelming abundance of
Work 'Of a Master •story -teller. Itt
' "My , Seri, gy. Seel'? gr. .S.pting
'gave us one of the best -loved stot-
• •-• les et our time: Th14 new an lahiCt•0
er-novel 'hag an . even richer. Wet.
'tells a more -absorbing tele' ft.giies,
..tus *the; life of a colorful' Bvitish
.tlabor leader (it Might be Ramsay
NPaeltatiald; ,It Plight be any. one .
•- of at-dozeit • etheee----whoematie--• -
maple • for. themseivet in. politics.) .
'and brings' us :op to thetterbulent
• -
year194P. •
' . The hero, Hamer Shawcroeet
• Prodilet of gaticte.ster was:
born to lead: hie, Voice .erts• magic,
a trumpet commanding men upon
• new. crtsticle: Hamel, was bern'
to 'ha Ifilteq:; ..tvolit3i were drawn te.
- him by the staschiatiOn efitie_pretei
mice. :Rut:men and wonien, both,*
lived,• only to serve bin And the
• only' vvay to •Serve 1teinar was t�
serve his .career. , fte Medd of ()tory .
end -Who .kite-ty- a Roping.
• stone upwards.. Beside the story of
Jiis eareer. runs the naValeade,. of
. recent .Englisli h'istory:-,the growth
Net,. Of the Lebo) Party, teetwometiht
O • litifftege „ertutade,' the first world
. Wart the Coronation, the Premises.'
• "e the ' tweittles: and the fetrerlth
liopes and 'Mare ref the thirtlete.•..
• "Fante le the Spur". b koiN- ,
atd"tp Mitt entititt• POI -
:ties & Sons ....Oath. •
Encore Number
. ,
Bethany, Mo., itayin.end
••. King *.lcarted With ,disappoint-
ntent..that it Was a .kirlf WIIOfl he .
lvtitited • boy!", '1'i! go
-*et you saidythe doctor,. ,An
our later King' had his 'sou a
twin. . .
Ontario May Curb
Yule Tree Harvest
Next Year :Cutting: of• Treeit
For Chrlstrient Purposes .May
• • Be Proleibited• •. • '
Premier litt,tt.Hephute is. eritical
of .the 'annual Waste -of dhristnias
trees and. it is quite neseinie that
queen's Perk may take restrictiVe
Seth% It) Cheek the annual Cutting
of trees, or -et 'teat I1zni it t� pre-
vent .tlitting betrend the 'e.hility, Of
the Market to consiiiiim
hlh trees •ateponaiitted and
dietributed at the •Oipettse01 the
4AIIMPtit obtatitt," Said4remier
M. P4. Hephiirn. IlAte have built up
one Of the latteet arid beet eys-
tetne Of tree tier's:Oleo hi tile 'wort&
t do not think that 'We shout& per.
znit the ttees Which have beeu stip,
plied froth bureinreertet, to :pi) etit
(Iowa for cliristnnut' tree ,purnosea
atter Way have attained a bdght of
obs, • or eight .teet,;.titd .1 itittdefiii-
Rely' against the dettruction 'that
haat heentgoing en : years,"
'Flour ito4ks 'in 'Canada in
tOber :this year totalled 1.488,$0'1
iart‘eis compared 'With • 940,50t
barrels th October, 193'0.
--.4r:-t-ri'7.-'744lrit'irt Millitift, n on 'Current EiiiiIXS
1: •.:
Iri a ,dramatic broedeast, • the
first' since his- re-elettio.n, Presit
--dent-RotWetielt lest • week ;stirred
'the democratic world' with the de:
"based on the latest,
and beet inforinetion" •-• that the,
.Axis power§ were "not- going to
win this Wee." At the .same. time,.
Stating' that a Ittitith dft.
'meant that the U;S: 'Would live at
"point 'ot gun!',. he --called elten
his nation to become the "greet
ersepal 'of denietracy"; 'to. -do •tall
it could to support • the nations
'•defending themselves against,:at-.
• tack: by the Axis.
• The ,terivoy question
'Conntry. • The prOblem0 was eer
tain•to become orgeottvery shortly
and upon ite decisionhinged the
entry „Or .non -entry, of the United
States into -.the war, (Before% OnY
' further' ....steps coiild ,Ite • taker:,
however, Congress Would haVe. to
O apprOve _of' the Preeident'e pro-
igramt- ••
' "Next' Ninety -:Days.";
O The belief held by most obser-
vers' ''he,.
,week tees' that 'Hitler
would try. for a knoek-out• blow.
•at • England, seen, ' even before
apting, timing' hit 'tali -out? al -
lack to dome :before the new
.:Aineriean pia could be made ef-
fective; "The next ninety days
• Will 'be •crticial ones 'for England,"
deciat4ed Arthur Putvis, Cana:tide
head ,of the British Purchasing
'Mistion,• in Washington, *Christ-
mas week. • •,
Hitler'* ' 'Counter -Blockade ••
As well .as having to stand
er on gdat-dr against German
tattemptt, Britain was
having to fight hardet• and hard-
'The President'a• Call for -"More
• ships,' more 'guns, Pitire planes, --
more of everything?' for Great
• Britain. tocussed unniediate at-
"tention on proposals to, send' 50.
more destittyers and: some army
Ceirplanes to the titritiih. But mote ,
vital than- these' was the question .
of4_mo1oyipg Vessels-----eof ' -that
,America n navy to convoy ship*,
merit& of material to the Old
. •
:By Fred NOer.
"flow iou tike .it eartect -the side?" •
er • Hitler's ' counter...4's lio'regade
Whiqhf be . carries, Old '14 -ittealln Of.,
submarine, ,a.nd dive,hombers a01
reconnaissan0 planes flying .ofl..
tinuouslY over the shipping lanes•
Other knew, and. the British
knew, that' North -American pro-
duction -of planers, and munitions,
•Upon 'which 'Britain •was_relying,,
°would Mien nothing Unless
eou,14 be made. '• •
• "The Problein for the British',1','
• Wrote correspondent John A...Ste-
• venson, "is to keep dowii the
' weekly losses of shiRping tri a
level which will not' interfere •
seriously with the • flow „of -vital
EirMarimnts• and •war.Materials
frcira :,,North.. America - end
- steady irifit4 •of..,foOdstplfs re-
quired t maintain. the present
• •61 :rationed •sustenance for
population . Obviously
What is -needed, is a 'larger num-
ber,!'of 'effective: escort yyshiph."
Battle of Eire
• The -question of Whether:. Eire,
the only part of the British
• Commonwealth of Nations not
warring •,...sOth •Germany, could
maintain 'her neutrality was • corn -
ng further to the, forefront last
week 'among • the P issues which
may -decide the war's outcome.
„The "Battle of. Eire. Was, On, gtra-
• gefically situated, the ports of
Eire are a prize coveted by both
belligerents: They_nonimand- the-•
O Western apprOaches • , •tia the ..be ,
Seiged isles' of' Great Britain;
and Possession of them would 'en-.
of her seaborne traffie.• On the
contrary, seizure of the 'porta by
far 'Germany to sever ''Atital: ar:
'teries •of Rritidh •ponunerce. •
gliireet ,it.nd Low d'
ittings .o.f the cOnference will be-
heldja camera
• News iwae last week ., -of' the
- -farmation of a Canadian Corps itt'
.-England under the 'eonlinEknd at
Lieutenant - General .A. G..
• IfeNoughten, ',almost simaltane7
ously •with•.word that the eighth
.....:„contingent: ;Of: Canadian .',;troops..
O had arrived safely .
• Batter Prke 'Peg -
? 4 Aaiun of ,the Wzi.rtivie •Prices
and Trade' Board ' fiXhig a
maximum Price f6r butte, during,
-the winter.months o lo* produc-
tion Ynet With. a g-reat deal of
comment and i•-eihai oPposition in
the Dominion last week Chiefly •
a-mOng the'forniers.who demanded '
that a Minimum prie,e 41so be sot,
for theturninir triOnths of . heavy:
production. The Ontario -Cabinet,
. through its • •-fermerj.. tr1e'•013,ers,
asked for a "showdowri"..with Ot;
! Wye .911 the butter price . -peg
sue and on the fixing' Of fatni
• peices. , out Of 1in .With the rising',
eoSts, Of 'Consumer ,goods andof .
production,•The Minister of Ag-
riculture, Mr. Dewan,
consider the Whole' move 0,(butter-.
• price-fixing) •stupld • and •darn;-:
• ;table. •As 'matters .stand*-fprzn-•
drs' are asked to, shb,ulder- an un-
feir sbare of the 'war burden . •
X strongly adVise. fain:xi-a not: to
accept the sitizatiore.without
'0."344?-•ot.4t.,•°:;'•,,•0 00
• ••=y -
and the :1Sed.l'Oross •,401, 444.iu.b., Or.
.Suiaaot eeaniataed. .
-"The work rittivtiteing deeet"' he,
•--edded, tle I tlie fietpre f iteging
the:. machine. Its Present gaPacit
of 100 quarts e week eatulte dent-
tedtby addinganother cemeet. D. •• -
'0C; *Fit "Beet. IS in charge, Of_tba
.. TM- present gutPut- of th@ ma-
,elaiee,, a powder which '.18,m4ted • •
.with Water • and.. thexi- .used • ala
O bite:4 trapefusien, is beteg .direetlyt
, requisitioned by the -departnteot ef .
defence ;and sent, to 'clet
stroyers, ;flying fields. and other.
'hein.t.4 where taptieltiet-may•be Ot-'s•
O beeted,, he • `said; • '
. Tte. etreduetton . of' .poWdered
• „tileoil will be eeetinitedihvalume•.'
. after .the war': beeitise Jr allows
even' the beekwoOds , hospital to. '
:.have, its ciwo treesfu•
sleps ate-aye...ready torany teMerg-
etitY,'.sey 'authorities.
.One,huridred quarts.Of blood are
bethg,tUrned into Powder far treat-
ing:war cases. every Week at the
itnnonneed by Dt. Yl..poiandt of
•the. 'physiologicalhygiene.: depart-.
Ment in ..a:„.paper, toiad'at•the' Oirist. •
inas.'ineeting of' the: laboratory sec-,
• asseeiation; • ' ;
0.C4R;MZS PR011 800,DO-NORSt.-;
•The bloOd; which eolt es Ira)* 800 •
-.donors enfTlied ,132.7 the Canadian,
7 Red ',G-toett'' is evaporated into
...Powder form., in a $5,000 "ivieunin
the-ntifVerticif -
the department OtaatiOnai defence
A h.eightening of tension in
Rueso-GerMenielations high-
. lighted. the Week's- War .iiews.*The
Balkan-. situation appeared to be
-rapidbtcomingmtb-1-t head 1-61 ow-
, ing reports' of hundre.deOf thous:.
and -Of Nazi troops moving into..
1B14garia; of ,a Geri -nazi divisien::
.:arriving in Alhania;,ef hundreds
:of thousands of .Soviet troeq:is .
inasoed along the'. Bessbarabian__-
..froticr.,of Eurnania. A dramatic
move by 1ssia • to: 'seize the
O mouths of the Danube or the Dar-
danelles vies-• ,believed quite pos-
sible . Turkey, Yugoslavia, and
Bulgaria , chiefly ,.Bulgaria.,
Whose :King- continued'stand
firin against ,the, Axis had bad .
eases of the jitters; But the •main
;German effort . was still thought •
to ,be concentrating in thd west,
ittith an attack .on -Britain .top -0,.
Most on the agenda. •.
* • *
Diplomatic Defeat
, In the Far East, apin suffer-
ed an important, •diplomatic' de -
O feaktit its attempt to effeet.more
'friendly- relations-with-Ressia
When Moscow refused to: make
• premanent the teniporary agree-
ment Over lap fishing eoricessiops'
off the Siberian toast.wFurther,
the Sovietto.tacceht. the -
new • order, in China implied net
• Only: continuance of inilitaiy as-,
tistancet:te ._Chiang tiai-Shek and
•co-operation With 'the: United:
Stetta in •Far East pitlity, but it
meant that ...ratan Weill& be' un-
able to relax yigilaece . on the
traiithoukuan frontier' or to Push •
• southward too aggressively..
Changes Cominee in Pacific
Meanwhile China rushed, Plans
•'fer whateappeared to be an early;
Offensive against Japanese forces
stationed in. the Yangtze `Valley,
• Which would' Make' impossible the' .
transference Of any large number
Japanese tittept 'f�r a south-
ern driVe.-, The New Yetle Timeet-•
correspondent in Manilla Iasi
week foresaw definite .extension
ofEuropean watfare to the Pa- •
O cific fdllowing intensification of*
'German, activities (Surface raid-
ers,'etc.) against 'Biltish and other
•anti -Axis shipping , there. • Fre .
Predicted immense chieges in: the
• Far Fast by .February at the lat-
est, ,
O • The Week at Home '
O Mime Minister Kihg wiil open
the :Dorninion-ProVincial confer-
ence Jsenuary itt at, Ottetv‘with
ta general statement of the Do-
• minion'i attitude to the rec,ont-
*Iodations of the Rotten -Si -reit
Coimnittion, dealing in,
session wi,th the relation of these
recortimend•ations to warthne and
Post-war conditions in Canada.
• The provititial preetiers will then
• be called upon:to give their views,
also in public, following which all. , The. finnnal'Oenera:1 Meeting of
Your pao'st
Valyable Eitergy
Total -Assets $9$5,000,000 Current; Loani in Canada In-
creased; $17;000,000 Profits,Mederately Lower After,
Largely increased 'Mies,: 4 • ' .
. The Annual Balance $beet'and
Profit and 'Lose Account • of The
- -Royal .Bairk'of-Cariada tor„ -the yeor
ending sIoveniber. 30, •.1940, ..ias• •
tseued..te ..shareholders. • '
h. -the -ex) erience-nt -
'Canadian 7'h,a1.1ks,.. assets show te
Moderate. , decrease as •zomtared
,. with the,pteviou Year.
" Canadian Deposits:. Up .
' Total. 'dePosits amount 'to 052;
000,900 In the previous Year, The• •
difference 'is acceutited Per mainly.,
at_ rethiction.toft_420,000000t
balanc:es .doe to the Doroinion Gov-
ternment and a decrease Of .$48,000,- •
•{100 in. depoeitt outside Canada; -
Canadian "public ,deposits actuall'.
increased $20,600,000.-
• .!Curretsta Loans increased.
The:greatly increased volume of
business t'now 'being tratiacted
• throughout Canada is reflected,in
an increese. In commercial loans of
s11,0g0,000. Loans outside Canada
haTeTheett •redaced .$1.0,000,000. '
• Strong: Pquid ,PoditIon •
•.0.a.sh balances show practically
nO egange as ,Compared with. the
previous year. Bankbalances ited
Hilzkitestyincit• slts,abevi- model -4 •Ire tet
,tions but total immediatelterealizt•
, able essets• enitrant to $585;00(t,00'
• Which repretents 64.5% IA the to-
le liabilities to the publiet
•• Profit and Less Account .
• 'A feet -Pie of the profitand Lose
AtcOunt is an tedrease -in tome:
wintated With the previouti . year
. of appittaintately $6/0,000 after
providing , for, w•hiel and 'making
' appropriationsto. dotitingeney Ret
•• Neil% out provialen for
'all bad and doubtful debts ,,.hae,
' been Made, •net."Prelits ainOunt to
43,526,594. This is a moderate 'de-
crease as wet:Pared with the'pre-
: vions year.- $2,00,000 was Alexi-
bitted In dividends, Contributions
to the Petition Fund Society were
. inereased to $325,000, and. • an •
ainowtof.$300,060 was written .off '
.Baiit?reniise0 Account,' as aom;••
pared with $2505000 ,in the preced-
,itig yeal-.. The ;balaiie; of 'Profit and
• Loss •Accennt carried forward
amounted • to , ;3,198,146, an in-
crease of $101 8D4 -
• ,
:the sta,reholders will. be .he.fd' at
• the Head:Office,. Of ibe. bank at
eleven at. on January 9, 1941.
Profit nd Loss •Aeootin't •figuyee•
Compare withthe previous year tt :
. • ,
TEAR ENDED N, 10970iflIER 30th.
Profits ..;',... '3,520,894 $3,71217,0142
• . 'S •
DivIdends . , • 0.,800,000 2,800,000
' 706,894 -7-..q-'1414-2
O Pension Fund .. 325,000 0, 300,004
Bank "PremiSes 3-.00,000 250,000
• -10-1,-894 - 37'4784-2 -
Prev. Balance . 3,096,25:2 2,721,410.
O Carried. forvrard 3,198,1-06 3.096,252 '
After providing for Dominion
end PrOvinciall Government tax-
es,rand after making appropria.„-
tiOns to .Contingeney ReserVes
O out 'of which ,Reserves Provision
• • for all.Bad andpou.btful Debts
has been made. . ' •
O Balance, Sheet figures 'for the,
• year ending November 3eth• cem- •
pare •as
1040 1030
' capita) Stock 35,000,000 35.000,000
• Reserve Fund 20;000,000 20:.000,000
O P. & 1.4.13a1anee 3,198,146 3096,252
Div.13Idends' , 729,000 716,674.
,Gov: -,63:-2074-62.71,7 040,1017,411
Pro . Gov. Dep. 15,065,375 8.602,004
O Deposits -Can. ;609,203,083 589.048,317 •
• Deposits.;Por'n 195.403,465 243,348.900
' Due to banks '12,263,507 30,262.472 •
-Notes in Circ. 5.103,351 20.028,238 -
'Letters of Cred. 18,003.678 17.042;135
O Other. Liebe. • 1,137,954' 75,834
. 955 570 326 1,014,708.343
, . 0AssETs •
• • 1940 loan •
• Notes and dep. • . -
-Barrk Ot Can, 82,70-85;687 7.7,S03,V43-- '
.Other. cash and, 4
Bank' Bal, 124,504,705 15030,34Z
born, & Prov. • 0
' •
'Govt. Secs. "11,833,109 315,435,430
Municipal and
Other Secs. 48,891.727 72.232,408
Call Lbatis *-;.: 17,636.183 25.151,1431 '
Loan 0 Canada 231,234,467. 215,321,154
;..oans to Prov.
._ Govt. 990,795 1.573 75
Loans to cities,. .•
tciwnS, mon. .
& schpol. dis- .• ; • •
ticts 18,874.5\9i 20.392.396
• Latina 'Forei7.9'4
gn. 77.3:4 875
' Bank Prem. &
nem t state 11,273,131,- 17,652,455 •
Letters of Crecl..18,403,619 '1'7,04'2;135
Otheil ,Assets 5,452,855 5.547,485 .
" .
15-5,5170;326 1,11.14,708.341:
e'rri510/4' .STUDY MY
NOW Fart THE 4/4
some ,coRRecr!
Elottnebe MONTANA
'MA'AM? % bt4N0,,,
rpAvio is 6:11t,rkt,
YOU' ".
if 9