HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-01-02, Page 6Rats etsroy Valuable Foo .Lotta Frem Pests Britain -• Set. at £49i000,0110 Per Year • Lord Woolton British minister 40c . severer „new.,;An4 - .RoUrteemetits• of.interest to every Bitsh'1,abuaewife recently. • : • More eliecolate and caodi4alare •tliti?e ,alloCated 40, the Public, the ininistrY sai& and „less, ‘,3111 go, to the •lighting,,..services..... • Onthe ' Other hand, :.there if. to be no.dipe.';',.' ,oci41 'sugar ..alloWtinee, for "the: de-- OfeStic. -ManufaCture • Of -Marital- gide And :housewives :who: last 'Year 'wer granted • an octrii7.-rat 4 fer this „pUrpoSe„. will have •, to do withont.:it .this yoar. TO, -EXTERMINATE '.Wcolton .said there Is:pie* of mill; 'and bread:and iz no' case,, 'even .fellav,,,ing ''• a :Serious .honah- "Mg of .,a town Or city,has' the supPi# this;' .he Said, was. mally 'thanks to the co-operation 4:0. the distributors and the .Fina1y, „ We olton.. warn e"d againSt ,Againit the he said, was waS destroYing ,as flitch as 140,0004,Q00.Worth Of food per year. A , campaign' :to persuade; PP9p1e to 'kill rats Will ,be started seion,• he said, •and if . the people P.an't 'ftii1Uactedth°11 we-shaLLI require theni.to •kal"the rats, he added. But Eggs Scarce Members; of Signalling Crew at an* • • 'Bordon..Seml , 'Scrambled'', Messages; With plenty ef *snow on the 'countryside, Canada's Soldiers are already: into 'the full swing' , their winter training. .1'his photograph; taken at Camp Borden, shws a signallMe• crew ttsing a "Fuller Erner. geney ,Field Telephone". The messages from this ingenious .inst.rthrieht cermet be tapped because they are A-cra--nfbledra-rth-e---,re-c-ert4rrge-o-cthnk-nnt • - • 'bible for th .ewire-tapper to gleam the slightest bit .'ofinformation. • Latter Apparently ;re Ifii'orth • Their Weight in 'Gold Accord. Ing to 'English Women Arch/- • , 6 :ing, Here , • ' , . . • •.-13,aeciti 'front.' Canada .1s. pleasing •-• Alia Engilin palate. •! but . the ether • .nhalf-' of theinseparable breakfast qembiriation' is. Mighty seatee .at ,Alse Britian. 'tableje• gcc rding,L_ to housewives:- arriving in an, .;east Canadiancoast Port'. frOni, Britain: •"Eggs are 'Worth; their. *eight itt • ,gold," declared. -ofie woman who . •• reaMe :here. Another said she had: not seen' An ,egg 'for Weeks. A third • clafitied,:egga. were:_aliziost-IMpea-_); to •huyT•ntileha'one kneiv.. a • 4Atinerli ''''OftOBABtt HELD IN STORAGE ••. _Told. that, Canada 'had this_ Srear_. eggs: to the United Kingdom, • • against a•' normal ,,yeer'„0 'export of 1;606,006 dOten, • they .hazarded .a guoas ti:flit the Biltiali• Ministry of, Food was irobablyTholding the storage.• • • •• ew .3asper Manager. Cutn:ey, icirmerly 'il.Stifie Manage. And Credit 11an-'- agr the Chateau Laurier o - tel, . Ottawa; Ont.,-; 'whose .appei t- ment;as Mainag,,er pf the Canadian ' National Railways' Jasper •Pail Ledge in the FeUes. isnouiic edif 3 Van ,Wyek,. Qatari:it Man b - ; of, Hotela for tire NatiOnat • Systein. ,• New Market For Peat Moss , 'Ontario Is Now Able' :to Sell. PrOdUcts. •of ',Bog; 'to 1j. S. • Floeistg and dar.deriert . A new andgreaterMarliet for- , „., ••.,"•;0rl 1:,ttao peat moss among florists •and gardeners .in the 'United States, '• has 'opened no 'beeatese war eondi- tiOns prevent its itoporiation 'from Russia, Scandinavia. AO the ithl- tie States + otiy.s ctrAstran •,enee Monitor, • - Producers explain that floridts,' gardeners- and horticulturists • , the &at to itnprOve the seil. as Well •• 9",3" for packing roses and hottionse • plants, Its 11Se is fairly extensiVe • in the Vtilted,States. tanadefs, i)etit, bogs 'cover a • 000 84-Oat:et/tile area. Peat togs are "found eh many' parts of On. tn 10Particnianti t the Milikolta; • district, and ase 4,006 aorea. in the Welland area. It is understood ' ,that interestS hi thertnited •Stitet ate • pressing for development and expansion of the. WeRand beg to • Meet the Increased .deinanda, W BY A•Nrs..E. ASH,LEY, t ,.How 'can 1 tighten a• lease Chaim, rang? •: •A itemaye the rung, shghtly split 'the: ends, itSert very; altar.- • wooden Wedges,. and then drive , the rung 661o1nto place.' • Q.:How can I make a good staWayd nickel PoliShit • *: A. "..MiX A. 'tablespoon of tur- pentine, 1 tablespoonful of tweet oil,. tind eziongh emery powder to the consistency of ereani...ApPly, ; :with a soft rag, then; wipe off, ,and :polish With a • 'dry flannel -Cloth. Q.HQw can keel) the plants .in 'a harighibaSket 'watered, with.; but danger: of dripping'* • ' • A. Fitt • the-l•PorOns 'cup. from a discarded wet-batterycell itt the center (4 the hingiughasket, fill it with water, and it will seep . !through, •supplying the necessary moisture without danger, of drip - •ping. water. . : • Q. How can' I So much, toOping when Using .the dustpan? ;-A. Bend the. hollow tin handle of the 4Iustpan to a rightangle, • and. insert an old broom handle..., ' Q.: How can• I stiffen.• a rug. that ..peraists in wrinkling? gteat-- : tient: Dissolve 1. -part of conimon • • glue- in -40 -paria of, warm water. Hang the rug , over a , pole.. and paint the Wrong aide of it tvith a paint brifili dipped in the so- lution. Use the .sehition sparing, ' TY •or it may, • soak „thrOugh and stow •tin the surface. ,This debt- ' nient should be done the yard, where the rug will, dry quickly,' • Frelan Wilford, world. * eat king in 1933, now goes •fer raising. champion hogs. He has become a :member% of the beard )-of, directors of the Alberta $wrne- Breedere7.asso'ciation and :in " recent show in Calgary took One first place arid four other prizes •with. his entries.; ,select bacon types. " J44+-. ••••••••-•-••• • •••:.,,..10 • hut.Sciencei Is :t 4.4 e-ee*a Cd WIDEN. VIEW. IOF . I:nil:VERSE • out, • of : reach' years .age" haye , h7eii.? brought ,within range : by ;newly deveroped, las. .-SeVeral stars haVe-heen added- )to those kiiewn to be among ine.".- • nearest peighberk ,.• of the two of W,bieh 'give out less than one-tenth thousandth part of the ligh4 • • . • • 0 SUNLIGHT -AND VITA1VIIN C Vitamin b may be pi-Q.:bleed by sunlight the seine .v, -ay that radiation produces yitaMin • IndiOated by an analysis of •'tonfato • Plants! . vitamin - content when kept,under,N,ar-lablie--tondi--; • tons of sunlight. When the plants 'were removed frinn the Sunlight the vitamin .0 content ehOwntl-a: . remarkable decrease in quantity, and When they were returned to , the, light the quantity Increased; Moderll _Etiquette_ • BY ROBERT4 LEE .-404-•-••••-•-•-•-•-•44,-••••-1,41-04,-*-04-••••• al:' Shouid who - walk- ing with a Woman , carry ,her pat kages ? • •2. •,;13/hen a 'Man and a girl are • (landing, and another man wishe to "cut in," is it perthissable fo either the girl or her- partner to refuse? - 3. Is itall. right br Lhhest' t� carve , at thetable,, when the , dinner is informal? . • . 4. ' if one Were introdueing, •a Woman to th.e'. president or ruler • of some country, ehouldn't she be presetted to him . • k 5. . What ,doe i it, indicate when I, perscn is gonstantly criticizing , members „1;)f •• his , family, when tallang to friends and acquain:. tepees? • • 6.. Should the watt 'grass be to the brim? Answers- • I. Yes, if the packages are 'of • cOnaiderible size. • If the papk- ages fire insignifIcant in size, a few.spools of thread, a'tube of otitapaste, Or a library 'bOolc, it .is iiot. ileCeSSary. , 3. It it ex- tremely rOde to do so, and 4erY embarrassing to the; other niari, 3. Xe; 4 Yds; in stich basei the woman is ',presented to the man, • 5, Ill -breeding 14 the only ' answer. 6, No; twe.thirds full - is stifficient:' • • ,. '• , „4t Renton,..'Artg„,,Villiany Den- ton declares a •• young eoyoto: chased his '46-Pound-gobb1er . one night and they erashed and bilrst oPert a • c.,whet-lilled .fropietaent shed, 'both,Lbeing„ buried alive hi tha to.140 gam NEW WAY.TO MAO :HELIUM Cecil T. Lane, assistant, in physics at, Yale University4nd former : student and, member of the staff at MeGill ',University, is reported to have built a 'ma- chine .vithich cuts both the time ',and cost:of mantifacture :cf liquid helitim down /to a fraction 'of the former time and .cost.: physicisib•• Just - weak: contnient,ed that the man'uf:acteire •of liquid helium was a ,diffiquit Process as helituri gas liquefies'. at four degrees.above anoJtitezer . 'the point at* which all, atoinic ac - tion Ceases.',, 0-49-•-4.4/e,•• • 11.46.,..• '• 44;741,47.•-•7d7.;.; ": •git' 0-04 . • • •• • •• . • .ore .Vitamins in." 14,4hsige Wheat Bread • 'No; .orie measure could do' so. , and vigor. • in, IN'arLitte as , the ' provisibri ef greater vita.rniri con - ...tent' in , breed,: Dr.' Frederik T. Vadell, nutrition expert, tdid. the .) Health League Canada. i t a recent 'addl....* at :Toronto. Tlie:7131-iffish governitent—last July took Steps fa supPlement the amount' of vitamin • Br in all ' bread. , action• is beipg. considered. in the ',Ind. Work in this field rs now .being done at at :OttaWa. r . "In Canada We. have discove:.; ed in the laSt few years that, most of the Vitamin content Of our grains. goes fito' :the animal, troughs," Dr. Tisdall, 'The heaviest Vitamin- content of .grain • is in the parts discarded in the • refining of White bread flour, he • explained. • COMBATS NERVOUSNESS • "We used 'to. think _that..30.0_111,. ternatiOnal units ,ef vitamin B1 • • was a sufflOient daily supply but --we believe 500 •unitSo-are 'needed. Persons ' receiving 300 ,tinits • get along. allright, but that if • this is cut' to 250 units the amine people 1Pecerne morose and fretful," 'he said. Reducing. the amount below that figureactu- ally redueed subjects of experi..7 • inents to a state where they, be- oarnehighly liervons and • afraid, , he , declared.. , . • • • • •,.The simplest way to . derive the . full • vitamin l'adv'antagbs from bread. to eat, Whol‘ wheat bread, the doctor Said; but "added '"yeiu •can't inake • people eat what they • 711vret e slid intis u ug Iite brown bread'' '`A , white flenr can he pro:. duced whW ich:wvary Very 'little . _,from_crp.re's,ent, white4lour., yet.' . contain the needed • vitamina,'.! Dr. Tisdall added': ; • • • Lists Favorite - Bathtub- Songs -Nelson Eddy 1\latnes the Ten .Best ballade, For, klife •Whil* Bathing • „ •• • „Nolano „la Otte .a . and he: rprobahly right„ in fia)1..t tligt_ due thing the, world. needs: ' Plenty of Apt now is good snap -74 particularlyi for, .hathtuih use, the, Stratford. Beaeoa!lierald., He has emaMed:a 'fist Of 10 -best songi . . . , , 'for-liathrocan bellowing, Here.. they. in the ',order. Selected:. "„The ' Amid' .te. •Mandaley."...."Sweet Me - line Aiu the.' Captain of >the" Pinafore," \Testi la Olubbao Iron' ,,•Verdra °perk: , • kern „Itoesini'a,,.."13.arber of . Seville," 'the second Verse Of. '''The Banter„" (tor, Can- adians, wet-veil:1d .Siiggest , the,: .sec:. :*Mid yerie of "OodSive .the „Eine , .which probably :not . 'one 'Britisher , in 16(7,000 kneWs), 'any.,good college. Song,. "'Drink to •Me. Only' With • Eye.," "The • •Prisoner's 'Song," -.-""Ah; Sweet 1Veystery of„. Ltfe:and "I'll • See,":Y.eu Aggin,"• 'from' "Bitteraweet,"..whielr'.1s, how - ;ever, a "p,Iiig"- !Or his.next -picture. :V.•>.That'Asn't,,a bad. list, bit for fof -the aVerage man "Vestl 1 Giuhha" is not familiar enOugh;I:filthetigh: the . soh iii.the voice that cornea. •,in the • last ,.1,1ne Would ..be haul.' for :the man Who soap in his eyes. 7. For thm-eFfersurerrITaltrer;---, dealing with the SPot between the : shoulder blades and the sina11 of b a ekr..,Etin,le-tol'ite-rOnlyti • admirable. • • , '1 . ',Foy -,A ,:gOod vtgerous rub, hew. ,..e.ver, we east): ,Vote oft '"There'll. • •• Ale-ays Be An England " ' - • Arctic Air Lines Seen by Explorer „ 'In the not too distant future ° the Polar regions will be criss- crossed 'by air lines: linking Eur- ope, America and Asia, according to • Vilhjahnur Stefaiiisop-; noted eana-dian exploret-of the-Areti, who flew 'from' Mgditonten • to ontreal' • by Trans -Canada. 'Air Linei, after. a month in Alaska, oh • his .WaY back, to New York. ' -On the 'year's ,average; Wittclitions in the_Arcti,c4ale-bet,„- er thaii 'these of the--Nertr-AT lantic, he . Said. „ -......••••••••9••••.1.••!•lr,:a..sr•a-,41-67 44. The big touring car -sloWed to , wba a:1.1..rpdan;w:ldrti !raj ti vge r aeyx. "Look at Rip • Van Winklel". eXclainiod the `Smart aleert'lof the, par"CV "Say, Grandpa, did. you ye:r;rrideilo y. an Ita anroinwcbilli?L ,s1et d y; Anton -labile, too a five -wheeled • • • ."Oood for ,you! . but w» the •• •••-filth wheel ?" • ' • ! "To ste.ei with antartY. : - Gid - .410;1' Buck." •—PI- • very, 'very. tibtleas, ' German aUks, on entering ,a .friend'‘ house for dinnei,' • -41),Vhere.ti'Fictot° '" • • ••:' ' —Toronto Star, • mat 'who had a fight. with. his wife sent. for a doctor to treat :his face; which was badly bruised and •Scratche_d. After treating the . ' 'man; . the doctor turned to the, wife, and .:sald, "I should •madath in, at you'd be •ashamed to-Ateat your hnsband• so .---; your , hosbariA.,Who is. the heed of .the , family,' • "h.ain't wioniaii 'got right 'to • scratch her :own head?"' . Increati In .c.. evenues • . Net revenue of $5,52,1,224 for • the -month of November -and. of . $38,733•;$01 for .th e • eleven months pericd;, January. to ;NU- vember inclusive,L is_sheatt. in the Monthly..statement , of operatiug „ revenues, operating expenses cand,• net revenue of the CanadiaolNa:. tienal Railways - tem , issued at headquarters re- ' Operating ..revenues ,were 3-8-9;448---in-Wevembes—of this year • arid •operating expenses $16;865,224, :There. -was an •,• • cxelt4e` in net .1*-0'rentle 'of $540;4. .620 kir:. the month over tlfat Of .. last year. .. • .. • ; • • For the eleven . months of: the "resent year, 'ciPerating revenues - 'Were „-$223,,790,118, ", an. increase of $39,010,549 over the ; eorres; .P.Ondirig :period of last year. .0P..:T erating exPenseS up to Noveinbeg . ao, of this 'Year were $185,056k+ •'557, . an increase of $17,36.3,40V „over the- .slinilar period of 19.39;e: The net revenue of $38,733,861. • for the 'ffist• eleven months; of • 1940 represents.' an inereaae of Sgi,1353,056,_over the :corresnond- in'g period of 1939. ..e.gest fl ,'Houie,Heating: ••• • • e, • -7 ov .1nre, ;beech, oak and hickory are 'among .. 'the ,best . .Canadian ..Woods' for.„. . any one of them ' znateiy equal, in. heating .4.italue.to one . tarr:Of ahthrs.cite:. coal; Re- gadless . what 'wood Is 'Osect„ it .Sho.uld be)::.As:, dry possible': •for not only .does ,Wet weobl' give *•.' Ont. less. heat:than.. 'dry Wood, but:: it, is also apt to . pau.ae"' fouling ,of . the prpes.:. ror reason . • wfs.d. seasoned :.for..;lesa.. than.. one .• year should •not he , and .to achieve .the best. ;results wood.- .shOnid be cut 'IntO 'sifitable'lengtha, ..for the 'stove, or2fOrnaCe ag.soon as-possibles:4,02_pormit: :111W. most thryosigh, Seasoning. • _ • • . • "How • nicely yciu • .have. Made Your. bed,. sonny,", said. his matter • one Morning. , haven't 'made it,' he re., • Plied.' "I gotmit of _it care- fully."-, ' • Deputy Clerk -• ,Depew,, :Canton, Ohlo,• :Vas-registeringtn alien' who ec,tild . neither read nor , wrrte. ' • • , : "0:d your X., right •there," he 'said, indicating .4the, ,dotted line with an index' Anger.• "Oh sure "said tjeaerreg istrant,. and *ipalekly drew. an • '4. On.„ DeteW"a„ fingerrit,i1, ' • ' °Why' was the period , be. , tween A.D. 500 and A13. 1200' knownas _the Dark clays of knights'' • Canadian National Railways Revenues • Th6.gross. revendes a the ail- , •inclusive Canadian National Rail-' :was System for the week 'end- • ing. December 14, 1910, Were: $5,349,721 as cOmpared With 14,290,358 • for the 'corresponding. period of 1939, an in, • crease ,cif. .81,059,363 • or 24:7'"c Pat" said the .magit, trate sYnipatheticaNy' to ) at ...old. ,offencieT,. "'ssYhat brought .vOEu • here. again?" .."Twe pOlicelffert, so.rr," was ,thes' laconic rply.. , • ' • • .'"Drunki •I 'suppose?" queed ;the Magistrate: , • • '"Yes,.60.1t," said Pat, without ... relaxing .a• muscle, .-„"betif "•• of 'thgM:':' • . • • . • 'Fish can hear, • distinguish 'be., ' Aween eofeurs„, 4n.d makea nOUp .Wheit 'theydat, • '• • More Fast- Trains On. This Continent , . - Railroad passenger serviCe "S(lanada --and the United :•Statcs . is nincb faster :than; it Was a year -age, according to. the annual trum • .schedule :.Survey ,:coMpleted' 'and made . public' 'by Railroad This study shows that separate runt, dail'y at an' avera ' ilig theyear ec/ .- tephi en Of ' reading, it ,is pointed 041 .arily due to. the :general iis ment inter -city servie' /T ther 'than: to a epettacular- Speed- up oil any one system. • ";),Tpw; • .CLA •AGENTSWANTED . LOCAL, MAN - GOOD PAY NV.EEE• .,- ly. Fall or spare time. Book orders • for Canada's finest trees, plants. • Exp.erlence unnecessary. •Sales out- fit free. E. D. SMITHS NURSER- IES, whiona, Ont. . .AGENTSMON., • BOYS. $,5.09 ‘VILL • start Yon.in .business, Particulars • free. Sample 25c. Amszing. profits.' ' •Northern Sales, Val clOr, Quebec,' • • Box 919: "• • . ' .Aulroptopv.io PARTs J.on .opeottruSrtis' WE.. •COACH FUR GU VE I tNMENT • positions on deferred payment, *.. paying; after •apphintoient... :List or opegiings, • particulars' free.. Rodd Training-- School; 562 Burrow's,. • Winnipeg, Man. • • '..1,Etax, .i. N. LINI)SAY, w , 'it� Theatre Building, St'. Thomas, 'Ontario., SpecialDepartment :for• . farmers collections. , • MEIDIVAL ••••'' Some CanAdians Are Promoted From The Ranks Om and Tractor Tarts NEW, ANI) LTSED AT LOWL:ST prices. Used eleetrie motars all sites. 'Satisfaction or money re- . funded. General Auto Supply, Kit - .C11 eirer • MAICE 'SURE O1t1-1E QUALITI.T., • ofkotir chicks before placing yet:1r •. order for 1941. 1941. nriaden chicks are E good .chicits frOna Gomernmeot . •.A.pprovedblood-tested breeders. Send for carlY price list, also old- , et puliets,..flaOtt Electric chick' . Hatchery Limited, Paden, Ontario, HUNDRElp OF .Ct-STOMERS ARE • ,writing us•about the-sixece4s.they hail with .their, 194n. Top 'Notch.' Chicks., Before' you ordser for...19:11 investigate- the profit ritatilnq nt- • iiit ,f ,Top. Notch Chicks-. Free •• ,e t a-1 ogti e, 'also Toi? • .Noteli.Chickeries, ltue li, Ont!trio. • . . HERE„AllE THE•VHICICa4 YOt AND ' 1941 have beet) looking fonRig ger, husKiel, from strong7, 4 er, 'blood -rested breeding Buy these better- chleks from. Tweddle at.prias yeti' can c4car1e: betteve possible:. • Never more your money than Twedcl nes• • 1941 Chicks. Big itioneY, saving. , discounts for carly,order and early ,Betivery of tweddie: chicks, •Free catahigue. Also' older •pulleti'. • Tweddle 'Chick Hatcheries Limit- ed, Fergus,. Ontario. qt. VLAN NOW 'FOR 1041 POL'Ltilr profits. With . 13ray Phick s. They're the StandbY and the chick buy -word for thousands Of repeat destoniers.. Started •ellicks tabte. "Order- --tittrsoldt-' tn. advance:. Write for Daily Specials and. Cat- megliespecial re& January2-44*res• thtek Gtiardi. Nvefte''' for particti.;' !ars- nray litttehbry,. 1;11.7 'John North.;' .14anijiton. 9 DEALERS' WANTEDA nrs-ramt.IS 200 EA.M/LEN NE.1'- eSsitie3 fr011i door to door. There _ Is a big deinond for toilet a'rtieies, Diottlelnesi • atilitenkark TI-arotitittets,.• '-'-erelifrovs. et*. Sell. tor. guaranteed' satisfaction or rrintrek, refuriaed Reap profits with your first saita. Incroase your 'tat or euatomers• every day. Try 'Chia fudobendent bAntineaa Without 111 -SIC., rfrtt'DE-- TAILS, i'4OffIrtitinihate With (4. cieorae. tele st.• element Sirefit, moot teat • • Gen. Mael‘s4iighton, ehief :1;1 the Canadian forces it Englaud, inspeCtS bidets at a Canadian offider tfaining patty,' These 'men are afl from the raliks • and were 'elected to take the 'course to beconte 'officers, • •", •• ' • alATISat SltIFF EDIElitt4 - PEOPLE ARE' TALKING' A.13()Vr•. ' .'the good results from ititing. • on's iteme..dy for Mum.it, title Pt.itto ' and N.c,uTitis.. Munro',8 Drug ,.• storp, 325,• .Ottawa. Thia•V , ,pelid ' , • •. , • SAW FIRST. CLASS Sill NOLES. • Build Shingle 3111.1. cost. ' Starnpecr'envelope,'for ,particulars. ' • L Lundy, NeW S,arepta. Alberta. . , „IT'S EXCELLENT, REAL RESULTS, after- taking Dixon's Remedy for • •... Rheum a tie Pains and Neuritis, •.Monro'S Dritg Store, 325 Elgln," • OttaWa'..1:•ostpaid.4.$1;09. • ONSTITATION, STOMACH'TROTJR- • les ,pleasantly relieved., .1-Doed• - purifier and tonle. ' Many testi- "menials. Month treatMent Si Pest - paid. Estab. 192e: Herb -atone' Pro-. •.uvts, Sub; 23, Edmonton, Alta. _ . O. L DI; N HEALING OIL A" proven remedy foNskin alltnento.. • Obstinate cases of eczema com- pletely relieved. Try this. home treatment., A trial will convince. ..$ix OlItibe bottle -mailed, One.Dol- Jar . Dr, W. Prico, .67 Carlton St,. ' Toronto. , S T 0 P. .st-FFEnr CA,N0111t, Rheuttfralsm, Paralysis, 'COnsuM.11- tion, Heart Trouble. other rill. . monis relieved. Psiticulars stamp.- . p4 •opvolovr-... T.Iox 103. Eamboton. • N.OVELTIES• RARGAIN! • $15.90 DOUBLE -CUT- . outing Elertrie-,ShaverS,„onlv $4.9g PeStOatd. Empire Novelties..Peter-' horo, Ontario. . : • oieFEtt TO iNVir•INTotts; AN OFFER .TO EVEEtY . INVENTOR - 1,i,st of Inventions and' full infdr. nation sent free. 'the Ftainsay Co:, ' ' Registered, Patent. Attorneys,•273 . 'Bank 44treet. Ottawa, Canada. • st;PERF(...t.1.)us 8 A4 R SAFELY, orivatety remOved, ,,'Faee, 'Arms, begsi-filreatineryt $290. -postpaid. P1aln, wrapper. Guaranteed td roots with one application. canadion Chemistry Co, Wilkie, Sask.. 10it'EAIIIJ $4WMIIAJ, lode. porttk,ble •sawmiii yours.lf. (1E'' Xi' PLANS. BCII,I) itoNfd_ rietion feed. Small cost. Details statno, Frank ,t-libson, Cooking bertaz- ' ' - ' .1 Pt s 4FREE RANGE PELLE:TS, CA811 IN •/IOW en the high egg nricea, We have several 'real cholee punka and pullets lust teatly to • laY.• Tweddle 'Chick Itateliprie!t Limited, perglis, • SKATING OLTVITS • ; • SEATING TFITS, NEA" YOUTHS ,$2.85; Adults, s3.20; neeruidttioneu, ' $2,36. •32.85..Se,nd niOn'ey Order plus 20C . postage. Sport Centre, King .*S.s.- , East Ave,, H,amilton; ST A 151' • • • ---- \r:iivttEn STAM•I'S, (.7( ,LI.,1•20- aacutnula Lions, ti 14 desertre• troesuest: priees paid, our :boo- : let Wrve for stattipi-tnetruaniney . for you. ['oriels, 6979 'West Llotile. .vh re), Va !icon ver.. _ Guaranteed • CAR AND TRUCIt PARTS ••• Used—New SPE(;IALMING 111S 1,4)WER-UNITS, flydrnullii 0 1 a t a . 'Wincheft. Generatera. ' starters. allignet os 4 ariotiretars, limn:dors - FtOelrange Stevlets • •ofdams -° .,.t.4ntIstar bon Or rebind:. • !..ovy Auto rorio. Dept. 4. Toronto. STOPPED 4, QUIKLV p mo, sitelletittastattistedtklitsailit ^810inick FEATHERS WANT,E0 GOOSE AND. ,DUCK 41gima ,Prietia VW: :1140#41a4e ' 'CANADA COMIFDRTIER CO. Dtindrui St. E., - Ttironto • • ISSUE • •-t .r