The Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-01-02, Page 5: • THURSDAY' JANUARY 2nd, 1941 .2 • THE .LocKNow - WHITECHURCH, DUNGANNON. 11•115,14. ,:cotim':Theatre Shaw starts at 8 •a:m. eacept Saturday., --- . Saturday night. , to shows at 7.45 and 9.45 eals• 77.7, • , Thursday, Friday, Saturday 3 SPECIAL a • .FRED RICHARD FAYE. ,.00•COURRAY•-GREENE e!tie4DA Joni: - Amax ranee aepay if OIIIIHIGH ?DOI dIViltr.F.OR agars • al'' a:, • Lk'lliatiA, f Tne success •irf Robert Fulton, 'hose steamboat caused a sen, sation in New York in the year 1807. • Also "Cartoon" .84 'News" Matinee Sat. afternoon 2-30 pan --Mondaya-Tuesdayca-Wechiesday- - u.ally FRANK MORGAN, ' VIRGINI.A,aa.EIDLER , , , • "Henry Goes: TO . • Arizona" ;Inheriting • his. murdered biro- therge. tancia." the aheir et:rives in 'time to: save an innocent a man and expose: the guilty, one'. Mao MT.]." Erria-. Comedy:" • "Newsreel Canterman'a • • • P.U.0 - EXPLAINED. • r • 4 (Continaml.„ fre.in Page. One) • ' You can't laarri. about hydro arid water ;in a day or a- yeat. Councila change quite pfte. n and even a Reeve cloesn't kaoaa-aaw mote about hydro than he should, .01d the Speaker.. - :::„Iale..Andersen-contencted_tijem_Wa• . _ no more reason for paying Commis- sianeta. than .Coancillers , or school trustees, and he believed it would be easier to: get .members to serve on the Coancil if they. were relieved of the Work ateariedted with hynte., and water, . ' • 4 • Illaltarruths. Told ,, Ex-ReeVe ' Robert Rae remarked that a it -alias- peculiar that suspicion is immealatelaa aroused 'Upon ,the men, •tam ;Of ria P.U,C. He stated he, 'still' •I Stood by his claims rode a year aa,o and ,chat'od ;that an, election ;•letier I appearing, in The Sentinel prior to- ' the last 'election eontained onlyahata' tfuths,. but `was. gbod politicslao far as the actual result was ,coacerned. His own publie' service numbered some ten years as Coitaciltor .and Reeve, as -well as school trustee,..with- oilt theught of pay and he 'questioned Aheareasen • for suspecting that, Cont • .misSidners would, insist on being paid. • ' Repeated 'Saspicion• alateld Allin replied- to the effect 'that some . of: his remarks on 'the p.t.c. had been "steana-rollered'a He liataareaaonsafor-maising-statemente_ of his anspicion and atill had` them. •1 -ie said. gnia.i.ging his rernerks en aisaantiarrinathe Couicilaalreaclairried.. 50 per..cen:t of thetime Was spent in , quhtrelling, aynd labelled as , aa let of eye ,Wash"; Ma, Anderson's state- ment that unnamed .membere Of the Board were on friendly terms. They're far' from it, he concluded, Happy New Year to.,Everyorfe. , Mr. "ad Mrs, Jas. Gaidnet • and family, ef Lucknova spent Chitstynis day With the foireer's pare„nts ..alt. and Mrs. Ernest Gardner. . - 1Misses Helen, ,May, Shir ey Web - E, atetalaueknow, visited oan, jday with Mr, and Mrs..W..G. Haute . s Mr. Thos. Haek.ett, Ms George .Hanter were, :called to Luelenow am Sunday night aihen their mother, Mrs. Jeseph Hacgett' suffered a heart at- tack. We are glad to repOrt improve- ment and trust she may soon be re- stored to-- her •usual strength again. Ma and Mrs. Fred Ander-son „and - Charles and David of- Toroilto:werw Xmas visitera, with •Mra and' Mrs. Slack •McDonagh. • : a . a at. -... ; ' UraathoataIraiin, *uridiery, Week,: is ,Speading ; Sprite, • time with her daughter Mrs. -Thee.. Haekett, and Mr: - , , , , , Hackett. • ,_ ' • " ••Oliaiatmas aces* with MT. and Mis. WillaGardner wee Mr.. and Mr, Joseph Freemen and childrun., Lois . :BerY1, Arthur and joe of ,Leelaararia Miss Mildred Plowman of, Teeswater: Miss Vila • Plowman- of taicanow, :Mr. and Mrs. W. Gail:Miter _a,iid.Marlene • Those who urine out to .the :play', and concert givenan the Orange Hall onaMonday riig#t enjoyed' A splendid treat :as the 4cia People presented their, play 'Th' •MIdadventures, of ajanneya-Itawat..iiiellapresepted, • each . , . player taking their part eaceptitija, Welt. The •aehoOl gave a band setee- --tion-,;:-Recitat.lons,a,y„-„Etzekil i. Itarttea'a accordian selections hy.„,,Maa George • , • .. • ' In police Couit in Gaderica, last- Fri. day a charge �f drprik citiaing aaainst Arthur 1/1.1.; COTitiey. was" dismisseI. arae •out..af anaccident: f •Lucknow, When the one ,mite we ,oa track he wee cialvis With one driver,: by Omar Brobas, Deferice witnesses Col- borne Tolvits4ip. teat:104 that the: aCenied did riot get- ai ;al he were .intOxicated end con- tradictory to the eyide,nee Of the con- stablee who, testified they could. Smell . : •. • • , , Coattney. was found guilta of care:: leas. dtirina AO fined $5 and costs . • •• ,HOLY.ROOD: ea • • 4.3,•• pAas rra . FlHE_, I_UCKI10\ty SEN'TINEI Published eVerar Thursday mornine •Yirs. 'A!t • a',Campbelt thompson--Publialier--- THURSDAY:, JANUARY and, 1941 THE P Cs VOT Lu c,k n o s a -Council and ,SchOol Bo.arda'have :been Oturned aces, iton .b-ut next Monday, neverthe less the eleatois4 atelcailed upon t, yote arn two baaaave. 'they...keret/a erciee their Oanchi&ez. , , The twO-year tern, is 'orie matta ta be 'decided. -A majority ataiaa vot • will-elefeat it, A. Majority voting "yea' Will eaforce it. We ao .aat Oppose: a- ea'ya anytahiaga further on athie -"strb jeca.hitying preZdeurila eapteased 013" •positiont� it' ' • ,The other ay -law to be 'voted on ia the question of Whether or not the laielenew electerEite. favor the :estaha Ishing of a, •Pulite 'Utilities COna- rnissien to have charge Of the Hydio .Water Systems of the. Village. la this: we do not -presume --to even .suggest haw one should ,yete. nutshell :it 'is' a question of whether •tae electors are satisified with the': manner in Vehich Village, Councils have coaduCted the operation z'aathe,se-a-tava•aiatilitiesine -e_atheiraana ception; •er • whether they consider. these , have: ex-panded to a tOre-:,,-se- isfactorily or efficieritly. coadacted hy a specially elected Ceininisaioni ' :However, the' issue seems to be more clouded ..than that ,in thet'rninds cif many electors, aid the 'nomination •areeting !lid not appear to clarify the ,situation , greatly. Aa- a result we, frankly believe . this !natter stands little chance of being dealt with on its Merits.alene, whether pro or Corti' . . next Monday. The Opinion: gcnerally., is that the 'P.U.C. will be voted down., In Case It is net, the, Coaninigieri "vaield not be foraned. for enether yeiria When its members 'would be elected, by the aot- ers oa the Village, and would. Continue • Mr....and Mrs. Frank Maalden of aaleh Orchid- were visitors during the week with Mr.' and Mie. J. R. Lane. Miss Sylaia Jacksop •Of Kincardine. .zpint thepast.week at her home here, Mr, and Mrs. Wm: .Jackson, Sylvia, • ana -Edna vete Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mr.,. Torii Heckley, Mr: and Mrs. 'Howard Elliott and Clayton ',of Detroit, Mr. Joe Elliott of Viadger speet the holiday at Mrs. A. Ackeit'a Rev. a Ackert,- Mts. a.dkert and . , , .faraily of MonatonaMr and Mrs. Her-, •'vey Ackert and•faraily:of .Lorne; Mr. Albert Boyd nf •Lacknow, Mr a and Master Ivan Gardner is gaZion: vis- itor diving the helideys: • • Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Ritchie' were Mr. arid Mrs, James :McKay' and '4Na Jack of Paisley. Cables Froni Oversesui • -.Miaaanda-Mrs. -reeeived- :a cable- afrom fila Sid Sniith" Some- where in England'a foriperly of Zion, sending them greetings, •also infOrna Mg them that the Christmas piaTel aerit from Zion ladies had been re- ceived and muCh• enjayed. Sid is in the .air force and ,has' vvitnessed Mary doge bembing. raide. We-. trust ,he may be spared to retern again soon.: 4 Missea:-Marie-and-Catyl McGroStier St: alelens'aivete• hOliday visitors iwith Mr. and 'Mrs. Robert;Andrew and El- len. • ' 'Mr. and Chester: Ritchie' of' Detroit sPeat the week -end with „Bat. and Mrs. Wm. Ritchie. • Mr. David Bark,* ';:,f • Limerick,. -Sask., was a visitor last: week with his sisteraMrs. Richaad Gardner and Mr. Gardner.-• . • ' Miss Loraine Andrew Of ,McDerialii Hall, Guelph, -is spending the holt.; flair season withaier gtanmeaher,, Mrs. L Andrew and Mr. and Mrs, Kirkland. • Mr. and MrS. 'Velem!. Raynard of Parainount; Mr. And Mrs. Elmer Wall of Cultasa and Miss 'Violet Ritchie of Listowel vie'f.e ...Christmas &este a. Mr. and Mts.. Mall Ritchie. Mr. and :Mrs. Peter Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. MacDonald and babe„ St. tleleaa were ,Chtistinas guests with Mr. and Mri,,,Samuel Reed: • We are glad to report that Mr. Robert, Andrew is able to, be; atoand again ancre'njoying the holiday seee- aVe wish for' him the 'best .0!' .health during the coming, ae'ar. int on Manditi evening • last in thea''presbyteriara church. Mr. john Emniersen presided and "the ine.etiag, opened:. With; hymn • and the 'Lord's prayer in un14n. The scripture lesson was ----read • and explaineoa by Mr. ,Einerseri., Hymn 494 -,alased the devotional part. Miss Ethel ataldenbY then.. read -the ,minutes :of the last Meeting., angalled 'the tell. IVIarion. Welsh gaye a reading Night after .Chtiatmas".'. Ma. Perry Hodgins ',led the diacuesion top- ic, "DO' we have to, have 'Money before Wo eaa have happiness.a. Mis.• Hod- giasaead a Chriatanas stotrallo. team in the. Inn": Miss Helen -Tharapiori read a poem "When the Minster .comes t� tee. Mrs M. Walsh then conducted cOntests. Lunch was served and the meeting cloSed with ptayer by -Mrs.. B, E. McLean and the Nat- ional Anthem. • : , On •Moindai ,eveniag .neat, • Jaapary 6th, will be: the Church Aeciety meet- ing in- the 'church and. ivall take the, form of a Bible night. •A Speaker' is expected: 'Committee in -charge of pregram -- Misses allelen ii.1*.TrO•rottne li'Paitthe'rsroenlatSipaeeentt.hebri:.sts ' ,IIMarl.)S.PyAliNneiblirCaY;LI;t:LAll di;Ori 'Eldon . Ir_nrs„.iva:-Tail-!tot cLewiatilh..etteenirt -Rant Chriatinas with Mr. and WS. I. D. Richardsora Mies Ante atichard- ChMairst. maan,s4 iff4i.itlitaa• ianci- son- inalaw lir. Alia mrs., son returiell avithaahar to visit for - - the remainder of the belidaya. • Cross. 'Bob• " - Lott Of' Cagary spent .4 Mrs.. T. Mann:Mei no. spending --fe3v-..--.weeli.s-With-hix -parents Mr.Land ,,:thie,... weik.. Avith.. ler: daughter, $rs. , Mr:. and Mrs Roane of Teeswater 1C11111grhst.• Ja:tB4threkiNesilea4-nd daughtei; Mrs Mrs, Walter Lott. •: . . Mrs: J. Matinee. . . . a. day 'Mr. ',and Mrs. R4cii.. ,Gardner, Fitagerald- entertained on, /areas aIso • ali. .anca Mrs. DicKague. spent R. *,chri4u-kag at the home of lair: and pent Christmas. at,' tie home of Mr. .. aarripbell, Westfield, and a -surprise ieit, from' be son Mr. D -ave Barkley! Mr. and Mrs. Albert . Mr.,. Charlie L,eaver • and his sister Lticimw and Mr. apci km. E. Wellivoocl and 'fecal- ah.. aaa • a ` - ' ' • • '', ' aimerick, Sask.; who will i'ain'eiti.. for a . „ T15.11'188, R. CarTieli:: • .NITI:1.-i,..J:641-i4nd ,Fmarlesiia.nwer,m- W., Ciargaltnaitincp: St, . ily spent Cnristmes . with ITT. and T . ,i.oefr114:11.7ilaelil; Ifinr,n4:inioi'nwilctlit:7nhoeer4yp,ar- •• ,The. 'Kennedy femily; alaci Mr, and Mrs. John Reid spent Christmas -With Mts. David Kenaedy. . The -Gillieepie relatives spent Nmas 'at'thehothe' a Mk.. Gibeon Gillieepie. Ma: .and ,Mrs. •George Fisher and 'ainita, also Misls Itorotay Knight -.pent Christmas with Mia.. Carruthers. ' Mrs. idAckert spent Chris'- Thompson and Kathieep Graham. Mias rnas, at Mr. Ernest Ackert's: ' 'Isabel MacKay in charge of the con - r& Fred ' Passmore and aesa • ...._ Miss Marion rilshia home Pita few days before goipg to 14ork at the home of Mr. E. Thompaon, Kin. Keith spent Chriettias with r. Mrs. I3611, :10th , Con., Kincardine. . , Mi. and We,' Smith .and family an. aye* the. hoadey, with, Mr. and •"!'ll?,. Zardioe. l'eter" Moffat, 8th Con: Culross. nuMber here up -with the . . Mrs. A. Ackert' called on Mr. and 4.11. Mrs. Jarnee.--Baker on Monday • . . • 2,4,....0Mrs. C. Eadie of: Glenariha a. who (intended • for Last W,eek) spent the past week withher son, Mr. „. Mrs., Milton Walah s.pent a few days Clayton, Km" ' WriiarEadie rand-IVIra -Eathe Letiane - -with-Mr. and- Mrs, Wm. , IOSS. ' - ., home on SundaYaa•1 , . • Mr. Eddie Thompson suddeeded • Mra „ Mr: and Mrs.. B. E. MaLean, and Mark •johnston, the retiring truStee. J.• • Mr. Wan:Jackson motored' t� London, . The boaad. ter thia year -will be. Menday. , . • . Mesars, Robt. lqicponald, Donald • Mc- ' iMr. ° George Iftildenby and Ethel ' ,'', pherson and ;Ed'die Thotapson. aPent a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Mr. and ,Mts. Howard Hartie arid Arthur Haldenby, -Toronto, _ • • • Lortaitielatia.,•Thos.• Harris spent Visitors over the , holiday are -Miss Chaletthas at Una Gordon Jarnieeoa's, .4, mien Malcolm of' , Toronto at the • Paramount.' .., • • , . Malcolm home; Mt. Wilbert Hildenby Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eadie, Doris and oi TOrCalto' at jilt hope; Westfield; .. ,Lorne, Mrs, C. Eadia of Glenanati„ lqr. Miss: Agnes. Murray of Sarnia with ' add Mks'. John paterbough and- fear- her Mother Mrs, Murray, Westfield; - ily, South taea were plias guests at amiss Ilona •TerrY. of Westford' ,ifith ' Mr.' and Mrs. Rachel Culbert's, .10th' her parents at Hillier; gia's Jean COn,--• ' '.: ' • - , '• • Lane o'f Welland ;with her patents, Miss Mary Smith la holidaying ,at Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lane; Miss. Jean her home at Creemere. She wee. ac- Anderson with hoe parents at ,Mafe4 cornpinied -horne'krlre.fr atether Mr„ kitig; Miss babel McKay at het home Charlie Smith; and itir. Stanley NiXon ,corg. it-crirfituti;_ , , • , ., ,• ..• to be elected yearly on a haais shrl. iliar to' that .ka which school trustees •• , • ..• .;• • Charges of susPicieraaa to the mo.- tive for establishing such Ft Commis- sion Were voiced .at the neinipatioa meeting on. Moaday night, as ,were charges oalack of,harniona and guar- reling . On the COtincil &AV. Such a:maidens, aaapublicly charged,‘ if they do iexist, are not in the best:in- terests of the -niunicipality, but in the 'finer ainilySis it is,:the- electorswhohave it More or leas within tleir power to ,control Or prevent the ex- • istence of such a state of affairs: • - -(Intindeaafoi"Liet -Week) Mr. Geo. Jacques of- Preston spent the . week -end with, hag parents Mr. •and Mrs. Eli jacques., Mr. -John Clubb returned last Week from- Toronto where he Was visiting • ;VIiis Janie .pIchines, daughter of Mr. 'arid Mrs. Jarnes McInnes,, is, cei' the sick list. e ope or a speedy More Tremble! . If. you pick up ,a "thembee .on the IlTallwaY, • You are rstilrelied-b3771aw .to demand that he „show his Natienal Regietration Card. If the pollee catca von iwith an uereaisterea peleorr in, who had hitch -hiked down for the Miss Norma atilt afient a few <days Ximiscconceit, which -was -postponed,, : with frienels in Toronto. Mt. and Mrs. 'Reba Maponald arid Sympathy is extended to the rela- . fetidly spent the •ho)idaY with' Mt. J. tives of the. late :Miss- ',$, PUrtis and -• '• IP, Turnhull, Unde'rwo°4. the late Mr.. Ilitani Shelton whose , . cat' are- apt :to find aleerself in trouble of 'a sort, -,--Trenton' Cour- rier-Advacatea• ' " • • • , ' Mi. and Mrs. Wm: Eadie enter- funerals ;were held on Friday last _ _ • 'tained at a dinner for Mrs. 'Rachel arid Monday, ' Gilbert, Eva 'and Lorne and. Maaa‘a a-- • iziasa•slaga.1.4.Ae uov.•••••••••••*••••••••••• • , Eadie. On Saturday • evening. btide: "I'M sorry but I must refuse to do' it. Bring lain back When he's. Miss Isabel and Margaret Nichol - I sober." "That's too bee, ,replied the son sliont PridaY /light in RiPler, ' giti, iq ean only get hint herd When Miss Eileen Henclereen street Tude- he's like Ale' day areeniag ia Dunglitinon. i ' BOUNDARY. 'WEST Ma, and Mrs. I"redaShilroth Xin- cardine, Messrs'. -Alf. and. flowara Aheltan of •Pine River Kid Robt. gniersori of XcConnell, Manitoba, vie; ited with the latter's sister, Mrs. A. .Miller at the Nicholson home on Chtistmas day. • • Holiday visitorei in Abe cormaimity tvere, Miss Myrtle Webster of ,Ott -awe teachingastaff at her home here; lb:m- eld Henderson of Petaarawa With _his parents, Mi. and -Mrs.' Jack Hender- son; Norval 'and Rayinoncl Richards with Mr. and Mrs. R. Richards. Christmas day visitors here were_a Mr. and Mts. Alex, Petcy an fitrio!ly o KinIoagla • Mr. and. Mrs. Howard Thompson and family and Mr. Geo. Thompson and 'Harvey of - Purple GlIcOVe; with -Yr. and 1Vits: Alvin Ravin: • Mr. and Mrs, Tom Mooie and Mr. and gra Harold Si:m.1111g of White- , &utak visited Christmas day • With Mr. and Mrs. Jack Henderspn. '' • Mrs. Robt. Reid, Wilda ahd Dori retarned home after spending, 'Xmas With her liatentS at Dundas. ; MrataidaMr&I-Garaer •Stanaleaateld Melvin sPent... Chriatreas With;,A.1614 Ben. and, Ada Strinle§,' ": • recoyery. , . .- Mr. :Mid Mrs. •'George FiSher, and family and Miss Dorothy Knight :spent'. Sunday with the fermet'a.sisten Mrs. gehy• Jantii and Mr. jeuitzi ef 1f 11- verton. • CongratulatiOne to Mr. and Mrs Frank Coulter,' who celebrated their .60thaavvedding anaiveratiayaltist Sat - The Institute Hall was !tacked :to the -door Friday evening to heir the amlendida-Chriatraaa-alaneert. put •on by SS. No. 9a school; and SS.' No. lb school. Mr. James McIritosli made. a very, effidient Chairman for the- '-Oc- erasion. Cengratulatioes:to the teachers Harold Polleck of...SS. No 10, anti-Mias-gyttle-Yuill-ol_SSi gaite a namber from here attended. the funeral :Saturday of Mrs.' (Rea.) MeteDonald lauolcnOw. , Oar sym- p•atley is eretendedato thebereavecl atives. ' • II, T—naia t Wara , '---- a , lalies. Jean• VI-L,LAGE AFFAIRS_ : (Continaled from Page One) • Spent '$4000 On Linea • Cour-411ot- A. W. Hamilton dealt with hydra matters stating that a2000 had been spent On impraving the plant and repair weak during the year' ary&. that about another $2000 had been „peat' ,tnahualding .a newapeiwer. line • o proyide an industrial applicant with power. . The value of the local. system -approaching the. '$40,000 mark. aave a break down ofHydro earnings o�ally duraag 1969, the„current year figures being not:. yet available. These 'figuaes are; . eason, with them POmestic Service .$ 6,04.7 Commercial ffiervice ..... 3919.4 tothers,•Totonte, is • 4198.15 453,8-- 1610.0 pepding the Christreas holidaye with P°Iver Se• rvice , apent .1V1;elleeigtiP14alialiPtoinwge.r. '''' " ler father Mt: ,Thos. -Atothere. :Mesa Annie Campbell Miscellaneous .vith her Boa .Mr. OYail I:4a • ••• " • • . . • ...,Mr.'and Mrs. Wm. -Henry and •kr: and Mrs. Howard- MeAuley, Fleshen, ton, visited Mr., J. Barkley and Mrsi -,Donald Fowler on,Sanday. Mr..and Mrs. Murray laaer .and family visited on: Christrna,s,withaalr. •!-• -yir; and -Mrs.-K. I.:. 411g0 and Mis: Dicksoaa . •a. Chi:Wine§ day with relatives at •Attat- ford. •Mies jaueille ,Eedy remained 'till Sunday, avhena"sate returned With her aunt and unelett. and Mss. W. F. .laickle and family, also :Miss .'pya ..-Verner-----Stratforand_IMissL Straeghaa, Gaderich. • • , • ,• Three, ybung men, • 1Vaessra Pas. innarnaa-G•eetre-Marore-andalaillaWalea. Vvlio are employed in a Muni - thin factory in'the.Kirkland• tritt• spent Christmas at their homes - bete. • 'Mrs. D. Sproul and daughtera Rob- ina and • Nettie,. also Miss -Clara Strat- ford spent .christraas, with Mr.. and ,Mrs. ItObt, doderich. e _Miss Flora Durnin, domestic Science teacher; :cOMpleted a class at Ravenna, • Grey County arid is 'spending tae holi.: days 'with he parents ,Mr: • and -Ms. R. J. Putnin and on . January will teshirre, her work to eamrnence: a • class atKileyth, neat &weir Sound, Mrs :- A..B Pentland had ias: vis - tors on Christmea. day, Mies. Clare ialata Pentland; Tbrozito, • Misa• Margaret to, 'Southamaptona Mr.,, and. Dare, aaVerne Pentlndaancdaghter Pam- ela, Detroit, Mr amaMrk. Alien Pent land. and Ronald,. London., :, Mr: ,George Hodge on M,olidaY took a large Shipment of articles,. inade bj. the local led across to' Gedetich station. and sent it te headquarteraitt Toronto, , • Mr. anda Mrs. -Wm. ateClure aiad ,Th'e Mission Bend will hold heita ' ,sen Jt.,. Spent ;Christmas ala 'Wittalatraand IVIreaChrisa purnin, ;God - JAL and Mrs. Thos: Dickson, Sr., _had a . family gathetifig. on Saturday present Fere Mise. Cora Dicksori, :teacher at. Minnie Pick - sen, A.N., the Goderioh Hospital -staff, • Mr: and Mrs. Thos. Dickson, Jr., and - family and Mr. and Mrs; Mel Dickman and babe. . On :.Christmas Auhday, DeceMber turned to duty on Thursday last. 22nd at 5:60".p.M. at the United Chureh- Rev. W. P. Newman officiated ,for. the -.christening ,of 'Norma jean, little, daughter :of Ur.. and. Mrs: Wilfred Pentland. and Elizabeth Ann,' baba daughter of Mi. and Mrs. Frank Pent.. larbd. :. • Iinmediate relatives hoth .ferrnilie were present. • • 'lira James Ahem :of Lacknow and .daugliter` Olive,. ToratO; :spent Xinae day. ivith Mr. and, Mrs,. Chas : Alton.' " Canadian. corps copstituted to com- • prise, the _twe. Canadian diviaiams oVereeas and Canadian nen-diyis- units in the United Kingdom , In addition Canadian tOrps, inclnaes • certain -British armoured divisionr: 'and other . fOrmations • under'. canna inand aof Canadian corps. .Lieut. -- - General A. GI McNatighton; coma . mends the corps,. a. ST. HELENS teaularaineetiag, of the Y.P.U. was held with: the ,Piesideiit; E. -W. • Rice in thealiir. The topic "His gift and oura",/was taken. by Mrs. Mc - 'Kenzie Webb. A . sareaphene solo by Harold Taylor, accoinpatied by Vera Taylor was enjoyed: Rev: -.G., -Barn- aid officiated for the 'installation of the following officers: president, Win; Ake .Barnard; lake pres., Dorothy Mil, ler, secretary, Dorothy Webb; ase't,, T.sonel Miller; :treasurer, Allin ;Miller; conveneta-thristiair fellowship, IO- W Millet, asst. Earl Dura.ina Christ- ian citizenship, Stanley TOdd. east. Mts. Missions, Mts.• Mc.. Kenzie Webb, asst., Mrs. Earl Dar- nina Christian criltare, Mrs. AtanleY. Todd, asst. gre. Lorna WOods;.,,, ree- 'reat*ici'd, Dick Weatherhead,•aset. Toni pianist, Mrs. E. W.,Rice, Best. Vera , Taylor; press reporter,. Allan atillershe Taalor. 1 Harold . . ' aara-77-••', • $ 16,657.-0.0„ . The doniestia, coneuniera, aintiberiag ' a., am tearesent 40- pet cent of total , revenuea conirnerelat, 80 users, '24 ' per cent; and power, 6 usere, 28 neaa' 'Street lighting and perephoase .power .repreeents the remaining. 11 per cent.. a ': • • • • Mi.- liainaton:revieWed'Abe :effetta • this year to secure lower hadire rates, vhieh Met With •some stiecese. in se- .. • .• luring • a small reduction • in ,power rates. He fore -ma that With- the 'retiririg • If4"--thrty-dro-debeivithin a - ;ear and a half, sabstantial hadrO , rade 'rectuetiona weie Aot. far *Way. '...nrihe best ffiterests .aturfe-rtlie Wel- fare of the niuniciaility we- inuet -freat induatry generously, said Mr. ,Etamilben. and advecriteat giving sup- aort : to chief reductions in pew* .rates. ANGSIDE NORTH riumbfiti this commearity are laid up wit the . Miss-Maigaret Moffat Of Sault Ate. • atifie ie. spending. -the holidaYs her 'home -There. . . • ' Misses, Jean,.Dolena and Tena 'Oar i.pent i Christmas at their here. ' apd Mr. Neil MacDonald and , grS. Free spent: Christmas, With. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Free, Seaforth.: itrid:14•Sta FicriehaMokfat visit- ed on.:Friday-eaeaing at the hozheof Mr and Mts.-Fred Megaillin.. -;A -good crowd attended: the &pee in the Hall ofi Ftiday' ' Mr. Ronald Mose' •6f • ',Tees -water: . ea-ent a. feiv days with his grandpat, . enta Mr. and Mrs.' F.: .G. Itieffat eeting at the borne. of Mrs, F. p: motfitt anagatiirdayi January 4th it 2:80 p.m t good' attendance isre.; quested. .penada'a rnirieral Priaductibn for 1940 rtaches record- of 000;000. • Of this total; geld con- -• tributes in'ore thael $209,,000;600. • Mineral production ..1939 (then ' all-time 'peak) was .$4-7-3;107,00Q. Wartinie air& Ttade Board au- thorized to iotaaulate_new thins- to prevent any Person from taking advantage of aew.. excise •'taxes era -import restrietione to ip- , crease prices by More than aatual %crease 'in -costs jastifiesa ,.. • Contracts awarded by Department of Munitiona & apapply during week • :enrlea December 16•rbereda1839 • and totalled $7,536,183. • • . 4 Mr. and Mts. Albert l'horripsori The pa,taen said to the. ptostreetive saerit Xmas with IVit. arid Mts. Guest Ititteardine. • .Ar, and Mrs. Eddie Thottipsotr Were Xmas aiaitors at Mt. Geotge Situnda • er'e, Mafelting. ' .Secorid course of ,ski training' for• 'regimental inetructort1/2 opens Lairs: MoWne Park, Ottawa, January 4 and ceritinues till January 31; 1941. Course .-is instruetienal., in- inilitry training and' tactics, while ,ori, skis' or snowshoes, fel. those 'whoa are -already accomplished skiers..Lieut. • T. P. ,dilday, Canadian Grearidier ' GuardS, Chief ' • • 11 • Mts. John Webster who Fag erent the.. past few weeks With 'Miss Dor- othy Webstera was: Et, 11C1.1i,-. day vrsitor with her daughter Mrsv Will 'McCrostie. • Cither visitors there included Miss -Dorothy. Webster of London, Mies Marie MeCroatie and Miss •Dotine Webster .of .Tbronto. ' lair. 'Wilbert Darnin of PetawreWa hsperey his Christrnas"leage it, his home The anaaal meeting -of the St. Hel- en's sehool section was held on Thurs- day afternoon with a small attend- ance. Wallace Miller was choeen ahair? man and Andraw. Gatint_secretary for the -meeting. The inspectors .reppri which Was a particula.rly encouraging one., Was read the 'secatreasa' Pick Weatherhoid, Colin MacDonald retit- ed. as trustee after Many: years' set- vite and Andrevia Gaunt was chosea. He, with Ardhie Aitchison. and'Il•Wart McPherson form the 'school board. The cOntract.for weed Was taken by; Gor- don McPhetson and that of -the care- taking by Prank :Weatherliea4. Don't forket the At Aetna under the LANGSIDE Mr. George 'Wraith of the R. C. A. F. of-. partmoutla Nova Scotia , sPerit , his 'holidays. with his father, Mr, Wm. Wraith and other relatives and te? • a ipitesaof the %Witnen's -Institute mi the Continttnity Hall on Friaay night, Proceedi for patriotic Perposes. , Mt. Robinion Woods, Mr. Lorne 411d. Miss Irene Woods attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Campbell at Brucefield ,:on Monday. Mrs.. R. Woods, Who ha a -ipeht the peat week -itere'literraliataa "COriarbell;--rea tutned home with them - • ' Miss Lauti,ne student nurse it the Atratford goieri1 Seqoad class aldted op under Mobil- ization Act completes thirty -days military training. • • •..:•••••••••:...• Aluminitim—Company of Canada • :nevce filni,411.0Winedtillid'a'S'N'qW - "fort. On industrial front. Blood bank 'established to provide ,,Mrsala MeNe-"aTiriatid detughteritiaa Mr. and Mrs. Don Cameron of, New • York. spent' the papt week with the :lattee,s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Morrison. . • • Mr. Blake' Gaunt anent the past week with his,' aunt, Mre... J. Suther- land of Wingliam ' • .? ' We are glad to report :Mrs. Orville Tiffin has recevered from ,her recent illness so that she is" able to he ,out ra visited, on Chtistrnete day with Mr: and Mts. L. F. Stingel.. • r. and Mts. Harvey •Mole and lit- tle on, DerialdaViaitea Chaistmaa day with. her patents, Mr. . and Mrs.. p. Swan,-Belmore. , • ' Ratepayers' Meeting • The annual Meeting of the rate- payert "p -f -SS.. NO.: '8.-metion thutsday, December 26th with rather a low at- tendence, Mr. W. A. SteW,art Was' sec- retary and Mr. Wni. McClure, chair - s-Firga-1) he Vane. : ness, ',41..1 in Winghariv Iloardtal on December' 21st, a daughter. Bite. ' Harkness_was,fotinerla Mies Florence,, Reid. •Congtatelatiens. . ' 'Christmas day gbests with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hill -Mr. and Mrs. Gort. - don Scott, Ripley, Mit and Mr's. Earl Caslick, Irina, Billie and Wilfred: El- ide 'cif Culrose, Mr. -and tits-Viatllaea Conn; With Mr. and Mrs.Robt. Reid, • Mr. ana airrat Wesley Yaung and son, BORN -To Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hark - Man. The Services of the teachers and , Clarenee. Reid, London, Mt: and Mrs. the caretaker were found satisfactory I John ReidandMr. and Mrs. Norville, Reid and• family of Hensall;, with Mr, and Mrs.. Wm. ,Conia-attra". arid Mrs,-,: . Hardy ,Simpscm, Kathleen, Connie, • Bert and Jean, Mr. -rand Mts. Herold _ 'Oven. with, total receipts • including Johnston ' and. soh Robert, Mr. and .balance Of last year amounting", to Mrs. Stuart' Scott, , Helen. and Craig, $41-06.0. The_ total eapinses were 1 Mr. and Mis. Sam Hutchison, Wing - 3890.28 letraing .4 balance of $815.28.; h•aia; with Mr. aad •Mrs. J. IL -Mor-- A, -E. Anderson lot '39 cords oe1.8 is9h, e4 sr :60ooda. acotnstr::,:ear'S..epl:51t,iviton Mr'. ii rmisrosn. -EM;nsa. FJimitiiitii;triastiodn,-.4Jerrr,,y1:inodf, --: Will)i toronto, Mr. and Mts. Don Cameron A. Stewart the- retiring taustee was Of Ne.w. Yotk. ,, re-elected and Mii.. Raymond' Brown , Christmas guests out of the local- 1;-eTnlhaeiniWntmaesn'ssecin-sr:iituste Met, it the .iatlYd-MMir's.8114eislersy. ,r6rffiing7, mlirif.fiton;x41411re. Mine of the president, 166..1N/era cirri Tiffinr.joe. and pan . with •Mt. and , Thureclay December 26th. A. donation r -a• Wm. Dawsini-i, Mr, and Mrs. , of $5 was. given to the PublidaLibtary.i Reuben Tiffin, Fred and 'Charlie with Fund. It WKS feported"that gifts had \ kr. .ank Mrs. 12,*Iset- Ritchie, 8th beeri given titi the eight soldiers from Con.; Mr. and Mrs, Victor ,Enaerdon these parts ,Which was a bele of fruit, i with Mra. A. Emerson, West Wawa; tanda, Christmas cake, smokes and trash; Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Hrown, Ai- aa•elloting.,Zaot, for eitett. ,gt%, Itoaell.1(1YSS and Oertie with the latter's Par - read. a Christmas stery, There . was eriis, Mia -and Mrs : Reil., Tiiie River; . an. exchange of mall gifte arriong •Mis's Grace and Jim Itichardsen with then. a: eustchn earried mit each year. Miss ' Lizzie Riettiktdson; Teeswater;.: ' tenkt, the close Mrs. Ivets serared. te., Mr. and -Mrs, aoltratori. Conn and Reby freshreents, - " .-, , witaa Mts. Murray �f Whiteelnircli. and ae-engaged. Mr.. McClure re- peated, half Jibe roof shingled end it Was decided to have the rest done ina the ,spring. The -aucliters' report was transfusions for arrnal.titnunt of 20.- la New Year's visitor at her lloni 000 wounded in war 1 titre. ° i •a • , . •