HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-01-02, Page 4• pAo.u. . • , • . Review. Of Happenings_ In 1940 • JANUARY • 'through the o incial isubsidy :of Reeves N. E. 'Bushell and Richard one Mill or* tlle assessed value.. LuckuovitAnd:I01.7....,..Gearge...Robins.on ,o.t ,,Hdlyrood. Aohh, loss. 7 . ed • • ' v. •New Year's Day broitiht severe .Mr. and WS. George . SwanSr.e, storm and tera.PoYarY traffic- tie UP celebrated. their 54th Wedding- Ai:pi- .• VillageCouncil ,disCussed question ersary. •• ' ' • . of naimiCipal employee and: Farm honte•of Mr. and Mrs. ,Lorne finally deferred dectsiort., • Farrish,Ashfield, deStroYed 1y ,fire. 2....41/44guid Mrs.:Thonias 1VIcKe1th Of William A., Johnston of Ashfield . 11aZenrnore,,Saak., fornterly of 14,1.1c•lc- and, John John.ston of State of Wash.-, • ' noW, celebrated golden wedding: •day. ington,•twin brothers, -celebrated 85th 'F G Todd elected Pl'esident of birthday • ' vecknew A:grictiituial,•,Society. • . 7 Rev, :F. C. McRit'ehie,:7fOrnierly oZ • • Mrs.- (Rev.) 'J.• K. McGillivray, for-' Kinfough appointed " reetor of St: Merlrof Ashfield aad:61.,acknow, res- ThOtiras „church, Walkerton, succeed-• 'Cued by firemen' when tra/pped. by, mg the late::Rev,,Sichard perdue. ; mike on, the second floor of their" 'F Malcolm held Suction' sale as prelude' to retirement frem teamster business in whieh he had: been. • en- gaged here •for. 38, years. In -Doininloh election McKenzic Kifig-raverriment-swent hack t� pow- er. .W. R. ,Tomlinson re-elected in 4 ••• ' ; • . . I • • . , • ' , . . THE LUCKNOW t ENT I N FL. " • ASHRIE1,16 RepPy New -4ar. . Miss, Sadie JohnstOn, .R.N., Winghani spent the holiday week at her -home-here;-• - • Mr, and • Mrs. 'Donald Martin of toticlon spent •Christmas With Mr. and lYfro.i.D. A. MacLean. ' • 55 Years Married • Sarnia apartmeat. • • ../Orah Crawford •installes1 as Wor-: shiPfial Mater of Old' Light Lodge. • Harold Allin appointed atemhet of • LuckiX-071711,rustee. Board, • succeeding School Board assumed the 'cost of defeatieg Leigh Snider in 11 nage, ProViaing"derital service for -all: pub.1ri North Hurt* Elston...Cardiff, 'Con.:•,„ lie school children. •. , 4.,seirvativ.e, defeated R. •3:••••Deachinan • three hi 40 --Votes'. • • •Sent*1 published pictures .of . . „ ; • seta of three brothers, the Webster, • Official li•gutes revealed that hoc• .- Manaes aritt•MtbithY boys, who had, fans, during ten games .in the '. all )oined tire.,91-th Batter,y. • •16eal-ateriar-ni .unehe&-no leis than' . , . • :Miss .A.ratielle Cameron appointed 1492 hags of Peanuts: ,The sales net- , charge o eflicrarBill7Fiepli-one' tad oler frrairltangeretvel-$.3(toth • . °Bice. • • • Ea hest Easter in :38 'Years ..saW rs. Wigan • ll-traffie,•-pa•raly-zed-:13y„,...faur..,day 'Marked her 98th birthday, /: zard :arid- near- „zero : emperature • Two hundred .attended. banquet in Weather calmed election • 'day Leelinew honoring G. 'Nodcl:. and Tuesday March 26th; but roads re - ,•;D: J. ilebharles'fet sukcesees,in Show mainted blocked'. • . • rings and op race tracks, Event spon-. Wm: Staters completed years of Pored by Agricultural Society. Mr. 0. cantinhous service..as mail courrier on '7.• S. Robertson for 65 years a member: RR. a•;' Holyrood: ; • • ,;, • • . • • . • the. Society unable f to °attend 'fine preseatatiOn held in :honer of new- . _ On•Sunday December 29th, Mi. and ,M. -:'.fames Blue of AmberleY,'cele- brated their' fifty.fifth wedding Mini- vereary. A. family, gathering ;was held: at Mr. and Mrs. Donald' Blue's, tan Saturday .everiipg when ;a:lumbers el' their • family, arid .,friencla; gathered ' to. wish them. many, happy retn.tits Of .the'daarl Cue* were pr sent from lit Detroit , Taranto, LuCknew. in't !UP,' ley. . ' : • • . • ; "Jockey (flatter r, 1 .Hanover,Transports won't have the; -Panic es --of - Schrturr- of Walk- erton when the hockey season'Opens. 'Arnd has been .called up to report in Schnurr enlistedIn the R. C. A. ,Fa • ToContct on SaturdaY. ,•• • the church with the lst vice president , Cnristmas -service of -worship as out Fred McDenald farm: Cheaa to • This, and the/ entry. of, an Internee- • ;.. NNYBROOK A HaPRY'lliatt PrasnerOne New Year te• 1 a . , • BORN --41n -Wingbarri General Hos- pital on Monday, December 23rd, to; Mr. and MrS:,'Hilliaid-jeffererinjnea Alice Thorabn) 'govt.. .• , The* Decerliber meeting a the W. , 2 •••;,, .• . • oki.f , I I ; ; 484.4 . • • ..:rtfluRSDAN, JANUAILT 214' .1941 ` I)) ... •••-•• ...................... .. ..... ....... • • • 0. al„Im :FOR. SALE, --1 .good , lold. Price $249. Get;rge 'Kennedy, R.v, 1,1 :was held. in the biaement of Lacknow 'Phone 434.- , , (Intended for Last Week) •The roads are all open for motor traffic and p'eople have been able to do theiri'• Christmas shopping While the children Ivisited Santa :Claus: Work has been given up On • the. 'new bride eitraie Butewater for the time' being. Tinder usual weather con° dieens the work Would have been Coin- pleted hy •this trine: •,,But With earlY snow, frost' and •noW the freshet 'in whi-eh--partTof-T-theitLfranie_w_ork Was sept lyrair it has been impossible continue -With the !work. ' "to indiapositien suffered that .day. lywecls, Mr. had. Mrs. " George Alton . , .. Villag-e Council: decided_against.,_aa: (riee_Elsie Vint):: • • ' . . .. . • - peiritment of, full time official. Calm- ' DEATHS --/James Webster, Mrs. • . • . . . .; en moved to seek information re pto- Charles Barber, native of Ashfield, cediire in forming a P. U. Commis- Johnston Rotilston of OliVet, C A. •sittn.- • - - s, koberteon, M.P.P. for. Huron -Bruce, ; , ApprOxiMately five feet of ;snow win.; A,' Phillips, Mts. :Andrew Stein, . , , . fell /in January estabfieliing a fedora ',)" • ish t•tahan / in these. parts, 'twas .beheved. , ;!. . ' APRIL .- • Rev'. ::J. 11. Geoghegan inducted as Village,' COripeil 'arline4ted of an es - rector •at Strathrpy• „ titillated expenditure of •$,%.000‘on lead, DBATII.S4-Mrs.,A.; U. Spence, 1111rs hydro lines. ' „IGeorge TwaMley, .Misp Isabelle Mut- .• die;, Mrs. JoSeph' Tayler; RobertHam-' • liton, -formerly, ef HolYrood • - -T , . , • Mrs. N: Thompaon presiding The • tiOtt RENT -I -The' stone house on :1,11e. • • • , „ idable aggregation. ; a Teally_farny../ lined in the •Misaionitry Monthly was able / tennent. J.. McMillae, Luck. -x 11 d "Tile World Tian now' • - • diate team in 1)urhiiiiiibas upset Hap- over's 'plans for icing • • 11 th • • • • • Haulage, te•-i0hrist7. with: „o . S 1 in pu up • present taltiriiptirt.,,The Study Book 'BA..CKACHE are sew g y . WANTEI) • FitemantEngineer; 3rd' claim •certificate. Steady Jeb. • ,,." • Apply to; , • THE CIRCLE RAR KNITTING • ' • CO. LIMITED; •• 'Kincarairie,, ; Ontario. , The.Continned mild weather of ,the •wle , • , • . . take -RUMICAPS. . -Pains and aches s given by Mrs, R. •ChilanneY. The - • , - - - - - :LT,— , past week or so 'has knocked hockey annual election of officersresulted ir•e relieve atter the first 'close. Mc, ;; ,.. : _ '. . • • ' .;_....... _ „/ . , • as . f,ollOyis,t • Hop. Pres., '31,;rs. Bert' KI1WS riFill0 STi,--gtk'• • ' . • 1 aehed'ules• completely :POclreye./ . . . • • .., • . • • , ^ Taylor, pres.,11rs. It. Clutpmei; 1st ' : : . - . The *Forst of it is that Where 'ice vice vres',,,, awra, N... Thompson; ' (or:, 'TENDER) . was 'available, 'the .coptiiniee mild , _iveather, has ruined -it, and We a case of practically starting from•Peratch, when.Jack Frost giires the go-ahead signal.. sec'y., 'Mrs Alblert Campbell; rec. seer, J.C. Robinson; Temper- ance and tennituray friendship sec'y Mrs,. Bert Taylor; 'Miesirinary,Month- 1Y sec'y, Mrs.'N-Thompsop; See'y of Herald, Mrs: Jones; press) sec'y, 11/frs. Ohaanney;: Att, re: -.Bert Taylor' and Mrs. ThOmpsOn were re-elected president and ;sec'y-treas.of the Wca, •reen's Association,. ••, • •• • • The St itugUitine Wonrients ,Insti- tute will meeren Wednesday 'January -8th-at-the-Amme Miss Josephine •IdrAlliSter7-ConvenerTlgis„-4Gns,„Ki ahan.. Subject, Canadianizaticin.1 Boll 'in some arenas ice7making-had net any more than 'got underviray, so at the best; it looks as if it will be about e couple of ..1;eeks before the boys. can. get at ft. t-t-hat-theLinettury" will have to he pupils. of the schools have b • een sortie diriping pronto. As this: is • --• - _. • 3.'vritten Tuesday snow. has replaced netts and ale now (enjoying the r the rain of the pagt v—T.--reekrand aidtop e .311 pets ns havi g r1aims ag t tIe. w ear s Resolutions. Current . 0 n a a ns quite busy wan tnVirrarristrotts Con ' • • an y TENDERS will be received by the , • mdersigned up. to January 21st, .for. 10 cord's body wood,•Maple 1,6 in. lone; to be delivered at the • school it SS. NO. 15, Astilield on or before 'June 1:5th:,' 1941.. " . '• Neil J. MacKenzie, Sec., • • Lncknow.. ee • • NOTICE TO CREDITORS YTHE. MATTER „Of the. oEstate ef Andrew .1-1,Hamilton • late' of the Towniltip. .of „Kinloss /in • the County -IrBruce;--Farnier, deceased.. • •• ; :etice hereby-Viven--4Uratiant-, • the ...Statutes • ill that behalf that' m. the tetaperitture may follow. .• events Mrs. Jas. Ciaif. 11O-PWS-aVstrite-of•-•tire-said Miss -M: A. Brophey; Miss Mad. Red- mond, Miss Bernadette Boyle and MS: Wm. Redmond. • Holida visitore Imre ancrthere in - eluded Mr. and. Mrs: Joe Thompion and family of Listoivel With Mr. and • iten;. 'deceased, who •died• On Or ,about ation The Presbyterian. Sunday Seim& the. Eleventh day of May: A.D. -.1939, held their Christmas prograrn'on Fri-. family: of. • Mrs. .Jehlt.. MCCharleS ir ben the Fifteenth.daY of Jaim- • Rink manager Wellington'.McCoy• , has been keeping an ear pealed for weather Terabits, as each day he saw a• pretty fair sheet of ice gradually • • • COriVal llAltltisTER'!'S°L1,1C1..1:71$1.1{r.o.. Kincardine, , 0 1 • Ilranch Office, In The .Seence • Block, laicknow, 'past of the . Bank of Montreal. 'Will Be In Lucknow Each Wed neigdaik, 'Morning- After -- mann & each "Friday Afternoon. tre•reqUired to.,forward their , iuly verified by affidavit, to Sarah., lane Hamilton, Executrix Of the es-;, tate of the said Andrew Hamilton on; day elzening of last week.' , We 'extend: our sympathy *to the ;aid Executrix will pr9ceed to dis- I Mrs. N. Thompson; lVIrs.sGeo. Naylor • 'whose death. Occutred on. Wednesday) diseppear to ahnoat nothing: • ‘ry 4.D, 1941, after which date the Kff: I • FEBRUARY , . -- •. . ; ; • . ; LueknOW SePoys Wori . their group with Mne wins and one defeat; took .; . ' the':gretip 'chamnionshiP •hy ousting . :Kincardine and Pitialey in the Oar, . . Offs' and 'Iopt to G,eorgetoWa in ; . •the- firat, i•outid 'ef •-the •• downs • _ JOynt Was awarded damages •-•-• 'of $90./Win elairn against the Vili•-• • • . • , • P Qt. :Lucknpvi; tetifiting .froni , a Plate.glaas window in the JoYnt Block . Smashed lby a itone hurled • -•.'froin the roadWay,by a par; .!.11,4e case wits turned' over to the Insurance .. Company earrYing the Village's hit-. . • ineurartee. " • • , • . . : C. A. Robertson; M.P.P. for Haroit.2 Bruce, while while Seriously ill, was carried • 'from his borne when fire broke out ., • 1r and and Mrs. Abraham .Oulbert of ; / • Otingannen eelebrated their .58thilpved. ding,tuiriiveis0.ry • , • Deactimaa was choice cif Nortb .•, " nOrainatiort; , Arinouncement made intimatina ,that School•fairs were to be eancelled. in 1940 Fire .Company presented, 19 •fonn- .tain :pens • to rinembere • of the 97tb• •I0Oth Battetieg: Presentatien • • • • Voineti'a Institute.' "At Home". Leonard JrwinTs barn at;Parainoun' destroyed • fire. ' • •• '• • • . • . .A. motion to pall for tenders fol • • "the cdaistriction of the Ackert :Drain , • "under -the-•••Archibald'tep.ort..Was de•: ; , felited on a • division vete...et, Kinloss: Council: ' • ; Twerity,two 'members Of ,leceif'Tal: , • • • : 'Ranier" Cam P were guests of Major '• E. R. Dixon at Bennett Barracks at Listowel. , • 'Group,. winning Seneys treated V- . chicken dinner by Hon. President j. • •.3.V.`.', joynt.• • ' • „Irici-rabbit hunting greyed. profit,' ; 'ahle as an Elitira forLfernier paid . as high as 20c head ; for this fox ,feed..Hataled away ene, load of oVei • , 60.6 fririn cominunity. ..„ „ • .. Huron Copity' Council voted amen • • ' imously to lease Sky Hathor 'airpart to the. Department ef Natienal 1:/e •i-ferree•fOrthe-duration. of tbe War ain! . 'three. years thereafter, at an Manual •• 1.ntal of . • • DEATIfh-IVIrs. Krthur Clifton Mrs J'H. Ackert: Roderick Dough' • . Violet :•Twarrileil, Dr. Harry • Hucistin :'- of' Whithai, Dav1d, Dun- gan:110M ' • , " • • .„ • MARCH • ". , • ' Charles! MeNab, .clerk.., arid tress' nrer of Walkerton seetenced to -three • arid one-half, years hi Kiniston..pen itentary Utkai pleading tta charge of stealing., $1,860 from thn. ton of Walkerton. • ,v•-• • . • . • Gene41 • inerease assessments • •; in West Wawanosh, while re'etalting • December 18th at f thsaid' estate the home of her : • with Mr. and Mrs. C. Rebinson; tribute the assets oe • Mr. and IVIrs.' Elwin tiph:nsted sihbaliej Otnlileyn•fhoraytehehcad.nostioefwhich e. 'their Mouth's military training with Southanipton ancl Hanever Were cardine ,friende; danghter MTartr-MiteD,onahl- --- • ` Todate the jriniais have foar Pest- 'Mr 'and lare• Clarence •Chaintiei anavina rega d 'xinoag the petsens• entitled, thereto The boys who have been away ponments Two games here hist ,weeh Mr and Mre. John Johnsten with Kin- 'ird unla_to_iannand being re.- • • have retained home. • • • 'out,. of the question e and ; this iun pweek; Chney, Whighain :With Mr. and Da - at Ontario, this Lticknow. • games:at Ripley arid. Hanover ftere • Mrs. R. Chimney; Mr. Will Craig of 'Eighteenth :day a December A.IN • , . ASHFIELD RESIDENT HAD postponed.' • . 1. on on with ins 'Parents, L ds • • 1946- • „ Sarah Jar Hamitlon, CAlt, DAMAGED IN WINGIRAM. ' ' #"•••"•,•----.• • •••, '• , • Mrs, ,Tas. Craig; Mies Donna Arm,' '' 1 Kincard ne, Ontario; . _ , -. strong of • Sarnia, with • her parents. -." Executilx. A ear crash oectirred.'•in: front fSf Mr. and Mrs Mark Armstrong; Miss . .,. , Foicton's Dairy, Friday night: Ralph Irene Jefferson, Dunavills:Miss Glad- Ca:aileron; 4. No, 7. LuelcnoW, park- ys . Jefferson, R.N., WOodstock • and Mies:-.-OW.f.j-efferson,7-R7N-.7-..:Niagara Falls with their •nietber, Mrs. C. Jef- ferson; Pte. Archie Jones Of 'Wood'-' ;stock with lila parents; Mr. and Mr's. , Jae. Jones, kr. Henneth Campbell of 0.•W. 0:: was held in the 'Sixth SebOO1 TOronto and •Mids'Jet...n vof Kitchener with a gondattendance. Mrs, Levis With their parents Mr. and MrS. W. nresided,end th•e meethagenened With , . • . . Ripldy , Juniors are Selieduled . to play here: next Wednesday night and its probab14that this atilt be another' fixture--Ohelved ler the meantime. The Juniors boweVer are playing a double schedule,.and in event of too martY pastponelneAts, a redraft could be made to a single schedule. ' Under new pasteurization law,y-- hiS:—car ni-th-e-ribove location while M. :Johnston: terminated 18 years in dairy business hete. ' Election. of A. M. "Seedy" Nichol- . , ... ion, C.C.F., candidate,- in.„ *Kenzie constitirency in Saskatchtilin, learn, , he. Wept to the, show. ;Another car. belieVed to he driven .by Wilfred- Ly, nett of Culross, ran into it, damaging t to theeitent of about $20.00: It is claimed LYnett left the aCcident with- out reporting and was later:Picked np Organization of local • Boys' Swi•ne t,ounty Constable 'Wm: Gardiner Club proceeded With. . •Miss Muriel Blake, ,an irent-lung, patient itt Victoria Hospital glace the fall of 1987, was reported impreiring after being 'eeriousiyilL, ' - Mrs. R. G. Ellis, a "former resident of Locknow, observed her ipist birth- • day at :the home Of her son -George --af Brantford. ' • • Murdo Matheson elected president of Liickno*.Consumersr Co -Operative CoalPanY:. • Cost of *inter snowploughing of; • County roads in Huron. estiniated at ?led Constable Gordon: -:Deyell. A therge' di: leaving tire -seem -of an ae- cident an operating a car while in.• :toxieated. has: been Mead. His car re- ceived -more damage than the other.-: Advance Times. , • Rev. anci Mrs. R. W. Craw 61: Sea - forth Severely injured in motor acci-. dent:' ttev. "H.. T. Hamilton assumed dutier field farmer received 'personal letter. . , 'soCiation supported raciVe t6. secure lower hydro power rates.. ' • 8771:00th Batteries left Listowel for Petawaws • , Kinloss Cenncil moved to investi- eate of •rescinding Ackert brain by-law.. ,;• ' ; • George Collinson, Kintall,•seriously hint When.: run oVer by tractor. Wm.' A. Iohnston, 85 -year -bid •APh as rector of Kinlough-Kingarf-Bervie Rev. R. Douglas MaeDonald ordain- • in hi' honie ;church by his father, ;Rev•C,-:-H,-MaoDoo•ald.-LReeei:v-edL-a-P- eointrnent as Pastor catAlinit Street 'Church, St: Thentai.,, , Clansmen decided' to buy Sound sYa- ern for teat! erena. ' • -Miss Mildred Ritchie appeinted • • . Manager of local 'Bell Telephone' of.. , . , . , , Mrs.,:Phillfp Stewart elected presi• dent Of ' - - - •-• •. Reg: Ferglosen `crowned" marble .11arnp ,iy) Trail Ranger tournament Committee organized to promote 'rad carry on ?refugee Work. . ,Mrs..Wm. SerimgeaurI, formerlY LucithoW,. celebrated her 90th birth- day. " : DEATHS -Harold Parker; Donald' • McKay, Can. 2, Kinloss-,' Alexander IVIacLennan, , formerly "of Ashfield; Bayle;• George Brooks; joseph from Prima Minister ltlacKeppie King. • Promotion: announced of Jpstice .of Chief Jusicie of 'British Coitimbia, Is •a riatiVe of Con. 12,, Ashfield. . _Harye_y_Scatt over' a 311'64 sPace of' time, bagged: a' tetal'of, seven of the "Kinloss wOlves",at $20,00 ahead: :•'Levi Hodgkinson had: hand shattet, ed and, Was nearly blinded by-dyna-, Mite blas t , • ; • Erection of Gospel Hall ComPleted at Kinlough, for:evangelisticservices. • Work speeded tip by, Red Cross branch in:tesPonse'to emergency tall ,fer•: surgical - W. J. McCitOeh of the Hamilton; Spectator, brilliant address at the Masonic' At Hoinel. On "England • •The Intermediates ran into their, first Postponement., on Monday night • . with their parents Mr. and Mre. Thos. McKinnon read the Minutes of the ,When they were s 4 • ' • • 11,•!-• • . 4,` OPTOMETRIST . IN LUCKNOW -EAH WEDNESDAY , AFTERNOON • 1:30 to 6 o'clock. AT WIV1. SCHMID'S STORE " ; • • , : (Weeded for; La:st. Week)• •, , The December, meeting of the U. A.-Ccuripbell; Mr. W„arren Bamford of -inging the Ode, followed by repeat - Cumberland aTici Miss Elaine •of Blyth ing the Lord's Prayer in unisa.n.340 " slated to go to Han' • • :Bamford; Miss, Viola ,:ThoMpson,. last Meeting and Mrs. Martin gave • Lueknotv, With. 4r. and Mrs. David he treasUrer's reeort, After commun. Paisley , was sCheduled for the op- Chainney; Mason Robinson, Windsor, ity Singing the roll Call was in the with his father, Mr: Thos.- Itohiitson;' form of 'a gift exchange ; The busl-. ener Luckriew next Monday.,‘ and it seenta° a certainity tbat this one Mr. and -Mrs. Raymond Finnigan and nese. was traniacted, $l0.00 being will be Off. family of Crewe with M. and Mrs. donated to the, Sick Children's • Chalrate'y. ,• • ' in Lencien and $10:00 to tlie• fund . . '' HoweVer these , two! teams are list- eds-tr'iock'-liorns in Paisley on the Doctor "I dont to niention it., . Included a reading by , Lillian' Car- ,. .., , 10th, and isurely by that time they but that cheque •you gave inc has '•uthers, reading hy Ruth McKinnen. . . • 'aught to get Ohm: , empe back ', Patient:. "Well, that sure -ecitation . by Miss' Dean McLeod'. , Of Cotirse schedules Were slated to' ' : .; • • hy Kathleen: ;arid Lillian Carruthers. I. Britain's War vidtims. The program • , is funny, Doc. So did mYleinbago." eeding by Kathleen -Carruthers,• ' duet I mien somewhat earlier then is .cnis-.• ; MARKING.. Wis. Hughes dendueted quizz con- tomary this year, resulting in an an,- .• • • : MrS; Chas. IVIorrison and -children usual miset to the Plang- of Goclprich are visitors at the home, With an early return o cold- weat - of Mr. and 'Mrs. Will Irvin. er it shaUld be passible to tuck in an, Mr. and Mrs: Cecil Johnston wete, extra game here and there and time :Christmas visitors with the, lattei°s have group .winners declared pretty '', . parents at. ArkOna. inuch-On -Hine; . 7 - " ; • — : WI and.-NIter-g-e--Atirireatt .iinfi , . • . .7,, ."."....77 . t family Of Luckeow spent Christmas Baseball 'held. the -spotlight f a ...„•°1'' , •daY 'with Mr. and Mrs. Will Andrew night at least last week, when Ripley , Mr. and Mrs.' Chas. Pearce o1: Hol' - trophy were presented With •a locely mesville spent last,Week with Mt. fend trePhy emblematic of the Junior "C" Mrs. Thos Anderson ehrimpionshiplof Ontario. ' ' . Mr. gild 1VIrs, 'Stuart burnin and ' 'family Of Wroxeter spent Chiistmas prese•itatiori was macre by lack with Mr. and Mrs ;Isaac. Cranston. _MeeDonald_ef Cheiley, on :behalf of the Ontario Baseball Arnatent Ao- ,:sbdiation, and was received by Don MacLeod, . manager/of the team , , • DeVereatax. • e. • • MAY W. Paterson Makes claim that evidences point ,definitely, t� oil. ex- isting in the Holytood area. • 'W. A. Patens eleeted Grripd. Sup,. . te- „ periled Aekert Drain,. bylaw and en- gaged new engineer to report. a Clean -riot ,of this dirain.::' ; May was month Of .eloudinesi and rain making seeding difficult, if pes , CONTINIIED NEXT -WEEK Jock lidacPherson and • tam' ily tott do.vin to ,Sunday. dinner. • "Now, lettildren", he said, "cii) ye want the cord• meat ,or\ a :nigke1 a- pie,ce?° Three hands went up for the nicicel. The meat was reinavecland Mrs. Mac- Pherson served apple pie, • . '"New children,° said ,Tock, "Who Yet Shell 'Stand:" , W. 'Patterson assured 'busiriess rhea's groan that Ile planned to drill an oil well in the Helyrorid distriet. Local • women attend meeting. to hear V.Itc.W. plan explained; DEATHS -Mel 13yran, M.L.A: of Vancoriver, formerly of I.,ucknow; Christine Grant, a daughter of Ash- field 'manse; Richard Brown; John' McGaire; Marguerite Jamieson; Wm. H. Cooke; Mrs, Wm. MaIlengb, native of A.shlield; Mrs. Milton Donald, a atiVe Culross; Mrs: Jrglin..loyn4 rs. Alex Hedley; Mrs,•Rebt, Moody qrintendeat of 'Huron District, Royal Arch IVIasons:• ' . „ Thirty -day purnpipg Jest decided upon detdrniine if turbidity in see, :led well Would *at, ' Dr, W. V. Johnston elected presi- dent, of Bowling Club. Mak. 7th marked Lai birthdays in home Of Com Foran when tWin VO-therS; l$1ruer and Norman were 19, Ind Ilene and Gordon, twin sister and brother' w4.t 15.. toWaship of Ashfield :received de- livery 'of a $5,g00 road, maintainer. Peter Watson sold his •West wanogh farm tO Lloyd Hunter. • no inCreaSe'' in taxes, Meant an Mairiess -Meri'S Association .ereaSi tile revenue' of abotat •$500 eeted 3. R. IVI.CNah is president; AS. *wants a piece Of pie for niekele dough. --Ottawa 'Journal. . $21,64„ ;;„ • • Individual Medals, with their ;name engraved, were preSented • to -the mem- bers of the tearni Local boys • who helped round out this classy squad were Donald ,Finlayson, Doug Altai-. ison, Jack cook, Murvin Solomon and Angus MeXinnon.• •• The big event Was held .in the Township Hall, Ripley, last FridaY night and'Was followed hdance. .4 . •SCHOOL130Y HOWLERS :OpiM shop is better' than closed shop on account of the ventilation. In the Seventeenth Century travel- ling. was vent romantic, as they had to roads,' only bridal' paths, • • Hors de Combatmerins e. War horse. , Farming in the /a)estern states is done by irritating, the sail. • Rotation of crop§ is so that thrt dna get the sun on all sides. , . • Western, Ontario IVIotorwitya • BUS SERVICE from LUCKNOW Revised Schedule, Effective • October 6th, 1940 ---LE-AV-ES LUCK -NOW- ai except Sundays • and HolidaYa at 7 tiatc for Wingham, ' Clin- ton, London, Detroit, Sarnia, •Stratford, Gfialpii, • Toronto, HaVtton. • '• ••• ' SU DAYS 8c • itys*- • 1.1:6aveaR'diPaiLlYE,i. 'eaCtOt _ , , . . Holidays 9 p.m. 'SUNDAYS.* Holidays -10;40' 'HOLIDAYS 0NLY-2:45 • For further information see Local Agent T. W. Smith Central Garage " Liickeow•; `est, all of 'Which was Much enjoyed:1 kt;vete cif thanks was giren th dlr. via the meeting clesed ' 1Ct COURRIES 'CORt4ERS ors in charge. Lunch was -served *be Natiooai Anthetn. • A fje,pp? New Iteal;To MI, . ' 'Mr.Ttaser. McKinnon who.has been ' • , , 'at. training at Kitchener returned . Mrand Mrs. Warner Smith and , home op SetUrday... :' ' • • family .from Salem, and Mr. Albert . , , ., .1dii-lt-Mcolcn.r:nAr.ain.tinoidrite-Mtli:Wt:wh:e:Mki-FT::. ae.ln,C.111 4M%-t,sff.lipi!IIT'l--. *44clay i'l•Gidwitheliiivie.r. antlk"111sri./41tJainebicr''L57t17. . • 'Teacher's and students home fer the - . .Mts. Herb •litickton spent the week- holiday;.' Miss Ina •Calnphell from St: : and with ,her parents. : . Mary's, Miss Ilene from Torento,.Miss MrsJewitt of Lucknow spent last .Graet, and Louise from Lacknow High' ;week with Mrs: ll. T. 'McKinnon. School; . Misses Melaa: and Winnie ' Old. friends and neighQurs 'atten- `liana...from Orillia; MissIJean Nelson; ' ied.the funeral 0,11 Sundav. of ltilrs„ A. Miss. EVelyn Little, Miss Pearl Ison- " ioson, 'Mr. Robert Boak and Mi. Grant ' Farrisb from . Luckanw ,High Schoca- . Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred .Farrish and ' 1:1.uisesknAonw.. Anna 'Mae spent ,C, hristma.s day, with Mr. and Mrs. Noble Johnston of' • ..:Mr. and Mrp.•David Little,.Verit and . Miss Mary Alton and, Mr. W:' Ware- ; ing spent Christmas, day With Mr. and • Mrs. Fliner Altonand family. ' •Visitorti with Mr: and MTS. james. ' Drennan Christmas day were Mr: and Mr and Mrs. Wilfred Plunkett and, . fatty -Ay' from Auburn, Mr. and Mrs. 't • ' . Wilfred 'Drennan and' family •froin \Capttiewte‘iMary: onfn,c1payfrarsm. 0Munetlit, in Raynstra ' ':', .-. • • -Mr, and Mrs. LlOyd Robb frOm Pin- ,•)liel kerton and Anna with Mr. and Mra. L'orpe Fairish en thriatiiitia -day: ' h, igMr.rQGtrtrrs m Gant Fart.Bob a rishis visiting m iisitiagi. d with 4 b , ,ISifittl.(re)iVinsd:w.13, iluihd•Fg44:4i;sithAnd.di;ImMirri'lrira.6htiJilta:rat..°et '11.141i: Mies Myrtle Johnstone froni God:: i•Ws liNslosilwse'Yiyrritivictipen:Caviiin..lieCIlh,,rt,thnloe7ia. laily,1: .,.. :40, , Mich spent Chrisimas• • eve at he .. inBth6lei!Lergit''C°hrrnittaas-rditn. 71" "eli , ' • •,... _ .Ress of Lucknow_,, a former regident (InteMiled for last Week) Miss Mary Cranston of Goderictt is spending a few days at her -home Mr.. Robert Irwin returned home from Woodstock On Saturday, • Teachers and students are 'all,hotm •for the Christinas vacation, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford. Kilpatrick visited On Sunday with the latter's mother, ,Mrs. George polloek f Shep-4 pardtOn. ' ' 'SS. No. 9 held their ehrigtanas Con cot in the school last Thursday' af- ternoon. Much credit is due to our teacher, Miss Jean MacMillan and t� • the pupils for the, fine afternoon'r entertainm'ent.o, • ' • , • We have heard, it hinted that there are girls' who don't mind It a guy is only halfbalted-if he has lots cif of the Sixth Coricessieti of Kinloss. Miss Mary .114cletyre of Toronto is sending a ,few days at her home', •;Mr. Hugh McMillaa was up from Toronto qver the week -end: • "That's a fine•gitl you've married,' sat& the 'old friend:, •• • "Yes," said' the angler, absentmind- edly, "hut yin; should ;have -seen he tipe,which got away." ; • PARAMOUNT' • Mr .end Mrs., Fratik King frem Tor- onto spent the holiday with her per - eras, Mr. and Mrs. .TameS 1i/feel/on, 'Mr Thos lake is under the doc aid tOr'P 'care at preperit. We hope he Mr. Oliver, McCharlea, Mt. Robert will soon' be. up and around again. Hamilton are down ,with the flu. • The. StiridaY,School .Christipas con, i; Mr. Raymond Richards from Galt cert was held in Blake. hall last Fri- and Notval .from. Guelph spent Xmas' day evening,.. The .sphocil children ITh.o their parents'," Mr. and, Mrs'. both No".. 9 and .13e11:ast had charge Dick RiChards,' , of the first part of the program. Mr, Godfrey Hall had his venal treat for. •the childree. But we 1.,LTre very Sorry he WO not itt,bleti) be ;present hinieelf. We kviih to take this. opportunity ol wishing this fine ...old igentlethee a very merry' Christmas' and a ,Happy Ne4 Year: Two short clia,lognes,,a,Ad,. • vice- .to--theAeire- Lore ' and •`Peteliirii PaW'A.'roend" were given hy'a nuinher cat the Votktig PeOple. Proceeds t "" • . , , t:1 , • ,•` . , • ' • • , • . 1 , .44 ,1 ,‘ i • . ‘;•' . : , •.. . . . • .... ,, , . ' t. .,‘,‘,,, eto........Y, ,...... Mrs. Rehert Heed Spent a fevi day'r with friends in Toronto. -:. yiss Myrtle, Webster spent the ti.ol• iday 't: ii- home. Mr; Ronald ilenderson from Pete - wawa. is horne qn leave. 1 . Miss Eliza Cook; nurse -in -training at, Owen Soinid, spent Christmas. at' tier borne. ' • 1.rhe sewing be 'will he held at Mss Ada Stanley...ort Thurgday, Jana ielth at I". &crock', , T'1d,'mp%eln.'L°ist'eve7- • thInileattokn°::'eePthv tof1dtlntiignin' 11,, T. . • , • 1 • , • , . ' • •