HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-01-02, Page 3• A.' •4iL . War Does Ontario's. Death Toil in994O$ 'First ,10 Monthe Ran t.o 612'• ' Victims • The death, toll on , Ontario's ,-„•..,.],iigbw;ays_and,street ln•.1Q. months M. this year was .612, compared With a total death. :toll of 419 in all Canada's• navy, aitr force and army during 14 full months of u the : war. "Toe death toll ' on Cairadn's highways is equivalent to .a perpetual' state of war,” wag the comment of Ta -G: Fester, 'gen.era1_ manager of the �Ontnriv Safety' League... :URGES INSTRUCTION • Mr. rester urged instruction be givers inthe schools :o'n traf-6 ;..; fie 'hazards; and; , safe. driving:. .RhodeIsland schools .gave.- suet a course, be said, -with, the ' result - . . that, the graduated nupiis; 'in more than '7,000,000 miles' of driving -reCorded,: had not a single . acci- dent. Attorney-GenTeial Geadon Con- , ant. a conference of'` •enforeentent officers and organs-: ... zations interested .-.rt't. traff►c sat: •ety • "The 'situation with regard' • to traffic accidents in the., province,. and particularly the • number - of f atalitie•,„.is • a matter of . grave Concerti for all our citizens,' and es eeially 'for . law enforeemen t ,officers an whose in erect'eein". :motor transportation ,,and safety'I imam.: es.,'.•' thhe ttnt""ti =n 'tit a. i • drilling 'o oper g farm near OBI Local! Municipi ped: said. ' fie' directed that ` hit=and runt drivers' be charged under the • Crianinal. Code, 'f`when•ea, er there is• reasonable'' justif.icc,tion for. suchi:oeedure." 0 • •RiallT ACCIDENTS Alderman.'Dr. Millen of. To-, ...: 'ionto pointing out:that sortie.;56 per'';cent. Of accidents ,.occur at nightthough only , one-quarter of •. the •daily traffic volulte is on ,the road then, '.. advocated in city council a., reduction of the. ;speed limit" for night driving to 25 'miles; per .hour. Reduced .Visibility',. in the, aldertitan'a opinion, made 'the 30 Mile rate at night too high. He Bagged A. Nazi A tiny 'traiup'' steamier, ' while • Proceedingin ccnyoy in;,t'he North !Sea, was.' swooped upon,'by a heavy, HeinkeI' 11.1,- which sprayed, the, ' decks', with . a murderous hail of machine-gun bullets. • Bosun Gun-' • First YMCA. Tea Car for Canada. Praised by Their Excellencies ill Moreei INCIDENTAL...HORROR Amo _ ng 'the . horrPrs of was - count 'that sweater that every,.. body in the family , helped to • knit. i t4raf f ord . B:eeon-H•era•1•d.-•.-•� LONG •ASSOCIATIONS The longer, we live, iii /a 'town, ' the mire it means to. r in ad ditron to -the present these . are ,, .the accumulations • of. the •'past —41,tehenrr Reco•rd:''' REAL,.JOB,':F'OR SCIENCE y Science has done a good deati for t1_ie farmer; but it 7hitS not yet succeeded ,nn shod mg Iii ii = how to retire like hls bather and .,grzandfatther used to : do .. .-Peterborough':.Exatniner,: 'UNDIGNIFIED AND UNSAFE' ' Few soldiers desire. to Stout at • the side , of: `the.road and ".thumb •a ride!:, as. 'th•: ey flint' it:: humiliating. Hitch hiking' also is "tiiisafe for every pedes'traaii •hi ' 'these„ days. of heavy. tf affic. The., Canadian people clo not desire tr. §2e 'the n• -hien •of' the- fighting --a services exposed to, these condi- tions; they feel that, with: theraii- v-way's •availabl,: and the • sums that are being spent on :the War', —the country's finances -are not go- ing to .be .impaire.d 'b.,y. :providing free . rides in trains which' often. If the ' snpPlY should really .run • abort, ,there can alv/ays be 'trots - perdition from Australia ,and. New . Zealand with ..no restretiaus what - 'ever save a five-oent a point(' ens.:• tt►ms., duty. I9own• under, ;it is ,ai-• '•waye •June,. in our January. There • lay plenty of butter to buy there; if . need be; and if .hips, -for. • its cora . '''!nonoral transport arp available. • .. erncr-general •and Princess Alice inaugurating Canada's first niioiiile tea Thele; ,excel! s of government me g .he. Earl of Athlone is shoivn here congratulating John car, isi,tl�e ,g-rounds�of go��ernrxnent, house, Ottawa. •T Borden. *Trop- M Hill: and Austin' Rutland'' of: the "Y.M.C.A. war services rwhr�chtW llcooperate the e where they Camp pared; _ the 'first, rp• • af' tea tif _the army, navy and air force were .also present a th n -d-: J, ----Beats-n.;.....weo•---t:e••predented 'the cups .of' tea with their excellencies and James iuf.doc , c • Y.M:C•A: War services- committee. SI 11l TA'Y`~ C H Q Q L LESSON' 1. _ • JESUS AND.. HUMAN AFFLIC- TION: Luke 13:: ' PRINTED. TEXT, Luke ' 13: 1-5, •10-17. • 0 ' GOLDEN ,TEXT-We''.have:snot a high 'priestthat, cannot, be touched with the feeling of our infirmities.• .1eb..4: 15:. THE LESSON RIN ITS EtTTING Tim.e,: — Navemdier, :ecentber, . P'lace,—peraea, that"part, of Eal- • estine .which was east •of the Jor-• >. -dan:.'Et;iver,:.oppos•ite •Judah, • ' In this 'lessen, 'We find continual emphasis on Christ's'. desire to.•turn, -the 'atten>"ion of all' .men'. to the, --.subject. ' of 'their ow,1l individual, ,;persgii:al: salvation, and away'•from speeulating,about what willhap•pen' • • to :otherPeople, until . the'', have '« d,oteimined`iit their own hearts ',to • _ be "right .with. God: M'en Are as lost • • today as when Jesus was here,' and.' •• • ' fust as Ale. desired to 'save men then; so .1-16 desires to save men • face; of the devastating fare a14 held • his fire' until 'the'' Heinkel Was in his. •sights; he' let .rip -with the, bullet*,.in his Lewis gun ' magazine• and. sent the Nazi plane plunging; into* the •'sea. • 1 • � • Find Pilots Have AbilityIn Music Scientist Tells of important Aviation Res'earth ' in Toro*. to. — . • .''Except . Ye Repent" Luke 13 't,l• "Now there were some preset ',.at that very season. 'who Old' him of , the Galilaeans, whose 'blood Pilate had mrntgled• with their sacrifices." We'-have'no' recerd of.. the particular massacre' "%which tires hearers- now report to: • our ',Lord,' but • these • pilgrims from •Galilee. doubtless had come • n tip. , to Jerusalem for one of the •feasts; probably •Tabernacles, and had' come. into -collision with..the Romans, 0.. perhaps through • setae fanatical act of rebellion. 2... "And" he atis•w.eied and said • ' unto them, Think ' ye that these„ Galilaeans were sinners above ,all the .Galtlaeans;, because they have ,. suffered these things?? ,2. I' tell you, • Nay: hut, e,zce'pt yse'Jreperlt, ye, shall ; all" in. like, manner perish, :.4.`. Or- those .eighteen, u-po-n-'=-•v,•am--adze 'tower i.tt Siloam. • fell, and • killed them; ' think ye that' they were •of- • fenders above all t�ro. men- • that • dwell' in Jerusalem? 6,'I'tell you, Nay:.,• 'but, ept•. 'ye. repent., 'Ye.. • shall all likewise perish.". What our ' Lord is here doing is Warning ,bis audience 4hat they shbuld apt first' be. concerned.. about =ilisti•ess that. • •.. has- happe_n:ed to ,others, speculating • concerning the Mtge .for, such, and • concluding • that' 'those •destroy$d were Particularly" Wicked hied, but rather .-that, they should 'loo`k Into their ,own hearts, discovering: their 'own, wickedness, until they. 'realized that they too were' ivoi•tliy of aim- r `i'la'r disaster and suddendeath, n -•= less they resented. To, "regent" The t:niversity`of Toronto is the eihnire •centre of. ''research,. in a' Work which may well ,establish • the N :dil ference between , victory anti' defeat 'in the air, Dr.. IL Armstrong-. toId the Roy n Institute at' a recent meet - tag. Dr.Armstrong is •the hu- •thor of 'the .only' book' in exist- .t este ori'"Aviation. Med'icine", and this year he will with •two other. ""doctors receive"' froth; President .Roosevelt a trophy for, the yeais'�s.' most. valu,able contribution. to aviation. ' FEW ARE LACKING . One of . • the • most. itilpo'ttent branches -ef the research here was • that in high ' altitude flying,, he, said. Research had •disclosed Charac- teristics usually, found in 'success- i`�ul • liilots, Dr, Armstrong' said, One' is inherent. musical' ability. 'rft isn't, ' necessary 'developed,. bit' ott'll find very 'few' , islldt9. 5' Who, can't carry k ' tune or who couldn't lie' trained to play a mu- sical• iitsruYnent,» he said, sty, • :dealin•g with each case individ- uii-ly; and then-Helaad--.1 andt° ot:—' h.er as•sa• symbol' of ren municatiug ,power to her, pnabiing :h.er,foi; the first time: in'eighteen years to stand ,upright'.. Whether this was a riracle worked _upon nerves •or a •curvature of the slsine, or.; itiha is - _pore probable, both, we.: are not told,. but a 'iniracle.• it •.was 'indeed: The:, Sabbath • Day '• ' . 14. "Arid.. the ;ruler ' of the syn• agOghe, hen ug 'moved With in'digna= tion •,'beca.use 'Jesus hadi, healed on the 'sabliatli; answered and said tad the mutl.titude, '.There are ,six. • .day.a. in which °men ought to *work!. • ...in' them' thereftl're ..come and he healed, and not on .the day ofr the• >, the was itis! sabbath. ••This °•off chief Of the• elders : who formed •the 'local Sanhedrin. Though only first among his equals, the virtual rule of the synagogue ..dvolved upon him.: That the. ' • daring Innovator.,. Jesui3, should perfo'rni 'one of Sabbath -breaking cures there was' too .-much•-.Eosthi.m.. 15:'."Bi,t the • .Lord answered him; and . said. 'Ye • • hy!peerites, troth .`not •each one of you on' the sabbath loose his ox'or, his ass from the stall, .him' away to•,_wateriug?" Sufe1y one "Of God's'chosen people was of morg,•yal'ue thanan•ox.::.to be lied to a'manger which daily yteid`ed 'food was nothing, to tie, bondage in ..wb4ch this 'woman was held. ' •Made Far Man" • The :Sabbath, . rest; meant_ for ni ante good. -:.had- been-tu ' an intolerable yoke of evil by •these. • hypocrites :. ; These men were pre- . tending zeal for:the Sabbath, n•hile they were really inoved•by ange{` at • the miracle,,, which "would Bare .' been equally; unwelcbhre on any, • day of the Week. They were pre- tend'ing that their zeal , for the Sa b- bath was',the 'result of their zeal. f -or God, 'While it•,was -only zeal for their ,rabibinical }Beetles, and had' ° "no' religious element at all. "And ought not .this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, ' ,whom ;Satan had 'bound, lo', tliese . eightee>fi•' years,• to have been ,loo-- • ed from this bond on'the 'day tit the sabbath? 17.: And. as .he -said. these . ins -;-art itis of lei sat4es- V4544444— to,. ort+ p• it -.-.,to,. shame: and, all the', multitude rejoiced for all the glorious things •- that were 'done •by hitt_ " 094 Form-l%otes, • Ontario Winter Fair, Sponsors' Seed. • Shoici Will :B,e Held in Toronto Week. of February loth States Vice:•. " Preai.dent 'E..1K. Hampson. ':.: A Winter, Seed Show, • similar to the successful' sfiow "Held last .r .year,• will again.be •'spanscred by. the seed division of th'e,•Ont•.• Pro-.. vip,cial •Winter•' Fair (Guelph Winter 'Fair.) E: 1 . Haihrisoii,, Hamilton, vice-plesiient of • the - Fair 'announces: •' The 'show will 'be ,held the • week. of F,ebraiary '10th in: the .King Edward. Hotel. Toronto; and. will provide an op - porton ty_for'.d'e,alers',and :farmor's to view and .purchase the .best in. .seed• grain.• ' STRICTLY ' COMMERCIAL'. '.Thershow; Mi..` ierlipson points Out, Is 'strictly commercial' 'arid • only 'those'groweis;who have sub: stantial ctuantitieS, of 'seed grain, for :sale- will--be-elig-ible to coni- pet'e•,,ip the various classes.,,,, a• `• :The " prize list.; and other par • :'titulars • 'are . now, . available: A:'i engi iaies aheuld' be: addreesed•. to . the •s�eeretary of the :show,, L. E. • O'Neill', 'Parliament. I3tiildings,. Tcronto•.• ' means fnndameritalty, to • turn ' • around, 'to change one's mind, and then, to ,change one's way of 'li•t= ing.' Repeni.ance means. more than ,being sorry .for. one's 910, it roans to deliber°ateiy turn • frdin one's' sins. • Healing', and Teaching , 10. "And hewa's teaching in one ' �f, the' shagogUeS ons'the sabbath.'. ; day. 11. Arid behold a.woinan that ,had a spirit of. Infirmity eighteen years; A1i0 lie :was hawed' tegetlr<';' er, and cou'.d• in no 'wise lift her, self tip:" . 12'. "And when Jesus saw her, iYe, called -her, • 'and said t6. her; 'Wo "" khan, thou'" art loosed from . thine hifiartiity. 13 And he laid his•hattds _ upon hes: and "ilnniediatel'y slip was blade straight, and glorified Ged." Twit things, otic ;T.ord dic4' IIS apoke to her and He laid • hi•S hands 'ons: herr,. He••>sepatated• her: out front 'the multitude, in the sy"nt agegne, just as He eVel y believer, frogs the wortd•,of human. Wheat ` Storage Granted Ontario The. Canadian Wheat • Ford.. has• annonneed that..pursuant to._ the Canadian Wheat •Board , Act storage will ". be paid ,on Ontario ' winter wheat :stored by ,producer ,and subbsegtiently delivered to the. board,' between. November 1;.-1940: and Junk 30, 1941. Farm storage .started . October' 8•, 1940. . Storage -Will be paid on the • same rate applicab'le on wheat stored in 'country', 'elevators, Of .a .cent per' bushel' per • day. R Temper Hot T"e p Is ' Handicap Loses. Frie'nds,; Better Learn to "Take it' on ,the• Chin" • An -..uncontrolled temper i;y'- co.stly. By ' itr one' may ,lose friends. Qn its nccourit, many a youth and .adult, :denies . himself success` at, schools .• or, .'at • work. Many' a job is lostt in a• temper. • . MANY'. A 'JO$ LOST, ' ' •.Nearly,eve'ry one of .us. -has •e 1 ex,perienc;es when'we ` were •r 'us .1 frea'ted by' a "biss". But ' when wise we., ave ..also • learned to hold our tongues. We waist learn "to take •it,i0n-Mlle • chin'": Let us always .const the. 'cost first, and not let'our -passion :get; the better of 'us. • Many. a child or whcle fxntily must 'anduse ;•rave' 'hardships he- : cause the father-bi'eedWltinat', in a fit of temper"„ lest his job.A c,ei•ta'ili votits .father of -two 1-i•U!le children, who, drova a milk w agbn, desired one, 'day to see a"- base- ball game. ''Ile •arroyo Itis•„wagon , .6utsid-e a drug .store; teletiltoneil' his boss but •,rias denied pe•rnt.is- aion to .go. thiit day.. In, violent rage he rammed' the receiver onto the 'hook, 'left the horse and wig. • on standing there anis; went to -the' . . game. It was a long' while be.: • . fore he found •another' job: ' are half empty any Butter Dearth, Fear, Needless • -Many. •,oa.nsdia:as--Haeme_ Stock- ed' Up 'And Ant'ipode's ;Stores AIways Available • As.iii. tate last tt•nr. ivl}t+.p b _ilei was very, lligli: of price h so -today, '• ;hen the pricy; is not sb'-1n-g-h-"iru rising rather, `om'inouslt;'Canadian hoiis&,iolders. are'.shown,••in many • cases. as having, taken tiine.'by the forelock.` They'. •hat`a been • storing' up;"It 'rimy'be the 50,pouua.'lrox Or. . . tom, . .'crdck', '7Yut ,many creai'neries f •oyer sport to ,the regul rtittg`., ^hority at•.Ott.awa. that. a. lot of this has:been.•going on.5inee -the early'fall. ;• t,• • Thr.s; it is, figu,reii tli:t t t'hr att:an- t•ities refei:red to in the 'statistics as being in' public •staraee-about• 42,000:000 pounds —, is'; stir, fi•Om the. wholb` ;Picture. Tho'ttsafntisr of pounds•,ai`b•••i•eitort'e.ci .to be in cellars or oast' ori, the balooiries;; in cases' w.ii e ,00ldei• refrigeration is need•. ed: Every.. ifox 'oi+ crock put •away will by 'that muc•ii, lesseii`tire cot:- . sumer •de' nanrl for butter t the , corner groceries. • MANY PLT' a'W:V f1Q\ES ,The War ' Price- Board : is not . worrying, about any. .ho•rttge or '. this 'essential fat. for is: it, con sidering i ationiu.g oi_ the `thinning Of cream, ice storm. or ilie •skin_ ming _of.•miik for'.table Mise. ' Goes to Saskatoon Although /it is the capital of Iceland, the ,t'enrpetature of Rey. • • • kjavik rarely goes below freezing,:,• point, Prtcdu+ctioin .of the aircraft in dustry' in anada duri4g 1929 was avalueil at. $12,,638,470 as.. a,,gainnt. • • , $.6,927,10.5 in' the. preceding 'year. RISTP`RI.USAV . 1). Fsrgus'on. IN'' i IA(\AETER ,µ • • ti. •l5N w Pi.UT.' LITTLE ~t� JC-,FiTE 1P• SITAli�.... COPD 11 5. NEA SEPI :ICE,. t�C• ,. ANSWER:: "high` The • ., .til I sin. rif a• river is the one ,on the ... et's right •as,• faces doWnstrearn,...1oWiard the...moUtli of ter:. a`T. *Would. itiliabitatits • c.,1 .th"e•a'eartii:b.i.:foreWaraed if We - • ,bc struck b Is OMA-iAiN'EBR+�Sie,A. ok T E .... LEFT BAN K OR •'THEE )/ANuf.= .OF THE tv1IS�OCS1 i . were y a star".: i TO , •R: N 1NV •� N 1Vf CEJ HORI70N rAL : 1. PiRaured community- : tion inventor. 12 Dilatory'. • • 13 To'•depait, • Robert Sotititieiville: • tubi ell; • 'Manager et the Canadian ,Na• tiohal ' •Trail gays . Jamier, Park•,' Lodge suftiinei' Fess' in T '..the. .. ,ildckies, • Whose- .spilt i•ntn en t aG , Manager'of, the. Hotel Behsbo•i•- ogh. at $askat• on, Sask.,an- iiqunced by • J.•'Van \Vyck, gener- al ;1lanaget: f7 T1o'tt for the -Na....: . tioiial System, -Mc •: POP ---'Ma No Longer Has to Worry I'VE INSUR•D MY L(F' • FOR TGN THOUSAND DOLLAI•S! ,..I' •14 House -ring. `16 : eevele coat. 1'7 Furnished with soles. Answer to Previous Puzzles •, .:10 To. yearn. 'M/ 1'! 1 HONOLULU it{.Nottowin:, .. ! P•'I AL '•: ''12He was,:tofA' W TIS E • PA- LE``S, : "Sw • M --� descent., I R A _ 1 Ste' P�~.15 His - ILL M N�E.Ol (�®�► °'Visible' . • E M RIE. P IW P L rto,a of °. r rM 'IS U rtI.'h 1'.. Speech.. , Nf1Wt1) 20 Work of E. .F I{:NE . ,.. ” est cla'�. R �`hrg�h I� P�A P E LA D'E+PO EN U S TI EL N 18 Handle „tal". 2019 SuNativebstanmeces, . • from 39' Court, : i • ' turpentine, 40 Bone. : 22 To obtain,. 42 To assist, 23 Deer. 44 Rawness.. 24Electrical •49 Eagle., term. . 50 Corner of -a , • 26. Rounded "sail, • projections., • 52 Positive 29' Light daily ' • • ' electrical N -r ®P A • 21 Seclusion. • S 25 Tofire a. list.' B Ev 23 To en ;, gust.,' 27•To rebound._ -. S 28 Organ of ' interested in hearing. educating ,the, 30o possess. 31 Haunt... 35Ange,l. VERTICAL: 37 Private boat. s O 1 -Pertaining .to 41, To:_$mell. . wings.. . ''43 Combat 2 To' Canter. between two. 3 Fermale-sheep: 45 Till: task. • terminal: •.4'Clover. 46 To suffice. 32 Perceives. 53 Chinese sedge 5 Atmospheric 47 Unoccupied. sound.. 54 To. burst, forth' element • 48. Afternoon, , •56 Stone. 6 Valley. parties, 34 34 Crucifix, 57 His great 49 Comfort. " 51 than. w 36 Eras;, • .. invention, 5Sooner." - • 37 Exclamation. Mid5d Abode: " '38 Falsehood. : 58 He was ' .. .. 2 2. 3' 7' Opposed to odd ' 8 Proverb. • 9. Epoch. 4m 5,. ,6, ,7 g' 9, 13. • 16 19 • .21' 22 29 29• -' ,30.,31 33, 36 39 90 9 as3 er • Ja,MIL AR• YYA lt•1 ••. ti•O,ry • YOU ON:r N E t^D rr_',/gAY' TIM • YOU., •cGt.1,1: rt.r= uPS-ET. i •. ' • 'i At