HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-01-02, Page 2"•I •
, 1 • . •
• . .
fr. • ,
Si* Walls' Silk
Supply On liand,,
• Canadlin Manufacteters Haq
,La&d n, A, Store Before the
I3an—Thert Stocke, Will :Be
-, MoAtEat-Sk
' •
It may 'take a little time but the •
Pe:2; sille will ge Cut of '„the stock.
4:; :Worn by Ca:radian •Wcreen as
a result of the restriattens placed
melptpertationt luXert . article's
tu an . eefort to •c nsert• foreign
• ' " exchange:40r war mimeses_ •
Wbethermilady's :los-the ;
mart appearance'imparted to thew
, • '.1iy pure...,0:hOsfi..dePends.on the
• " •:-• abiTitY ofattedian. inatititacturerse
to prednee tine Stockings made
'oni artif1caI silk at alnico the::
aTerage; vvemett calt.•14Y:•; •''
.• A .:Ett'ADVA:10 • CHANGE,Gy•ER
''• •Frinn new an silk may helltePer- •
-; • ..teci,ettly on •eermit"lut . Canadian
, manufacturers 'have Probably • en -7
ough sflk an hand te keep Silk.'
stoakings. In, 'prOductton .'for‘ •six •
• ••iiionthe: ,Finance Minister IiIey,
' SOOIt ,*.as ••••liret?oseclto restrict;
" • •• imports gradually in order to give •
,Cenadiap Manufacturers time to ad- •
• ; . 31.1,Stlheu milis, „to the use ,of
ficial silk. ' -• •,''. .
•A plant is. being established
in'•:Kingsten; Ont,. telman,ufacture
'e :new kind of a.rtificial Silk,,yarn
• of real :'sills appeerapceand su-
Periotin wearing\ qualtaes: Thr1 •
.; Yarn, may be available about the
time atieplies,ei real silk Tun out
• • . , ,
, • ,
•.• '
;!..• . r • -'
• sER15.1i9ey - •
BY p.Ayt.I.FR1GGiNs
- •COPYRIGHT. 440:
'MO* ateaveca. •IWC.
Carrie larie --,- an eastere- .047
who .came •into the fre ti
•t`O find home. . • 4.
Mark Deuel --- -a homesteader •
• "who -keeps his buiittess to • him-
Ashton 04s — a land aent,
• g, .•
with tpv. lot, to .sell.•
• Last Week4 Carrie Lane comes
• to thi „frontier t�wn, of Slattx
•1;.-Spi"ings t� take Op a, hosnesteed.'.
a minton
anaLelyis takes time off befOre
*Stirling a 'neW *Ole to breisk up on
her fiatnn Of .badminton. ?Meg
:Lewis 'feels that .thesegames- are '
ji0Ping- Wm and alert: •
Hilifgtx Gi* •
30,000 Population
. bue-to. War Boom, BaL4 Can-.
adiati :Porte 'HaVe. Seen
- • precedented ;Expansion . •
. Ware demands have called 'forth
• •• •
„• .areUn.preeedented exinuision Pt
. 'Canada's Atlantic ports. Cities and
'towns along the seaboerd,. bulging
withpopidatiens.anginettted by the ,
. „
. Military ,an.d seafaring men., are
''.• • • humming with; activity. Business is
• • ' bustling,,;and' industry 4's swinging
• along under, the imPettts �f orders
• •, ;brought them hy, the 'War.'
' • ,; : }/arbors. 'where the. comings - and
"•'"- goings of a eeteparatiye handfel•Of
merehantmen and fishing vessels
,formed the hulk 'of the pre-ivar 1;4-
' '• ;Mess . now are-.g-eareil to a -PeW'
' tempo. 'Halifax and Sliiht John al-
: • ways Were limier ports; but they,
too,, are operating now at a new
pace. . a •
• Both haye gone tliretigh their ,
,• ..greatest .periods in many tears.
• "And this-Wintet is going' to'
• them ail," predicts one Saint John
port • " ,
.But the business net •enly
afloat :The men,' Of, the •convoyd,
' who handle the, 'seaborne consmerce
of 'the Empire; ' the thOUSands et .
- • navy 'Men • guarding the, . convoys.
• : and the shore,. And theother thou...
'• Sands Of the array •antt air ierce, •
„ire hi the port. • •• • •
. •
They thrtarig the Streets of
fax; 'Salta John. and'EjrcineY
out letup, and, en & altnilit
'these ot other' waterside toWihs.
• Their dollars. chi* Out a welcome
; •aYinPhort3r,in the -cash registers' of
merchants; theatres, . reataisrantit
;and other buitnesses, And Inthe
peaks of the:landlords. :
-lust about e-eety available lodg•
, • ing In •Solte Areas hag' beets taken
-. ,n' InHalifax alone, city ,oificiale
• 'estimate the population has futon-
• lwaye 'afflicted with a housing. •
shortage; deesn't know' hew it in
• : telly to jaln hi any More On k
lesser kale, It's the smile• story.
• eleethere, .
•'An orphan!, she lots come west •
for hOr health. But the „frontier
in 1862. wit.S1'ino Flee* for a wi)-
man atone.: Mark Deuel is inter- -
estetr hs the girl, Wants ter pee.
". tett her Carie is: brave, ,confi-
‘ dent,. as she talks of. the future":
• Mark knowl their lives must be -
'linked. .
• • Carrie: was 'ready and waiting •
•'`.•-rwhell Ashton Oaks ':diove up .to
"the Trhetel" -fl his' -.tented lisiggy;•
later for her in the Morning; 'She '
had prePared a lunch. Mrs. Patel -
ley had suggested it. when. 'Carrie
. told: her the land agent had of•L
erekte-drive herout to her •new
. . .
homestead. • „ • , • •
-""Iroteek's -mb-Fetsr----nt
• miles north el tovirn,"-,l1iIrs. Parire
• le • said.. "That's • uite a little tide
-711-Tlhe rsiaraRil-iiin-elilierois •
,the prairie, You'll need somethire.,
pretty ge(Oci to Stick toyour ribe
eking about neontirne:. '
- ' "And say," she, added; her.
, .arms akimbo, a-rid-winneltritrW7.
l'ingly "if it, pia 'make no
' ference • to You, who is this land:
.: agent fellow , anyhow Tat, was
the way ilia, kept up on the'day's
'news, asking ' people questions, '
▪ pertinent and Mine -remit -I, 7, Irdt
• nobody '' Seenied 'to mind,
ing Carrie. •-• Mrs., .Parmley invit-
ed• ' confidence. . „
•exPlained_she • had _Islet..
him on the train • out • of Chi-
.eig,o, that when he •had 'Iearned
she Was Coming to Shan't SPrin'gs, -
• he had; Offered to- her • get •
'settled. He was •,litYing several,
town, -hits Irs Sioux Spriege hit&
• self; he had told her; and *mid- :
cleari hp::*ith;tlie railroad dile to,
, Come: in seen. When she returned
item the land office, he hhd stig-
xested hire a baggy t� take'',
her 'out to :Reek 'Creek next day. .
::She'ha accepted.' •. •
Ashton, Oaks was pattonizingli, •
' pleasant sow as he assistedt4Jar-
7 up into' the. buggy, •
4,!Tetyn look' emr, better to Yqu:
_today,Mia:e_J_Asse.?".„, he inquird.
' ; "Oh, yes,- ever so much better.7'7
him at :the hotel last •
• Bight, Carrie ..had• had her first
twinge ef forebeding about Sion•
Springs, lac *est :and homestead-
3ng ReaU,'llsette was no toWn
• at the prairie- seethed to suraI-
Iii•W• upboth ends : ;of the single
,main street. With.a sudden, Alert -
Creek and 'the growth ot; suing
—gProgs,-.411.74-01-camsatant* say-
ings :her father had' left her for
investment.' Was there 'mote out •
bere than health? - •
Whether Ashton Oaks. read' her
mind, he affswetedher., qfiestion,
' Fortunes lay out 'here .'f Or \the '
•asking,' he told her, He 'was still
: elaborating on that • ,theine. •ht•
neon when the buggy. Splashed .
lute Rock Creek at the head Of a
• pretty little Valley. Oaks stOpPe4.,)
to water Alse • herses.,.. and Carrie '
1;spreati her ',lunch •Under a con-
venient iinge f cetiOn'vvtiod
. trees alerig:tbe bapit:,.,110:ire,.at the:,
• 'etosSing, the 'trail' was More lestir--
• ily 'traveled, 'Oaks pointed • om,
because settlers Were already
peuting into the • valley.- Carrie,,
Wei 'ewer to see her -new 'home-
. stead. site; „ •••• • ••,
They ate rather hurriedly,
:tie in her enthusitiSmi,anci start -
With the aid .,of 'Colonel Earrieg-
ton's instructions and. a. nisiund
of :rocks at the Section line, they
• found it easily: The slew grasa•-•
: es .touched.„the horses' bellies, asi:
Oaks drove off • t,he rutted trail '-
and u. Ptowird a • little knoll back ;
•..:itoin the" ettek:-.ThiS;' he Itiggest- "
• ed, Weald be an .excellent site
' •
It' commanded, • a superb
SyktS out of :danger of high water.
Her closest neighbors would be
• Perhaps' a mile distaiit,, Oaks told. •
-:they-Ii-ft the -hugg-y•-•atid,-Car-
• rie, 'for the 'Bid thne;, Sto-od 'on
her' At least, it would
•be• her. ONT1 land •. in a •feW
• rnontlia: Lociking, over the:'creck:'
• below, • the •endless _prairie beYolid,
• suddenlyf she ' was overwhelmed..
• There Were no Words to derscribe
this. Oaks, sensing her feeling:
• said.. nothirrg. . '•
eternity to the, iintiatient Oaks,
• thy stood there .and.then at •Iait
' .Carrie broke the silence.
•; "pnt'len-.---;. it's se far from
%-eyerything," she said,. almost .
' a whisper. Today she had glow- .
ed With anticipation, feeding on
• a9415°cir'ic' ecil:l'eehWs
ee'r'in*aPigttitupPeed." w.14i6th
wh• the
. stark, Atter ;loneliness •Of• the
• • • '
• Oaks noting her sudde.ir-seher-
. nese,, •began reaSautaxices...". But
they , were of emfOrt,
• think it iS getting ;bite,"
• Carrie' said; -"Perhane We , had
better start liaek„ Mr.. Oaks." • ,
_Carrie was silent' on the •returC
•• trip, the buggy. Tleiting her
'thoughts. • Like Sioux Springs, •
• Oaks tried -to tell. -'het, the claini
'would' look:better neict. !Urn,' .she:
sit* it. • • • •
"I • I hope so," Carrie ie.,
sponded, and added lateri-"I-44
guesi I was just •ovencome .1)Y, the,
sPacP, the- enaptiness of it all.: -1'
hope. I have geed' neighhors."
' ' *
&mous GLANc..4,.
Oaks'iulled up the liuggykenee
: on the . 'way back to talk to a
' , Man and woman. in a „Wagon on
the way, one to.Rock Creek, :Car-
rie felt, letter hen She learned
• they were her dos* neighbors,
living only a mile up • the: creek.'
• In• those few -moments' Visit, Car_:
rie Was sure; she weuldlike hearty
Ed • Taylor and his:•hoaney little
• • .
of fear -she recalled Colonel
"This.' is
.110' country for a 'woman—alone."
But now, in the bright, Inorning
sunlight Carrie Was actually .more
assured. Things SoMehew lOoken
better- today with the wagons
rattling forth' and haeli„. churning
up the Austen lossg- line a settlers
forming again at the low, squat
land office • down the street.
There was a purpose, a, new hette.,
here, she sensed now,- for- the
first time:
• . Ashton, Oeks_,, watching, her,
spoke of these things as they
jogged past :the last rambling
building at the .edge of town and
followed 'the • deeply tutted, -trail
• across the burning grasslands
„north to:Rock Creek. •
."They all Start like this, these
frbetier -towns, Mlss Lane.- I've
• seen A hundred of them since the
home -stead 18w. ' 1 mitild have
bought them all- — at first. And I
.did buy a few." He phrased his
words significantly, slapped the
reins across the backs Of the.
shiny ,bays. "But thdy change, ,
they change pretty fast. The rail-
road'll d,o that here like it did
back east notSo long ago.' 'You
wOn't know Sioux Springs in a
year . • •." He went on picturing
the growing 'town, • the flow cif
neW 'settlers; the rise in land
'values; the pushing- back of the
raw frontier. ', •
• To Carrie, clutching her bright
sunbonnet, Jistening eagerly,,this
was like '-wine. This was hat
people 'meant aboxit the west, and
opportunity, she knew now:
,Somehow she believed she -was
catching the spirit of the ide
.epen prairie . already. Alinotit,
she was sure, she felt better with
• the broad, eleen$ sween of the
land Areuntl-let, the san beating
clown,• the wind finning
• cheeks, the signs of new life at
• scattered claiM ,seddies in the dig.
lance.• •
"But there's so much of this
land," shehiterrupted. "Will it
'ever be " Wetth anything, Mr.
4:tratS .was...:thilikln.g• '%rd;
• deftly Of he homestead; ori Rock
Nobel Pea.e0Prize
withhela in 1940
- The- Nobel Peace Prize will not
be awarded this year,.'it- .ata-
•.'nounced. , •
•The last indirtrielual to win the
peace prize sigtS• Ttritish Viscount
1938 the award was given tcethe
Nanaen International' Office for
Refugees 'at Geneva. rn 1986" it,
was conferred upon ' Carl- vii..
' ISSietsky,.. the Germn
a, pacifist,
• while 'in a Nazi . ;Concentration
' :anent
. The Reber- Peace Prize was.,
'withheld in „.1939t Other yekre
when the . piiie has- been with -
1:9241.928 'end 1992. • '
, -
' Shea -A. Nor Wiiiitre:85
T -hey- dreye--. -down the -bus,.
: • Sioux: Springs main street 'late
• In the afternoon and Oaks' left
Carrie o'ff at Sioux -Springs
House. Later, after' washing „eft.
' the first real -coat of prairie dust;.,
she changed her clothes and went
out to purchase supplies and to
• make arrangements for her home.
• At the, general Store; swerna±
ing with denim-plad settlers and
wives : and children in celico, Car-
• rie was , assured • a wagon "or
• Sieneene"., would haul 9ut every-
• thieg., And the neighbors would
help to build her Soddy. •
• Carrie, howeVer, drew many
curious glances. 4 she • left the
I store. he heard someone say,
"Alone—movin" out • there ' with-,
• out nobody 1101* m4thite-7,alone;"
and she felt again that smallness
• that she • had experienced, at' ,the
claim. All was terribly bewild-
• ering. She. , was glad she could
• talk with Ma Parmley, unburden
'her heart. The big, jolly woman
• Was an uplift' 1 ' •
-"Now, just pie go back to that
hotel and get a good nights .
and everythirig'11 ' work,. out all
right tomotrOw," Ma assisted her.
- "First tune- I --conte out here, :we- •
didn't have no hotel, curse it
ain't rinlelt now, nor Ma Perm-
ley's grub. We slept in the wag-
. On and et, en the. 'geese
,Carrie wait retureitig to her
• room in the hotel when Ashton
Oaks Stepped her at the desk,
• ealle'd her aside, a bit furtively,
Carrie thought; ,r
"Well, heav 'are you, feeling
he achecie-iiher.
, taint* leek all tight." Sornethirtg
. abut hit familiarity annoyed
Carrie for the'firit time, but he
replied, • "Why; t feel very well,:
after a- good supper," .
er meil
ust Work.
For Democracy
. , 'iced S. Bucle- Nobel Prize,
• , Winner, Warn*, They Will
, itiOa Equiiiy. WOrld Needs •
. •
..e Ost4Gi
•,Half the
."• Go TO, -Ch1ldrolt4,,,
• colic., Fewer Thani,•
Met* as Wamen
, •
Stinta's fh•st line'Houten
n1 moxe
, some large 1J. S. Stores ch'':
findings the Clerks behind?
eta tble"Year Pretty
weuld get what and ;hew th
They4oholtpnpeewrs' fobrhianva etadss cae• cc.'
to rule, women would reeeiii
ellfax-einsYtrisyt 1st0e0r06.9-6,;11411bei*Daghent':4W•1.,'('
itecelire ;Only 127. They. also.'
.."1:phraetsenYtgeAolingtstrfiith. Ii44111i1,014Q4
' the .balance ,would .be
twe,en gifts for the house: an.
gets toe varied lo fit late .n
'itVorTien's•-ilP:Inien Expressed BY SADIE a...WANDERS
. . •
, Weaned by •Pearl p.,Bitek, Nobel •
Prize winner, that. deanocricy can. Firstly, should, late. te.ethartb
.survire hnlY ,woman'...one aa,cl all forthe, lovely greet...
share its pr1vUeges and, ksr„54„„.': ing,. .best .wishes and messages,' '
ibilitY, Mealber'S 'ot, the IL S. !4at and
c.70•17,aiill14; riesm.haotpkisngabthOuatt
tonal Woman's Party 'eteSed -their ;
hieehial convention M:Wagaingtdn May Contimis to be What 1 Wish
144 m'out.e with new pejo foi pusk tiltov1g;l
to all ir
• isseitu eAtial rights stinendineat•te
the Constitution hi the conateg see,. ',After the, holiday 1 Wee,.we
telon of COngtess. .all hang Or a', quietness and sisn, •
o• pfI
mots tituceX.;sa .y..acif.04nryisoist,johni,,gwhlaigsliat pail3slirt,e4;S::$11montO:oetirtybh.tid:00.iswt:.:e.gi,oftisehws oettoo npdereeeso:
for woinen id.' 4i00,1110 outpf
' : . • .
their seclusion, their, egfety, their the changetolighter dishes'
irresticiasibility toward the POlicies'. , .,;,t;ievery'Snvle.
BkeJ Custard
7egg, use 1 cup milk,
waxh16..tilt• compels us to c•ba'.°•'s ..and
•1.,' tablespoon. of sisgar. -.and a
"COME OUT .9F SECLUSIONI" dash of nutmeg, I allOW oiie
-• :Describing, wenien andl:Negrees egg for two in . a custard.
an; the biggest ,ininer10,'groups •. Beat the egg' well, ,add the .>sn'•
thF1Jnited'I5tate“00;1110'WFirn- gar; iniXing-thortatighly, then add
ed: , • • • • , the Bfake'... in .
• • "Unless ,W?Dlen. realisetheir re- • melds;. Setting in dish about half
spohaibility,. neither 'we nor any
other netton8 will achieve ' true de.'
• macraCy,, a,sid 'as- the machines ' of
• war ;grind, 'On, the: very ideal of'
from earth 'The world needs
• the epinion 'of Women as Well- as.
Royal Tour Dress.. _
Given To Canada
•• Here are Some ,mbre lute -testi,
,gift facts based on survey: -1
Women; get. moria lingerie th
.any other •Ittad of. Christmas pre
ent. Out of every 1,000 women, irk
. full of water., The oven shduld
APened gaily wraPped paekages•t
Liec d5 121 got slips- and pantie
be niedium. Bake until silver '
• 13 dre-n
latife comes Out cleaie_ 33449,_i• ioilfnbdtdrhectsseuaess
• Just Plain Junket ligees Stoekings ,sa r7tit
oan't±undexitand--wh_y_Linere,, chriatruas"'. to .112' and
People do not Use junket' as des-; chiefs to 97. When the gifts eh, •
pert. Firstly, it is non -starchy, ered down from lighted ClitistM
• seehl-Ullyrreirstitg-niifk"oire---o-f-the77---4reete--48---wemen4e0e-S-ed-ii-oV-' r
86. handbags, 83 Sliopers and 4
gay gileta or scarfs. Perfume Went; e
to 24, compacts to 26 and beauti-
qui shiinmering Jewels to 10,
,necessery. foods and then it ii
• simple te*. prepare. can ' be. "
-• Varied and'dreseed in•so,many
: ways.. • • I flinch p,efer, the- plain
• •, • junket -which-gig :may flevor to'
• -one's own tast'e:-The Very simple
directions for. Making are always
en the package.' I vary the: ,srt..
• gar , for sweetening ,with brown
;Sugar, which -gives a delightful
flavor - -then again 'cOccia. ,
ma,Y be added, • Make just as if
•' you are, Preparing:: cocoa ,--• then• •
()col t� .lukewarm and 'add junket •
• tablets as directed; • '• • '
• •
• Applesauce .' •",••
moXe_ both:, fot7. health 'and
The dress Worn by QueenEli-
feabeth in the SeParate Charber
May 19; 1939, during the, royal
• tour was 'presented to Canada on
behalf of the _Queen by PrincesS, -
Alice in a ceremony; at the Pub-
• lic ,ftrOdyes at Ottawa the nnddle
• of Dece,xnber. , '
A. robe de style, created by the
Qtfeep"e2-farriouse- landert-- dress-
• maker, %man' Haitnellit was
Pretty Pill . German; popular fashioned from shimmering white • 'We •ate all reiniestedto use
member of Ottawa's younger so-
: _
'Cie' set, was caught as she was
• about to prepare a :tray in the
Red Cross Tea Room, which list'S
becalm • a popular Mealtime rent
dezvous in the capital for officers
and men of the fighting forces
. .
as well as for: civilians , and-,
• no wonder:I : , :
• :Nearly eight niillion delzea Of
' Canadian', egge were expertel
during the first nine 'months of
• 1940, principally' to the,' :United
• Kingdbm. In the corresPoriding
• pine months of' 1932 portso!
eggs .amounted to 703,000 doien.
. • . • .
' TAoday the embroidered .tea ori dinner Cloth is- an outstanding fa-
verite. Stitch this one in shades of one colorr vatied colors — it'S
eaSy' stitChery! Pattern 2710 Contains a transfer pattern of a lb' inch
motif, four 4% x•'ItAii inch, four % x 33/ ifich .motifs; materials re• 'e
quired; illnatrations of. stitches. : ' , •
,Send twenty cents in Coins (stamps Cermet be 'aceepted) for thiS
• pattern to Wilson Needlecraft Dept., 73 West Adelaide St,„,- Toronto.
_Write plainly PA.TTER,N NUMBER, your NAME arid ADDRESS.
• •
• "And you sheuld." Sticideoli,
' Ashton Oaks wasconfidential,
Iedt-Voieed. • ' ' -
"You re/twinkler, Miii Lane, I
- tOld ,you only this afternoon the
railroad will Make this town.
. Well, (tonight I have infermation
it is due here this, fall." • • He •
paused, Petit* Carrie's, obvious
start.-. '
"Oh, I know; I 'knew this is .
pretty Sudden," he went on . has-
tily,: "but Miss Lane I 'saw your
feeling there • at the homeatead
today. I knew it's no life for a
woman -eealohe, and I'm gled to
' something for . you, Miss
Lane," he continued, hardly' be-
fore Carrie could interrupt. "I
, can give you the best lots in
Sioux Si -wings -4 railway sites ------
and tenig.ht." . k ' • , , A
CurieWas incredulthls,, She
started to speak, but • a, quiet, •
familiar voice interrupted at ,her
. side:, ! •
• 'Pardon, IVIISt Lane, but if this
genarnan is selling you iSieuK
• Springs becapse' the railroad . is
coming in, 1 can tell yeti it iarA."
1-: .- -11142L-14111,---VOIT i
AshtOn Oaks 'er irled, his
face blue, With ang . His- first
'At:pulse 'was to lti e At Mark,
• , he • stammeted. "The railroad's
net coming). to Sioux Springs?
'Who — Who are you, anyway?.'
Miss ' Lane, ' Sorry, but this
"gentlethan is a liar!"
Mark's fiat shot out in one
-vicions -blow and the agentl stag-. •
gered -against the des4.',- There
"Was sa 'sudden uproar in the swel-
tering little lobby. A settler grab-
bed 'Mark, but •Denel- broke •loose,
" lunged feward Oaks., The agent„
hatless, ivai snarlinti his hand at -
his side. '
. Mark wee' stopped again: •Car.
rie, grasping his 'lapels, waa'bep,
ging, pleading 'With him. • • •
•"Ile kill you.' She althost :
.screamed, the words. ' ' • , .
Mark. • gittaightened. • Men,
crowded around him, • sepatating
him frani the glowering agent
NSorneone was handing, Oaks hia
.• hat. Carrie was: IM-
ploringly into MOWS eyes.
• "Mia'S Miss Lane," he red-
dened, "I'M sorry, but 1. couldfili
see that happen. Some day I'
may tell you ,why. -1 think' you'd
betetr go to your room no*.,"
He ;turned,. elhowed his way
• thrangli-ethe_btizaing johly, kInt.-
not.'bpfore 4: had, read in Car.,
ne's eyes More than:, AO
but he held back. • had ated to .apeak.
• "What—What do' Yell mean?"
commercial reasons. Cheese the,
• best Cooking apples; alwayshave
applesauce fresh.. A delightfel
✓ asiation: add the whites ef egg's
• When. the applesauce is ' about
• cool. I alio* one egg white to
2 .:tups of fruit._ After_ the white
of eggs is folded in place in •
Sherbet glasses top With whipped
• cream sprinkled with rolled • or
. chopped,' nuts • end vekt -have a- des-
;•sert for any Occasion.. Theri*".„.„7
you wish' something jUst -a bit
• More elaborate try this:
Apple and • Marshmallow Jelly
•• 1 package , strawberry jelly
• pOwelet ' " •
2 medium sized 'red apples'
marghmalloWS '
Prepare jelly powder in, usual '
way ,grate the apples, peeling:
toe, and *hen jelly is• a honey -
like consistency, add the apples -
•• and 'marshrnaltrows 'qu' artdred.
• This niay, be served plans or with,
:Whippedcreem, topped''with a
• cherry. . If . yet have not 'tried
this do se now. , Place canned
‘'• .Peaches in sherbet glass, pour
. over to cover peaches a boiled-
" custard top :with :'maraschino ,
cherry of if you prefer top. with.
, whipped Cream and sprinkle with
. Miss ehaMbers welcomes per -
Antal letters from interested
readers. She is -pleased to receive
column,‘ and is even ready to 'lir.
2tpsi ' to your "per peeves." Re -
for -recipes- or • special
• menus are in Order. Address your,
• letters to "Miss Sadie It Chem-
• ers, 73 'West Adelaide Street,
Toronto." Send stamped, self-,
addressed envelepe if you wish
Give, All Children
"Chance. to Shine"
Woinan Professor Has Rept-,
edy for 'Probletri Children,.
Smelled "problem 'children" '
•'uttily find the ,behaVior aduItt•
• a great piebleM 'to 'them, and
, shintld 'be -treated: by' their .elders „
• with "sympathetic understanding,"
• . the belief of Mabel E. Kirk, as,
aoetate professor of 'education at.
.,Penfisyltrania State 'C011ege. •
Mies kirkiard the proper under-
standing -Of. the child Will prevent •
• difficulties- While art . appropriate
" environment. may remove the •caus:
' es -of undesirable • behaVitir,
, .
'The whole situatiou -Probably is
. inuch more intioying to them (the
'Prolyiere. children)'• than their ,
eiders, and to thent the behattior
• -of adults is a great riroveni."
, ',She adyised "tinderstandisig par..
.ents,and Teachers" la. provide greet) .
n etivities and encettrake auffic-
teirt.,Tarletr JateXteriel.V.0
• all ,typte ef children I "a ellen:co to.
•shiner it'd' to Mtn adre. you are
thinking ef the Child's ()Wu geed
and not 0! Ida effect en your Com-
, " (Te, He Continued) fort and yout Sense of stmerlority."
. ,, • •
• , , ,•. • ,
, • • '5, ..
m '
There must be something 0-4°'
legend about the .vapitY of the
.male, Tor gifts' of Ciothea went te,
• thOus-ands of Ills: :•• -
. • .
Daytime,. Fashion...,
avorlies Noted
. • .
, Skirt Punt -leis: Introduced:by,
:Gatherings and iinp,resSed
• ' •
Style points noted in "daytime ,
togs: Skirt fullness le introduced, ,
by means of gatherings or•utteress-
• ed on the- ,mere casual •
Skirts there may° be fucks
well over the hips, • •
• SPerty-looking bodices ai
• with colla Some..
" MI; high and round.
• Pique. • trimmings freshly
• crisp and not Overdone; red :keti
- are' fulled Onto' the edges &flap
'end 'set .vertically into skirtit
coaled. under their fullness.-
• Ruffles May be .seen spire;
, •
Sklrts or frilling- at'ttie;
hips. of twO-piete'frocks;' belts'
bring a ColOr .teeent or be Of t
• fahrie and %lined with one :of"
shades in the print.
• • Interesting, shoulder treatm.etits
are mated pPaulet foldS, -Sett
,githers, and semetteles: in. little'
• bowi set on the tip.' to add Soft
, ••.
Fine Watches Given
In "Beat Hitler Drive'
Railroaders a e noted for their
fine watches- so it is hot sarpriSez,
ing that many fine eaamplOs.33
have, been given to the Canadian
' Pacific Railway employees' ,
en Bomber' Pond, to; buy: a mod- 4
‘ern S106,00.0 bombing Plane for..
the 'R.C.AX". 11 Dubois, ..Can4
*Can Pacific clockthari, Villitactr
Station, Montreal, examineS seme;••.141
of the 160 watehee reeelve'd fi
Eastern Canada. He. fund
• of, them Of greet. inttinsic value'
-and ihesewill be 'sold ai.thelCare_!..,
finstead, of gold being extracted
, sold. • The watch in hia, hied
• is. one of the beat yet received.
It visa, presented in 1886 to J. C; .
• Griffith by Canadian Pacific en-
• gingers in• the Canaillan
SOothe ihdce'reA,
iteamed ntiettils
rcdeve aneez-
saidlier , • .
tem. A sill drtig4 •
Jatti and
tube, 90c. lin
Oft,ts (0,0101t1 both
• :
• • .
.r •