HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-12-21, Page 15T}.7 zstk, I 0 - A41Tam Treleaven of the- Jl~C;ALF; a • The Luchnour Sent17,4, iachnow, ELWOOD OPLON `iN S T( MINK W.... FOR GIFT l.' England; Dee. 6, I'9-.4. Dear Cam: Throughthe medium. of your paper II wish- to, thank the ladies of the Women's. Association, •;Lorne Johnston acted the part of act ay on the Lake Shore to Lucintro'Ciliated: sited Church, for tlir�• the minister'atid�'ltit!"a�s E 'Well- present mngr-ithlatinns and good lovely Christmas parcel: that. II 'albs was wishes and, c. ebrate with then glront*t and � tse�3 sperm•• with yrr: and' have just'rereived. am. sure that lithe thoughtfulness of the ladies ;Who, made- . glib: possible- re eived..quate a nutuber . of nick will 'not be men by: hum, and usefitl gift afar which lunch ,T".an taro (shame for � this- was s Mary • Miss possilsiie ..IVElss' Mary. Caution, Miss Vileat't, i .. cCienaglian and Was Mildred this is: t� firS4' Iii , tier' II have written to', anyone out= , oreM. ail: of London,. spent the !sale. atf brie family but II s calx. l�itttma holidays' at thea homes 'htmeret mueiir: tis. sad►: , Received ;here: • • the first �y of the Pinel the 'i lairWirmi d` Farrier of Tor- . lather- day and read:. it dome the. :onto. is Spending the holidays at itorm cliff., Niall• of Wan-n*1 on' , centro to, the is.i.. m ext the home of her parents, 'IVf ' and lilac• .home- t'hw..nr. news: t way- ,J1firs W.. R.Farrier where all the Caxmc Seer' t give you a real, �.,faanly. .were.- 'engined; t'o a :' Christ eras dinner on Sunda ft seems; t� 'make you, foci � l!y are ire perSortalt contact avant 1Cim S•pailing' and faring. , of r is AC1E SEVEN W, C 1 HONOR COUPLE Last Wednesday evening a tins- i FORTY YES k cellaneous shower was held in T--• 'the Tztstitute Halle in.'honor of An ianteresting • gathering cxf 'ss- 1►r1=cCros e. A x3aor3� friends and neighbors was held at the horse of li 'r_ and 14'rs_ Joh a. ok place -wren. Mils. tie I, Rol .i. IC sa. ff�aryty Johnstone _ -Donald Johnstone of the R C. A . F:. a# Gieetrw.aodi. Maria Scotia. Spent W "t w -trots; wit a his pars.. ItiEr:--and: JVfrs:' .) . Et: Mil cent eiil'iisi of the hos- rata L N is ,susTid ing= a= two-week furlough: at home- att••St., F le�ttw a�ghan. the bride: ' . their-• 4Dt3h annivvsary .of their Fu'n-' wedding. , grain ,was given. Mfrs, l+licCrostie '• Fat -Y spent , Chrrsi;maS at the holm- at h parent*. 1 : and IC= . 1VIc a l! John MacKay -and Annie Chris - tina MacKenzie were married :.t the home of her father; M. John a 11+L`arR-yip on ' December 21,-#, 1984 on the 12th Coln. of Ashlleld. They have resided in this locality ever since where their family of •thri ee sons was raised; John at home, Duncan overseas. and Don- ald., Who on 'New Years 1943was 'rationed in the 1 ' s honor list, and again. in Feb. 1944 he was awarded the D.F.C: for out,- standing.• service. • Shortly after- wards he was .tales prisoner by Et'e: Jack McCall' of to - et:. the and his many Nvat witir tine- people- you: used to. ldnow' Winghamr, • DEr.. frrarrg 1VlnClen- Scotia, is spy. )iii �• friends here are ant�ous to he.' Cultist . leave- with,. ham. ' I'- just What is. happening in, the ;' agharr. 'and Wm; . arta via.'rl'it5ti of Bel- ' t gratve, also IS�1r: and ]T�lns 1C'Toore i 'of his. release.. J : and: Ms Pe*, r McCall: old home t war. Alter: a :) ira-�v 'r` , evenirsg spent in Ina seem muck of Carole. a1. rand Mfr: ' Win.. Barber spent Mein- pleasant chat, and . �: pay of ' lflfavirt Siew:a of.the tl ,vuar. why' has. been going oir.dog whir: IVrr_ and: 1Vrrq. a Mare "were turned to :review 1 RCAF". F". ate Wirrnigrff is'. sti r - there in: the last four' yea `l?hat . tide a ' the friends and events of the Pry ani 1 r' Cross and fancily i"''�` thereeding of ' ' also: ]s . and IVIrs ear ' •.of..ara. address Ira 1ti14.r.ean. of St Thomas • spent by ,Mfrs pscrn Rod 1p reg or pre ted MacKaywith a - Cho res with their parents, Mr. pipe and purse whist, .Helen Mac- Kenzie. presented Mrs, '1[lMarKay a hallilnet of flowers as slight ttrkens .of esti'n.. Mr. Mac - way replied brieflY with an eX. mesion. of aptireciation. frig has furlougr. at The Par-- stiAage v¢it it hit parent ' Now frolkuidl Dave reoutitt : of t'ow.in is now in Krill -and with air icy.' reg- iment. e .- im ent. set of �ltita'nt:,: ' has. been a Tong time jtott, hoelieve mre IEgetsolrYlL'.' of t Ie lncatl fellows;. lar a F�z3 e[�",. the first~ `' Arm- •Zx ltr .sgrm-, Jia-;. aad'1 :'.rohnu Eali aner' It was is but haves never wentaverst n fid: tamity of Winginan spm:XiinincT "Seem arty- since r w with with. Or end PElm lea ''Weil- EtE. Thr flora i roar lice: one *dad': ;40S 'act; far a while arid' withh1d IIt.'S. fool.. y' l cry- 'Barmen. herd. Gime cin :a Refs ;While vheII meet srlitgrnw- from the o nia . with their mother here itnre rest of fie were served; erved• and tom s- dbut;notottan ; ' ia evening wasSPeat Veit. NUCETIMYwit rdaat ;S•tyn tenscaros anyone- ever to Uayou Cancotrca songs with .1 ,,p. &. tha the- l isfr. climate is a c Mr s(tl➢>arT ea*r presiding at' the piano old 11 Alhert Ill»'Iain i Jl dant~ 1 e. ...thene '11 i, !have never s stn; much ren in 19. and ]tea-�.. 11Teii � ,A business man imylid tell me owe had ITTCallLnm and f akr,. also: ML ;says he's in a.+:..-,.,, 5- os . but II t lI 1] sro ureal. have . Diol bill. Ttmotes- l r ttinslr : Bridgew J tltsris, Bay=w - . claw- • and BuMonsr` l?t 1'vey Jio, ahs= WirtWirt•aftt the ire of Firs; parent* at NEN:. ndr' 1r" Frank Atheist= of $•tdygoredu, fou- the past Week. let Wedineseliw Morning tre report tdz hiS•trminimat-oxrit; at. o _e -1 S: Dave.. ' ofX41-field hu beeer pry to C rti Patty GU - finer. Ur the '.) RCM. V Jl?. b .-, • ,,, 'G1 nazi 'eri ne•. room artificer' atraarct,, l late' mine- Vii' Itatft '' a l 'e (i ;Shy hefk i to Chuck Webster and ami of the oilier fellows REM Karl (Tapper) Gray arl far .me Calmar= thane I see you rived' m Wheat -ant last week a agim but soon; a- year and four months oversees, ' Hest, regards to He went hits France on If .Mosey- Yours sincerelit,, Sully: and' on August Mir steed a '. (Elwood. Solomon) knee, injury: that has invalided him home. After a 30 --day leave - he will report at Petawavva as an.. instructor. . :met' Goderichi gby Eir Eristrrr Camp rn the 'last letter from W0. Ale',, MacKenzie, D.F:1VC; . he- tells ofitnc1etin a new prisoner by the name' of Randall, from Gooderich. `Tali can imagine how I felt Alex said, to meet a chap from so close to home, and vtte hada great talk. He. had ' just received 9 a letter from his brother, Fo. John •1 MacKenzie. who is . due to coin- mence operations .the first , of the near. Knowing we41...whatt he will - have to face, Alex says he is anxious 'about -him. 1thehlla'>f;'D), ' c 8)" n O. SERUIXIBLM MUMMA) W. and: lf+i"rs.. Allan: JC cAuley- of Miran Township ip received word: last week that their. son,. Fit Lieut Cameron. McAuley was seriously injuredt overseas irr,. an: autonrobile• accident Ere sof- feret ' a fractured ' skull and a broken- airy. • C'anreroir tta beery. oversea%' V& years with the RCAF: and the accident occurred im Duna, wh'ere'. he, ' is. stationed atm has beery: Carlrying out dangerous .fry -- operations; ry -operaton~ Jfef ere enlisting. bfC .W St. employed tri Jlr'rpiey: W. Alex . racAllilan of Albert is visiting at• the ' homes of his I. brothers. Kr. and Mrs Jack Engiis. and ((( family & Mri._ Atlas Inglis of Rod- i Trey' 'spent the week -end with their parents. Mfr_ and Mrs.' Alex rngiis returned to Rodney with therm. • Christmas visitors in this comi munit'y were, Mr. 'and Ws. Har- old: awson and Donnie. Mr. Bean lCr[cguillin at Mfr_ Ed: AlEcQ,uiiiin's. • . Jr.: W. and. M'rs.. Pharis Matherr and Carolyn at 1ClCr. Alex Heck- ett !s; Mr. and Mrs. J"arnes Forster, Mr_ and Miss Ronald. Forster and Nancy at Wm. Forsteesi W. and Mrs George- Kennedy. at Willimn lltnbb's and Atm., D . Wexued''s;. Mr. and Mrs. George Fisherand ;,faintly at- ' MM. J Caaxutiier's; Mrs • Tii»risciri and. fa n ly; Arr. & ;15 Clayton. ltettinget 8i` f;nrrily and Mk and l "rs- Al. Morrison AU d: son of Lamina' at btEr_ Jolla Abet Bali's; J1ifrt mill: 'JS►lrst Roy Hiidstnr and f inily at M is.}rad-l: sae's; Mkand 1Virs: Harold Bolan- stat- and Donnie ' onto, 1 • I >:< ter - • K HEA CLUB MET AT MRS. I►faCCALLI[IM'S HOME . The December meeting of the Ka �r hea Club met at the home of Ws. Neil. Alert-W.1nm, with Mrs. A. Mach tyre preai+�l'i - g A paper was read by ' rs_ • Tom Me- Denald_ 'Map treasurer's report was given by , Mfrs. A Segues. This was followed by the singing of a Christmas carol, Jingle Rens. Readings were given by lUMe n Ruth Mac'iiimon, Mrs Lloyd Mc- Dougall V and Mrs. Hughes, atter which J iss Dean r . - cod gave followed 'very touchiang. Christmas ''story, 1'olloNY,ed by. o oLILL 'L' .• ' clinging "O Collie all Ye' Faithfnid" A reading was given 'by Mss Grace ll dacKintton followed b�y�. �,.a splendid e • o / L6' _ paper by Mrs. L. Maclvor. Rion call was answer- ed by the ex• 'hrnze ' of Chas gifts. Mrs. Dick t - : Q tendered -a hearty vote of /IL �. to the hoses and.all' ' who' took part MTs. J Carruthetss, accornpai ied by Lillian, • sang 'a solo which Was Much enjoyed. The meet lig, cues-. ed by singing the National An- tuella. A bountifial innrh was s�r- ved by the hostess and directors and a soriPI time ' spent. TWO111dIE b u%I ALL-•CA:N AN CONTEST Tomo Bruce Comity' HolSteiii,s have been nominated for the 3rd •arennal All.. _ Canadian Com,. Both . were prize' winners at the Ingersoll Ch& -i. n Y'n P Slow_ Maple Lea . Governor Ringleader. owned by lime B.. Reid, Ripley, is a nomii ee in the brill calf rrasS 13e was first and reserve Junjor' Pmpion at Ingersoll. Pickaway Cela y' Governor, the prpPerty' of L J W. Dappei, Walkerton, has been nom in the dais for Serer Yearling Boils.. He also. stood fast Tnagar at n U prune too wear this badaw servica0 . Theanstverru bis suds of Cnzdxes fghtin corse from tie r inrtt o volunteer blood: donors. Tn. 0 , .. o doaat ons are.Iaggrtng . 50,000 stew dtmors must be registered' immediately if we are to • do our share in gipiug our boys oIrrer there a. second leas en life. , eh Yoe ever talk to a boy, back {from active service,. w.. life. has 6 eeu ' by a �, . i Lw, i Aon?. 5 11P You ought ro .... because then, and only then you realize the MI import of this service, of meria..• You'll realize what ' blood • donor service means toour 'fighting zpen . - - .to:bogsclosemyouoru youritiea'ds w . who are to king -their chane es over th,,ete ...63r you. Register *w ... help bring them back alive! This is your dance to • help Red Cross an lintain'the life line! AN '40 REO CROSS .ai.v:fit _