The Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-12-21, Page 7THURS JWCERIBES, 2.1st, 1944
The 1.4idtnew 1ucian:0N, Ontario
Season s eettngs
To The Citizens Of Luclmow:
1ta6this opportunity of extending -to 011M
and all hearty hest wishes for a Very Joyous
And may the New Year see :the war .:clouds
pass so that peace, and -the -mum°. n of -friends.and
loved ones, waiving a -full measure of happine* ss
ID OV#77 tome.
Vtr...,M,NT, Reeve. II
• ,4011-Zatant-iSilraftrAft&lbStireiN-gaitaaltgairiPiliralriWialtataiii&ArbOtealogilaCiAraWA
, •14
ti •
Out of the quiet of -the niskt inane Di* of the
greatest impirations -ever to strengthen
A world reborn on - Christmas Da3r. •
Our sincere wish is that the Sphit of Cliri.stmas
it may live with, 3rou =dining you „Joy and Peace.
• Mrs. Walter Horne . left on
• Wednesday morning to %ped the
holiday season in Toronto With
Mrs. Minnie Horne and:tarn:ay.
Mr. W. L. 'MacKenzie was con-
• to bed the latter part "of
the week when he was threaten-
ed with nImOTTia butwhich
was effectively checked.
•riffering from a stomach ail-
ment, :Earl (Joe) McCoy was
• taken to' Wingharn Hospital last
week . but expects to be home
again shortly. Joe • underwent a
serious operation • some• mouths
ago in Lcmdon, and recently had
been feeling much improved in
110/ •
• A Merry Christmas to all.
• Mrs. Medcraft is working at
the home of Mr. Wm. Adams.
, SS No. '10' school held their
Christmas tree and concert last'
Friday evening with a well filled
hall, and a good programa Was
given by Miss Marie McCrostie
and her pupils, of drills, recita-
tions, dialogues, choruses, piano
instrunaentals and a pa.ntomirne,
closed by God Save the King.
Santa Claus arrived and gave
the presents to the children off
• the tree. Among them was a nice
AO end table to Miss McCros7tie who
is leaving her pupils. In a few
well chosen words she thanked
them. Dancing took place for the
• rest of the evening to music by
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Farrier,
Messrs. Robert Mowbray, Chas.
Martin and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz.
The W.MS, of the Presbyterian
• chord' was held last Thursday at
the home of Mrs. C. Murray with
Mrs. •Robt. Ross, pres., in the
chair. Hymns wee sung. script-
• ure lesson by Mrs. Robt, Ross;
Meditation by Mrs. Ezra Well-
• wood, glad tidings prayer by Mrs.
Albert McOuillin. Mrs. C. Mur-
ray and Mrs. W. 3. Coulter each
gave a . Christmas reading 'The
• meeting Closed with the Lord's
prayer. .The election of officers
then tack place: hon. pres. Mrs.
David Xerinecly: hon. sec., Mrs.
•tui; , pres., Mrs. Robt.
? •
Dave Horne of "Toronto visited
here this -week.
Miss Belle Robertson lat this
week to spend the winter in "Tor-
Mrs. J. W. Henderson .and 111.1fS.
Morgan Ilehrierson visited latt
week in London. •,
The Sentinel 'would appreciate
receiving personal ;items about
holiday visitors to and Loin the
town and district •
Mrs. Haider:by, of "Toronto,
who is visiting with her parents,,
Mr. and Mrs. Art was.
guest soloist at the -morning ser-
vice in the United Church on
Sunday. •
11. 6 YEAR
Ward 5 BerICross.annual meet-
ing was held on December 8th
mirith the ,president,:lIrs. J. Coll -
Mg Presiding '•After singing ;a
hymn, the secretary, Mrs. LL. •
win.; read the ToinnteS of the last
meeting. John ..McCharles read
the auditors report showing a
balance On hand of $11175. Nils.
1 McCharles :gave the •supply
'secretaries -report shinvitv the
followingwork: 164 noilts,47 lar-
stai, 7 seamen's sox, .1 iiehnet,4
pr. i-nittk, 1 turtle neck sweater,
1. child's sweater, 1 child's *pit-
ted Suit. Mrs. M., 14cieey gave the
eas 3Box 'Fund report with
a on -band of $187,96. Af-
ter sending 'boxes -every quarter
_and a special box for "•Claristihas
Mrs, WalterSteele -preSided
for the e,lection of officers for
•1945: -pr-es., Mrs. D itt Mr:T.C.Prmie;
vice pres.; Mrs. Waiter Steele;
sec.-treas., Mrs. A. Mae -Tack -lab;
supply sec., Nirs_Mcamid lie:Char-
les; thin:ore -cont4313onald 111'W:en-
zie, Ross War+, DE/onald Mertiar.
les; :. snIniers box :Com., Mrs. -_°S.
Bowers, .Mrs. :41oaey, treas,
Mrs. 7. :Calling, MTS., _L. Lbwin,
O. Black, program -•V1AMER ,;.1 5 a '`,111g 'S ALR4kiCEE
Bowers; Waltet :Stet*, • Mrs •frifg-titz-Mlimitrivirostisotourroonatswitolims-t‘trotArev,itr,rar-siimagezMO
1 -IJAIRTEE. git.1333M4Zi..1$1314
Martin, D: ,j),
Charles.; 3, MeTritaah, -A. •MeTa-v-
ish; auditors', 3. Mcf".hark.S, W.
1 Steele. •
1 -A bloodtdonors committee was
appointed: W. 33. :Walden, :sec.;)
•Gordan alayon, 33,ona1d
Charles, MrsE.'Osborne; Mrs. 11.
-The fallowing 'canvassers Were
appointed for the -national .eart-
vass: Waiter, :Dave -Stewart W.
E. *Tarniltan, Walter Steele,'Beo.
MeGallivary, 3Bert :Irw-in! The
meeting closed .with :the National
Anthem. -•
The Iliatit-unised• $t--50 farthe
•national "cahvas,143Z50-.1or local
•and $34.98 for Dv.ttLseas fund,
making a total -of:U=1:96
•The • following .donations are
grateinlly .ailknowledged: Mrs.
Vegan,. -4 yds. -print, Mrs.. M..Ecili-
ri Lower!.2nd.q.ting.:group
$37.36; Miss 33elle Ross; "Toronto,
$5; LO.OiF., $5; 13ipleyand-Thirdn
. Comfort "Fund, '$11; • Mr.
°Wakinson, $1; mate Miss Douglas
$5; -Upper -4th qiiiiting group,
$29.15; Upper Sec. ,,quilting_group
$29:75; Mrs.. 3. 33, McDonald $2;
1 quilt lining; Mrs. 'R. 'Watson
.5�, 1 pr. sax; Mrs. ID. McCharles,
4 batts; Mrs. JAS. Itoulston, 1 quilt
top, 1 lining; Miss 33rtrtenie,. one
quilt lining; Mrs,. °Walter -Steele,
quilt linings; Mrs. D. Rime, 1
Walters; • 2nd • vice, 'Mrs_ ilaTTIPq
• Mcluneg.-: sec., Mrs. Albert .Mc-
Quatin; asst. sec., Mrs. 77-ra
Well -
wood: 'treas., Miss Annie Laid-,
lai-i.;home helpers: Mrs. Rcibert.
Ross; library and literature, Mrs.
W. 3. Coulter:. welcome and wel-
fare, Mrs.. C, -Murray; :glad tid-
ings, ,.Mrs. John Craig:, supply,
Mrs. A. E. Purdon; . pianists, Mrs.
'Robert Ross, Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw
.and Mis Annie Kennedy. • .
Mr. Robt. Rae and his assistant
wired the Presbyterian church
last Week for hydro, and is also
wiring , Mr. • Garnet Farrier's-
house .this week. •
Mrs. John Craig spent a telY
days laSt week.with her daughter
Mrs.:Robert Hall of Winglaani.
. The W. M. S. Of the 'United
church was held last *Thursday
at .the home of Mrs. Garnet 'Far-
rier. Mrs. Gibson GillesPie, the
president was in the •chair, They
held a candle lighting"' Worship
service With candles lit. Mrs. Jos.
Tiffin gave missionary prayer
and Mrs. 'Garnet Farrier gave the
topic out of the • study book en-
titled "People of East India". The
• officers Were elected for the New
.Year., much the same as last year..
qui -it top; Mrs .7.- it 'McDonald
and Ms Monglas, 1 :quilt; 'Sal,:
vage in July $L20; Mn.MilDqnald, 1 lining; Nits.
Miss enderson $2.
William 'McDonald, ,82, the •
of :the. original settlers of :Hart-
ey, Manitoba, _died iat this home
in 33.artney,,l3eceniber $rd.33Orn
-Rinkss -Towaihip in 3.86, -be
went to Manitoba. in 11169., in. 3:890
he moved to ljartney at thetitne'
the -tomtit was -sinned, :And -bad
-resided There -ever .s-inee
.'ale was _an .a.ctive mernber nI
the Masonic orrinr*d served on
the 'llartney ,connril, lint as
COTinriliOT and _laterias mayor.
-was one of the 4riunders nI
the liartney,Lauder Agricultural
society and bad for a -mimber Of
years been honorary president of
the soeety.
-Be is survived by his widow
and one son. Murray, ofliartney;
and two broth's,Angts of /Jan-
ney and Nell. of 'Cmievale. Sask.
I -The1.
funeral was held from //art-
ney United churr_h December 5th
at.2.,30 pin. and burial took plare
in "Riverside cemetery. 7The Mas-
onic order had charge of the ser-
vice. •
"Me Mats: t
0 IQ :I C
• It:41RA 1.•
Agr: MacDonald has been a -con-
tinuous subscriber io-The-Sentia-
el since going to Nrairitoba Elfty-
one years .ago. •
DRIVING Witiktkibit ROuiES
, -
• John :Pritchard is. driving Don-
ald MacDonaid's rural mail route
for the winter months, 'commenc-
ing last 'Thursday. Lloyd Hunter
is driving Earl Cranaton's ratite
• • vice, Mrs. Albert for the winter.
'You .:ran.-relY 2on
hushiess :administration
-yon Teceivexonntesy,
thighestPrices mirl:prcaupt
payment. 4islciaboutmur
"IT 11--AISS "TD L
NE 47, -;in