HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-12-21, Page 6the Christmas host'!
whoie ;privilege it will be to
serve the turkey needs his mem-
o , eyed tap a bit Ifs sorely
art ally' man may beproud
of; neatly and skilfully to carve
' a roasted • laird. .
The lrg of the turkey or:
the table' is important The head
shoo be toward the Left hand
Of the carver.; This brings the
tore right and the::
gifte- of the bird directly in front
of the carver. . • •
• Insert the fork ' . e•: y over the
'best bone at the himpoint
Do not remove the fork uzntiL the
carving rig is dont. •
The First Move
First„ renvave: the whole
thigh atm drumsticks ' one
Piece, ttb-this,, make a cir'n1ar i.
cut around' the joint, close to the
body With die- blade 'of; the: knife
pressthe leggy. back and cut .t .
the ligaments, holding the thigh.
bone to tfm' ha A. � little
• twist . of the Imifer easily severs'
the Joint. however, if you want
to, it's y ` "to hold
t ens of~ the cayv�erect
with a . o :0•.,. 'fes J"■'rrraFg with the,
ringers.tial the legit hand Then a
quick 1a of the sTchF between I.
tire` body and the tag&,. az Tittle '
tweak with the fingers and a'
do Lard cut With this- knife and
the leg iss neatly and expeditious.--
ly carved.. The- two roots of the . It* repose
on the platter. wee
,, the' ming is severed and. the
Wax Gomm Next
West remove the wirighy mak
faga,NA. 6,107 A eat, Ads oBoie; the
jointand pzessihg hat' the
knife just as the leg, was
EfoweveTt,. the fingers rs can• not be
use/ for' the wing.„ Care should
be taken not to cut • any at the
white neat' . of the breast with'
the wing. 'Place the wing on the
08. v •r N ..
Nair; .. 8 o i. he fo iL still in
p siition,, cut thin slices length -
r, tO. the place from . whir:
thewing wasternoved and
lag.up tog the e of the breast'
boneNow remove the fork 'and
separate .10. PAgr '>!0".5. 6 e ee the
Second- I eaten gthrough at
the joint The dark meat on the
,troy and drumstick should be
divided into qnrATT. inviting gar-
ottions The wing is divided- in two
e • « e g is taken out from
the tam end of tire, birch: with
large- serving Spo'onG.
In the event that this is your
"fiirast. . sto'Iiasr", and' dense-
quently your first .venture its car-
ar' . ving the precious bird* it will
more than pay you, Mr. Maxi•-ef=
the-ffouse: , to assist in the scrub:-
bing and cleaning of the turkey
and tocarefully- watch the truss-
ing, This will give you the "feel"
of the 'joints and a =reinitiate
'know/edge of they' anatomy of the
bird than you. "could otherwise
• ;.areA•AA•
With Chirstrnas almost . he` e
the days . of that favorite gobbler
are numbered, It won't be Ioig
now before fie graces the family
board, stuffed and done to a tun;
resplendant with a special gain
ishsuitable to the occasion. But
for Long . . . baa app-,
petites are keen and soon our
gobbler will be fist another
memory associated With a won-
derful day;
It's good news to hear' that.
turkey . - . and., a en too .
= are good for us as well as being
goad eating. The Nutrition Div-
. ision, `Ottawa,, say . that they are
a good source of the B -Complex
.Lucknow, Onlario
'War came. The manufacturke of most cion
ootids had to be cut down or stopped to make
f�. way forser production. on. That caused .shortages
of civilian goods—that was the RED .IGS`
N V'
Some r+estrii i nn are lieW being lifted., but it
not meaner tots of gaol riOn away. War's
are, lift[ 'Irnge and must come
We can't neglect 'them just so that some of .us
here at home esu get a little more:
Don't confuse the signals --(This OW
It means a )it more of some an it helps
business men get ready for the time , ., . there
he more materials and workers available.
It does not • the end of shortages!
peacetime prodietion wilt neces-
sarily be piecemeal and gradual.
"'Patience" is the woad.
Only after Victory oyer both enemies ean
the Green \light be switified on, and the road
cleared for enough ° production to Wit, ani our
eivitian needs.
as arelI , as: of protein Which is
necessary for repairing wuru out
tissues:. Turkey and (41i-ekeu hate
the edge an meat for digestibility,' .'
and that •is why ,they are recom•
mended ter children, convales-
cents acid invalids who are un-
able to digest many of the foods
whichare included in the normal
Colonel. "Your reports should
be Written in such a manner that
even the ;vast ignorant may un-
derstand them":.
Sergeant: "And what is it, air, •
-Mrs. Fred ` Moss, of West Wa-
wanosh died at her home at noon
on Sunday; December., lath; fol-
lowing a stroke. A.&algae=' %if
the late William Riley and Ilan-
lannah '.each, the former 1S ss Ida
Jane Riley wasborn at Landes-
bora 66 years ago. She was mar-
ried 46' years ago at I.otid esb
to Fred Moss and have since I
ed in West. Wawanosh. She was a
methber if Doimybrook United.
Besides her husband there sor-
Riau osb:, Seim of • Godexich.,1 day from the family residence.
Harty' ofOIencoe, pert at home; Interment was made in Dtungan-
three dar ghters, Violet, Mrs.: tion cemetery.
Charles • 1VI iIIS of l odericch,. essie. • .
:Mrs. Mfrs. Cordy Naylor of Wa-
virarto {, Bessie, liters. W. datztea of Was rte of :lamer
Coderieh; two brothers, Harry of • Mrs. Z..yle, Gaynor of to was
Londeshoro, Forest of New Jer- i maid of honor at the wedding in
sey; two sisters, Hoary Arm., Mrs. • :Kincardine a on Saturday, Decem-
Mai= ' of R Ilett , and ; bet 9th, of Mary Catherine; only
Rose; Mrs. Waters of on, On- daughter of Mrs. MaeCalltan and
tario. TWO " sons,two da1ughters the late Mr. Neil MaeCaIl i , and
and a sister predeceased her, the LAC. Donald Rance Seymour of
sister, Mrs. Bradford, passed a-•
way Just five weeks ago. There
are rz grandchildren also stn*-
•,e •
Pt. Albert Air L'
�n Schtioi,
and sforraerly of "London, . Eng- •
lazed. Mrs. Gaynor wore •. a pink
floor-lengthgown and.. carried