HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-12-21, Page 3' , •
lberif,ADLIE Usk IS411
The Ideteknow Sentet,ineinow, Ontario
Whvt More
Than to Sop and
'rub One
A Very Steify ChErsbleas
Brighta Hama
Illew Year
With Zines rrontrinatiorr
rereeting dated' for Friday nai,glit
of' iii#S weel)s,:tirere appears too be
but litt* mom= over nvouriiciipall
matters and vary Iittre,Of at def-
inite nature as; to) w.4 may
trangpiire on Friday - ' :
One thing ig certain Reeve I.
VC. Soyrrt has arargineed Mat he
plans to stand for at third term
as reeve, an -di unless therers at
clarli horse pops kilp. it. semis
lilirelly thatt Mr:. Sown/ win be r-
eleiftedl by agehniation, as lire hag
been in the past two) years.
Member* off Couratill,:vildierra we
have rpott heard state dreir inter -
lions are:Austin Samson, Ternigiiie
1 Oar*. therriae ZaYg* a 17
Wizen:. ,
roar Trust Mike
' Om tire Eroardi of }Educate= four.
T_1 s autornaticallly retire.
They are A.. Z. SWUM, lik.
Sohniton. EL Et Stllin air& Ilitilipi
Stewart AM are alligilide for re -
electron ffor a twzp-year term.. Mrit.
Awing. w1am, has resign-
arril does vi g&ni to) seek Ir ---
11 110010WIWIWitritati*Iilt~th01/~ eladitiista.
ease memo ger Hearty
-wales yaws
wag rae Jyat; as and the New Year
rerag W' g- yea Mal*
Weak& arDA
,c}1 )Uit4..71.4:1%,••
„. Centrall Garage -
To atI inar Irian& midi
we caeca mar
0;km-el-lest 10,1 Wisium
far Merry ariatitraa
Tni A LE-Eappi mut
New Yezre.:'
Latfai' and•Gentse Wear
1 rcrilYwncu'r;,—,,:p”)44•0"wpryttyortilri?",2M1-6vcipipp
exatisamis 15))4\IF
ClirriStratas ;•• Miajig,s1LF
Sing Cvenlige? Sixtlik, win
broadcast tris arming message of
vsettings atall geed tte) pteoucie
e Sr alight Ifingire everywhere.
-.....arradians win hear tie; broiid-
cast at 20 EgVir ei)Ver die
iraaJnetwOult. off the ClitC.. A re-
broadcast Win 1 pileen-itecli at six:
At lifer firactliSevi
ettemnevo,. nierribers off the
Eifigh Serooll- asS MARV held an
orgavriZzattierr nieetting when tie
'ollrowing offieers \vete elected::
treas., Georw Criisgin;. Ifxwcative
7onitttee. Evan Littyd,. Efar&d.,
Ivry and ilillClrin. •
Poll the time being. theboys
r-ractietiafter sehool each.
armsday afternoen under the:
dircetiorr of Mr. Meg,
Slightly less than $1:15.00. whi.:11
,vas tc, thecre-,••..it of the defunr:t
iby. the, whole school: a doll. exer-
-;iti:trns Ban...14 -has hcen voter! to
forind; orgsnizatie.m.
0 a
A capachi and/arm wag at-
tendance at the United Mulch.
allay School Clirristritrag Com -
cert. oro rridiely evening,when. an
entertaining program was pre-'
serail*. Rev: S. W.. Stewart gra-
sided as chairman, and expressed
regret in the absence due to ill-
ness of Mr, W. L. Macitermie.
Suntay Selma supe_rintenclent.
the- au gathered
as well as during tire program,
orchestral yrs wire'& -played
by Itfr*. Dr:. ;Eames
Late -valid Mssrs. Ellarve.y Tre-
relitiver and 7.. ttiv:. 34,1: After
.011m,n41 cfit-vittialla
=as litreeIvi'"Stetry Ever ,.,
Mae' and the addressrett
come was given by Sirruny• Sohn -
The program was iiiiterMWrsecii
recitations by 'Macy ttatfilVD-
ttia,...Fliflitiffinr "Ortkon, Sandra Iray-7
leti4, Peter MaeLearr„ Diana i•
ston, George Wehtster,, Elizabeth,
Ann Wiebstrer,. NW:my Webster,.
Robin llirelealverg, Yoyee. Tifc.Donh
Ad,. Bessie Reavie, Pelle!"
frwinv. Marioniett MciNfaftl,,
Sidaiodi Alfardrk• Narrer
NteeLearg kurdee ammo,: Beadle. F A. IR VIEW DAIRY
Wm*. .Gliugfrie ItTiOtivogg5i, /-3H1 AndiVoi Artife 'Etster;, Protirietors
Irmierssi, tuttn End:tern:a and o,wtwtt,,,vu,,th.iw.ffer,v.iwiiyiiv.,*mtw"vt.tgt.Nwgif,m.imteffvsgtwog
at reading.
Other nuarlicerg inehicted
Piano; Stde? )-year-ollall Nancy'
at quartette by- Maritrn
15iC ro y• MacLean.
'ler Marche anob,y- .112tfur-
'storr;: a choral] reading by. B116,7-:
tb,70ret r Helen
Erwin, George Anderson: Galadtrs
trsalgativicks. Obrilrfa gene Erwin and
George Webster,: a Good - Aightt
song by Gladys Kilbatrick,. Milen;
trwin and Reilly Minato*
guitar 'and vi orni duet 1*.Bleien
and 11Jatr rii. at chnin1re3JE
drift ireittlr. lEillpatirick;. George
Danald 1aclitay,2 Gilbert
ElfetAvse;.jjagli McKim,. Mattes
Durnin. *we Xolimston and Tern
all*: ai woo/1 &i1 by
. /9;actTay.:.
a pantorraine read by. Ren*
iShaddie*: anct acted by Shirley.
Mabry -won, Mary And ergom, Helen
Webster and Verna MacIDOnalci:
a rnixed3 chorus "qho is Coming-
ChristinaS IsSightnt a chorus
Ostrander,, Prop..
• •
r cr
I c
311d1 IPE0)-1F' ,
ME3Itlf• lirilfaXIAV VONOVEr 0111011?'-
The 17th. Bldoct: ]Donor Clinio tor Luclinow ancli district will be
held on Wednesday, Sfarauary 3rd
and the aiin; is Vo melte it a lice-
orcil-brealling clinic, fton as never
rise by Valerie Carnegie.. Mari:yr,
Kilpatrick, Ruth Emberlin anj
Be.ssie Reavie: as one -act
"Press Prize ?beryls", by ,Doriald
Thonwson; . 1 e y Jthnston. '
Miry Dkirnin, Sack- Bruce
Sohnstone, DT e e n
erg derson, Muth Anderson
arid George Efarrig, piano sofa,
Wilfred holt: sing song hy
grOup. of girth.; comedy sltit by
b1.133(4' Va.a8ma' er"1. Strali tort Wan and George. Crispin.;
grant dernand'
Science ttraiiv- Knew*
NB*. Crates Mit Caur '
Ifs, tie "WeallFer sexr *Telly a
tira&t. or clb. womir 4ctivags7
ffeeil gain more than trrenf.
arty clieviSed testsr,, &
scribed in Th Stlirwicarr WeelUg-
with) thus Sunday's ( DO is
sue of the Ittethicrit Sunday Thugs
reveal] mow facts abouttssittivity-
ilca suiffering vaciefr will aettf,
gat of cal argitnirentts. Gett Sum-
day'S mitt Sunclbsr rlyri.ines41
. gittar and mouth -organ selection
A er.4m-pgign for 50,.000, new. do- sot 5 yrorristen4...
chorus by
-ors- in Canada.: was receirly
Blarveyr Treleavent'S 'Young Kens
lannclied but the trend: of the g,
violin solb, by Dr. Little
-val. lEurboe at :present may- re-
accompanimea by NErs. Al-
ilt in even. this number falling
An:, &tat by. Miss Lorraine IDren-
"ar short' of providing.the plasma
Ilan' and George Crispin, "I go
dementia, ' '
The Conunittee in- charge tsliopping with pie, with su-p-
porting cast depicting . "the
local clinic urges you to. make' ichristmas arowa; oantomirne,
a.ditto to attend: on. Wednes- I
day. Sanual7 3tell •
"Frark the fferard Angei-b Sing".
enacted by Mary Johnston;
mum fferfoop novsyrEro ma Erwin, Ruth Dahmer, Betty
ElloWse and Soy Johnston with
the Mts. D). R. MacLean as kAeiet. ,
Police are investigating
bra at SS ao. 2), Dining, the evening Rev Stew-
l•oss.: on the Second Concession art presented Elizabeth Ann
76st, whigh was ge. fourth thte, Webster and' siarayn
give- Week% that the
stii13011 linaw been ends With
-lbors and windbwsz securelY
fastened it is a mYstery how- era -
trance wars gained in tAe- matt
remit afense.
Thi Mils occasien tee schooE
register and] al sat of 4o1s '
oiledge AttEre Am. tiox
w &strived and the
scho011 piano damagedt.
warming against trying
td find out. witn•the cuilipritt
vitt bibles for Sunday School at-
tandarice. Another special' feature MEETING
was the .preseiltation of a lOvelY Laws
'lash& Of murni te Mrs .E. -
saint The. presentetiorA The annual Meeting . of ' the
oviw3).~4,v3,11.:poo.vitrAwlogluvnur.,1 eoie.4414.--iwilantapmorquomaquisphogn,4,--
and Mrs, G. IE. Dickinson; sec-
` retry. Mrs. Allister Hughes:
treasurer, Mrs. Johnstone:;
•'- II
made by George Cris -Pin arid Lor-
raine Drennan, an behalf of the.
Swim Choir andi the or--
Serviee Ohm
&ring tte everrini
were mits Crispin. Mrs ZilPat-
rielt and Mrs.
1, It
standard bearer, MTS. Catap-
!Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian
the "ben: auditors, Miss C.. litIcianaig
.LS -.L.., vtras -held in
:Legon" roms, when the fnovv_ and Mrs,. P. Iiiruray; lointon-
ing neei.were elected
presi_ veners of entertainment commit- ,
aisk :.
dnt, S. E. th Ftassalk vice- teet Mpg: T. 4. Leishman and liars.
*prem. mirg,Geo rge Mn; sada COXIerlerS,
1 • • l'qrS: W". ,Stimson and
wee' eaoh tt
and candy.
to an.
• z'one. Mx new • Members