HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-12-14, Page 8"- - f;1 4 te, The Lucknever Se:dine", Lucknewr Ontarie AZZacataWaigatr- FATE OF FE ALBERT CREW UNKNOWN Sim TILL CHRISTMAS 4 sear -mow mum-TB:IS nrAsomuirx sELECTLON ILINMEERCHIEFS: low hesitance, EVeryone roves ffarodker;- chiers and were proorided a Timely collections for this. giE sc, 'pious Choose yonvi gifts 4reir this select:tom FLORaer-i- ERINTED3 LAWNf pante, shades, Thew are ,faveritmherannethoor wask. so welt. sine. 16.5e 1111ITE LINEN ITANDERCRIEVS' with danotsq face , — * Si AL= DESIRAMIE assommeal or siwer lawn' handiker- iso• white embroidered corners, no now gre PLAlfor LAWN.. Nicety feemstitcheut..fairry halm- (Yaw *IC nomogram 1 or• it yew have tinre);- S Woo emelt for SLOE • * NAVY BRIMBER: Sint ambledi throe for Mum- * • Double fumes- Si 2Whoi THEIRSt,, DECEMIAR 14t1r, tit Nft IZAtieveriartinAnimmaiRammamiogammanagramio. fOOD TREATS aveweer''-rang search tftat ha • 'extended r ral3C1): of 'Western from THOIRSOWS •your Week - Enor Sho • Ihdletin with Tempting Sug- gestions for your Irollday Memos TOMATO Jtris 0. Asserted Brands tin s OPEIntaria and north. to the Parry Aistinn•t GratourEttcrr For yaur fLuit. ,21ge IS sr- ger AYLMInt /WPM MACE, • la s - oz. far 15e ROSE MNSES:Mr 'SAME e 0 0 5 I m. sr:. far • ..,- =177 „irk, , NotArnE1417: ' ' 31 6 444 •eC E .• Fra n : a ° Mr V 47 : 1 "' F12 El r t i Esv a 0 a anattin5 av -,..1,4 Earattgerm -* • • ' .!, io: VIM SCID:lil daraidar SegarE•Sife- i linkticaVirealegeS6 fut,itute - .rwenrig. Eriertok. Ilk's_ El., -.1 • 'The'''' '. ' n2* m' Fist: c6m4:11 worrofe.; Richard Nfrtrf1 cauFarr.,... ae• Lel ,* 30 ..:.: • vitorratiativreoreivett Isytire.P.Curtaffrt...? rEtssims comm. 741,37 Vrorirerrwrgrittet for alitY EEEEW Frorri.F. kiss. tuFek-GTP,„ • IITEm *ft-. Mt - mot hat a.=, -dem ,,,,,,, .., tk.. iFfr.erii„ sirmstim •, ,:, ..,,a, .serviago: '•1Vert -,A*, fftts.. M. :,,,,,,,-.... . Neff G.. • .•41WEreoir---Efer. PrMtitrom- 0? •,i-„ bwar,,„4-e,„Erair34,, Hag• FAre_, Mr: anot,arrs, Rant labile:Mr IIEF-. - m .z.i, Grant,. •Mrs. Irennetfe r McLean, lIrtary YLMER, Mititter BELISLE Large Tar "Ale mown PEET. Ige '01E.CL;IthilatiseAdintStracEraltront- ivairi7A-• • dEtS.•Witt mut ST:maker • Birerileteov • ri"2-raiegPr. 'oaramarr,.. n: ltr%alLpztt-it liffeoZ ,,SLaM effel 36g5..--12mS=5POnk•ak,, 1}Ekerzurea•Flu:ss EliSsettp Nem' !'Elm W.: irarcern4. reed, Igivs2g1,;eivErr istm a 1,.1itr..1 •sit.40. •Adr4444-0117FE'; 116M- Affirm& rastilint% strzoE:ornymn, Brom N-dfred /Es. Frosting- NLArts- Wrgrxel't rrarams-• Mgt Bkifirs4, VirM jt •• x a Efirig2k i,rarzaz Efinares,,, /gm stacr larDM 212'fr •19611. •Cram- Seesartr VE11. frbarirriormi;• •lgram EirGrarrr irtemth-F.- CWifartar tram ES 01, flituna..^,atoo •211E BEIbit II, ,'..ala ma:. at. alma at; -room- allt cErcuzgrtag— ETerrytCalattr . , Na afv. . 'Se33 .airf t A r 0 6101 0 i ligtM. , ' Brat anXt A ao.. ious Ws. and •)2i liZ " Iraqi& a Eat Shr.# Um,. Vorierr 0 7.:-5 -.....• ff....v.:or.— NES. Erit-rariS; irt1%. rDaTIEZ• D 5:41M:. 'r ekriZTS COMTEncEM /f4/ 48 etEdUES, gr5r , • ^.°14:$45111"1111161151415i4"1114251121StatiP I ' jr • I.E 1 grerarmer Pramohm lIfefray-,.ss gratfoo-IfrEaffrar.Thrd rui4- Ms. Cod- fra PrarGreglth-,. ISES. Ictra lstimr.• Robert• BE-Frsnm :Tarns l *Ad- • Rab k NES. Er.. and Wirth "rohnstogr rstrre.4. Mrs. EL harateingo M. VC Farris- fer: Sas. lxixtre EattIc, kt Robt. Seatc. )firrs: Courtnei and Bann* Vrarrisk Adam Xabrigtona, Irranfr Ireroarthy,. Efterv,. B •trcks/ O•OkS, ,...,Irram caper, r. vrim ' •iLarniaarrirtir•Ott.4loos -47 „„ei, Ekita =ow. goot athr SgrentrICE a r g•,„Earr_atrfret 4`r sartiminiE2ar,araa:,,...„ vrami,gr Firm ,r611„ fraiiiitrrrr6 in the _—• Et• eaudii„ mrs, Efirez „ ErEDIertr Gitd12t2C of 66* -"N"'' Skercrie„. I/Tr Hari EEO- T; 4. of Y-af.. oar o,::a EdWilt Wagers. • isgrarer; ffirysterr crE Ear- :twAt ciTc_,__EfatETritt,_, • ga1,Ebo D rtay'asarT3.1v-- etrec_74YErs-. " .5 I .:• 0114 Ea=• sins, rizetottam_ fffr goimarranirlIgladirCgrgar- *rGalert 7-77— 82Evorerrir ta, Eompirors Egrtagreserir Airrie EfaVireirp LittfeWnsim. BrackBurriaidgEo%., EL., Eiranur, ,LittrerteM, IrigerLtE Gorden Efarggr„ L. sle Tr,offtww, laati2r iig,'„attErlsmeliszeopim„ the Seta, Pbtocess Flita*kwert Orank Atrtra.„' fErregart4 Stiii2 (If trxi- .zsth fatal )rdru;7eFrprrxii* flEttzmi.arrr Eialtor4, o ai • , ti • ,a 3 AR Staffed anOorted SikeS• POPPING CORN Was low' the rforoo Ige• • SU ppinos of• the forrsivrag Sews are restrietztr and We • EV e the right * Rona par- t eriaeM5 Parser= Dry Ginm:rare ' , arnocemeat take Steionenti-se eti r.lei a Iea-ifes the fate a five airmen Crain Part Albert Air Navigatiort Schaal; still =known.. Their Anson training grane hag - ,been averdue at its base in II arefack gm- an Wednesday Of iifast week.. I 'Four af the eve airliners are ail ratenshers of tha IMF_ They are George TYWDS611, pilot; rds, 'navigator; 'LAC -S. G.. , OVE9-rdfarc, navigator,. and•LAC, C S.. Er- Latearus,.. wire - Tess Etperatar, A' Canadian airinarE,. Sgt.. G.. McLeod of Taranto was a, • passenger aboard the plane which was.on a routine exerri n intensive search aver rand am/ fake was carried on the end af the week as far north as Cape Cracker, Over tkg wear -end the igc,-Arcle. in the Parry 1Sounot district after an R. A... aireraft from Part Albert regart- ed sfig" Yttftig a erriPtY Eqn.gnc Inrffes aff awry Sootrxi mGeOrg- ian Ifay.,,Numeraus "• " A 0 jamastpaftlaitu., SWOT • headere LIMEINOW FRI, SAT., MON. • ors FIN Goad Morning Judge DEICLCIS KEE "41 ,NARY BErEf arrGirgs Aliso on the progrm: Serenade in Swing places" NEWS PLAYING NESE Ureduesday and DECEMBER 20), - "HENRY ALDRICE{ .19a5: • F NTSA HOUSE" , This Es splendid entertainment you not want iO miss :WEAVING sr„ SaImly,. None* • December 22 - - "DE Y SAILOR" W. Etyse Knox iffriffe *Wait. Paull fore this show_ tO•GWED THUM December TA* Mir 'ht finer in "SO. TIM IS WASVBNGEON"' ems% have been invest:104E4 hut oafl ta,to.avaL, SIIMEE PkgeS of aircraft wr .eck- 'age were reported -to have been 'fa ,info o' cum the shore rear. Irarcar- dine t1 end of the weekrr trir~- vitera heir" cg . Z5 BEEF RING gtrenms EOM 2011 YEARS • The thaigOnruni heel rirEg held armaar eeting hi the garish haft with• a crrrArfi simaroarre: gateco-Lis;rfz owe years 4f*rogs- Itnii heel ring•vitas arganized and it has ' tect every year %Irro...! lolan 5 • E Boxes fif Coskares Amarted CaniSF Wored Nato Fresh Emits a' Vegehohres • few the Yo IL entio Weeh,-Exed C. De 'Fusions Apgar), GE2Prrr terery,„ EettEreer Turnips, Soto:ear Cabbage. 'r• o 11 COI G• For NEW YEAR% 9try- BrAirr BELONGS •TO) DDDY"' that tinterfureNhniney•fras Rob: Thrar- fa a arerarris si*t_ been the grad -dent fctr the 20) nothirig but •praiie for my ears and m. Webster frasteart • • bigo.ro; the nary • hutcher* in, that reathie: Sae tukt rne time. Nada were r• e-erectet. Other erected were Web- Pbst -.card message frarn aSt. gateAraas.; ;,• •aciat,i5 0 al vacationist "14. a "11 a and,liiWggins;au,vocnicierlcd time; wish- r &turd al - 4 el 4 akar,. Vir_ “Stewatt. Lfr& T110 PHONE fn- WE. DMIVIffi - *IVICV6161WMILMV... UN IMP CHURCH LUCKNOW siewart, RA, apt. • Fast= DIECIEVIREM vr au-- irsi#eof tfre story: "Itte Speared vat ...1,..atfreimrf;prziirrm, riradzkiliard,, • we.Etwire, rat what yam want • • wa win =rev - hut grt, • gipt ander- irc early tat, The cmusTunt Nor. gto: EiYr. Nre or ramrea Far*. rateggsts voted its Lot.mti; af 'ins4Erterg an -2, 1.; i� giant ,irc their .1,e,eue. ;:o4goo Tie issued to the extent of MGM • tE ....01VAIMegrAgrallitglarRartaggigfiderrge: ttT) fn* 441:`'s theprat. lottirgiOnfoge .lionfor • gme,---Sinicrai Sam& Pazo.---wEhe Gales of the Nem rerusarenr.. '-soursoornnifsovoiromOnnolw * • - • * -.a • • - • .,. • 6 i• • Practical • Gi for MOTHER and D We Imre fort received a, BROWN KID 'ETES •111$4 Cohan He A beautiful gift for mother-. Other styles in Rh& or groyne 'c OVER •tf• FOR DAD En 1.-Budife„. Z-Bucide and 4 -Buckle, • lust the " far the cord weather, always apprciated; SLIPPERS for every- member of the family 11R.S ?Elia ME FOOTWEAR Sell - • 'e • * •••; •••li There are g Fancy G stocks here. Toysi, Dolls,„ an for your choosing 00 0.40004044 00000o000044.40 .4.440040