HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-12-14, Page 7'111111116„iOEMR lake annnNW Seitifinal ehttgait P 1 an satiknovilieckinx a gait • Omitted aactiis atom tthe lineal' ! omrnittee, Rill Barennan aif dir4 fat.r.. at Sauntlaor May, 33X,„ ,s skzit iv %Its Mall, WEaS -M gelled flit . PD. 33ab IfilacGe4gar -to 33ainthin, Man., after ~two -m,!eelF.S' Infloktgh .at th* :home ataKintail. IrAr 33r4liny an4 NT33-' '4-PI311/Clirg 11.-4 d-aifore ascilraini this ,irpw ditties 3tasteiEeareraeasitn . • libiiiseozifdheffilliff ‘at3"Jor Cadnas -Alhert dies 4theen giested anrerseas MIAs Lis dike &second dime Sid xonte dhe MEd kranaita sand theen • MATS. Manse, Whit:4y, and thicby diaigtittex do the able :to sage ,nverseas do: tioin o ppittitdd linstruetar 31,th D ID c , 'Nth° AMag• :Lidegai „thief .4perator •33n fa kr. "4.4. Ittir aoine :time, 'rims ween Tasted tta St. 34:15Eacinth, tviesagic, tor. ato, ant meet Ling at the 1.hoin Tanen*? Mr, :anti WES. -2hortnascaa,, te. Atk. 31ViadAliky thas I-1-fpf4 Arderaiing , „tine :to a theart aton.4, • I Z. 2. Radlinis thas dieen' Pete Iron• Biterimicia :to Mo. and &went a ;week liivitti this me =lad nii -rs.tReo. RThilin4s ,iif alotclyee. Mr& 7,74liliNgs * ° aile0,--Witt wtho *as amia. rsnil Hirr..*4" , arrived at this aroma •_loigh at this 'theme _Antiaeriny.: Mien•leaves mi this 1-retuni Allay after i.thris:tna• 35th •8Iva/ems Mr. and Mrs Mradit 311V:hie,- ticrn mieeiNtell 'letter theeently1 from Seth -the abo.3%i1.13anadism-MVineES :the \Western lEE'ront. !t wiii Ji • Ilea& M Thrciatmas owertiaaas. I L (On Sante That •, _rA33. EeilNA/1.-arirrirT Ltd as, 77.imer _Alban :is .:on Ithe ssame affifatb .; • .t .04 fte:, 0 !last Nimeilic. swdrere wil1eoll thirtyy leave the4 :mg:Earth& .M.'t•6 rt:• ‘• con mforAth Unakillins#torn wiainailern,diressea vny-a!P daelt dlays thin dire dris,th_rax4y,xifdheMediterr -.wasccong5letedin -32,11aw (MEM 334335B1 BEN . T. d Mims allissellffardiettn 3K.m. doss areal:earning dire •±he 'West et0 wthere • ,.›,....ismirrenk-latdire 'llavista Wiiner, I 3n a :letter =mitten late ive, liSS aaid dire vameatir •Awas -aumineralire, €32)n. the vivaas griekitsIg tee xiarfies fliaisssaill7-4eNwasvwurit4 qlte Ziami„td- g#R0e 7anciiirtl dake darzellit away. •"Mire Sarni wzere2 Li.vimith %White lansaro- _litttireameseuttlimedirny: Liersey 110teril Ltd 335 'co3165 , and • ikon '-iinifts lltzisagonatiredddFitInmrig,-:: arg :in wahre f-onn 1.1.41,11Q0 fr!. t lag0 a dread. `Mizav thrive a - Ailed ..at dire ',Jett& • litiissanysthe-mmitiresthethaid4 Loin thee 4lathere :land -Relisiaxthiplio*(10,0011acre.aleadd; • rreeentty 'ttisitted Wkriitointer alower,s ;were ADM f 6 43iii il/tws (rtakihsfe • . • .-EeeenteEd „0, I:, thy .air marat-f :ast iday ..tliat U.D,son,"ajrr.: ,arriviid 4-safc;-1 :overseas Monte %vas a Malted. " , memtrffi.39, - .9 9ic as_- i - • sr . Ake latter :g3a# ichte ..of town 33itehre; ssbn A AtEi -1:12ane4 -:;the -Week dhat :their arm 33111: 3lt:• . - thad theen -w Lin Utak. '414v7. SEINITENI1311% lEININMEIt • ODIEFIGHT %VH !HEM Mad an interests 'k*.i• :last •weak frorn2imtrhin,ssono:if ' .2ard Mrs. trims. triain :tom, • .49-1114kiiie-maid :that all Mire = • th 9 r 1.6..1Z0 e rested unlit and :Ike ;date -14cte .32astniti-y mot _Almost nniar thigo,,aoneern- Jaer nth :to the ecoiact, mfffer-L aggLiiiin'T.Twillen#aut ccauitlit intodirtairth.y. Lanixtiri.dionib f then he thas theen ih thrataria, and nrew the As fkonisa•- 3Itn ssmounithinthisT apid dirny acail 'them <-oirg! 4nietty ;Ids tanil Iiignred that 0mirrin lthe ;delay dhe garspers 7.eafth2 4Bizillaral tteeihig aininnet owardateeklarilizaral, mdire ffir.st ThLtroknowthinrire aft ...thunder althoig#' ' 44111ZNazigme4±,satrarcefilOinxdilentl $909%.!..- moosseli,•19x9ws: dime *on 4,tir ..- fib 00 • • _ _ owdaorn 'Jaw, atteridisg • o'il:inaamgrnow: 0.4,00 . Minnie s daalae. -10,vali. • *0-.00010. qEte frank :team ,dl -re hit ,..1.440414g, do diis 0. 00 lea-ze *minx at dire dirget-vif 'the. 449..osopL9 ,g4aitdeS 4*P "MaSLIM-1, le -to attend ate 051434t1 dire u 'ie. t. ,1117T..47/* .,;•TO Vbb :is an . th41. :11,444 OP• 3 AID II C.474 ID b FAME MAHON 40241.213Mgedirta. SK11111MMer 47, WoiktiiS' MEEIMILORN •Maw meliditired, Aliso m- (121hiliato3s gffiresteffieilSritt.e A tablets fin giatile .Z-MteecERAIMUMMAEDIME MOW rao ,Atbiss •.Atlepik Mattresses, BlEfddilias Inatirers, LE4ecia1ivetzy.•JL Mut Fetters 3Mct. Erearatt 6111M113.160CD: vlbt-I ;le -contic4e1 tcy rjully :an WES tto .thaveo=rall =kaoWietgeAifa\Whghicraglitl- • Lt4 limas ett4-4 :km az'ilikirff thfternaon 10.).:21f .:iii, jail, dire ••-•Ftrifrnoe *orn Xiloventilier 44th Ht t-.,:edivretWiatigs •..4nnoim :those :..1to E.Jireir act Wu. :1 *al 0•ElFgginee/. .-4-timer•,• ?Atte Nameek -alms ' oerfIltirs Simaisanand,iiir 1-Aate NW Sing/ion atif- 'lb ifb zs.••15fis P.4.) . ssinee dire thatble Of kraeril, :-riannitg, am dile . dimeS -in Tranee •4SaGth it *thUte -intr smiths ails med, a t\teteian tattle .m dthere, :he _. lt1 Liastwar,aewedd.,,,kiiihdlie •:cad in Hilditariti Mow and dire Arrimitlanituili ffew 1-havetheenthicEthtlysilacil. ,..d-teri the -awls dlisehariged. _in dnueks :andjanidetgroltra 4a1Te -2he aidtitta41 amort off mare -.is :the :thigh -est 'life dirat3 cwearki- A:0*v •smtaterd Hze• ter thad'f, Min.4..y.sJ :•fisteil "IA y -0mainicidd aaccidentalty :irt 'avatar and wocuids the knermanq ajar, mid dtrat 41t.e.moime are aan ' -..up „a tiff 'Atilt '4 'vas a 4:ailipt :_in '41is lef - -areaendi a :lot :di TAT -a _ Xis =all :is do the sail bombs -,ait ..us!' dihre.''iiressekl 'lln HiespitaT.'• , sand :tha ..ethmit -."600 -_ilzarlis ffrarn -his .11 DI C IDOC•5° one milht and Mm added, -!agaire, :hieks :that ale L±loseici :his :letter thy ,cextentlia llgerrA ,..ehristmas -.to all sand -14iM ;partinxadhite, 41Wellther&,' s' An'alcs a -need .10'7' ‘SP-Affier 311110) war Islam tiow 3101111MD • • :letter:to Wrilifred -Mete' 'Y-x/FL ''fLow aanr.Olow-i 'SE..1parify." Hteed :red& gaart ff011ows: ±s theen ..in for theary lour :months arid nicrw -they.tre 10filled :cult ffor =est. 4 -Ale :have lest our sahare :men, as, •-the W-atilcs 0, salip :onee and _landed .a few bombs • t :on aus. •.raen :was za -awry :hard ladle dart jinee :took it :there :was' • tot -pint tfoy -230..MlereAATes iittIe:ffightigg 336W:um and its ..granil toinitry? Lisiet 5s9 :far •we ave -4taie :the --,people :are -not :frielidiy 9ike ±1 • -7rarreeandaletimo 'ailoyi:142,3gadlinley is 'here indhe •same ;place as „Uecrt.g -Whitby and EKenny Maurer= ar4. here also:7.1im,.....Georgeand'.7.13iott "Webste-r :have all left -the .xinit; 44, also "Weil and „George George was woinided back ut Fra4and -2lliott -went -back - • Miglaitd as an instructor. 3311I Horn 'iS -here too. as a took. Ono day 71 -was :driving along the road when -I noticed a Chinese boy. '‘ I stopped and went back and if it • wasn't Jim Chin from L .: ucknOv, 4We had a .great chat toi Roy Finlayson 'is around her( too • so I will have • t() try and look • hirn J drivi th,. paytnister ••all -the tirn, s,• ss‘ve ccorrehided in :the mist -0 ximayy -away :that -0kthen fhirthen .thitormation :is a -Ntailable it wal1! the lorwadded. • Ss= Eadilfast, • War Iiiiiimaffeer 14Es. ;Win. 41.1Staalkenzie -reedriedi :letter ffrorn _Alex a. :7 -few idayg o, ±n-02nitith the safdthe -ainshed he -was .,anozveil.-more'..letterfforinl -in ..nrcier do :thank the #aeoPle ow ffor.-...tireir memern ee :Of hiI. :Alex Lsad 'the thi :&etter :to 721re. Sentinel omedime axo :toEeSShiSpJ retiatiOn zaizall :these actsi :regret lthat,-tollate;:the:lettert ivAls7iottheen :received there . Mvidently :there as :mime zills4 • tion..hrraailSieikegyatAMe* zeartrp,.17147I- trAiers:toMet-t. laetters and glareels. ffroin !florae :in:intik, -as-amill asMgari Ittes :from 0.eevehil Lioci ape and •oiganiztions,‘ if :meant .5 so -muth -.to thim 1tis:re thiarkable•°that .3Alenc thas:reeeivell Ate:livery •thextkif,kin 4aartel ssent thina. • He•thas .been a;•.prisoner4dfqwar •in.....Germarry ffor ssome :1•6.-.thonti34 _arid -tilde iira—s. :In this :letter writtdn .Deterber :.feith, :Alex lagys 7"..Time 7r011s on hut.:the .days are getting • longer- to Amt in.:11.,seetna. . there are • 100thatirs in .each day .mid sometimes wonder if -they Will. ever end. :but --yoin- letters brighten things .np. -Snapshots without .any writing cm then: __go through quickly. and 'Alex recently -found Lgreat 'pleas.. tiro in a -number of pictures. from home , He .ropeluded by -wishing all th good of. Lucknow and • a Mr Id a 166weigiaiistaii!F6inslon4 thimibaiApidg110446tiatmoratatobaftibil ,..i.LvytedtriTinadlinswavvdto numminuitP,u0 • r santelines ,, iciviugustioacuiror, sassitheramewearr %emit 6.14 ,L fings3281111112alittlithe Wougthilitimyeeffotwourmang 91047 .111114 cpiamealif tuffs- inai titheriniiiiiifiritilmmymemnittlitevelineARtturIrFF4' 1 1 -Thaswilowilikrwowimettwitafid. ruoter'anderniines 16*Watiate7101) wee tifeurrirromkg MEN wresujaumwaihibiN---,esefirus) • ibiquing rnetillemluxtiiss...jirteligaminikeiscomigarifk.. %.1.1,,r, 11a3ramismtomirzeraesp*drizeza9st ocniivirsgdbawn. 1asa1ti4Eyealsitiy'. -Nsithatateeil. wal,k3erisseretkizepaiaiwwircersse14- tinxogiacidsocirgieriiieesdi vallFp*y anf oriEd edg-hrs, ,acve filar Mae intrge, iiiniestitinWsiordcyRitmlis aanii • 'Maar Asiisgs ONiertilaares. 1ramA.11.. ,tufkizsLL maxestwithitiatelp:Itamerahexestaifiliviw /7/:;:. • :ublisher! Tm AlICHWINI; INTDISTEIn IC,NARIt to heir teve1 the tiaager thmt itihntion rerf.1:6C114S fir' An th t -2Nattc••• kritSvi • A44.41 f•;If ±T) •