HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-12-14, Page 4• . . t. 1) • • . WAGE POUR Ithe tagsknow sunsuit 44- 1! '1 1 toi '4 .11;1 IP) ; stati wow macs assay flu° anw atte Stait will 41216a6 3a3U (Call 3115. (Caa%bUt UM towline ama feed at guillialtdur- ig theifirsi azeing. year. DEETA ittaike affinces mon ithetrilespert caikiiEs 3nt can law Isar a few ita- 1 xtutit- llaire Bite& l'arre Sgessex' Elialce • • Mate aliatheles aft=LiT1ditaidis Mare Maned f]New Martilts. ar. end Mths. Edge. Medannet rff Mb`th WikeZ2 tnIES vitI r. Mkt MIMS. ORIMOIM1 110ft- lalarD3 AtiSD MM. Steen Aferdetam. • gems, :jiritaa (Clztribtor was ae- II mewed tto Wirinithath det+,51 ath Liget ,niffloirirrg Tneumniiia And *dingy nrriglii than. DECR9 Matideen (Gardner Elitime waling tiD MirtibM& MintSSS,. AfeM. Ettfig€IT tathitife dias Tagt eseel ilittar4,... MEER Tataig-gnikyttp mom 0959wrs Diviarr,Ift. 55.11)4011/K0.N/1i . suiramew smotwom gathmumar Innt,,ge tin /1614 'Mitt Meted (Itininth aiixothyy sthiiw Jarit, Wham., ER. P2§, ittan14i- 'Nam). almumistt Itik Rail cnn (Um efwEiMiiMg ifitMlerlfiter IffiIh. • lee r,- AhSS. OCUME. Minn:ire Who nnmariniing. 'VW e Wigh aIll tr,riar - amaze cgizaittivy death idlefor tine Epee saes vetenfts • taw sib* cumauletati, , 1),041), 11 gailetass grown ffrarn omit - ;410 -11 seen. •Illniss. M. 11, Argr. cedirihm firtthmarra yaws ., if ' Mho= 442 -rt -T22. tint Tali week ea &die-, ffram AUterailil I •t4RAMIRe. 'ante& wilt orttaiin metifitilition �ff agitta_i ogangention. Me. allso ..-: ttheEgzekermetes (OM /111 P tit. Mir.. anti Mbss. Hiren327 Gardner, Aird 1g& Mithard ffiieaids lin WiLimilaun IDAMIMIDIS Now `""4•404115 Gt yynur iTh141se w Mare And gambler Darr 1Ltike Ohb lAtikKEWAtEti!if Win 33ns. 1" ti] Oil 1E1 ?Ait''' M4r. Mein (Eaariban• *anti wtaregt. Mfr. as Mtgs. .dherik aa caw/ With Mr. And Mrs. Miclitibay ocif 1/10bay, MAT_ Math MAN% it i. =Ow. tiniffeam And reTeatzted tin wtainibigypiattmmit "ctitixess• wait mar. TialflEfer \Were Mr. Midi rfilMS • Hfithxff Mr. MDR liKritiik ) EIMOWISMIM. aii/riMiliiMI istaLas aft' tin o, Ce SintibiEr FR4trvirril, st.t.' Ilagenztnr#37 madie walimante. .• "I'14:itt()11 ilDIPSSOTOTRIEWErli3311i3Ve 7Pire'ainnuiril (13thdatireas leentrentt 'dee Mrestetandan Minmdiaayy di:1 willatheinditlYintinegatitia- ciff E critorryit , Mildew mem- Mitt att 7/32110. far tiige MEM firer looaltHie .1'.! I ',del .141 1111 diffiaMME Met (Denzatliamblislin"rftrittit off tth thanderavar iFteeithiy- &hut& Will HAM aa Gaindett-• • Waver %Imam ith tine odurriti Montheyy, nitemandeir Math E8 gedlie iis arceendlly maw aair nititt off Mits. wee* ttirP Wining Mende off Ifeemilibrr lyaida •Tieseatt aa gligyentillieti -"TEginEpastt• aand *thining" Lin tint Mktibas. Adlithennt r) Mk ow MORO gagerrni fj3 tire ffedinwedblvaa(Dirstiltr. 3111-.-2;. Turothred , 1:133 riffeatiiSS. EftINEKOri- y -141171tiffEa. INVM. ViSfaittan, ER. 22 Tiunge 444-M. Ilandenver. .pol.lr'," imp 1ma-- ilia3krass-.ERatibEgnioitt • l:ftgrrP aligned Mithrikiff With Mr Mr. Anil Mes. Mtwara. Bawl* And • iiti-orrainf., marl sunth6,t. mo ifh.,.,tus ,urincreimmiN Aacideiiiiiik. :417* lam NINEer mmaarittw tthpLir Mr. And Mbs. MaAmeriza wgeililing ainxiistew5r;ariy. la; Hibrnett ilitikaaturargy WI& 1frmontil '41734. Madie vm648 TA, WEElee 01130* Off MIT. Sunday tnt atataxeleciageits. Eglikat mfLr ilirertii aaudile Egiatiy them At 111613nined Ilatt Nivea-, mral cchailess maxi* diwit, sja:mil tiv tamelkipertt 4he aseirEis4gilt 'iraiortto nthMonte:a:inn Watt agates - tthe Med Omsk.. Attila were Mame Mass .And ° Mbs. Mita .11bitiats csal Monk= led ff‘r dies -vika'aikc Wiith itttr. :sitter, 'Mx& Al P ;4) (11-4)211'.1110.:•. Mr. mud 7iihis. Meth And tianitlis silent Maw:1w et M4r4 I Mrs. ViZatter Wittier awed flare, sweat lite watt Week At dame off Hat-- Targets, Mir. • -Mrs. Minn (ThittiaiLL .11111 ,411111114.11,&.":"." 14111P :t1t.it.)41/11114) ir Anti Mrs. aldigterTh . And Mrs. ElThanse 1•1.-; iner *netts cdf Mr. FREarte M#113:fint (33n -17,-.1 ascat-..• • 1414 And 11tQffs.T.iluAk vottiturtts. 311fr. And Mrs. Maynard • , laud es theirwigites xen Mtem.14,511 Mr. end Mbs. Jam Meal. Surdas with Masa Eite* Mass. 1.444 ta namiii)/ 1E'll last at D them ezatt 51.-t. Bkiteng, 14ffile meter; thEil • 4',811410 eettEUM. &COAT tto 131. MEET, M• MiEditrilin IVENIREEIEMVIST ;Ildelna MI. 44 • wean tine IL Mat= • ;tlisa Ten off firer dings L1eWifeilkettima •(Efirriettentas .treeetitly. jett. laininere me:ei)safidtto Tiartaila IP an 1:191ire wifth tthe gni •:Iv', ttWitit mare =Griot. were 1138 entries Lit titik 31/1 -ms. UI 0ed ailine.-131. 33 Meek -- ties aa cdaggitter aff T. t ; LDai- 1:11141; firattggir. xide bawd& Tweittlly mew, With narwthettertm; agiego acff sawn adeiglis -i:nifl retain Mkeiftely, :sivawfraiine tow, EttEes , &with ** orondttinn. Am* Matto,. 44444 a el. I 41 11- 12" ' brow(ol til fat: 11; 114 1111 .: ."11110).1110)1 "..1P.Q11114 Jallitl2g-eigHtnatAltiVMPAgrz T PA 11=121 (0) -" 'C Axe Paujarw Tire EFAIDIf 4 r4 it I t' •-•••• likaiVentat Ear I No.-chakens Nok. 11 GiE5ese Tutleys 11). alfcr -Ttfatetwetzzaatzwizetzatimazatzitztfamavionzgamazaamtitworatimuzlir. *ME, MUM) MIME MEMEL Mime liaarards an3 ttige rearm 'ui cit 'daz- dna &legit oargettils At Ceinaggo cc ff tine Efteihtlain Etitill4 1• ‘.1 W:10 to; :IsenN • aid' ineedit- whifffietteess Anti agliso 22 Weiner &teethe, 22 *we;•And ga ainetteffeelid tim Gamma Xiardine, "112 SOMME BILE �1$KS yirgeaareorpiet ttotbawaill ithr ciiiRiaened lin cam ssaw- zta COT 1:11.Eak ffacirnur tnetelks 12iidc• u1P- . Vite Are need. off ainniyee Marti ;. 4. wa.Weeth edit] •(anadian nereord Tintee MONO ".1.%41.) !emus aeggt At tame'. iwfl. mad killd ?him 11:1e dz. And . flied •• II TRy11±1.1...,stunseet... • ArgatbiziF "WEEMS 11 ° . Awko 72-7 1„kmrity it=.7- WI- ND zac 41' And oisotts. te, Maaseeccoobdi., it. (Elianant. asgh amid Meath }eat wee torm take aeill Biter imp end Tiase 3yrai• ,,140)(0.•cparigie 4 01401 aleeMatEe- •att (ter offnen • Mr ffuttiaer iaartitemilthe. • ffEiMMUIDEVIC TIONVId111 433181112giaMTI rkiffeee p.jriTelee 557 Aral 7. :411 .ar--• 71tIanr; &he; ear rff • • Mill Mannr; -)37. MnandErz: .-r"m'erl-;t7ti riftt Tamma I rr-criffart- `Connii trdge .ift 4terittoJd wortifItif- TED f3NIEffilrfliS ATM) CffiffifiRE dee Mgtette :tEffnnet (tiliff.1 I .11 an] ssons 'rimming ongi•ms aglat dire [Eating 'dr X11111e CIff itrne off liveWfl f-1 Ebarectitanow,i frzietarrite. VitfiblOW. \Wisp (diet] am (itr thane:. dee LlIttb (dw fldf (Gxitedgr :13944. :am itearktyy =effect] tto steed uis,)if same ttx) dee undirerl wri•oxi or, rrr iltoffu1 tfUth rif a-ruierw la M:After thhr thiltb WhIrn tie 1.iig :Tina ti • •will rilettlitattetil d. 'ad whtth 4.4'4-'414aatbr with r4r.,g.sarti 131rir.,-to tfftt:•(xElianrk-, raj prterated thettersigeril Midi] ttieen! tza,-ro• : eland title undersMeti; IMEMEIttriWAI „rrofinll :lint itaiiie,•ttt) •ary tirortgor. dry xif 41 -ss .Stalmirh•adian-Stant- 7.rts 'taw". Irriatem VtirYirs-c• ,riarrt thiehr Atild 1 WM. rtfeNaii • 1. OM- •'t Tfrinlor to till:IL 222tati! •1 •••1 '211D _ad „away mt. Mecerreher • to infiltitp Line zif feeds mnii iiitafionRmiluats 1113onne ILudinutiv• Pi VII1121=dff. Gad allt 'kw tion 44e9 win; • Mitt Lin nth Iltaaat •arge itnenteorig :sas -dear ttattsyy in life *ur saw :.1-slita• "AATe itgeten sit anti thth di rim" witekt, vre I13EitiMME.. 1 1.1331 nwerrim.737 is lilt,• ani- thIU that _grif -oars tell its xviitn Sgitity 'lb-. and Vibriett: -- Al rind 'ffetaib. ncif :11tovernoirr 11X44(4 1rit6 Tforerttcl (124fiterrd1 7Prutts) (Cithsearateen, Efdsyy '\111.threkki Strefet. "ThIroltw, tOlittaret,, .Thaitn ifivert it. 'fidirttr . tie111131 • m= int& Annal= Wife 211,WLURIL ffennigmer GmEatt Pieuxileannun mitt at'iree Braters,(03tt. •Mange 2216-gr83 s'airr3F- EKtarroaci: 'Mut; aliceve T;rtoy.Fetinig .'rectidn ..vmeek. day ; lopteritioei tt4 .41 ttitif. ome 4ff ..111/1gcel'1titnial Pirzsf- r tidt*: • k LE. 1E. I IL I I f 0.) 3MMERDWIttill. 1114 IIIDEENIOW MIBUNEEHIEMY 4111FINEIMICEKN (ilf 'MOB WHEIlli THEM • pea. tit tE Tan. MET nhr41n 'z1z•uaE WE EIMIIIMN 33111MIIING