HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-11-30, Page 31
uES., NoVEIMBEN 3Stb, 1944
The Lucknow Sentinel, .10111i0110W, Ontario
The 11dren's
Sponsored By. The Lu&now Business ess Men's
Association Will Be Held In The
Sepoy Theatre, Lueluzo
Mrs. Tom Inglis spent an after-
noon with Miss Ansae MacKenzie
on the loth of Kinloss
Mr: and Mrs_ `George Kennedy
and sons ''visited recently at Mr_
Cecil Robb's,'
Mr. & Mrs. Rhys Pollock, Rich-
ard and Donald and Mr. and Mrs.
R E. Forster and Nancy spent
;Sunday at Mr_ George Fisher's.
Mr_ and Mrs. Jack MacMillan
and family visited at Mr: Frank
McCo :nick's on Culross on Sun
Satirday.. h at ae
MORNING :SHOW For Village en -
t ' IN THE Rl1IOON, Two Shows For ti
Children Froin The Co ry
A directors' meeting of the
Huron County Federation of
iAgriculture was held in Clinton
on Friday. There was an attend -
ante of 25 and President HarE-
Sturdy conducted the meeting_
A resolution to cooperate with
the Bruce County Federation in
the attes- of Monday evening
broadcasts over CKNK„ .Wingham
was adopted. A committee coag=_-
posed of the president, viee-
presidentt Ru.e1l Bolton and sec-
retary W_ Jr: Dale was appointed
to select speakers for the broad-
The following appointments
were also made_ H_ I.,,_ Sturdy to
the directorate of the Ontario
Provincial Federation_ H_
Sturdy andF.nel Bolton. senior
gr`ou;.._ Bruce Roy ionior group
and Mrs. ®_ C. Anderson worRneos
group delegates to- the annnaaal
Mr. and Mrs: -Marvin Durnin
spent Friday evening with Mar -
vin's sister, ]yrs_ Whitley and Br_
Mrs.. Jaines Sherwood returned
home on Friday after attending
the funeral of her mother the late,
Mrs_ Wood of Mirth Bay.
Chester Finnigan . and Norman
Rivett motored to London on
Saturday to spent- the week -end
with friends..
Mrs_ Bert . Treleaven acc'oni-
d Richard' Kilpatrick to
Toronto. on Friday and is • spend-
ing the week -end with her dau-
ghter, Mas_ Trer rain and Mr_ Ti-e-
ffiaaaa_ • •
MrsBenson Shackleton and
Ann Carol Aan returned home on Sat-
urday frown ooderich Hospital._
Mr_ and Mrs_ Marvin Durnin
Mand their aunt,,. MissDreaney,
spent Saturday ' with MLarvires
Mrs sister_ _ Hall and Mr:. Baa
Mrs_ Benson, Shackletbon's par-
entts spent -Sun...;yr afteraioon
with Mrs. Sh..:.ckleton and 13ensoia_
Quite a number from here at-
tended the pi tore show & dance• inn the Parish Hall_ . Duanga inion_
sponsored by the Federation of
Agriculture on Thurs. evening_
Mrs_ Edna McWhinney is spen-
ding the winter witch her father
at /Echo Bay ,who ns °ill_ She was
a mpanied by _ Effie •Coll-
in of Kinttail who is a-isittibg
her br other John and other rela-
BReid spent Saturday even-
. with his friend Ronald Tre-
Mrs.. J. Curran, Grant_, Dorothy.
Mac and Mary and Gwendolyn
Treleaven spent! Wednesday with
sand Mrs.‘,.r:
Vernon Hunte
,A nominating .committee com-
posed . of J. B. Matheson, Bert
Lobb and , Wattson 'Brown, . was
appointed to select, an executive
for 1945. Their report naming H.
Ix. Sturdy, Russel Bolton., W. ?d_.
Lobb, ' Hu Hill_ Hary ey John,'
stoat, ' Simon Daillahann ' . James
Simpson. Robert MrKPn cher_
Turnbull and Wilfred Farre
was adoptted_
and Carolyn spent Sunday at Mr_
e Cliff Ha k tt'
e e s_. .
.: Mas_ Frank Miller held' a Reil
Croom" quilting for the ladies, west!
'of No. 9 last Wednesday_
Mrs_ Jack McMillan also held
one on Tuesday of this week for
the Jolly Workers Club.
Mr. and Mrs_ Wilfred McQuil-
lin spent an .evening last week
with Mr_ and Mrs_ Ed McQuillin
Yozell enjoy our
aTtge Pek e
A Toighly esteemed resident of
Goderich for the past ' 15 years,.
Alice Mary Ellen Lane, wife 'of
Mr. Sarrinel J. War; passed away
at her home, Colborne street, last
Wednesday morning after an ill-
ness of a little more than a week_
Mrs_ Wark was born in Camden
township. Kent county. After her
aa:arriage she lived in Toronto
Mr d Mrs Geo Fi h • God d Smith's Fall
_ an ns er spent' era and naw. s a s, re -
Monday evening with Mr. and turning , to Goderich when Mr
Mrs. Harvey Webster. Wark retired fair the C .R _ Ser-
er-vice in 1929.She was a member
Asidricld W..M. S. of . North street, .tknited church
The . annual meeting of the and of the W_M.S .and the Wo."
As -hi -field W M S. was held at: the men's Association of that clnrrrch_
home of Rev.., and Mrs_ Howse She or y and was .president
on Friday, November 24th. The of the fret Hahne and School
president. Mrs_ Rowse, was in Claab in Smith's -Falls and retain-
ed her • interest in the work after
her removal to • Goderich. She
was., also, a past president of the
Women's Canadian Club
Smith's E'aUz During. a former
residence inn Godjraeh.' she taught
a 'teen-age girls' r1 sin Victoria .
street United e-kili -ch and in her
honor the vises was harmed after
her. Ates her 'husband there
survive four children,, Mrs. T. J_
Salkeld (Arny). of West Wawa
aao._h_ Norman of Toronto. Herb-
ert of Droekvife. Mrs Ddtngas
Campbell Mirth) of Si: Cathar--
ines., and rime grarrdrin,nh ren_ A-17
other son_ Lawrence, was killed
w i P service., i n the last wwar_ '
Rev_ .R_ H_ Ta b kli conduct d
a service at the family- residence
Thursday evening and the . re-
.rxin were conveyed to 'Toronto
on Friday where interment took
place in •Prospect ceinetea .
charge , of the devotional' period:
The scripture was read by Mrs_
Albert Aton and prayer . was of-
fered by Mrs_ Will Gardner. Mrs_
Peter; Cook sang "The Stranger
of Gallilee". Mrs_ Jas. Hen:
gave a short impressiive talk on
temperance. "Mars_ W. P. Reed
gave a short talk_ Rev. Howse
took charge of the remainder of
the meeting_ Reports were given.
from/ the different departments_
Mrs_ Mullin who has been
responding secretary for .i -
ber of years sent a sp'. , : did re -
'port. She has moved to . ! c 'erach
and will be unable to attend: She
seent in her r ignation Words
of appreciation were spoken for
the splendid work she knas donne_
The officers elected for the cbm-
ing year, are: prem, Mrs_ Howse:
tress_. Mrs_ Albert Alton: rec.
sec., Miss . Bernadine Alton; cur -_-
sec... Mrs. Jas. Henry t €
systematic giving. Mrs_ Sammi Al-
ton_' strangers sec_; Mrs_, Gordon
Kirkland: suet_ of light bearers.
Mars. Cecil • Gardner:, associate
helpers •sec._. riir s. Jerry, Cranston
:temperance sec_ Mrs_ Sandy_
supply seer •Mrs. Elmer Alton
Pr"-z,-"" see_, Mer. . Ernest Gardner_
A ' AND COSTS o f S1-34.50 '
oar 3 ,honcho in 'jail w as haaposed '
on. F. G. MacKenzie_ Berrie , -
agemaan" for aclllowing • a pin-ball.
machine to operate on his prraa- .q
ices_ . Ain Alleanford barber paid
S50.00 aid' torts for operating a
punch board and for rolling the'
dice for pop at double or no- P
thing" _
s AW12C"`•1 Bi NE S appear TO
be something of a novelty in
Teeswater according to the pub-
licity 'Dude- ,Hughes receb: ed
upon the 'installation of one of
them They. are certainly mo
novelty here._,
CTC prices are wally MUCH lower . but .. _
ONLY because there's but one small profit . between
factory and you! We want you to expect 'the same
high quality and excellence of service that you would
from any brand regardless of make or price_
You will not be disappointed because MOTO-MASTER is built to t h hest quality
-tandards of the automotive industry _.. no lesser qualities are act pted roto the
Permanent Anti -Freeze Now On Hand at 53.45 a Win.
Moto -Master still _ .. $1;,49
• Ask For Winter Catalogue Supplement
W '.le .184
11FF',A1 J.V 2OO,,OO bags of oink -
weed pads; the floss from which
will be used to 'in** life pre-
e.servers for the Armed Forte
have been collected during the
past two months by school child-
ren in Ontario, 'Quebec and Mani-
Men,WeinenOver4O 40
Feel urn,
.t lbtt 2
:. . Fav+®.• o on tears
ou tea bat. aid? 'Try Bantaga
t0_ azriz €es •docs. s ast
l. ItsA
$etpe-yet :Sa s,-,ws9 pep -lora 3-
erosaoetocsaise Tonfe-ri ieta
=lc= aJ$Eood.QmZ surra everywhere-
MRS. '1110MAS MIS/101a1
The death occurred (inn St.
Marys bosoital_ Kitchener. early
iMotdac mornng of Catherine
Donon an_ wife of the late Thos.
%na%noolrsn_ in her .73th year. At-
though only in hospital for the
past five days, the late Mrs. 'Chis-
lnoin: had suffered a ' leugthy ill-
n . She was born in London_
Frgland. and carne to Canada in
1914_ going to Lnicknow t p live.
After fai : -years the family mov-
e,to Preston in 1918. where
they have resided since. The late
ii .. Chsholit was a giber of
St. Clement's R. C. church. •
Surviving areher two sons.
Herbert and Hai 13, of Preston.
Nine grandchildren and I7 great ,
grandchildren also survive. Two
grandsons are in. ' tine armed for -
Fit. Sgt. Herbert Chisholm ;
a"' Ti re::tr:- ' and Pte. Ha: r_ Chis-
holm in Italy-_ and, a -great gr and-
son. A.B. Donovan Woelfi,'e :n
Inch. Her hnasband. 'Phos. Chis-
holrn. predeceased her in 1$17g
and her eidest son_ Thomas. 'died
in Luca, -now in 1914.
Requ.er.r. high. n:...wia cas Sung
at 5: i C' nen _ RC. Churn'.,-_
Preston. on Werion d v. at Ci a ran. 1
' It:terr>ent was nr the R. C sem- '
The Story of ,Spendthrifts Deluxe
John Henry. Cutler m an art-.
isle in the Azaaerican.e.ekb
with: this Sunday's (Dec. 3, ism
Of The Detroit Sunda- Baines.
teal h ^rv: Aesop s fatrious _69 tE
yag ba! se: the fashion ,for fab-
ulatis c ha ,-ache:- tsho imir,7e tossed "
away 1i'i es .:<n prodigal
sp::s ges for, :he de, it of their
o nP st;.r geiy thwarted egg.
Get Me Detroit Surd*: "1'.IIres_
,, V-
`` 041