HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-11-30, Page 2,
The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario
THURS.., NO. 3904 /944
Established 1873
Published Each Thursday Morning
Sabscription Rate $2.00 A Year In Advance
To United States $2.50 . Single Copies 5c
Member of The C.W.11,A.
L. C.. Thompson, Publisher and Proprietor
Bruce County Council's failure to act on
The post-war plan as submitted by the Citizee's
Committee at the November'Session, brought
bitter denunciation from the Port Elgin Times
and Chesley Enterprise_ The editors of these
papers were members of the Citizen's Com-
and spent much time in drafting and
presenting a comprehensive plan to County
Council designed to promote "a greater Brace
County". That these men were, to 'put it, p
The tearing down and bprning of the
tish flag is a grave offense that would
serious consequences in most any province
Quebec. But after all, the responsibility
the actions of these teen-age fanatics, does
rest entirely on their shoulders_ From
cradle they have been fostered on arai-British
sentiment. To this has been added the idly:
spoken promises that never again would Fr
Canadians be conscripted to fight "Foe
wars", and these factors are among those
are leading to violent repercussions today.
.The efforts, if such they May be earned,
all political parties to promote national unity,
appear to have been dismal failures throughout
the years. Rt. Hon. MacKenzie King, wittingly
or not, admitted as much in the House of Corn -
moos. the first of the week when he referred
o the appeal made years ago by Sir John A.
MacDonald for unity between Upper and
Lower Canada if anarchy yeas to be avoided_
Me. King said those words were equally ap-
lieable today. It is plain that
Local and General
Miss Mary Struthers returned
but to Toronto on Wednesday having
for disposed 'of her household furni-
The United Church Sunday
ejgn I Sehool concert will be held on
that Friday, -Deoember 15th. Keep the
date open and watch for further
of particulate
Mr_ and Mrs. Wellhigtori Nixon
and Miss Caroline Humphrey of
Lucknow spent the week s end
with. Mr. and Mrs. James Snow-
den and Ernest of East Wawa -
Mr. John MacRae is spending
an extended, visit with Mr_ and!
Mrs. Duncan MacRae and family
at Collingwood where Duncan is
principal of the Collegiate In-
ture by. auction.
W. G. (Bill). Webster is ill at
his home this week from a severe
attack of stomach ulcers to which
he is subject, •
(Lisappointed in Council's failure to act,
is quite understandahle. We do not agree y
however, that their failure to act warranted
The vitriolic articles appearing in each of these
papers, and the insulting cartoon that appear-
ed in The Times. 1
It is charged that the plan was openly a
ve ac-
complished little or nothing in three sco
ears and little can be expected until
fundamental causes are recognized and fa
y all
To this end the leaders of our corm
they will forget the game of politics„
ccomplish much by bending as much eff
the Returnmg To Toronto
Miss Anne Graham who has
ced spent the past year at her home
on the 4th Concession in Kinloss
tay, is spending a few weeks in New
York City visiting friends, before
she resumes her farmer position
ort in Toronto.
• ridiculed at CountyeCouncli. and certain coun- to
leillors "ganged up" to kill the plan, which was th
finally referred to the County Committee for
consideration and to be reported on at the n
January session_ The Enterprise claims that to
:all intent e and purposes the plan is dead.
, The articles to which we have referred h
certainly woad not he.lp to keep it alive i?
County Council members might well hesitate h
to :co-operate hannortimisly with this Citizen's ab
Committee, When twoof its members at least lea
would turn so, bitter when their suggestions De
• were not immediately adopted- and plans laid
to implement them_
• Some Merril:veers of Council definitely favor-
ed the plan. Others found it quite comprehen-
sive and hesitated to voice their opinion until
promoting understanding and good will, as
ey have to the game of politics and the ap-
peasement of Quebec- Surely appeasement is
ot the solution to national tinkly.. The rest of
Canada wants no preferred treatment. Quebec
ust learn that, although unfortunately much
as been said and written in the heat of the
resent controversy that has only widened the
reach.. But, surely the damage is not irrepar-
le, nor national imity impossible, 'if our
ders; ,and we as individuals throughout the
minion., attempt with sincerity to achieve it
* * •• * *
• Today (Thursday) the 16th Blood Donor
Clinic is being held in Lucknow. ,Canadian
ed Cross officials stress that blood donors are
eeded as 'never before and a campaign is an.
tly being conducted to obtain 50,000 new
nors. •
• • • •
With the Seventh Victory Loan going so
ell over the top, it is interesting to note that
vings deposits in Canadian chartered banks
the end of September last year, totalled
988,904,000. The Sixth Victory.Loan took a
slice out of these savings, yet at the end of
ptember, 1944, savings deposits had reached a
w all-time high with 82,464,187,000. The nate
nal income has been high and is maintaining
steady climb. •
* * •*
Believe it or not, there's only 20 more
pping days before Christmas and the Post
they had studied it more fully_ Still others were ren
definitely ,opposeel' The recommendations may
not all be workable ---most certainly there is
much merit in many clauses and the plan and le
its objective should be above ridicule_ sa
But it was County Couneirs privilege to at
.deal with it as the members saw ,fit Whether ea,
or not there were "killers" at work, we are big
confident that the majority of our municipal se
representatives will make their own decisions
and will be prepared to support the program io
in whole or in part, as its merits appeal to a
•them. If the plan is dead it may well be that
• The Times and The Enterprise are not alto-
gether blameless.• •. sho
* • • * • Offi
We hope we never become so hide -bound •
politically that we refrain from voicing our the
• criticism of the policy of any party with which go
we' disagree_ We certainly don't intend to be
ce Department stresses the fact that the
etide Season is just around the corner by
issuance of its mailing dates bulletin. For
aranteed Christnias delivery here are the
es: United States, December 10th; British
urnbia., December 15th; Alberta and Sask-
ewan, December 16th; Manitoba and Mari-
e Provinces, December 17th; Ontario and
hec,19th_Decern ther 18th; local delivery, Decem-
.neutral in political matters so far as our ediCoI
torial ccilumn is concerned, but we definitely atch
intend to steer an independent course, free of
partisan politics and free to condemn or praise, Que
as we view the issue, regardless of party_ ber
One can never be sure of anything. In a
recent issue The Paisley Advocate editor in
timated that members of the Village Council • week
• had been reinies in their duties 'by failing to , •
attend a brief Remembrance Da Y service held pick
on Sunday night. Is the Paisley scribe's face of a
red! 1t turned. out that the entire Board Was in
attendance and in fact paraded to the Cenotaph •was
• with the Legion. But it was an evening serace,
the floodlight to illtnninate the memorial the
•" want Working, and the service was carried •next
out in "almost complete darkness"," with the buyi
resift that the Advocate scribe and many colo
•tstheis at the gathering failed to notice their
for granted if its to appear in print.
* * * * •
• LOOK 013T, MEN!
In a large New York fashion salon last
, before a large and exited feminine aud-
ce. a noted millinery designer nonchalantly
ed up a man't felt hat and, with the help
pair of scissors and a !triumphant smile,
Deformed that sitnple headgear into what
ascribed as a -chic clothe".
Then. tinning to her enchanted audience,
milliner tattered these fatal words: "The
time you go shopping with a man who is
ng himself a hat, be sure he pieirs out a
r that is becoming to you".
First it was his coat and vett and pants
it is his hat!
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fisher and
Mary of Hamilton spent the week
end with Mrs. David Huston_
Mrs. Currie of Wingham was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs_ Morgan
Henderson last week.
Mr_ and Mrs. J. W. Henderson
were recent visitors with Rev..
and Mrs. Wm. A. Henderson,
Hillsdale, Ontario_
Mi. Ben Naylor of town is
considerably improved in health
since returning to the village
about three weeks ago, after
spending eight weeks in London
receiving medical treatment
-M.rs_ Margaret Cole, Mis. Chas_
Wilson and two girls, Marion
and Barbara Wilson of Detroit,
visited a few days with their
grandmother, Mrs_ M. Cole.
Somewhat Improved
Little Ruth 'Treleaven return-
ed home from Toronto last week
where she had been under obser-
vation and receiving treatment
for a serious illness that was
depriving her of the use of her
limbs_ Ruth's condition is con-
siderably improved at present
although her parents were not
encouraged that the improveinent
would be permanent .
With the return of the Chin
Brothers last week hockey en-
thusiasm immediately soared and
on Friday night a public meeting
was called to organize a hockey
club and to make plans for the
approaching winter season.For
the past couple of seasons or so
hockey activities 'have been
sponsored by the Arena Commit-
tee_ This season the sport will be
under the direction of a Hockey
Club which will receive sixty
percent of the "gates".
The tni1kwn0 has the reputa-
tion of seeing and knowing all,
even though he does keep it to
himself. If he didn't know us so .
well, he sure would think there
was some party at Thompson's
One night last week_ 'Turas like
this: Mrs_ Thompson overlooked
setting out the milk bottles the
, night before, but when Alex call --
ed the next morning there was
no lack of entities where the
'milk bottles should be. The as-
' sortment ineluded four beer bot-
tles and a 26 -ounce flask of
something stronger --all empty of
courser That's mighty considerate
of "the boys'' as it saves us pick-
ing them off the lawn_
W. B_ Anderson was appointed
chairman and L. C. Thompson,
secretary, of Friday night's meet-
ing, which resulted in the ele-
ction and appointment of the
following executive and (iceman -
Hon.! Pres., J. W. Joynt; Pres-
ident, Bill Crawford; 1st vice-
president, Robert Rae; secretary„
Gordon Taylor; treasurer, J. A.
Thompson; manager, Wellington
cCoy; finance committee, G. IL
Smith„ Clark Finlayson; manag-
ing committee„ Harvey Webster,
Bill Webster, Gordon Taylor;
work committee, Wes Joynt, It
Rae, W. B. Anderson, Harry Nix-
on., A. E. McKim, Cameron Mac-
Donald, J. L. MeMillan, George
Hassan and Gordon Fisher. Play-
ers eon W. McCoy, G. K
Smith, L. C. Thompson_
• The matter of financing the
Club, which starts from scrateh,
was discussed and it was left
with titimManaging Committee to
approach the Areala Committee
for a grant. Its addition the meet-
ing appeared to favor a canvass
for funds, as well as to conduct
a raffle and to hOld dances after
home gadnes, during the playing
The feeling of the meeting
seemed to be that both Junior B
and Juvenile teams should be en-
tered, provided the material
available warrants this and 0_ M..1
R. A. regulations merrnit At the 1
• O_MILA. meeting to be held this
Saturday, the question will be
voted on to allow only Junior B
GILA_ players to play Minor
League hockeY provided they are
qualified by age 'to do' so. Lock
now favoreethis proposal and wia
likely be represented at •the
• meeting io Toronto on, Satairdlay.
At the present Hine there is
112e. QILA
OALHA. rule book that bars a
Junior, "A" or even a senior play -
• An election' is being held in
1 Culross for the reeveship with
'Reeve -Joseph Mchmes being op-
posed by tester Foster. Council-
lors John Moffat, Gordon Melvin,
Alf Zimmer and James Wall re-
ceived an acclamation..
In East Wawanosh the reeve, <
council and township school '
board were all elected by accla- •
matian as follows: for reeve„ J.
D. Beeeroft; for council, Norman
McDowell, Lewis Ruddy, Harvey
Black, Alex Robertson; for school
board„ Douglas Campbell, Abner
Nethery, Frank Thompson, Wal-
ter S. Scott„ Mason Robinson_
et- from reverting to the juvenile
series, if his age permits_
1Tag Day
In Aid of The Canadia-
National• Institute „ his
the Md, in
Saturday, Dec 2
Under Auspices of the
Leans* Women's
Give Generously!