The Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-11-16, Page 4.... . ...... , THUM, NOWMWER, Zig;' It Sum I "U& W owme L x THM VP r • Qaiw a�� aumbw fkumt. here have �f&M. ()tt&jnirrg & sup1dy, orf aVpae� J ng� VS Armstro of GDr butter- an& cider ftOM'the a0gle� 'ther I X Q Armstr0_99'Of rie� fa of• OM -90i glavU* at: Wdhray� &_•'Tbronta aiT&- formerl3r of Luck - is xrowl, observed hfia'gu& birthday,. last. week.. Dr: Armstrong "I V'Ca SALE.� —,Cook stone with. C. U S T 0 K IGVFrTMG DONE, tliese�7"dmys�,ftw! mss owe- of the first gTaduates of the i Mrs, Jack- Carter, 'Aft, W,&bSV9V1 VWXM ht Undial" med- warming , closet and. reservoir, service: PnIUM -i-nary Cofiego� at Toronto', act baker; - also,'M I16hertyr organ. V&pa IL 5S Lucknow- dea-L catm is --u still. aetrv4y engW�Qr� in Apply 4 Sentinel, OffbM a NEW - Afil attar. A*a Gordian Stdbrm-M' THANKS operating his. drug stowe� in CARD oV Tbeswater visfte& with tit. WhOr& ft�;- Irm, resided far- 65 'FOP., 9ALK_--& good pigs, read kn'-in -naly, V xWdaz& we�n- some- weff-bredScotch Col - Arm Gb7ft 9PS vbvridly rewlW, his� He often wishes to,gr��efuuI1,qck-xrowle,d9e,_ Siwdaw Apply, to- Jiimes Fror- .1 v - Irt tijL Geim. in the sprnrg receipt of' cigar es: received.' re- Tbw sorleiaL evier�,. :i- -d -tio�d- ta a� ster; ft.. 4 Lucknow, e livig stee Ption 00.0 P"CES hite ansmen etm and aclo cently, froin lie, C& es", 0, MoeTCHMa MGM wAwrm, fbr -from Mrs- HOyma!i and' Mrs. f-hudly or 1Z ehildre-m hatching semi, Ork-_ of" a� I an enjoy -at -W evl.� -1 - of. w"I,.. jg4s '"#dston. are= abil Dr. -premium gwjd,.' plug Irate -ft. !W, RPM 09 P, ges 'AA�offg Wa- barff llearL &W- premiuln FY6eF__ and blood culled, I participating r&-- iffeld; ;VspTf of 7 the late Mi- acrd' tested un&,r Government super- Mlte&� *.,ban rQ=W,- cianstm, ft, m est49� Me, ha&'vTs10V,.- fiv�e` Of eftarg0- x J:bxne& Armstro catrYU19, 4twm U V Vorroixto. and 'f iz-11 cretails� Tw—EMM9 CHIM 0 FlergU M -dte& R.*jjg� hjW. saaw��r, Irewar4 whfle M.V CAER�. Lin ergM Sf kV.MEWXN r"R rl,-e 0 0 Clevelad&. 4& ft.r& son ' A QMME� A60 DUPE a"& MMaW r1aurM. edv the hamVeirnr=,, ' died.. fi'Alawiffg th&', um FUM a CA MAUTY AUr _=N AL f; hougehol& T Skwt" #Mg=.t. f6ffawe& aft.er ri*r A&vf.W 61� aw Dk:� Armst mrxW is; W. ftwniture =& ef[Locts; at the: reSi- staun. dT, 100ft Wagt� ser I V&.111aw- iit� :1� . . them, limet3k= the -1 ar of iw clerk- of the S0990M -�Brveldclt St, LuckffoW oil Satur- Enstra an&, das se of QlaP- ttrf-- pai&V year lias. mM6& A�Yry, NbVember 2MftL at Z_�, clock vwhtgb�t wrtfs- dhreet.!A�r -mg- ST WWART g. of roars :Wevdiffg chvxck off. OULY twaPLM.t� cash. Auc�,, Affbry-,Q, Struther_%, Prup. Me: iv, the pwM& POOS�V 01V lf� of li`%AestOdC� at J wr Tem ffimter spent- *Wdaw Witte, Irr.- a� Md- wa5l ;Staek. Yards, Riplejl,- rri&.7, NTOVI hoxiare& a�t Grmd tI we -mea watlih &TT likowlev XM LIU,, M choice Sima av -kr ire. Morontof. in, Aa r when YAMrJ1rig[. cawi5, -old MUTU VMr blef&ffee 't! e_ivwffe�, ��r WT: axr& whTt6rr Mmahs-', iiM lraffiaiftbw N*Z11 JkChf, GiErdner_ a�_, silver ffriOdbi vd-dr-ft :steers; 101, Ireffer.r. in calf, sPrinW- in. plam. b�r the .late cows,,'sprA�. j.drivine 4L Qw�t, calts; so D, t: U-0 VRffAhitt9bftWt6F"_:1 Afi- 4- waliarm -with A of cftunlvg-. Taos,� ffirris, Hiphey" Ott_ Pfialm 29-r-11 I ,leyMow, propL; DmT.Ad Blue, Aue, it gk�.. im t&�e or, Effi& arf&. Wra MeAqr ffitbMe ljcftoit M - sPMZ t!0_1 Me, Msses Kate: and bffiargoxet CaM 09 nrld"r ent'ertM_ae&'L the' _P�'Otic� Bar. awbar, Indt6ulerr aa& Bfim Wflt, ffltdnet- arr& Mrst, Mr&oxff ��Urhlaffdr qlar" _T -wpm irk 4M Sw C76MEEW tetv mi Tiresday. V,1sjte& .,;rf pieeed: br..tlre softoot pxpiL%'was�- The :Lueknovir, Public,, Sr-hool. Mh1e�]FJ6eM=. L� . in MUM& , . 't looked Vfft7 L MCI,-, VFin'ljol its anMal cloneert -Saturaw. - _!& '. arca` ow quilft Wta-,, TlatdTivg waw.:ftoe,forr alfGtfter' tire 'rown Effill'aff Friday eveff- b M -I. A&tbkV_, S&HUr, MM W1 reamvt v&SiMdAw0it1r qgM Wo, bri sat &Gwff to NoVeMb'er- Lf*r,k, An, ell 'a samo aw d�, Vfis, W a SMT WED, 111§� Supper ft.raioffirrg operett. =OON, as OF "T&e Maggi azrtir whipped,'be presented aj. VVeH numbers Erremn MI Gt:. ca - Pre ;&rom ea,&ft of. ttfe Gracbm F"- cream - de M�ra=xaffm:! s6altbEtrrr- Cross. Ad- 'WX- aV vim W'rS!' P�&ter` J%Genon. Ai. -a proceeds for ed dc mm" rvwg 94ftrur &EW iiM ML bw a W�r. oftm :Dateffirn�ioxi and •mission. 35i- P­ F&AMW 'gtOU91 Mat bar& vk!r-- EFWM ��Uw& piawee4;- or aworiidx; visited 1�., . I 313C tae's '. I Hutt r WWI_ litvisite& at, Archx fftTC aw N"&IAM. vans im rfIG & on 1, win A eueftre and. bridge socia Visitl4mv. With Wr On 'an-& ]VeVa"Veft ffionffZ& be� held fty The. Clansmen N VVEMSeftoy-e&I Afim MU&M j,0f1'1Y.­gathering Was� held at 21st TUIES&W - next, November is:F thvjt� cow b6i, thin f 6V_ atter Va-T_ T' 5tewarfs. when under auspices of the -Women' s A ,M.q, Eff8j,. Efftd t,L. resuma&_.h� PIS ttml) NbVi 27-M. iuered. UM iM -Vbx their daugftter. ffva� was, tv starM at fttieT lhstituto_ May, The, bV1]1GvAffg address was read sharI34 LUXrely L served, Ad'ldssiorr & SOLIPM101M a� niew sunt of moffe,.!r s 25r, Draw to be W. r- wa Walkertan, VV arr& Nfin qoy� & V*ffaU pt ontamial pr.esente& quilt- lnad�� for w vi Tfbaf� sk, �M, Gardber o1r, IT-rs. MacElh,ersorr -d*esd4rL agerMi?% CVMS]111;_ C2191M COMM i 'A. rc "01 ow Dear, Elva� aff& fir: seS.'_ J10 We� ymir friends and nelgi.,r_ The Lucknow Girl Guides willfret : Sax eras W a� ren, (YCTP�Q= spit- days inial Cookie Day. bor gathered herre tonight h-dlct their. an eda off tke- la&es�- ftoxw, thm- recently.,, at L thle- Ixomme of ., her . s� have. L i Saturday., November JM_ Cook- ­aduutty. father Sue mother; arr& Brrs. in JioTror of your recent mars. age- OFMI K IN, viubx*, qttenij%�&,, thv- a: ,short We couldzet let this happy event les of ort brreqd variety in HH.,rXGr0N� HuMMG T aV. Abbum. ovff W., CL Effirnier. pass without extmdirri;n a, snrall the form of the Guide trefoil,'will tLlxnoonT�. uutir- the auspxesT, rains. of Thurs-. an& FIrt )LAW. our best xi]shes.,:io be three for r 25c. .6, t'L is M� smcere� �Ir - very welcom'"e-, as' i Win those wWi ha'v'e been held thw wL e as, at slight tokerr of the high,'es- Wr; anxt Nfiis;- N&S. Craig. were- V th It,. helld', -CR EWE W Full f teem in* whicli, you, are V%itb, Mi: gun urp 11T.. C ton the people of Westfo.rd w-_ 'Ms;� wilu. Aawft due to the hwdvess and- &ynesi 'yrrs. Edna McWhinney left on BORN—To Mr. and Mrs. Stue ew arkt f armil d esume, ask, yait t6 accept this gift an ,Thursday for. Echo B4y, where Tiffin on November. 6th, a daugh- opikation& of: dire- soij,_ to r wat it goes the wish of ever� one th she -.kri 'j 11 spend the' 'winter with ter, in Windham hospital. -,effersow, Si�:, has: ret- e-- Dja., also were� qui short of here tonight for many years, of win -e&. from.aL visit with� her- sM- water.. he- father. who. has suffered a , Congratulations'.to the newly - I . . : happyy marrie& life for you. .. I ., Mh-r ., MORE. aillelvil- bad heart attack:- weds?" -Mr -and bfi-s. Ernest Be�* 11lf vs: , W Atgg t Goderic .Signed' - Ow beh-aaf, Of your . - Geo?ge ffunter aia,UeEf Vwnvp�;�iv VP.M hat I Ir J60. wil- Xr. and Mrs.. croft j1L, eighbors. Mr. and Venge. friends air& rr .eAd6vi3Mr,'vAth - her:' allut' ti will agoin 9 4a'� and - Bill of Zion and- vmek� ons punpor eo Haldenby, G fly Mr. Clark of Niagara Falls is in W'1-rrg_ holakey in,. that• tov.ny this: wi-titer., SOIT- Vernon Efunter and farm "W9M. V6=1! THOMPON pragtka-11,)r ag, of�last yearlt r6g�- 16imozr,' visited on Thursday at BiTt Tre- spending a few days' with his . a� friend, Mr. Lorne John.�ton. Both.- an&'Wr: akm, utars. are* Wmaablv this: ypar- leavent- NRk. LOMW 19E le - � wans of the last war. and Mceter- tl�ere' is FO Colin Crozier who isftoffie are vetL W ai;- f&W -SiMf0rtft 'dwis., vAtba W- andc Afis;- Jti .(-r some- ta& -of- NaVlwg,� Xiuxitar- "EV Wm. Geo -.. JbImitoir is spending on leave is spending a feyr days. Mck Charters of Wlingham I with his sisters.'and other friends is visiting with relatives and old Ibb-in'sair andc. other~ ftie=1W- az few days irr Blyth, with. her sorm' at Lmdoilf. xreilghbors arou nd here E!ddie- Jb hii-stbar. & Mrs. Tehuston. Mrs.'.Tames Sherwood left on Mr. and Mrk Robert Nowbr-vy UhT,, E%rtranr Curran returrr,6& Sunday for Sudbu, ry upon reteiv- and Roberta acre visiting, this last w&& from EF, visit with reg' the sad news- that her moth friends. arc London. Mrs. Wood; had P:�ss . week with, relatives at Guelph, I ed away af- Hamilton. and Toronto. o S. 9; M& Mrs. 9toiffers, SteWfi- ter suffering a heart attack. The err and HutIr. of Arthur were at -sym#athy of, - this, community,. On Sunday, a fine ne, Remern i the farm over the- week -end. extended •to the bereaved family'. br�nce'Day address 'was ,given IV er� had Mr. Wilfred Drennan held "a Rev Mr- W�flsOn from the. text, T%Muwagr- Wore, �'� W. -,�tam f 6r ..Mrs. Livingstone M "They were a' wriall unto us by ch ' of the W.M-9. meeting on very successful sale• on Thursday T'U_esdzvy last at the hnm�-_ of Mrs. of his farm stock and i night and by day"'. ffe stressed mpl�ments_ ton. Ttere was a% pod, -W-11frect has gone to Lucknow to we should remember those in the R, iwl M& Jerry, Crans last war and the present ''WER ff f itedl Fi4e $Mml, attand:ahim. A quilt for- fled Cross joMi'' his family who -will be great- -d .vias Co -g the after- f `ir this community -an niplete& durin y . issed, 1 :Who are a wall unto, us and xg rinon". in- all church woi*. we enjoy peace and quietness in 1. this land thru, their great sacri- tbc OTiV& ff of Zion 'A number from here attended Goa& pwicew. cv, cZV- Vifs. 'Susttrr Andrew visited at T., 1. Anderson's last the F. of A. banquet at Kiftg$- fice.. week.. Mrs., Froorne and. little daugh- bridge on ' Thursday' eveyfingw some of the youn'g people took in ter have gofte to. stay' with her .7� Mr. and Mrs. C.'El-allarn-, vimit� arm MULK."Y"111 e Mrs. Thos.'F`ulford at Clinton the hot fowl suplie'r At Bel ave mother at Fort William' for a U 4, , Mow successftf. 11, r--..vm at, ov-1 h aTr :7 z7a`�N�