HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-11-02, Page 4a. • PAGE- ........... us et IP e Never Can Tett WhatWalks Wilt •IfntiL AK Returns Are fn. • CRactu aOritec*re Wow'nnot Exiery ceinimunfet Rte. fts Olifecriver Cts its >•'Anti tr ,thdess Tow .Ifivoiv,cowitragora, Waw Rnance g NOW SI. Mr c MiS. Alvin' Site11. of 'Westfield are haapy is r- • roixa r :tire;- birth of 'a son ort: Sultda5-; October gtiC4 ME* /Phon e fon.. KINCARDINEr OW. WE PAY .. et" y CAS PRICES Fr r r LE POULTRY 5rL anti GOOSE Anti DUCK FOS TIME PR MOUNT ISI NLOIT-'' The Girls' W. A. inet on ,Sat<• urday last at the church. The president was in charge. The. meeting opened with •the hymn Jesus• Loves M'e Prima. 4od'gins read the scripture , lesson, taken from the 90th.psalm. . Prayers fol- lowed. ollowed. The minutes of the previ- ous meeting were read, and the roll answered by averse of sc rip- ture. •heirs- Torii Hodgins read the thought for the• day. This being the annual Little Helpers rally the..presideent'gave• a word of wel- `come teethe little Ones. and their mothers Rev. George 1=fonour then told 'tile children .a lovely 7inissionary. --:story.' Scott . Walsh ' was presented with a Bible story: book for his faithful° attendance at, Sunday •School for the past sir months. The tliankofertng . for the Girls. and Little Helpers was : s presented and $5,00 was ,voted to the chinch missions.: The• articles for the bales were on display and then 'over thirty Christmas.. bags were filled and teto lovely bales . of quilts, clothing, toys, knitted ' a!r isles, apples and candy were packed' to be sent to London . and ',forwarded . to needy . part$ of the, • West tit a mission •• school. The pak. of 'a n Indian .balepf.�used ..oth .was discussed and de- ceded to. send it later • this.. year. Prayer closed- the n 1 isg and a '''dainty fundi served by the • Jun-' for members. The . Noverither nieetiiig will•be held at the' home of 10dred Purnell; - Mr Alec Percy returned' Perreturned' home Fred y • frorri ,the West where he has spent the past few weeks. ' to, CATTLE FOR SALE -27 yearlC:OMI NG EVENTS it - ing cattle. Apply 'to Geo. Fisher, trasoiv R. 1Lueknow.. , • 'The annual church parade of FOR SALE -Purebred Po11-Here- the Lucknow Branch of the Cari- ford bull, 19 mos., old. LONE adiaEct Legion 'will be 'held nn 1* Al TSH, •.82-15 Dungannon, R. Sunar ay ' :awemb'er 5`fh, . to' the • 7, Lueknow. J FOR SALE •— Too '.acres of land; buildings good, would sol cheap for quick sale.Mrs. E.: J. Olrer, R. 3 Goderich, Ontario. Whirs. Xaek Pfodg and Sohn o Miss Ir Hodgins spent the ' Week -end With, . trit and Mrs. 'Jun Hodgins and -:.and Mrs. Toni :.ewe lardbs for sale or .to let out Hodgins, on shares. 'Sohn Fattish,Luck- the'estate of the Tate Donald Me- Luck- Jack Welsh of.�tlkerton now, B. ,.7, Phone Dungannon �Leod, who died e :the" Tow r f 82-r,I3. the weekend at his home' of Kinloss on .the Eighth day of spent of London sperm the 1 5 their Maims drily notifiedto-send d Mr. and Mips, Levi EckensvnIle. October, 1944; are Douglas'and . verified to: the week -end with their parents here: undersigned before the 27th day 1VCrs, Howard 11IfeGmre of Ol- of Novetra'ber, 5944. After the said feet 'silent Thursday with her sis- ter.. deiced 'prices before -niter comes, cines to will be tet . Mrs -George. .. .gz..: SONS, Mildmay. .._ the ...parties.. entitled • the Mr. and Mr..s.. Bert McLean, :. ... � 'Balfour, Bevin and 1Vtrs. SlesscirCATTLE FOR — thereto havmg regard :'.onlay . 'to visited SundayCalves, Herr o or am cross, DA,Lw at �i9'aikertori, ;Iris ed. withnd .Mr. ,and Mrs. Steer such clai ts' as are' them re 2%l tit Presbyterian . Church to attend • Dfvii,e Aorship at 11 am. Mem- bers of the Ladies'. Aa -y 'will also march.. • • • LOST — Colne 'dog, white with PULLETS .FOR SALE --Several brown markings AnYtine kno-Vv--, hundred Hybrid pullets, 5 .mos. ing of its whereaboits'please not - old, ready to .lay. Walter G. Mac- ify Gordon -Brooks, B: 6, Luck-' Kenzie, Phone Ripley .26-e-7, now, Phone Ripley 11-23. PL =WEN Will the party wtio took the long 1ad'riee fron i the home , of Mrs. Louis;. Grant, St: .Helens, HOUSE FOR. SAL otnfortable please return same to the chtui;h fraine . house, .moderncorrvoerti- shed for sts , owners FOR SALE boy''s 3 -piece Winter outfit, helmet, coat and leggings,. age 5 or 6, .'goodas new. • Apply at Sentinel Office. ences, good garden and garage, PLEASE :sr a 'Will the• -centrally, located. Apply, at Sen P, who received a bine mel - mares Office. ton . who over.coat..by 'nmstake, FARM FOR SALE 200 acres with excellent buildings, choice . please retinal the same to Con. Decker. Mame "31r.. Percy" is. an ° pocket. land, 25 acres bush, south of , Wingh nL Apply' to .Maar,. Gay- nor, Phone 24-w, Luck:now.. ` FOR SAL -('ford rains & rain lambs,'' Oxford breeding ewes •8z su sful �" w s held On Saturday at: the Orange' Fra1.1 by the aranlount.. r itute. Pro✓ seeds ire far War Work The �tdiutt Instituute held their 'October meeting at the home . of Mrs: � Hamilton with Mrs.'Robert Reid? Presiding. The program Was taken by Mrs. Art Cook. consisting of instru- mental by'�Terna Hamilton; paper by .Mrs. Win. ICesnpton: peer on .agriculture,`sy Mrs �k til- tort; solo,'Miss Alice Reed; 'arid - a paper' .ort: "The . Old Folks' by Mrs. Lowe.: Donations• toward'the'.j boys':- boxes are: Mrs. A. Ketch- aba•w .. S 00: Miss A,da Stair ley, • a4)0: Mr"s. Lloyd 'Stein. .200; Mrs. J. - 2.00: Miss : live Reid, 2,00: Mrs. Al irw-+n. 1.00. Ctrs. D. , Richards is visiting with her daughter.. Mrs. C. Mi c- Dougal.l and son .Tial Richards.1 Noe TO Cry IN THE MA11 rt.a. of the Estate of DONALD MULHOD, Deceased. NOTICE' is hereby given that all 'persons having': claims against PIANOS, 15 Chesterfield Suites, 1:0. Bedroom Suites,. 10 Kitchen Suites on dssplay at 're - 09 ;Stanley Fair, Bei -vie. - 1Vrr. Earl Percy of. Huron • was weekk- end visitor with relatives. Mr. Charles Birt was . in Tor - the .ftutedu4df' hie ,brotlier the late, •Mr= Andrew Burt who passed a- way after a lengthy illness. Syin- pathy is e rided' to the berea;r ed ones: Miss .Mabel Bushell left Tues- day for Toronto where she is en- tering Strathcorta Hospital for training. • - Ws. L McLennan from the Soo is here visiting with' relatives. The Anglican' . service changes now for. the winter months and will be. rnorrtitttg and evening al- ternately. Sunday next the ser- vice will be at 11 a.ni.. with Holy Communion. . ' a I". close to 12 mos. old: R. J. Mac- Kenzie, A. 3, Lucknow, ..Phone .6241.5 Dungannon. onto the week attending • e erton. ' Mrs. D • McCliarles spent she w eek -e d , tb Mr. & . Mrs. Eii:*- ia�s ..Mr. and ¥rs. - • Reg3.IcGee of Coder ch visitedt'• . :tn Mr and Mrs. Albert Cook recently, Mr. and Mrs. .Lloyd Clingy•. scars spent the - v reek -end a :th Mrs Climes .parents. !►tit . • aid Mrs. 'D.ahirier. Kincardine. •Mrs M Cine of ':ladesbury 4 Ii.s Wit. ng with Mr 8c Mrs r ]iris' FOR . SALE --Hereford -Bull,one year old, .3100 10 pigs ready to wean; . 56;:00 each; 3 sows, 350.00 apieceand a number Of chimks. Apply to. R. Baker, Holyrood. day of October, A.D. ,1944. Frank MacKenzie,. Lrickno , Ont., Executor. P. Stuart MacKenzie, Walkerton; Ontario: Solicitor for the said . Executor. FOR SALE --Large kitchen rang `in: good' coadittion. with warming closet and reservoir,. • Can be `seem by .Calling at the Langside Black= smith Shop. W. J: Scott. Oil Motidary evening•. tvtr. Nich- olson showed • moving. pictures. of Russia's .. part in the war, .: and beauty ,spots in • Ontario in Con-. nection with the. organizing of a iFar n . Fo-runi Group at Kinlough which everyone' iii the whole shin-, s asked to ,attend and. co- 1.operate. Mr . ` `Nicholson outlined the object r,f these ' Forums and lit• -vas decided after. considerable oiscusson • to organize and. Mr..John exon was •' elected sec - ti retar r ' for he entire series r f .1 meetings and the first converter is Mr. Donald ,McFarlane.. The first f meeting wi11 be a week "from ;.Monday night m the school. it MUT . AMOiJNT Of & Po WILL BE AVAILABLE. FOR . THE COMING SE -ASO CRIER IT NEW WE CARRY A 'COMPLE.TE. ur4E irO : FEEDS MILL (ML CAKE .n' tivER OILMOLASSES ' Minerals ° For Livestock and Remedies For All Diseases in Livestock and Poultry. POULTRY aunt FOX HORSES WANTED -4 - , . Iorto over • -ye weak -arid attend- -.re the Pullen -Terry, wedding. • { We exnd cr ngrati dations to Pay Lieet 'Ge*',rgw 3u1:s r,. R: C. IN V R .and ' tiis'IJr:d e, . whose rrza'rr;.age„ wits solemnized in Cal- if 1, ...en Presbyte'ri.an r hu rch. Toronto rjrr ...Ir. -Jay Oetob - 28th. I 'Mr ane rs George Riley arid grandr, u€±iter of P•t Hipiron 1 -rd Mr are Mrs. • 1., McLean of Wr gharn v.ieted .niwnds ASH.FIELD Mrs. - P 3, Lunen was in Tor- HATCHING EGGS WANTED for 1945 hatching season.' Guaranteed premium paid, plus hatchability premium. Flocks culled :and blood tested • under Government super- vision. free of charge. Write for fulldetails. l'wZDDLE' CttiCK HATCHERIES, Limited, . Fergus. Ontario. AUCTIONSALE ,CLEARING AUCTION'SAO of farm • stock. 'and im.pleenents 'at Lot '5. Con. 6. Ashfield Twp., 2i•' miles West of Glen's Hill .on Thursday.; Noverrt..ber 9th. Horses Percheron horse,. .bay 'mare.' driving 'horse, blood colt Cattle —9 cows..„8. 2 -year-old steers and heifers. '5 1 -year-old, steers and. heifers, 5 spring calves -sow and 3. pigs; •IVI.-H. Binder, .1V1. -H. Fer- tilizer drill, M. -H. hay loader. Deering' mower, 21 Fleury plow, 4 --see. harrows, Tiger rake, truck Wagon. M. -H. manure 'spreader, rack. set sleighs, M. -H.. Crxltiva- tar. National 8i plow, set double .harness, set -single harness (new). boggy; cutter. No reserve as -the .proprietor is' giving . up fanning: TEEMS -6 months' . credit on ap- proved bank notes With 3 percent per annum off for- cash. Wilfred ' Drennan. Bop.; I Matt Gaynor. Ade, • • :14rs ,Br. i grid do L14.11 Ann arid'aiu.. get -r El . er.r , 'if Mit.ehf raJlr.d on' thr:ir fr.d-"^grj£-,r--*4 one "jay .dst week ' 91, . ar. i Mr'. r: Sinaw and r a.•:•$• rr,",y.t.4 tr.- fare. .r 'tt.r- W.r.gF:am • , g ,,. • far INSURANCE b CAR, FIRE & CASUALTY gree Adie on all Insurance Matters. . -.. District Representative- - PHILIP S. STEWART "TRIM 8 LITt,LNO American.Ninth Life A 1VMIAISAL 'COMPANY District RePresentatkve Irtptey, Ont: Phone 28-r-- . "Hexed" Husband Driven • To • Murder? . His "witch -wife" thrust pit; ;nth, an unholy image, then' curs- ed him with lithe red cloth of, death 'Mad, with feax ''he struck i neet in a frenzy and lziLled her: 1 Rf-ad this;• weird real life tiiry superatitu,uc terror ori the Asn_ " . ;in Weekly with this Sunday's of The Ontroittdr a 4i vitik.. P. Stunt a giumIsTEit & SOLICITOR • Walkerton, . Ontao.. IN LUcKNOW Each 'Wednesday OFFICE IN .h tip LEGION DINC