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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-11-02, Page 2
M , ^ , 0. u •. - , vii � 0 _ � r 9� ;�1 } 'Tile LuaMOWISCIdinel PAGE T 1 - • c L� : O SL�i .mndLT. ji�ral YAell � 1Vir �� ' dui -s. ���T� ,a�7.�Tae '����tZ • 1DOIJt�.�S • r wlth. p nd soTroty . Ss wlsl ti135 Zv i l loss ville left OeIl °'was 1 t Zt h f Fiends e winter In '� Trion , that Caen i%9 t'R [ _ 'b the � near :and arnp finned bI -the d ► 3a i� �inrrner] J y h s axt ` ', delle Darr visiting here=tai•1x�r�ed _an `T �4 Jnr. ih i, lays 31�N_, On l&S. Wm. �n 'Maryis t i% B,ho „i evening, ath �ntn -le lVlr�;ean ) S'� Atte it NI -,uazda3" .illness .m Rin- f1�r a ,few ..day . itxts' raver �►►'rcuP laoaes. following sa .wok itdite ' � ,goetr 'po06, I 'WOW.4 sardine. hospital. 1VMr. a'.ck 1VlilleT .of town ,ai with ill(ir'. nntl 11drs• Ylir nad 71II s. �t8�A8 w .iX �Cw.• n aT ;R;ts4i!s' -SOW -daughter of Urs. ULieTlf ii zlaught tended the funeral .on Tuesidy .off and ,Gyado t •4/'tsy;; •*n'� , �ts,4M� � o t ,;► i "`" `Douglas and' t late 11lti . Do last week tlf mss. iii es l illeT ,. Chester n � ` le fir. �r �`�t► ; �o� .i h, �r 1 She 'was .b' � � of t�ima. � � off and NN�T „ 0 vit?b• l'+;alrte years later ,fie : II3a3axme IM,- C, ] n' i„"D.• t ,and T#? 1 ` `� ei06 ' at, yoar eu9; ' 3' ur_ a tiu i �,: �(irS.':�iz�d a stw ma �°�:�o olruB ° D�a�- �n y moved -to :onressiori• 1� s: Ge ticG aT A.ent ' ons :aa _ 'r11 well- " st►t ' t� /..�;� tt3,$t�• ajO '. tl► j. 3$ iron, where 7they a race z - . Eatnsex ire the gi a errt °visitors with i �natl ov1 in a in Toronto, UEMI"mgt Q♦ ;d- s1�1 �p l- and.St . WE+`ly visitiz t: a µ roY $n4 ' wa yae. n t AOEA 8' sill.. ,, Y $ i, xQ 8EB 119V ate' 'liLM ovaO-At . - L� �l cka,DW $ { .e7 a ae %Ites•'� X11 .a @n liT m OE l �1�15. 1b3 W'('1Tl'�3�£' -left me. M.�114 Tli-1n�rariinrnn �5 �liaaL�v�� hoof a hnnl for %uT' for.�lace y 1Vbvn �cdb :ine te rr or ariid SllltTs. S, hool teat eentiy man t o :. in ttr-ain'i1 g at �ci . wim As ;iia- �; mss Ann M : y Ts Then it o to Loin .ber is ban 3i.�, 3 N_, f,°hrc ,o a !� 13rDth- 1 k, �gwXer Hospital, Betio , d tioned them -with -� ` in��° s1IlLZ 3OIIt�I111111 eT; WT. D: �l. t15/fc^TtiYYIa7771 YOILi%- 1 ..b• •, ? -" : a ,. wring un it 1 • MTs N. p idler. lsi�... x : ,'private . fher�e 3G�N 1' TetuTned from _ � ora last 4 w• , sts va l : to tier w eir visit Nrth ir.lerails. t m .,Mg "V -ason JRM- . "tRt7o, '� `111JITs. ?Arnsstr ' re her . n� m0#ii tOn rn nn Sut Y ` ma x . aaruti .7W rare �B�On .-of lmne. ter oftena. r sp d "-to .Wills 7Vlxs. Janet.' '�sramit y, o eras Vis, '..Chas ' xou the 'tow whip• _ ': trent in VWooxistock MOspital . yi x: wird Vis: .ice. it i,tee, l ta- a ' bnstu�al e is feeling by 'ono zll . t �-aed with1 andel urhs mss' ee�v �1:�h6e y. , • +.0 11 MO�?RLt the W �1CLllt1Qtt�'T ?SoiI3i �113Li �! t' - SI,�.�r'3Ti�nCI . �7 UTYILS W eI � -I1er MU3 S11 Shltl£S i a ore, �7jT . �%1#i TSS. t e s t 3&r.. And :Mr•S. JDI M .Jamieson, vflbmm ium .,WU . PT.eS--Miss M-elen n�T,e ..end "ils Y'I` clay' ,2nlf , l�'cT+a_ Aon ' . f S ' visited Sun& ' with 1Y7tr. and 117irs.ELE enc:e "w .corrrfdrt 1.nc�ns0]a- f ei s 11�Irs. A. 1lesPie of 'int _ r t Pion. the' So •;assisted at ' [ichigan, :P:ent ,the : ure�essd xaf. is, Mrs �VZs �ouocc of ,Vees� with ti} foznzer;s' unele -au ' lTs.` I.o 3GTant . water, Mr. and 3aT.s. Italy a .. d as- and1�Ts. Dan's �' ld,an :ctinn sale hllrott 1V1Ts, George Stuart, iias been blo©d .don -o -clinic. M d jx)y. , re ref Nitron t Snda_y . visitor.. with Miss Anna Stuart 2rt ane rev. 3h . `W. �. 33hba , 1Vir �s last reek :mid'' �5' with �iichax'd Ilidtt. -Toronto. sisteil y•' :'A 1lic .o mss 3 afh eexi . �Qc7nt . oi.' t fox ft 111lZss �harles'C.ortgrazi?. Dor&hy.. `ham ell,.3.zi now, 3telcl n 71 t ie s .to i hex ' ae' ar aa , .the to fiornr><to meter ,,at .iii' late _h-om Toronto, . vho '.gs' aloy s ui re'd last d the r' 'heT dome h�eT�: ivy ,service 1Je-Ha rl �l�_, . � 'fie 5 ' +Vi f have .� faznrl oiian broad est +L� Y k s -:T rA 7th/ -7p•,'1 r 1:1'1'om'�.'' ',.`S 4},at.S, •-`'�"'.'''.'>.'`'S haat tav�o' 'zrionf was -a week -pend _V -Wim 'tee m' fhe�y 'jaemZem7' '�ve3� �nd-the�m ntrrtpsh ;sTrcl . ?y.aTs 11!!r. and Mrs. Regifej&. d. lllirs. W.: 1Vidler ^ Ind am , 1Vtxs. end' vvYin iztm �sstnaxt atnad .cacti in omf' 1VI�rY visited 1Vi°nrla: 11I1zIler fc'17x�r'e�d`; ydae Y. . - . :eve' At amend. frrenct� whu �,,,.y,.,In Coast "Twin a son .. � mf � • ` �?art .11CLCG R. t 31arvekert. _ of 3��n?l,1'' ir£T �l()t'l'� $0111 "�%St 117Ir: and , Y Mrs• er . 'dire s'.:oi a� Told �' ��a�o '� " y oi. IT'D e" Sunday; berta•. - ' ff' ,1`0 u :mer ssin$ ; '$ hex`, IDI�1�7 ' 'hQ'�Ota O o s n "; 1 r�zl 1Vfrs., Vin• Li MT. and � E. . '3`ham 1ffiaw of Northern ` arw 1�1T5: 7 ...?1CleT'S enli 1o73StTo3i... i �. �z'itr�fiJ 2C n v$rted +�. 'ev nil funeral, 1T _GOixS-;, : 5: ''%n�, `i' t'R"U-YroOd gain i� ly 3'd7» :Mwlie7 Clr3ert' in ie5ilrOn; ee.w7:M' . >�entiy tLeldcees5ful adamc 1�ve Tller �ioehTan+ E �e- �311t ' )df "e t,StT�Ct, toad Mr.:and rs. Ml � jai Mr. �. AS-' cauda maid .Cassie, firs. i ;in •thse"-rownsh P , , zuhieh �b "is �.li5orl, ���,,� - ' w eat da9 . �Vl�lS¢n 'Jimmy iof '{` ��111I1 �uisaia�: draw �t%3s 'alp -to. •.xletez � �If� �]YS ,�reaT 7of I �IIIffitQn. k. SSS.'T Soil . of ` '' uve •O�n1e yPIIII2eI :Of 'Cei�aT El�..5.S'S 11lfr"s. Peder' -,�7t�h�e, . �s yVjlspn of y '� , . ]fan id otx$l ,• � Off :lay � Sac Y... . f c s past two WeA with Mr. end 1Y1L.�. Minh. CC�tt Detroit.:a 'PACE_ 7CiDn eta 1A3 S:didV3r T :931 § ^ winner Z. I'la. 'were of :1Vi s. '�`orsl 'Wr`�San'..inaatl�eray 73`m �- � om of �trrc,:.3��ar�o• ti aT� o : �t As �t � �c¢rid, - r . Idiss Irenesss g 1 pan ck�n asran of r �nhn M. A th wee,; v s e t�.s a ¢n , lieen 1ViTs - Iaw and aw once 't1900 � ';to tie mere. imam 'the fall. war}c. 11.. i ZU=e .left Wei- , � - lunch coz cx�T, at.a -is ., 1Vir. �.' 1171xzrraq s ,, sari tof ** a • Snider 'moi Ritebener, M, 3!S. .jon return -to N.a�ood roitn .a dis-: will �n� -to JpMltn ' Y df ,��ralt:. �ir l vt ei>;s 'I`innse entlat7� Mi'tk�=n o: o. • y of of ekrr�arst'` stTa t, 3d an Sia odgiirs +of' braorrta vrsrted 'v th rslatives 'here.. ranee wee • �, is m' ill: cawn..an ss '•' fir �. -Walter Rot- r ton; fir. , :. tioitg �' mother, . &I. bertaMobb 19 - fgins. NCER _ and btu , 3ft.:and Mrs: Alex MiRRy and > idf �1V ,duch, �1di• . �� D�� Aid -,yo. 490 toS�und�y ool �> iattr .af $tonptrrt ' ton, falrmer 'wellnawn �: �iobkin,s•hartrs 7et'; when _yAu e a . 3itt}le ;�a'? T ded 'with 31r. anz�: Fiat, was inva%id, X71 rife- Mad- 3 .sur -e Aix! -never -missed' } �nss averseaa lar5t week. trait' Vis. �.'A_rxeddes and s- a Sunday. :• ILevi Mekeniw� wrist end but 3Vir. .and yrs-' of l,nrtdtnl' pent :a i arcllp ,Tonto• Aon"t acur�:_ ler and'?Sotxgla wounds .in _cteitl as'rc3n ,an y :#he week -end with fir. alnd in the: attei �r 7t 'tt �cln ne• y mod .3accob. Eekenswiller and .their rel- Mower - either r, in Seoterrib� 1939. r : utives. I ,A �¢ 1,6* mounds aIW_he -river, at . FaS by � P' • ' Y Cuhass., m ta M mlei�ran of S@7Pat t 'THS(0,44r 1TT32WrT�.J•S11 " ;:AIME. sII.. 1 , MDy !� Y'1 d '` ✓ � "�� flOetd leer 'Mie 1 E s IV eases t x " HXr � �' k i �lT ' '' I11L+SS Uounal "nnet in -the. f�L 4"&.x)aa x l�dn s'Ziffs. setss� r • OURS t01� �l ll IYl@ICl�ler5" �iTreseftt bu tH-0 � .. �� �;Mz ee y 'i6ise �Bixe 5$ise 1DS �.�•�... -i'i'i Councillor 1VIcKnan. l�ol�►rey a�,.tt,zsae'aorrsu za=s s '"'/ MAD� RACE Mrxrx ay that �W t�:t ����t� -n- 1 �,l A A � �T't�l�, t � E_� � r>t �� � Tegtrl :maW �'!► ' ' 'at the -minutes '� � �= `''�`"'� last er 5th as Tead be Approved an >t �i�tcs ,ger ;�ytera. T cars 4or sial 1 CS-H...•�.• i \ '•+4.+/ •5i rr`ra - tlYll:Kenzi�e L'1'.ldt-L'li�.'I �M`� �GWI Wm . . +� "` Jerk no the diff ° , _ �,>�•eed '1 � t rate- - c c,a :payers °in the towrtshzp-that have . �---- !-' -h d u#L1G�71 s!ir'ijYblL.' rn171ot1 `iQsr1 � wLi1'li done . y the 'COtl11 machinery of their .accounts, t �s ifi. l -eiei y l 1. .�� t•'fines Orr.9 e 1 that they arae due olid Pa9„ on en9s. �,' L •, � � , •; _s-=. a ... .. Lei096 �� • �r before November ember 10, 1!944. �s�a:;ta enzie-M.tirrray'that the• "COI- we muse i*ith ditbb1 + f� over to the ou td.un�e lectGri tuM a s` g �i Account every two weeks • 431 , � Garabl�te tn oney received as taxes.Ltrorat�xsosT ••-aF'or •sil ~:wtssi'do�c±s. cdoors, etc. well -•111 c enzW y . p, d � `, � "JI �' � .�• � p,� } /% ... f �`�, Ivo# flhat �17f5 J+3no R�C#`�1' ":>t•"IQlllt]l�T� �IE3 - i �. "�.�� "'�••. ;. •� i I ( L F-nowadjourn to -meet �1� tSs."E!1b L l� :d►�t'�'SiOB'Et1 i1fSY'1 �- �. _ Hers }�imirle - . �► .. }�V-ednes'day, °November 15, 1944 at ffeAt •eni�ne a� a OAErB'tlfl��6ki iii • , l� ' x,. '• �j/l/� - ;Ehe usual dune for regulon• bit$i- �Yitcon, a� t i:o ..�s aTt . $teSS And ."� Ia � • � c �° `► Revision an the Ackert u - ' . and that any y Law. � At M , ass4'srnents should be in the' )MOW -'Master sill ................ • to �l .I . or t i ,% t da P ;. i� � cler hands est, � c► ,. i ✓' � ;, . f �`�" r �� X1031. � • S , r3 ha31 �'Vi�er, t ,fie thCcourt o �t a � a s . � • � '1Vixr333cipa't v, leg 1i� I u s. 1` �, a .,V'or 'd, PPl ti w t�� � selecting Ott •� s •f3,. TI td • - ,7 , selecting jurors .and rev, -titers 1 . ec t o'n se• ` Last, .Ttr'i rs lratr3n 1 • ,� , � 0 ".•-ilig 7 s�°� �;-v..-Voters .�,istN ^ 3. I,. Lana W , P r , ..... .. 1 : �,, � - - - �,h�vvay Cheques Roll ` „ f". 'hy.."`-cw-'.'k'_ _ .•- :. :-.- .. .., :, .. .. •.,.-. •.• .. .. ._.-M...-.- .:Cr'l.L. 1zp'U'., ..._LOI Me vjriuG7:3".-G Getlr.Oe J ! ` ' Colwell,a St mPs, 4100. . _..... _ clerk:J.. .. J -I ,