HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-10-26, Page 7pa,nr,,...w'.w....:+n.....u.«.w�,_.Au:.hw.ver+..?w.�....rt..,_w..x...m.gnw.n...........r, ' • THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1944' °T" ntF�K.•. "ram.-d+°=;�:+ah..a�._ _�:.,;. The Lu w Sentinel, Lu T . ,Ontayko ITN THE TROOPS ,Mr. and Mrs. 'James ''Johnstone of town received word last week' from their son, Pte. Melvin John- stone, who is now overseas with the Canadian forces. • that he enjoys the Sentinel very Harrison Taylor of the R.C.A.F. much as it keeps him in touch who spent his .furlough at his with 'foriner friends here. Lloyd 1 Mel Orr of the R.C.A.F. is now PAGE SEVEN MAFEKIN'G. in Holland, according to word receive b MMrs` M: J. Blake returned home y ,Mrs. Orr Orr last week. last week after a pleasant visit at nville. She Sgt. Air Gunner Eldon Buck- t with friends Dun • was accompanied by 'her daliEh- ngham, who is overseas with uxc • ter, Mrs. Wilfred Hoffman who R CA.F., hasn't had any luck . in is I visiting relatives in this com- meeting any of the boys from mwiity. home. Eldon was for a time at Mrs:', -Jas. Finnigan, .Dungannon, the same station as John K. Mac -, Mrs. Alf Babel and"Jimmy of Pt. Kenzie, but now is anon total Colborne visited Mrs. Harvey An - strangers 'and has yet to run .into derson off Friday last. anyone from. home. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Andrew and family visited on Sunday with LAC. Lloyd Elliott, in a letter Mr. and Mrs: Jas. Craig, St. Au- to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carter, saysMrgustinsand Mrs. Percy Blundell and Melvin, Goderich, spent the week -end with friends in this district'. S. B. Stothers, Stephen Jr., of Arthur and J. Crispin, Lucknow spent the week -end at the farm. home at St. Helens; left last week toreturn to his station' at Van- couver, B.C. LAC. Bill Treleaven, son of .Mr. has been stationed at No; 2 Bombing and Gunnery School at Mossbaiik, Sask., for some time. He ,had. hoped to get a furlough and Mrs. Harold Treleaven, who l in November and come East .to recently finished a photographic visit Mr, and Mrs. Carter, but course at .Rockcliffe has been his plans at'the moment are very posted to No. 10 B. & G. School indefinite; as.he is kept very busy at Mount Pleasant, P.E.I. 1 at his'particular• job at this sta- tion_ BORN. JOHNSTON—In .K, i n c a r d i n.e General. Hospital on Tuesday, October 17th, to Mr. and }Vlrs- Clifford Johnston; R. 3 Holyrood, (nee Nellie McCallum), a son.' Petty Officer Bob Thompson, Likes 'Belgium r I of.. the R.C.l`.V.R. 1 - whose boat writing from Belgium late in docked for a few days at an• East September, Pte. Jim Burns, son Coast United, States 'port, spent of Mr_ and Mrs. James Burns of the week -end with his parents, town, said that he liked that Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Thompson. I country very much and the peo- Lane Gardner, son of Mr and ple are .wonderful and can't do Mrs. Henry Gardner. of Zion, had too much for you You can get Jim said a close call recentl i almost any kind of food,. , y. Lane is at including nice -cream, fruits and "sea with the Ca'nad'ian Navy, and nuts. But just the same, he's look- ing forward to getting . back to crew that mmraculously, escaped Canada, but is reconciled to death or injury when a shell ex- spending another ' Christmas—his - ploded on board ship.4fourth over there.'' Jim says .its Wounded In Italy not the missing of Christmas at Earl Mugford, who fora time home that hurts. Its' the long was employed with Dick Gard - time in between them. ner at Zion, where he is well NEPHEW OF' LOCAL LADY' ' known, was wounded recently 'in WOUNDED OVERSEAS Italy. The extent. of his injuries are not known, but Earl was : ' Mrs: M. Sproul received 'word. flown' to England for 'treatment. last, week that her nephew, Clif- ford Begley, ' had been wounded Slightly „ in action with the Canadian army Canadian Woods..:. who is with the.. in Europe. It .:.was feared.:.. that y` H Arrny in Italy, received Clifford's foot -Would have to be a bomb splinter in his shoulder amputated as a result of his i recently, but the wound was not wounds. regarded as serious according tO He. Ls a son of., Mr: and Mrs. word received by Arnold , and William , Begley of 'Leamington: Earner Woods, uncles of the where Clifford's wife and child young soldier. Harold is a .,cook,, also reside. arid ,'was' wounded: when Jerry I Clifford did 'not leave Canada bombed their outfit. ' • , till late in August and had been Brothers. Pass In in France only three weeks when Toronto, Fail To Meet wounded. Bill and Donald Ross. sons of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ross of 'Holy- BOUNDARY EAST rood, couldn't be, much -farther Mr. George Kennedy attended' apart and 'still be in Canada. Sgt. the annual Hereford sale in Strat- Bill is with the R. C. A. F. at I .ford last week_ Boundary' Bay, B.C.. and Donald, who is in the R.C.N.VR. is at Cornwallis on' the East Coast. These are both new .pestings for the two , brothers. `ho were in Toronto at the same time enroute Mr. and Mrs. George Kennedy and sons spent Sunday at Mr. W. J. Couiter's. . Dr. Cowan and Mrs. Howard Cowan of Toronto' and Mr. Jack Cowan of . Kingston were callers to: their stations; but were unable .at :Mr. Jambs Forster's last week.1 We take this ,opportunity to ex- ' to meet_ tend the sympathy of, the people of this community to ,Mr. James IS FA1"zENL'1UG PAIR OF Forster and Mrs. James McQul- RABBITS ” IN HOLLAND lin in mourning the loss of their .. ' sister, Mrs. Cliff, of Lucknow. Ina letter to a friend here. Sgt._ Mr. and Mrs. Midford Wall of Major (Elliott). Tillie Webster Culross visited at Mr. Pharis tells how George Whitby is "lick- • ing his lips". awaiting the fat- teniiig of a pair of Angora rab- bits .which he has with, hien. George. Elliott and quite a num- ber of "old originals'' are in Hol- land. George came into posses- ,cion of the bunnies at Calais;' and When Your Will Is Read . your estate is out of your hands. Make certain' that it will be administered promptly, in a business -like and emcient manner by naming The Sterling Trusts Corporation as your, executor. An ex- perienced senior estate officer gives his personal attentions;, ably assisted by com- petent executives; the court allows the same fee as for an individual•executor. THE • . STERLING TRUSTS. :CORPORATION Sterling Tower, Toronto`'1 33 years, in Bus -mess` err •/.r �/xr ::r }} . . : :g f4�Y}ifrisY%}���l�i'r.�ii%�•r.'��%JfJI�� ��•Ir "+�'=� -�_���'�. -..-' CANADA'S VETERANS Vieb Asit-iffr emoittosh,es The this! in a series of adv 'senemas to inform the people of Canada of plans to re-establish .men sad women of the armed • forces. Tay ger ' fall details, save and read every adven:4 en • Mather's on Sunday. . Week -end visitors with Mr.. & Mrs. Joh n McQuillin and family. were Mr. and Mrs_ A. J. Schnurr•' Theresa and Donald, Mrs. Nellie Knox and Margaret of Walker- ton; Mr_ Scott Patterson and Miss Hazel Walters of Detroit, Mr. & Mrs. Neil Paterson of Forest and fat the time the letter was writ- Mr: and Mrs:" C. Hettinger of ten had them on a special -diet of : Wingham. mangels in a Hollander's root Mr. and Mrs_ John MacMillan field. The rabbits also get their fill I tahnd 'Mrs. George Fisher attended b of army stew. as Tilly. adds that tioen bear -Ever Brush demonstra- y Mrs. Clarkson Martin of they are the only "members"' Of f Galt at the home of Mrs. James George's' gun crew that will eat Falconer on Monday evening. . the stuff. Mr. and Mrs.. Murray Malcolm of Toronto spent :a 'few days last Invalided Home week with Mr. and Mrs. Tom In - Sgt. Peter Moerbeek. " , 23. of a Goderich. was aboard the Lady lis. Mme- Gordon Rintoul and Leroy Nelson. when it docked at . Hali- & Gary spent Tuesday with ;Mrs. George Fisher. ''max last week. He was.invalided Presentation home after being shot in the lung On Wednesday evening last .the. in Italy. Sgt. Moerbeek volun- Langside. Bridge _Club met at the teered twoyears ago for service home of Mr. George Fisher with with .., the combined Canada- six tables participating. High United States Special Service scores were held by Mrs_ George ' Force. often referred to as the Kennedy 'and -Mr. Farish Moffat. "toughest outfit in the world". At the conclusion of the games He saw action' in the Aleutians Mr- and Mrs. Rhys Pollock were at Cassino and at Anzio. -There called to the front where Mr. Farish Moffat read a short ad - aren't many of us left. Most of dress and Mr. George Fisher pre - the origirnals have been wiped sented them with a console set out", he. said. These S.S.F. men' and bridge sets of cards and ash qualify ' as 'paratroopers,' ski- .trays. Then Mr. Pollock. made a troops, amphibious ' troops and short reply after which lunch o ne at. demolitions.- was served by the hostess: i /of Aiti Elam *sty MS01A. SECUIHTY lanning Canada's re-establishmentprogram, ogra , its t 1 In• planning was eat framers with one principal edea, in workedis problem of permanentre-establishment only sawyer to : the pr , wayto get and hold the 7 al°b,'� �t the surest -. is by the . sial necessat9' for it. • for come? ' mf orma- write fec -the mil Back to CivA. Life:' VOCATIONAL TRAINING Ment who u iftbe._ assisted in re-establishment man or rolbe for payingfeesforall. Every is elex-servigible. z e it. There zs. provision woman may receive„ :maintenance training aeition.;toha and, in . addition; the ex-I1o' grants up to mss. .) monthly if single; . dreri s.alloc�sn and. his wife, together with chit of .,cue • monthly for a man and -ice to a m?�� is available f the'pperio3 and if set� �"but�can be handed beyond that. pen if necessary, year, iscnnorethan. one Year. TRAINING Within 15 months EDUCATIONAL. N eras vocational training, fees are , paid 'and there are mai - This is available to all wbh are admitted to v CI discharge and, as in. tenants allowances.. up to: for a single man ether with all° fcr montnl+� ' ,and his wife, tog • $80 monthly for a man dependent children- I' basis of'the time �l be continued on a ar onth�ffoord.Outstanding students �m These allowances all examinations P in the services, providing fetich of the ' course" -' may have assistance' continued to cep • SOCIAL SECURITY MEASURES • Under the re-establishmentpr° IICanada's te- who, o,. within 18. . months of discharge from the services, became ill or unerEp- . may draw . single and $i� for a man :and his wife, Maintenance up to $50 if e out-of-R'°rL t�e:ie�.ts are for those together with childr� ; allowances- no �c'orl� im>lieCsatelp available. work, but for whom there s ria ipr i ed ately ails for £t and able' to I�1 the tam of serious illnessfoZ o�gsdfr`cri`r�- .empl°t" -edition in the year any condition vert, veteran'whO enters insurable a further security 1;iea=Lie_ every, .• that ems; its-merLt,. t° unemployment lea after 15 weeks • in ;emri cerci,=.:.:,t July 1, 1941, l e_.t is een�t tc:ho e ,::_ yrzrce�r _dirt as tho;agh �--. fa3 Leen sprit in the easter lAe empiOYment OFFICERS ARE STA- ITIONED { VETERANS' WELFARE t Cx%'�Ou? KEY cE 'TEES -i-r CANADA. ` ADVISE AND ASSIST EX,-, _Cc,jl q,pA. ' ADVISE . SHOULD BE 1 SSERRVIO PERSONNEL, CONSULTED TIED ON ALL .PROBIT -MS. Issued traaer the enahor.ty of lar. A. l'azciker..v.t Mor.ster of PtN5 IONS AND . ATL HEALTH . L _ a�4� _� sE '* SIND THIS ADVERTISEMENT TO S0:.4E MAN` OR WOMAN - ff