HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-10-19, Page 3THURSDAY, OC o is, The Lucknow Sentinel, 1..nclinow, Ontario' Something Unusu i In The Hockey News Pictured frown left to right:are Ab Chin, `~Bap'°. Day', George and Bill Com, as they a breather at. the Leaf training pause for pap at Owen ��� There' is a large turnout of rail - birds . to water the. practises' and they got a bag thrill. in a regent "Blues and "Wleates" tale when Day sent the three Chin boys as a unit on one of the forward lanes` The Sam times sags.: "rhe three Chinese boys, the first to try out'for profe conal hockey, were a great attraction and they went at their work seriously and gave' the fans plenty about which to talk_ :They are all fast and good stickbandlers:, and showed it agarinst, the strong opposition they €aced"_ Until the Leaf camp doses, the '2 , ... y picture I orally won't be clears_ There is good reason to believe that the three boys will retar to the village and to their studies at the local Sigh SObool_ In this ease the question will be' — Juvenile or Junior 'B The difficulty of getting a Junior grouping would tend to eliminate . eta and as the Chian line is intact for Juvenile, this barks such a series, Mat- erial is available to round out a team..lie the be, -t bet, provided .cuent aBaat- In the meantime a inst.. a case -of, wait and ;what develops...ffor Bali,' Ab 'and' Geo rge Mrs. Wes Tw�IIey who has . this co unity_ Cash donations been ill. will be aporeciatetj iJr_ and rs_ Thos. J_ Ander- I ss Ida Who vaard . of , New Mr_ and Mr& Harvey returned son returned. at the end of the York sent a few days last week j Baan 'Sarnia wh - they spent week after visiting friends in with her ccou .she r& Herb Cur- ; the week with friends_ Brantford and Aa it sirloin_ . can- > r- and dalton Kilpatrick AMrsGeorge ey gave her and went W group of Red C workers : home for the W M S meeting on eyodstoCk met at Mrs. Will III w ha's on Tuaesday afternoon_ I � Cur- la`st Thursday_ Verna ' remained "Thursday afternoon to pack box- rie of for a longer Nilegave an interesting �, mit with her es for overseas to the boys from talk, on her Work' Montreal_ MA.FEKING The Min er of fiance of the D o�soa of.Cama $1,300,000,000 Seventh VICTORY LO � and 6rom Iso hes 19�; and offer in two �rkje the, choice of va ich is optional with the , as CilinerUM 17 years a 3 aaacrra s 3% BONDS DUE int FEBRUARY 1962 Callable baa or after 1%9 par¢ Zak 1st Fe ,ad August $50, 51€10). Sp <i• SI. , SDS. $1 0.030. $3.5.(00).$100.0103 ISSUE PRICE: « ,Foam -yam i3,4% ,BONDS DEE' ist NOVEMBER 1 to Iameres y payable 1s May ai N-�a r 51.x, Si,(09, $10,. . 5_';.ali9, $�14b. ! ISSUE PRICE 100% The c proceeds of this loan be by the Government too finance "€or war purposes The Iii �1 o� on 2.3rd , 1944, and will gloat se on os- about I It$ , 1944 CONVERSIO' OFFER , Ids of linin oone'-1/-_, a 15th sober 1944and Lttn of C 3 15th 1949 call for c-- . 15th t er 1911 may tendertat 1 I ,t Q f their bonds for of One or both �t of t ban. crena � valni of 413,76r; and3 e. bonds so tendered wbe I (�1 _ ➢ Ta c of their p v la the .r adjr 'tn to be aid in C241 at ' Applications for these bonds may be made throughany Victory Loan Salesspar:, any Branch in Canal of any Chartered Bank, any a im Swings Bank, Trut cc Loan Company-, copies of the official and � form may be obtained: 1F �rnt of Rtiauce October 7944 0 ?MW nnum Oistadingly Good n .Ld N G A Q aN. off. of Death; I shall fear ono eeV] 1 for Th& . art with z Odra Cpl ]�a$►el l_Z s B i�esFa of � oPsley iMai2e_fo�aerlg Cilise �'Gl�.raBarran' I oandcon,w2aweek- elder aiac d th of s_ I caret end v itci+rr with? her paren qtr ' Glum aa�d e ate ® l, r► , _,Tf-aid 3��_ Jos.: A. K�lt¢�a.� �, O`er lead j�:� pa�erl her :��� l�y*'tLe�r 2ss oaa Summday wee qtr_ a*id and was married to her now be- IOIas Brya'*as anai soca Joh. ed husband 23 yews ago. of Waitr'na, l Thc Be= rg of P al_ ► leaves two lite rixifddren: Dungannon_ a son Delmer aged 7; ;aoi$ a c a:o,, Mr. and mss_ W. Culbert eater .Darlene 5 and her mother, land ....oriWnikn�rcn and Mrs- .�ibr--� l�rs_ J®hn Glee who receded them: brothers, Frank„ s at Sunday with near Dungannon; George of G - ec Lane Kag3; Gordon, California and aM'and MrsChat Yewell of ister,s.Alberta HaCkett of Alberta were recent visitors to Rtes_ The deac ased wife and the farm of W.. A_' Culbert and. mother wart be g-eatly ma? d 1 Pn1based two choice p br d : by her-: loved ones, to whOni She I Shorthorn heifers, a Bo u*ood,1gave her constant and lacing careand an Aug from Maple Win -and her cheerful disposition was blest/ herd.. MYewell, key enjoyed,despite her fail-ba health- interested as well in shorthorn The end comae veryg. cattle,eel ' has a brother who Saran ly' o a heart herd an for what is known as.1 We hear'tfelta -5? the Prince of Wales herd inAl berg p�atby to those who so keenlyher Ice.. The pallbeanets were New ran books in the Dana- l Olive- Glenn, Harold (Buil) Bannon area nay be, obtoFried on I Gleam, Wi f 'Cleore Gordon da, October lea anai Fri_ ITaekett, Loge Ham,. rteD ass dayThursdav, October . at tine € ablk and BaroM 19� a -rte, a Library t�seen the hours of 10 Iovely trre .' n+, and 6 p wed icyfloral Gordon &theaibutes ,weGordo ' ar- > ODIE—YQI3 IUG alae 1 o Currey, Lan ° v_, ens, Bill Wiggin andge At high noon on Saturday. Oct- . n G+�r�l =_ �u #'mmtent was d.� ..._ ober' 14th. the marriage was Sol- Dungannon cemetery— ' ��� of Viola Jaaae_ yoa�gest• atnter of 'Emma Young Tae. Domed churchheld a`"� e date _ John vee on Sunday evening ince to Ilaliioh 'Joseph Brodie," eldee clan_ la vFlth 11ec_ l J_ '�cke ', soar of Mr_ and Mrs_ John Brodie i e t9":,.. as _,,,.____11 l rge aid e of dales In the. living' roman fide€ p=ke- s rev- R'S on tine bride's haoasne_ the young Do- off zsaav of rat be a r c ouaprle wok . weir place w ah a 1 p rrt pie a anw- es- gag ad- ba�!d as �YankeE� o3�a�rbP� � d1� ora �a'�'��-a: � � � I � enin aaad' co B Yoummo • gbdioli to of the wedding, ore for a�.�pperiod of tie that tnarth by ffroheaa played b Pant Ori China for . a Ci$ 'maze Miss: Do ry Robb_ v: JW_ case: Hie related ex -en Donaldson of St_ Paul's Azgb inner e and of e cx - church officiated_ The bride wore. a floor lenge N gown of white ' Igeorgette with long sleeves and carried' a shower bonquei.of vents 'whsa had' been inter_ ested ih Beautiful autumn Dow- ers were.placed around the altar in rieino y of the late Mrs_ Geo_ white rases,. also wearing a gold i Iz ,-n wino any a. y eort- Pocket. a . gift from ,the - ago and wino was a lie .rnehei &� sh Osser. sister of. the i of the Women s li I.Sae_ bride was bridesmaid wearing a jet!. Donald 1_owler g a dry of pi taffeta and'cawed 99.7,.....4°d j the'''''''m- pink erf a pink roses. -The Door wasS. of the United ported by his brother Mr JaLk 'X thiljarrh held the Ort°bermeeting Brodie. A lovely wedding ihrozer ori Friday with Mrs, M. Realoods . as serted to 23 immediate ediate rei- I g_ the cow a .4.,,...„.....„. riaw the .devbtioml period was:wivesdecolirathe te4with;:on ;rig;followed with the theme of Love color scheme and the table �n-! thy Neighbor". The laa- of the tr-ed t z. ith a lovely dares --tier i Kingdom/ with readings be Mrs_ wedding cue topped with a sma11 ase and flowers The 'waist - were Ms. Clifford Kilpatrick Mrs_ Harvey Brvans and Mrs_ Masscar_ girl friends of tbe Ibride` Many lovely .eSts were received and previous to their 1 ra -nage a shower was given to the bride at the home of Mrs. Jos. CNev za Goderaeh The young couple left on a honeymoon spent at Ernsdale.e, the bride u;earisng a powder, blare wool suit navy hat_ gloves and aeries. On their return the: will rhe their boyo on the .rim of the groom on the 2nd cion orJ of AshfieldThe mm's gift to the laridemaid was a siker . rrese how! and to the piaanns-t and SYi iit.T s. wall pkv ' MRS. BERT 'MA ME The funeral sof the late I� Bert M'i7e took 'place at her ?ate home in Dim,gantion on Ti 'Jac afternoon at 2 p.rn,. with Rev. EL. J. 'Picker . minister of tick. -2. Dungannon United Chi and Rev_ PsMorton,. padre of Po.:t Albert Airport war in charge of the service with Rert; , Morton t reai:mg the _:,:,rzpe.r e 'es. i:.. the e Tweet - Third Paa'eare and alSo speak a.g'. e.xri rtmg w3t4d.S. i„y bereaved , relat ves. Res: V*ck"^ea e_ son. gave an addre tramthe sante v7' o. 'F„ea e - ._ .; f" ; " atnotfs"o Oalley ,of eh. ii.,a -i J_ emnigan and Mrs. 'Tinos Dii&- son followed bya4 r ns e praye-r of . the Co ..nand err s,, Mrs, Finninigan. tem era nCe r-etary. read an article on taws in Rtasa regarding temper- anm Mrs. thorn. secretary of Christian stewaa-dsh also read the ' f nanr4al report .studied at e Dominion BQard meting this year. Mrs Mathe;,r 'Shackleton introduced erne- new stuffy , bo* and with a map of the Wo: & tal- liwtrated the first chapter with • Mrs Reed and kIrs. Roan read passages in ' a ecordanc . Before e the -I'.ng hymn. the . pr-.ori t. read a ',poem. .: very man Love". ' YOUNG SUFIELD LADY PASSED WAY SUNDAY Mary ycicilla, daughter bf r. and M.Eg_. James '.. i 5v' ii :''et, PoriAlbert. the. ear - Sunday r ' her 26� year. :She :: ail life on Ashfieli t'owrs ee.. aanel .=-a= - member ' a f tne ni tad �i Ca:_ r a P .: -eSo-or vLog ar. =;`.?: ale«v 3'.^_'. `. L.: ... ' :e fa -neral , i eras el on Wednesday at TOO o ^•"_.. ,and T�- Kms• .�* = . V, -.:41.? c . Viazker s •