HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-10-19, Page 1by The $2.00 A Year—In . Advance; 50c Extra to U. S. A. ET LOANI IN • TO HOLD DANCE . QUOTAS 'BLOOD D CLINIC AID OF SMOKES FUND FOR BRUCE . HERE NEXT WEEK I LUCKNOW, ONTARI.O, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1944 TEN PAGES In common with other muni- cipalities, Kinloss and Lucknow quotas in the Seventh Victory Loan are set at a new high fig- ure. Kinloss is asked to subscribe a minimum of $70,000 and Luck - now $105,000. Huron. Township's quota hasbeen set at $110,000 and Culross at • $95,000. The County minimum objective is $2,850,000 with .an unofficial goal of '$3,500,- 000. Its a big task but. County officials are confident that Bruce will not fail. .A good deal of interest' is be- ing created in the rivalry' be- tween Grey and Bruce to attain " their objectives. Grey's slogan is "Goose Brute" and Bruceites have . come right back With the war cry, 7`Slay Grey". Salesmen Named Loan salesmen in . this section of .Bruce are as folltws: Luck= now, G. H. Smith; Kinloss, Geo. Haldenby and G. H. Smith; Hur- on, ' Ross H. Martyn and Gideon Ruttle; Ripley, . Ross" H. Martyn; Culross, David'` MacDonald and Gordon Melvin; Greenock, :Hors I ace Clark, Val Schurter arid Ogle, Russell. Municipal Objectives Objectives by municipalities in, Bruce are as follows: Towns Objective Walkerton 'Kincardine Chesley' .Southnnpton Port Elgin 'Marton (Contributed) The increased activity of the Allied armies is daily increasing the demand for blood plasma. Letters are being received telling of transfusions being given to the wounded right on the battlefield in France and Italy. Thousands of our wounded men are being• brought back to England by -air- plane which .means a greatly in- creased demand on our supply. In ten days in Italy alone a full week's supply from Canada' was used. One of the greatest accomplish- ments on the opening day of the invasionwas the dropping of blood serum by parachute to the cas*alty clearing stations. I't is very necessary that our thirty permanent clinics in Ont- ario and our seven mobile units carry on to their full capacity, There must be no letdown if we are to save the lives of our men and ' bring them back to their families and loved ones in Can: ada. All' who have been donors ' in the past are urge tly quested Next Wednesday ' evening, .Oct-, ' ■ ■ boer 28th there. will be a dance Applies For Co -Operative Charter in the Town Hall sponsored` b1�' Lucknow Consurners Association Mrs. `. E. Hollyman and Mrs. N. Johnstonpin aid of their Overseas cigarette fund. "Keep the smokes coming'' is the appeal of .the boys overseas and you can help to do I this by patronizing this . dance. s orchestra will furn sh music. INFANT BAPTIZED The directors of.the Lucknow Consumers Co -Operative Associa- tion have filed application' for a co-operative charter. They were authorized to. do so at a public meeting on Thursday evening ad- dressed by:Mr. Savage of the I social order which must come after this war. By the- middle read oaf.. co-operation it. can be accomplished, Mr. Savage con- . tended.... "There is nothing we can't do' if we co-operate", he said: .. Expanding At Kincardine Prior to coming to Lucknow, the speaker was at Kincardine, helping to organize. a campaign to raise $15,000 for expansion of the Kincardine Co -Operative As- sociation, which 'has ' taken an option on a fine building on the' main street of the Lakeside town. With reference to the fertilizer mixing plant in . Lucknow, ,Mr. Savage complimented the local Association, blit added, "You haven't gone far enough". Al- though not pessimistic about the United Farmers Co - Operative Company. The motion to apply or a charter,'made by 'Messrs. T. I Cameron and Jack McIntosh, was adopted without a dissenting voice by the . gathering . of. up- wards to fifty district farmers. Mr. Murdo Matheson presided and referred to the carrying of the motion as., the "first progres- sive step" in .establishing a co- operative. ' He cautioned, hew - ever, that.. the organization pro- ceed slowly, and that plans for the • future development- of the Elizabeth Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morgan} :Henderson was baptized '= on Monday evening at • the '' parental home by the • child's uncle, Rev: Wm. A. Hen- derson. FUUNERAL HELD FRIDAY I • The death of Mary Cary Mac - Connell occurred°in Lucknow last Wednesday. Miss : MacConnell, who was 82 years of age, was°a sister of Rev. 'Robert MacConnell of town: The funeral ; service was' held• at ,the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ,Agnew on Friday after - n re to continue, and new donors are noon with , interment in Kintail Cemetery. asked to register at their. nearest clinic. Let it not be said that any member of our. armed . services 'THIRTEEN MIL L SON died when .a transfusion . would $ 375,000 .have saved his life and -the blood • 275000 plasma was not . available. 175,000 .' Our record in this Blood Donor 175,000 Service has been good. Now. that 140,000 Victory ' is in sight may our de - 110 000 sire be to even surpass our. past efforts.. ' The next Clinic in Lucknow is on Wednesday, October 25th. Lucknow Teeswater Mildmay Paisley .' Tara Ripley Tiverton Townships Brant 125;000 Carrick Huron Kincardine Bruce Culross Greenock ' Arran Elderslie Kinloss Amabel (including Hepworth) Saugeen Bruce Peninsula Eastnor (including Lion's Head) 50,000 Albemarle . (including Cape Croker) 22;000 ' Tobermory 20,000 Lindsay 8,000 105,000 75,000 70,000 55,000 40,000 Attended Operators Convention 35,000 Miss ,Mildred Ritchie, local 15,000 manager of the .Bell Telephone ° Exchange, was in London last week attending a chief operators' '""" conference of the London district. 110,000 ' $3,095,000, for a total .of $12,953,- `' Neither capitalism'or commun- The'Lucknow exchange has been 1000 plus 'County Council pur- changed from an agency off" ism is the answer to the new chases .of $55,000; making a grand ' • Association be carefully consid- - post-war era, the speaker urged ered and discussed_ .. his listeners to band together ;.to Mr. Savagepointed out that run and administer their own the charter' was issued by . the. business and. be ready to face Provincial Government, upon a 1 whatever may come after . the petition for incorporation by the' war. Pointing , to Saskatchewan, he said,' "You can get born and buried. on a co-operative ' basis ! there". 1 Mr. Savage however condemn- ed letting Governments do every - Operative would require to 'con-, thing for us,' with ';bonuses .for duct a campaign for funds,, ' in . this and "that like manna from 1 I the form of 'shares' in the Com- .heaven.. Such a system robs us of pang. --Mr. Savage recommended initiative, and he added, we well an interest rate to shareholders' know „that it is only the things din directors, accompanied by a $10. entry fee. It, -might be some time before. this wu uld 'be 'issued' he said. To expand its service the Co- IN SIX LOANS I N SIX LOANS More than $13,000,000 has .'been subscribed in Bruce County in the past sig Victory Loans, ac- cording to 'figures compiled at Victory Loan Headquarters at I Walkerton, where the decks are cleared for launching the Seventh 1 Loan, with the highest objective yet set for the County. 'yet steady increase in ,sub- scriptions in each successive loan is' interesting: lst, $1,342,000; 2nd, .$1,507,000; 3rd, $1;685,000; 4th, $2,568,000; 5th; $2,756,000; 6t1r, not excee g' four per cent The profits of the . business are re- turned as a dividend; to those making the - business possible, on a proportionate basis. Mr. Savage, who lost his right arm in the last war, was raised on a farm, Be held a civil was, post after the' war, which he fin- ally turned down in order to \or- ganize co-operatives. in which he` has the utmost faith. ' . 100,000" 5,000 ice 95,000 to a Company operated office. 95,000 90,000 Folk Flock To Fowl Supper 90,000 Upwards to 300 ,people attend- 70,000 ed the fowl supper on Friday evening sponsored by -St. Peter's 65,000 i Ladies' Guild, ' and . enjoyed an 55,000. 'excellent supper. The attendance far exceeded the .expectations of the , sponsors; and people had to queue . up to get seated. Total for Brrice Co. $2,850,000 Has Job In London Bill. A11in left for. London last week, where he is employed in Rae Watson's motorcycle repair shop. Rae has an extensive sport goods and motorcycle sales and repair business. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Terry announce the engagement of their, niece. Frankie Eileen Duf- field, to Pay Lieut. George Bul- len, R.C.N.V.R.. son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bullen. Luckno-k, Ontario. Marriage will take place in Calvin Presbyterian Church, To onto, .on Saturday. October 28 at 2 p.m. Won" Doubles Tourney Wellington McCoy and Wes won . . • -. .. _ Huston first prize at the •��ttr '�.�.:r`.. ament at Goderich. • DONALD BLUE BUYS RIPLEY .BAKERY Donald B. Blue, well . known Amberley district farmer • and auctioneer, has' purchased . the Wm. Bushell Bakery at Ripley. The transaction, which was com- pleted on Saturday after noon, also ' includes the Bushell ' resi- dence. Mr. Blue will get possess- ion of the ' business about De- cember 1st. ' Donald's farm at .Amberley is now for sale. Besides his farm and . auctioneering duties; Donald starts out next week as an Ash- field Township Victory Loan Salesman. He sold bonds in the last loan also with considerable success. SHIP OVERSEAS BOXES The Women's Association of the Lucknow United Church packed thirty-four overseas , boxes last week for boys from 'the congre- gation. These are now on their total of $13,008;000. From' this . investment Bruce County residents have an . interest income that totals close to $400,000, which is an angle that may not often be considered. Here is the individual record of a few municipalities in , this part of the County, the figures being for Loans 1 to 6: Lucknow, • $64,000, ' $61,000, $90,000, $105,000, $98,000, $101.090. Total $519,000. Interest $15,000: Kinloss, $35,000; $32,000, $371- 000, $49,000. $55,000, $68.000. Total $276,000. Interest $8,000. Huron, $52.000. $54.000, S63.000. $110,000, $111..000, $103,000. Total $493.000. Interest S14,000. Culross, $40,000. S46;000., 55:.- 000. 880.000, 589,000, $95;000. To- tal 8407.000. Interest .512.000. Huron County ' Figures In Huron County. 'figures 'are compiled on a somewhat differ- ent basis, and only total .sub- scriptions/ ub-scriptionsF 'for each of the last three loans are available. In Ashfield: with a population I of 1786 persons, , subscriptions were as follows: 4th Loan, $84,- 556: 5th, 5103,800: 6th. $100,700 or per capita sales of 47. 58 and 155 respectively.'In the last loan applications were received from one in appro dmately every seven I persons in"'e Township, West Wawanosh figures are: population 1091; 4tli, 867.700: 5th. $89,900: 6th. 885.850' or ,per capita sales of 6,2, 82 and 78. In, the last loan subscriptions were received ,, we work for that are fully ap- preciated.' Mr. Savage advocated a local Co -Operative that not only phi-- chased, but marketed its . prod- ucts. Uniform prices are set at 'which goods must be sold, with the profits.going back to the pat- rons: The speaker stressed that sound and efficient management was imperative. It would be bet- ter never to start ufirless the busi- ness is run properly, he conclud- ed. Preached Anniversary Sermon's Rev. W. A. Henderson of Hills- dale, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Henderson of town, was the guest speaker at anniversary services held , in Wingham Presbyterian Church. A number from Luck - now attended these services to hear Rev. Henderson. 'BRUCE PLANS FOR Political activities in Bruce as sure a three -party contest at the next Federal election, the date of which ° appears to hinge en tirely on the progress of the war The .Progressive -Conservatives have already named Lieut. An- drew Robinson as their -candi- date. The C.C.F. plans to hold a nom- inating convention in Pori, Elgin ,the end of next week, at which E. B. Jolliffe. leader- of the op- •poSition in the. Provincial House, will speak. It may well be that a "dark horse' will, carry the convention. • Capt. R. W. Tomlinson: Liberal M.P. for Bruce. who recently re- turned from overseas has an- nounced that be .will 'seek re- nomination. A series of Liberal organization meetings are. being held , throughout the County. commencing next week. at which Capt. Tomlinson will. be present: The Lucknow and Kinloss meet- ing will' be held in the Town 44.* ',1 X aX.t y4 'Mt+,c. ober 24th at 8o'clock. 4 tination before Christmas.[of the Township. FEDERAL, ELECTION NINETY-YEAR-OLD DESK TO BE OFFERED FOR SALE A ninety year - old desk is " among the household furniture that will . be offered for sale by auction at the farm of the late Rodger Corrigan on Tuesday of next week. This desk belonged to Mr: Cor- rigan's father, the late Peter Cor- rigan,, who for many years was Kinloss Township treasurer, sand a widely known auctioneer. This unique and' antique desk' has 50 pigeon holes and nine drawers. DISTRIBUTION CENTRES FOR FIFTH RATION BOOK,. The 5th Ration Book is cur- rently being issued across Can- ada, with the work scheduled to be completed not later than Sat- urday. In Lucknow these books will be available on Friday and SatL urday at the Municipal Office. Other distribution centres in this locality are: Raynard Ackett's residence. 'Holyrood; Ripley Ex- press Office; Walter Brown's Garage. Arnberley:• and Clayton's Store. Kinloss. In Huron, books will be avail- able at Dungannon. They will be issued at the Public Library on Thursday and Friday from, 10 a.m. to' 6.30' p.m. • Hours in Lucknow are from 10 a.m. to 12 noon and from L30 to 5,30 both Friday and Saturday. On Saturday . evening, tl•4 cipaic W ice will be 'open from 8 to 10 for. issuing books.