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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-10-12, Page 1
„.. . 1 w -ow .. �. Va—$mExtratoII & A. I[�UCKNOW, 0 N rA FJ% AY, GI�'1” OCTOBER M 1ftl 11 PAGK3 u 1:�1l�t I'15 ® � II D o m" Ohl OT _ DING QUOTA Im Llf 9� Yid VERWEEK-END 01THREE MILLION i _ i'IN HURONCOUNTY 19drr: and Mrs. Matthew 1 eetPIIaall➢ MT_ JamesI€r'caarstterr• b. -XS re eed G This cecaa*mmmeniitty was btanved tthen r 42th weddmg an- EL-uce County's quatta fm the 'Tffi � `'cord of the death of his brother- The Human COi= tg az nZaiilem e,Ws the awed -email by the moths mmiwera&arg on syn Octobez Iln�Ttta.� <.oawhich �im' 1�-• in -naw, James M cCradie, wbh for, the Seventh . VWtQFY LAau of ffaai- wen ! IDmd@®�tembtsMQmmd.ag"'Qatab� Mr��nwhenagathenngOffrre3anwe5EmyaJ_$nns ia4CCreom s -m-ff nelg, , Rafter Carrigan, Ili- 0 Dogced. a ' bco,uAtt afal fowl ernes cffx of agn�, ttellg �� eco �, Finns Mme, mm' Gr amdin, North IID - � wen ' unIInde'u' - wtg_ ,Bell, ' IIDaan,I Majeadt and JJOSeph QFikh dm the tags., 'TfT yese the n�stt :Iioallm, 'iis im .fliim}e wri1l3r k� 1 r- 1aCr�ie awl in hrs Elieut- Ross Il��3mrm,• a� former Gagmus_ oI��rrtw9Mrs- Ellen al iwes. 2iU axoss It]- ` Mow. Ta abje Refter t Mr- and Mrs, Robeift McN.-nn and Canada_ Howewes' tthe 'Caamntty's His wife, ffommxmrlly Be]Pai For- Ac uve ServIce tmme:arrmmg_and family, llg ann d mrrs mar tt Am- a!�`ce�wee ' its am aab s oaDzte' mmitmii- stems erre dleec him about ttea..II stationed a tt glmle' k has b��. ZYd[r_ ua gavm abiee� addeQffillg am 1f . .. $aaprr erbt�marn m and, �n1Il1 ue of e2 e s e tt �TMntter� leave 'hero• . as . g att � n�pflass fCairmm w mum'. and the uimtxmifffackiaaIl gUS1 flow. � °- , .go'mm� Mmm .s � wnttfh: ,.flnemm1t Taft 19(ffi 7tflne flaaifires as be, n @1( IImm tL*nU 'ffie' sii tlg gemmas X03 19�. twutTtn ttAne w ufm bax n aft at $3 �{ Q ttaft� He:. imm fbairs 691h 37 ' wnsiitumg aalt the hummes( hetr' sup'- Ism, t (Caammttg rra3n� Oweer Mus-.'�lQe(�7ta &e• iiegni�e�' an tthe CAmmmttg: !( � funeral was btateIl¢Y ffmna�m iters, MT& ,-Matt _ and � M r , lob�it IlaJ(9.,(41®®_ ffaffmm .now .co w med . hyo lndoamm , Hem;-' � ' The Pommntty c ha kit � tthe� '$8ea'- . 7 ]incl )�iaa® t of the Suumm> r_ 'ry a Cour of � is dette r- �ezoimm n � � has . his n matt icT s li�cammaamm ttboafliicc �nnr>c3n 1`�AIr_ and 1 19atn1PAaalln haaa?e » Y Mr-1�¢(Cra,ctbie ns�-iwed ,g I �tti aft on .axtt its a?tt H aflym Edi o�m Monday marnm g mmiimmea� ttco, •mow As heeDs t typo Bruce ce' {, mmaadl tth6 blame here x;kDZe MM'V- teat daughter Ammne_ a, flnii srhaeE wbnielh : tulle • Committee, mine�mbr,eas With immtte2mmemmtt iimm Ha yr WA (Cemm- FadLdumT mm9 tthe' fforr•tt�ccrrsAmfing Itco�mm atmmrtbI� °�` �° eteTT- thing f aymm the Weft last Illlean�tiv bna b n .• ttcao11:temm mMme�,poffs .amcdi. b y- a!itwe a:cet�•ga,ti g ' tt$e r .rcr�inm�n'$�bi- Frmends and m,a_igth,bws of its a Bruce b Mr_ � W_ lig ff nrirn _ u �mmmm�son ' t1 - m GraallimA rom and i�tes forthff • g llowi,.amd ;� cnmmIle wo them mmammg� Z II.WM - chakmnamm. °ff)s the Commtgbatauam Ieiecease� t�e�rthe Ccmtmembers -aia m ttvn eo$fleMt that �� rr eheofth ffor about happy Tf Grew— An de4weslffather_ ee I� titres d t etts W O }¢,I}2T their 1 tth ee' gears, the death emff 11:Da�m ttflnaat (tsrreg � rreaaet� its: coiibycecr ttnwe " . , Mrl-jeqd laxrscnurrrled aatf I RECEPTION Mort imm this all iimmporttarmt Vf4 tq BLOOD CLINIC Ebeffmmsce I�rnn . amnei$ fill rrt,u y� cmm tCc�mme ssQtman �nm>)ke eeDmm � Wind -haw Gia eg ahead Off. Bruce l)ILoema Win_ �c1leeli aexaxdi � ' i� !I FOR NEWLYWEDS ' IFI�e cCo>ummtig ob�j�eett by m uambl ' ON �3 s of atm 7ffla ffnummcerr Tan' serrwnte tfw�e'I� �i ¢up aTl>rti> a as ffeo,iroa- t„ atnnmm int mammffndemm T� Was ,he bib. imm ' s aw tth Rc; r n➢camas . Pres-, The . next 1i$9co,.00u1 IIDcnambir ; (1✓NLM-ftc¢ zzoaptted the .ccs aUemzge and. the " �= i�ndi� a�� rr�ii�Er ba oars ' , oal �tIL �. =� shf-B 'Td Term �...: tax Q� (+ � • ! , 'ISs tenomm �cchagt ch .an Twet ibaYg atff ttco� Hie flneeld nm ILnuniknn6w � '��- aattlt e �-ii3i➢ b e cauu' j5i. At, tthe mutt- �. R� (Caarim� re �rttnee �.�� wa,mosim We��tt .._ _ f�3taJts7Ktli: ttce=TMc,a mm with i Mtenmenit nen ' �ca,mmttHn ^ - G7 -ace " be i): held a: srce e�I �i (�'ca,510)�me; 'Il wp- �ia.a�tti, w (Cce.'tUnobraer' '35, p g nTMu coarct *GMd-- (Okettxaab a ' ffra CE netterg" auIleEtdl tfia)r eseflmme e,7 � tce?maim r�?n.the OT. mge.' •�>yirGoderi�nt ,_.. _....._ _(M) m, , ,arced! ar much ch nmm nloaa etttt aattttemdaurnrce ILaa . tgittttca{t.. bag mnttut�e� ttue� �' ®. its 7Rrxo�¢cdF ifcoas oarii" tY�n� eouec���ii�M'. aatud 'Ilo>: M SMkSrme n' inm tt e C'co,�mwg Frn¢ g e � e�omt� a�lme�m tifl�e' goat ani i Tbms twm 5a e� the 15th iT`llnzmnrr, flrel►di' W 1. he ,anmm)b mnceed me t. awl ceman¢gtDe mere pr 'mmtted with a Mw sbtcattlh ,Toff .II$wug biaerrr ' nneerte fIaraatmD hee�acdi�,aaarrrttceas 'aatt at erttconm, nm, fes- - . wta2� - - . ' Pe:j Coelin¢�lTuie+�, iimm •Tliannommttaoa eerraan' ?911 .tib naL�tf tmne tuma caaff' ' 1tlbue 2AdrEss had bneern' rd ff ._.._....:... oalQiiaa "o'tttrri- tin; -. awlccn ' tea 1 dtA an ttttwrceilr�ig 1 Naittucamttaal' 1�17,ruooccb Doomaia,s (Ccom=Uitt U�cc ibner Na, ' 1911-L ,i tTic2rrus Ifs -_ ....._.__.----.. -aim nynnr'I t, >axc incl i> Das cine time- unit ': EX -r { It Grp b IRS, tlk-a.t tit tttnae ntt mmeaitectii ntbn cczao rm p a~ Tare Reay •r' - . x et4atmmnte ¢nek llQ cdi u�caaulcii`� ttbaatt , b k,.d s,. regamms umm ® �► �► IIttmii� Taft, 0z was Teelfiweed wantian 6 !�(C<Qam;;nedaa w;� ceNMgDIfek'tite'llg E%JhaiMi t . meet .fla 'ttomiigtfi to .haamxo �- r ett 1by many ftflme hds� here- � Timm wkW' ' Off tthiis . Oke ffca)nIlco,wrtmb ��' , b�ekmn rerceiii�e� bid gc�onu oaffi t fln'i� nn�aprag caeec�no,mm,. Yen,war I Tt'tutc�egr�nitt� 'Tf� _ .__ IlaiIl,a�l, wffH Cr s .1 Was gnco>�nan my fA, h oaff the die^a-t h of Wun- n Ana rtv� - .f�rne iitrfl ttflo ffunrmmii- tm at5aatm was .aaednipted� beg t tee (C'<oxmn- � beorrm. � � � �.._ flaiIir(�0)• xcawro; �r1�oi cin oaf . Rn nm1 cel �r,utra r a ]�,ee ahvi that, att, all, cin,- °� > ttn t Q > 1tll et -- � �__ • RaIl_t��a taurrte, bU26MESS, in Southampton, far �er�mi 1 �� H ammutoo cam September 111th- I�m_ � year mmg 5 iimm :mac ctarr^n.'atti,aAna'' i�iatlnn n$ncoxaaab IIDtt0ma^ riemamcaxm tars i baxwrrmt • I[ an we re��tt�mtt srIIvat$� 'anl�TF-_----__ Ilp1@.:(EW (Cbimlirrs� cilia) nml• - gonn contiumu><e _ _ :. ,.Ihats, bnmmtt$ne _tom. fl 2at%.r� loll _.. n �... t..:geaarrs-ate...., .._ .._ _• .�'bbnee;, ntfln ,�oaoxd.....� .a3mmca) . t-., u�bA ..,«aQ)• , . " He was al9b ��'ce�r'..1trr�..►rilco)tt ®imti�...it�umitt�� .ttlint� bt�ell� F$ram��Tlt. c� »w''1�5tI . -..__ IlaJa(a�G3) Ilmm thee? ffumrmmu--:. 1� I> 5 'sem I1�CIll b.7 � 'e: ge(vs= n"aa�e ' jj number Off b kxencdl .cdicoaunatnca A mm�g � u ff { ttuur� ' iim . ti ers II tbjEi r•, g�tr,»tt Ile�Il but ttcoi [ate 11 tmuic�it3fy dTe�� 1Ltt�l�menr, ��offi Yoauuu• wecd3idl mg aaag i� 'tt� see 1e !! Zari�a3h � M� OlFt e4ft . ____-. 91 �t AW and ]90frs Bell &-ad n�id� ' iiun ° marrfi��. Egm II l��mmeml a;$ �n 1� 'oi „ � � Ila�1(�r�tt tffineev dwammfiW tt o the ummn'M �and ll Iir(D( '1T'O �� tam � =lh&tt' W"�' .the 3f um w� he !! _ ��ttrreab and Ms;. 4 -- H +-+ �� ��➢ aa� et�Etet�nm � gcaaaar "� Ott ®Imo --------- -- K�' im the lfnur niitf mrie b�ut>�,; n bar ff • ¢ .� A bmtther Q-az ,e ' ll f r a tfcry t b ��p���� 8�1 bOwellg t t ig. 1 Y cep _ ,}� y tf . cmpt . thits f� Stty p -he t c -ti "'•""kk-, da` 'nr�t� Wlli.' �.t171121fi1' agimlEe'' g(e�ry, 29({fa•• .\Rtllklllll iar=:V. a 119apllee'. l[ esc^1if B3irtc tr�$ftt ttrea)u ummtin�cnan, " rem (kr eaaff ' tbn WM_ Was worm. btig'cam ' be&ah of the ¢am-'� wb e n iitt ,titaxmk cow,eer its pkmtL. II �uanuusa ' n( w(�1}1 ntaocca,n Ilii?' _ ti n ttg_ JtmH� nitrcIleaar� ,Fn, tt;;l l)t ? Pr itaar ' htnxattht amtrdi raarnaatm. off t n"aaiiffttery . �' Hem .I { teub' ttcoa W Em -am o, tI� S[b ,� 1s» Ben had b uam Tf atrOmm++a �!I tt I) � � JT. IID �(Qu�td�oaeeEn Doff � Ii gc� ±Corr the stt W mtacEstn s ' Ww - Wmekevs WAeaal R a tcarf;mm ro s � . at¢ tt es Axa tt-eer am t�C 1ee t�a1r t .it a-4L1tii—ffM 4,zh h1yW' p Oso ]ffr.. 1 j, wr 2�s zece., iiva r tta nntt lyerce � ntm U ` IItt i j "�• :ieZrog_ @kto�brer� 9�;. 'gena 1D�rr'- � Tamed! Theff tannek i �rrvive.. was �cean.S: ' Mr �CIInnrrrrAAca ee3h} Ilefltt rte` { . IFO 9Y�ti'�i" �c1�i I •- ' (C'harDe- HazIl'am_ I18..7' •It..r- mmn ' sL ila&ttaIF s (Gila t n,icdl batca . unca w � i 'M -W. a` daamighte�r_ Tan tC in �IItID' bDaAmlt, n � �1fYfi�.il� ({ G a rda m KIT P��mrtit He em� . eaaC 1Ei V� bulli � East "c hssue t e' li t L�r- 'Em i'�l'•'1 es d.�g a te:rffieO wnn with nmm- '+y �u • w� fe',�Taw bows i) gaged u tX Tim' s llEe a aol .'l'i g,_ . » itr^.CLre v -1-t � W®ngnaumn ( esry 'Ttbnttnr mmneen ttIlne � the fret ail ]h at S,,.- 1�� n �.ZI�Z(GilivIt4cII. �rwrc>g �reI3ed .mm~iorr� tLfixa itinootmn tact mm. aattenn;u- a .�ucim t oleffcarek eoaiiro� tiwiI - "s $cr %inn tt$n �� n..,• Wal erGoer I e ffa� lam: _ tl fftoan�tiLaaimm eosin mm imm ediamm- w -"er fle = of �••mr•�rrti X-1 for Brirtta >r Darmg g ttne Ii , = if¢ttnDteraallwas Mr�,, >t$atsrg 7fHne b 8nu®�esmam.m ffOr . 1I ,Jr� �� of t� 9Ot�, 'l�ttiterg. tt�ie ,timmntr gas bieEemt a ttiaate�i tom, a tTOrtae gear tOu, ttr dFunlgPs4_ I�o r�cib' i rn 1re (am .' Lmtt. h7 s'camm rteg�ru ttetdi' t ba and as ;ntnmmn;� Il: "r trine i-az--st F t( tClmca T i le II aeaff r� uursr ' tt (Co>a gnaarmUuceaxm ` . ttuttnituIl 'ill " the, r� � a� '��a>�e firm ccs itue aIlff Haff . �tTLr (" n$. IIDi¢ snamm 1{ co>ffff . � a smm int 1I Iii rm �tRm rm 31C$ and ., �uur¢nr s �{ r �937_oIl(u -� � � , lei, rm� r�+s { �. a: bDIIC{nt'rr' caff .(ti` ti�nmw�ti4ta�&awe'r1if1.,; UU , Via, amnat� ttco gnuesemmlt, �� ,r 1! m tteefl �"1'a ��L 3l`.. . Ben its � bF baits �. � ' caoff 'West t�aa elm . � ��: trntta3Il lid S11 -`10t71-4- 11 �e A_ te'r=-eM A tit w�. TO BUY S/�WDUST .. I Arte( (chW� vim• ''1 lbg e(fl}1<rurtaatim�))_ IIDeetata>fttt IDti s O IIS -� BOOK �� c ntunrrrIIn. mrs- Ili r` • C-xb 1 'T'an� ff 0- � 'taxl BURNER FOR HALL Pd" CKED HALL. t the . a:md oza ted the ta91M, SurviWHM9Xtt the � �ff tti i�I' MEU COLLIES r � fio. a Asa its 0 s lams,, Va m, lour ' �,. map Z"IteTIIn tem k'a.L/ E ;Ot` W & �V SIL' bD$ 2 . rcerou'die EM .RaCRm«� �a-dam l3uk %ter•• (I¢�a:r e off the Program- °Il'l s<-wria- wate cmff 4 to, IlwAbe IBlCazaridi aiieresic dl a dab 5 W� flie ams-ttnomeed d 'mow tra . P m3 read FmLW mrrs," D J Inas tt o b�uug •'aa wa tt fburnesr .aitft -, e rg m m@& and c ra mpr bm the kgs MML`g li'rtaE�y- and, Sat rli-cd?ag C. Tl agLo. �s . e� • gave ao Tkxxam e &-attlit of Jka Ibnmwas n�rmti ffe it amxe' Off. � H&2'ca>zm 11?kn¢bai� eveem- Oz t kE 20 a,md 2i_' .0 h �sff4vw,; s zre Wm. A tafam readrG:a�car•_ ;a uaattmre off this c a.U==tar- • iit hMtfMng the T6,WM 1A. �. ffm,s `II6' ii..iff coag If'c EMe!i At ca¢c _ I _fig_ 1aXCSCU rrted iim ,Slt. J 's Hmm- Reeve Jteoayml Dag pwa. i the o � a't�, �n @er wry Rir�� �E � t�e1� oma... Tierren�rer � I The last -"Y7 ILaeDmct�m ' emrn at •a ort-, crfl •. a vi*.acea3'ttc� ttihe ¢ iir crcd>urllc m'tt. a ` ,�- - a; I , e �'+'��,, .Q.�m, 7Ea .� ,•, � � i. ' l'eca.,r - cbr pier, ei!�,''th:e {�9ttrtkW , .It3oel , '• +7" gY `v^"�• , �Yvf-' lj 'fir �, are _m M ff*d WA w_4 �i+.t�'*i- tiG,L1 eM rtv- '` ._-s X16 L. � . - 5.. c; ~ter • VOLJoe- gas b e ' ' : b ®ca amm ' t„ ffatiIl- IN w a: as ttObn-rMk=,,m v_- ztm kev� � V �Da�eru�cl _ r"s s tiaE o mttctriesr` ed tte as sccctrAmcd�ir_ Mr- JT tt:s, S'D)w'-tv t 'tt�tt biee n . _-,� erbm bt t to caro was ataamm (of ttn nate ID�[ur! A ! �, ; im geese r �.. i~ seecamcfl i rs ©!rr Ca un za=d 3&s: (Ccam<. (istagnixaar aand• a atnotm ¢esmtmd the � s tat lhicc W—= tt erm zr�3f c iia eras Q enmm fla t that itIhe . ttesr"s Dg eo, ileo -a 0 I5're�u� � � � x4e, awa I��r� cat_-f_in the aum1be off ffa�r� ' i1:1. Wtsft Wawra� hod s aibreudF corm hand ii tiles 'haze- the ce[npz� a's,EM¢e:. 1C6gtaL `:.E Mtrtsri��," wee.. �evrs 6 � tc'rtim~s '' rr c�rr.ativa' t1"r~ere a,vc? , ban. ammcrb that be ¢ -ttfnte• Pnme-ed,. Timm and aff •tme IL.m�.im� ��� an obs�ti�e of 1©'Q fm3S w _ae ;�t1E , SrbMQ)R at SL Hill- "f an re, to n1 am t ti -34, -� sawdtmst fum, as brank. h='d � i I co,ff r fC �c :�, :;Pll) R rL ] i h Fridadi std ' : - ;Zee=- 4e _ T�.' (fs. � i �a1`�'ri air e_ ammo Luca, ' a a - , r- , k c sw atr mm :' II"rmo>ini Waamm Vie' at' f6ire HBeaH c iti �riie #tg_ a Ti- i �. etfr g_ turn tre,[ a g ru or r,"a 1 fir_ stated after eo cIudmg t c ,�,� �. ¢o» base•'. tacmll3 ai Tfbnee Il�ematmtb rr� az ¢cas�i>iom- $r4, !. Il.on catty tim>�r- f� a, t0, .Iltbl.- ; am 0r9.1 gr tat= - iZ the, Ht -=e' �rcr, "1crm ' W nth ' .the I[mtt uatr ,ti k"mmw for bttmbm prm;�lc- �_ � ' f Bra,rR, the ai, a roc (Cocas i t:..e'� mem. rr.�-�a. ��ft,cs (Ca).• ail IT.roimxrPro Wnig n ttrca,m corm 'tNt�n ttflfte Bet- �-ut.Aa � (Wr mmeetru i� I¢r,�r a �at+t� n�' �r c i:,. _rn�p: t b. -,z bsaele'am 'a�aa�- {{ wr nmm "Q II f mat . oT tt tr "ig taaa aas �1 tMt it m _ n eaii (, �-<� �re�tt - � -� ! �� Tad d to. ha -,e i io r� �!. )�G�F l 1���, �, g { -w.��r,..,•;,�,VY• b+.zev,awke• �T as� t ttnn gid^aar r�2at� rmerr 'tt-ml- c ceaff sides m¢. tie • K --stub ' L- eack- ESUA ` c d in •!r-aatr33;=4 cdke 'imm�rrtt,, and eWmtiiitkd to haiv ttnr _ �;:.-rnq- I eir�_ nw•�n ac.. '1'!tt i - *i.,t nr fir ¢tam- Elatar r.�- & ok 4 �e l, tm a::.s"YL;ad .� f r �l eertt"y r attee�cttcecdi tlircarmu r AMtT_1ts• ,un a. ¢�- Tamm truxr-_ :�• �_-- {{ t�.s;1_ �d i M tri Of ¢I" t.id.. erre �r - I 'Z_ [� a, Ralig ger � ' ' :tette x;t� enrretak a)t' art• fln�.s Il• ;� ymm ` II cam:: :�t xrri�te -�-• �a � '�tia.m �F., Axa L�urc�lcs al, the (CCla>'am- tL� Vie• am cam was ¢cazruntmxe",��' a tc�La �a��r . ecdiuuu� � °Tae after i:sa ,I;�te�£n_ Cwri, �c�� eoff 'the �. ,tVD_ I, ait»ura�Ilzc, er ca,ff irffca, ;mme s at i n.i t a r ` to I.eawe t}ae' '-W" s c'i trxe' Presl.4gteriaa chtrrcf% r 1J T,� 'S- w "II'r- g . Balli MIL aXcm �:a)TDOr�re "iem1.' 12 11W p .. ��+ o dletrrmrnskrtig (Carat (Cca nb 1d1 tfeD t as W -arm-= ¢^�>u> . �ur?z�l�zmG (t�aon�cdia; lett uF to viae E$�" rrs I�1a,�ii � GtiLL �w tae=Its in t�e'ExresEagter.—L C� _r . r*e c3ak tit 'a s »u�-i3r that t c$.� �e 7ibtce IF •.i ,es {i— a 't ue r . t. cam Take tW 1n ¢zt u` c� Ia r�ci u' � ecffrte 3r. 1i,;811tt it bng. I lliat P__.a � was car oa?tcetdl int Il IL, the S te? 'Ftrr"or •tti cd atriTiEttt�rarn '¢emtre"I��ait,,tte� )8Cir ay m r,"cIo�" �laC- scn~'moreu car sem $brermn'ttin' a II�Q ,act e raLbcrs ;+n llhm^ eoff W nEsu h i� goammezitu .. l� m�gee. thL, tw.;z;mm' a ql rv= «A. :�f" nc��� deviAziam&car,,&act. ed by n. "� Palk G,�i wliXCnCn �A (kir :ai a rm7a m PL �� win a, iii as w i ei�%�° . h .- n r r rxre., �t c; r� f{rorsr. S: a .frt Kir[..0S .. 'On 11iGearra�ag rtysc,:-,"�mm� IIBrk�tiz�ev^ra aVTMtm`1k,y' Yre ct� I�:1� t ����cg ��t:z�r. Book ' � ,e:ach am�� axy . ai7 fir- g rmarrmmi a to ffica,iltrrtarer+fl' t � ; Q?trttri t,a M re ems- jIIt ' mm4ai mac'_ :vii.I c ;LtirW' r`t' -<,ri,e f'eatu,,-e col renrliq r'c cC?, tt IL,c e ern. atz'tct Cknmr erg_ ¢cc�reb %,-j, IfB .. fir, 1KiA ? ` it Ser 'a diw^u it >aeff,.'r g„y �ar4 v T ec'x i<2? �� .riff t to i:itlttert . 1 Lcvr e c «mmdi . �1c>mctm� , ,t atir lee. C ,elm off. iID,: ern, c:�k_ :: Iia' _ice., ac� ,tum E�~ wop 1 e� t.. L * a,r: �,.:1.�t,:: res. ,,r r -; �e will he e cats . �unetus".. 'Cm- 4:.. ffe e . _ - c i �: e fe ,taaxr ff rt"�.,�a estier n?' Iftrg tee' 1�arr�erQi, . b. ctcctt ): ori ztt Imo^ eeze;.• `c, e!. -aa REr7cli . bboks -4 axid 5 awe aam� l ¢tondre"eoff by "Urs. C. .k , ]UcCar- � '�:: Eerrje� H L - -ser ,tI* t ffF;aa- irir,nll C cn.n s ristrw Mac ctI , �;�.. Laeaft. •TC`.. 8l ri ..1ficar�S�3n �a�- �. ��er: �6et �r� ¢O ctuznrtceltig� •Cc�ntg a,mxd tag 3•"11tr,�ittl- cGatf tt.�._ ,, r fi int tu3�tcat , sn QOM— otIIA JJsaBnm ]�ea>�am ��co>!td3 B�sa�te*r nnu evttg c�ae�cdtitaamm:: ffl��.' c_ �adtn Il�catt& 5 �[�rrtis exe ''�a�irsan �n:e:E,rm. Wmri sire a� 1�trs. 1tuLe, tl[l (v ll ear 'FWDaa..�e_. Ser mg, dl : 'mtn err m npe: - Iffy c1 I ' rvfte 1£'m inm Catrre� r l � tie L"1>r g &e a: s`i ors • ;��= �_kr,� t � � � --' �~3>»t>�iita>'ms:: , J11' ��"~rk_ '°� • ^ c tt'tt v tt:K' hcotmye coot' has baatr. itrar>m as a$i fmmcce aattr t,tiz,�-tfihce w r -L u.le L ,¢ctu +ax¢ I r l Il crff payer on afied s ;jct1.s-, ctII Win- f4,q?nLi�Sa31n ITtetri ' !' - __a- -" "x ?e►s. r L Er• ,myµ, 4A1LhU _. .....y',�I.,(}� .. ,.. •jam- .. :., •.... ..r �•�1s_.a �.- .w. rl . i. .,.�. •.m'. h'�•t i ..arc-. X,... .. . he bmuiaj tccr 'pts eaim - ' .r raag tieguest speake :