HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-09-28, Page 10..,00.•41-1•1 .04.C•LI r•44•5:, 41,,,•••• 4 Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, 'Ontario `voinimmourame Monitiviesid Specials Iilairritt 'WASHINGTON FROCKS—Remarkably fine fit - •t They are so fresh looking and quality is right. You • 11001 wear them shopping or visiting friends. New Fall Mattis. They fit if made for you. Guaranteed. fast col- ' emirs. Sipes 14- 44. 4'• V..25 11117111TE lFLNNLETT—.Saxony 'tette, 36 inches wide, •lovely fine quality. Yard . . . __ .. _ ...... 2,5c & 29c STURDY WORK COtion hannel in cotorftd plaid designs. Cog style, double yoke. Cnt, on MI roomy sizes. • 1411,4 - 1E4. 'UM COTTON FLANNEL—ha' plahm coham*1 material% close tex- t, :. to4v, suede-hite fhvbb6 goat siyiefr. Sizes -14%-16%_ SLIM, • Z ---- 4. WORK• GIAATIESatle of filliekty fleeced gretrestban, snug Illbimg,- Imitted Wrists.' _—___—____________,—:_ WC ' L. empleton •Co 1!! 11ARVEST-TIDE SERVIZES Rev. AV. Donaldson is cur- rently holding Harvest -Tide ser vices in his parish_ This service was observed at Port Albert on September 17th and „at Dungan- non last Sunday_ Harvest ser- vices wilt be held in Ripley this Sunday and in 'Luck/row on Oct- ober 8th. Overseas Gift Packages This Issas for -"Yours-In Servke" Plan now to send an Overseas bnistmas Parcel to yours ha Semite. Make it a Victory Food Box from Thompson's. We offer .yea 2 Pre -Packed Boxes ready for mailing, and chocked full Oi things theeB really enjoy.. See them on dis- play in our store and order one nowfor early mailing. Get full particulars aboat Wrigley's Overseas GUM Offer and Aylmer Gift Package As- sortment at our store. Just two more suggestions for that Overseas Christmas .PareeL OVERSEAS POSTAL DATES ocronnwsth — Middle East OCTOBER Illth — Central •Mediterranean Area. OCTOBER 25th raided Kingdom and Fame." We Can Help You With Sug- gestions for your 'Overseas Box. THOMPSON'S 'PHONE 52 WE DELIVER ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bissett, toRlitals' pLlauelcnce littrda' altmlunOeectili.:re engagement Of their .daughter, Marjorie Grace„ to Frarak Clay- ton YOung,. only son of Mr.. and Mrs. Girvin Youtig„ Cambria Rd., Goderic.11, Ontario.: The marriage 14th. at Ashfield Presbyterian Charch at 230 o'clock_ . 44 Undergarments for Men and Boys. The Store with the Stock_ THE 'MARKT STORE. In His 88th Year zy Enjoys GOod, Health Blisa L. Ildod of .town has as her guest her cousin„ Mr. Gusta- vus - Hood of Buffalo. Mr. Hood vas 87 years of age on March lith, but is quite smart and na- ive and in the enjoyment of ex- cellent health_ He °was born inKinloss Town- ship and was one of 13 children of the late Robert Hood and C:atherineMacDonald. His Moth- er died here and was buried in South Kiraoss Cemetery. The family then moved to the States with their father who died in Seattle.. Of the f.:.,,, i Ikz ,,f thirteen,. only three ., , , ,, They are Hector and Hattie of Seattle and Gus- tavus of Buffalo. The latter wa.s bereaved three years ago by the death of his wife. A year earlier his brother Robert passed away at Buffalo. - Mr.. Hood. has a sin and two daughters living in Buffalo,. He is living retired and spends L. -Lis summers at their turntrer home at Fort Erie. and visits with rel- atives as he wills. T. years ago he spent the ..winter in Seattle with his brother and sister. Mr. Hood was for many years engaged in the confectionery business in Buffalo, and for 54 ears has been a member of Miz- pah Lodge,: No. 518, I.O.O.F. in that, city.. • RED CROSS SHOW TAG DAY SATURDAY 1MILK FOR BRITAIN . I On Saturday, September 30 al For one night only, Friday,' to assist the "kik for Britain" show 1.°LittebAoy Follies", will be COMING HERE s October 8th, Lever 13rothe' tag day is being held in Lucknow fund through which powdered presented in the Lucknow Town milk is sent from Canada to the Hall The show gets underway kiddies of Britain. In the calen- at 8 30 sharp, and entire proceeds in aid of the Lucknow and vicinity branch of the Canadian, Red Cross. This is the show that entertain - d the armed forces for two solid years and now is making a civib ian tour in aid of the Canadian Red Cross.. Its a. breezy, riotous fun feast of wit, ntusic, vaude- ville, burlesque and, song. It lian't be anything else with such a gal- axy of stars as Pat Rafferty, peerless comedian of Dumbelis fame; Jimmy Devon, former dancing Dumbell star; Daphne MacFarlane,, in song and guitar impersonations„ Joan -Elaine, •musical wzard; Helen Bruce, light opera. star; Norman Evans., baritone; Irene Hughes,' dancer; Jack Ayre,, vaudeville head -liner and former musical maestro of the. Daunbells. The publicity costs' of this big show are being born by Lu ow merchants and busin' esg' firms so that the entire proceeds may be I turned over to the local Red Cross Branch. For e first time in a number of years, rese_rved seats are to be sold for this performance. The plan will beat McKim's Drug Store where tickets can be ob- tained the end of the week. The admission is 50c. TELEGRAM CARRIED DARK DAT STORY- Part Lindsay of Toronto sent us a copy of last Thursdoes Ev- 1ening Telegram containing a story of the Dark Day by "D&E".. The writer, who had obtained "Rt0t17s copy of The Sentinel, re- printed the Sen iieFs version of that occasion63 years ago.. The original copy was received from Mr. W. J. Little who well remem- bers the phenomenon.. The Telegram writer points out that the cause of the Dark Day was bush fires that almost win- ed out the counties of Sanilac and Huron in the wooded portion of Michigan.. Over 100 persons in that area perished, others later died of burns, and 500 famihes were rendered destitute. UNITED CHURCH LUCKNOW. Rev. J. W. Stewart, R.A B.D. Pastor SUNDAY, OCTOBER Ist 11 ain..—Worgetting Some lm - it Things of Life'. 5 , ry—The Lion and Four Oxen. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. 3 p.m.—Sunday SchooL a p.m.—Presented to The Eing dar year ending July31. more than 7400,000 quarts of milk were forwarded. • In the year which will end next July, at least 10,000,000 quarts is needed. Continued allied suc- cesses do not rii!nriinish' the need for milkwhich is sent in powder- ed form, and for same time after the war this service will have to be continued.. • ° Ten cents will send one quart of PIM to Britain; so a generous contribution on tag day this Sat- urday will be appreaiated. Lucknow Girl Guides are spon soring and conducting the tag day on Saturday for the childrea of. robot -bombed Britain. "NASTY" FLYING BOMBS CAME OVER CONSTANTLY Mr. Bert Ward received a letter last week' from his sister ,Agnes who is employed in a convales cent home at Bexhill - ori - sea. Miss Ward says they have had ose ying bombs corn- ing over at all times of the day. and. when the guns open up the noise is terribie. • Miss Ward told of one bomb which burst in the air over thOr building, and shattered the win- dows and burst in the doors. Na one was hurt, but the matron "was blown across .the room". TRAMS, SEFTSMIIIKR An, 1944 16 BLOOD DONORS AT ' RIPLEY'S SECOND CLINIC There were 160 blood donors at the 2nd Red Cross clinic held in Ripley last Wednesday. Dr., D. Carpeneto and Dr. R. A. McCosh were in charge assisted by a staff of 20 nurses. ' Ripley'S clinics are held at in- tervals of approximately ten weeks•. wir • Theatre Friday, Sat., Monday PROUDLY PRESENTS, • FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT Pa.ramount'S magnificent screen drama 410' Proud'', We Hail' Starring . Paulette Goddard Verottioa Lake Claudette Colbert Sonny Tufts 2 complete shows 7.30 & 9.30 Also Popeye . . . "THE HUNGRY GOAT" LATEST NEWS AT HOME AND ABROAD PARIS — Attractive French Girls who had been unduly friendly with the enemy lose their hair while their neigh- bors revile them. — Allies progress in France. PLAYING. . . Next Wed. & Thurs "A STAR • IS BORN" IN GEORGEOUS COLOR Starring Janet Gaynor, IFredmich March with Adolphe Me.ninu, May Robson, Andy Divine CARTOON . PLAYING NEXT Friday, Saturday, Monday Spy Drarna "STAND BY ALL '- NETWORKS" Alan Baxter, Florence Bice, • John Beal Short Subjects & NEWS 1110111immimir' SISMAN SHOES for better wear We have a fairly compkte stock on hand, Men's Work' Shoes, Boys' High Shoes and Ox- fords, also Scampers with tough wearing soles for School Wear in Men's, Boys' & Youths' Sizes. S. Callathwell & Son • \ .1 • IS: S :N.-N.1%N= .1.1\.."` 1 =%,'%.""1 • 1r New Sweaters and Sweater Coats for Men, Women and Children The Store With The Stock TORE, Luelinow if. "....,*Promemmormortrrn',....,