HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-09-28, Page 1Lucknow Sentinel
$2.00 A Year—InIn Advance; 50c Extra to U. S. A.
Clerk C. E. MacDonagh of
Ashfield has 'completed work an
the. township's 1944 tax . roll;
which reveals some interesting
figures. '
The total asjsessment of the
mbnicipality amounts to $2,395,125
on which the mill rate is struck
to raise a total in taxes for all
purposes of $52,530.07. The break-
down of this total tax bill is :.s
Cpunty levy $19,161.00 ...'
Township .;......`'8,382:68
Generalschool rate 6,628.63
Trustees'. levy. 9,575.92.
Separate school levy 1,901.06, ,
Debenture 6;152.13
Electric lights 70:65
Dogs 658.00
Grand Total $52;530.07
The Township rate, the general
school rate and the. separate
school rate are each reduced one
mill by reason of Provincial Gov-
The general school rate is on
an .equalization basis, whereby
each school within the Township
apart from Union Sections, re-
ceives .$600 for educational pur-
poses. The
ur-poses..The financial need of each
section, over and above this a-
mount, is raised bye°µhe,trustees'
It is interesting to note that
there' are sixteen taxpayers in
the County-, who pay ih excess of
$200. ,each in taxation. They in-
, elude, Norman.. O'Connor,. $501.53;
Thos_ Bueglas, $390.48; Robert
McDonald, $379,60; . Wm, John-
ston, $319.52; Thos. Garvey, .Sr.,
$272.07; Mrs. J. MacDonald, $266.-
266:18;' Thos. Garvey, Jr., $243.78;
- McIntyre .{Estate, .$238.96; Duncan
McIntyre,; $2315:25; John D: Cath-
cart, $230.92; Hugh McKenzie,
$216.76; Ewart Taylor, $211.25.;
Cecil Johnston, $204.80; Donald
McLean, $20.1168; N. J. MacKen-
zie; $200.45.
Cunningham -. Craw At the
bride's home, Fergus, Ontario, by
the Rev. R. W. Craw, father of
the Bride, John Wilfred Cunning-
• ham, son of Mrs,' J. W. Cunning-
ham and the late Mr. Cunning-
ham, to Ethel Isabel; youngest
daughter of Rev. R. W. and Mrs.
Craw, on September 22nd.
Lloyd Ackert, a student mis-
sionary who spent the summer at
a United Church mission field in
Northern Saskatchewan, was ' the
guest speaker at the Sunday
School. Rally Day service in the
United Church on Sunday after-
Lloyd spent the week -end with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Ackert of Holyrood, before re-
turning to Toronto to resume his
studies. He gave a very interest-
ing address on Sunday abouthis
work and experiences during the
10. summer, andof conditions 'under
which_ some of the people of that
area are ,attempting to eke out a
The service was conducted by
Mr. W. L. MacKenzie, Sunday
School enperintendent Mrs. H. R.
Allin presided at the piano, and
the opening prayer was. offered
by Mr. Wm. Murdie. Readings
were given by Jean Treleaven
and John Crispin. Mrs. D. R, Mc-
Lean contributed ' a vocal solo
mental. Rev. J. W. Stewart con-
ducted the dedicatitsli ceremony,.
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Irwin, and I AT LAST C L I N1 C .
two . children, Allan and Ivan,"
moved to Orillia to take up resi-
dence the. latter part of the week.
For the Pastsi x -weeks Calvin has
been employed thereas a welder.
He is in the same plant as Herb
Gibson. . • - •
Mrs. Irwin was . formerly Lor-
ene.. ' Magoffin. Her brother, ISgt.
Air Gunner Ivan . Magoffin, was
listed missing on air operations
on June 22nd, and since then no
other official information has
b received b h'
I " The death of 'Mary Isobel Mc-
Donald, beloved wife of George.
Middleton, occurred at her home
at- Minto, Manitoba ' on Friday,
September 15th, after a lingering
illness. '
She . is survived by five sons,
two of whom are' serving in Italy
and ,one daughter;'also two .bro-
thers, George of Boissevain, Jack
The attendance at the 14th
:Blood "Donor Clinic held in Luck -
now last:Thursday, morning drop-
ped to 66: Irl .. comparison. • there
were 120 donors at the 12th clinic
held five weeks previous.
" 'More than. 250 notices were
sent ,out for last week's "clinic,
so that the response averaged
less than one in four. On only 3 of Winnipeg and one sister, Han
other occasions has the attend.; Han-
na of Lucknow.
ance dropped below last week's ,
Over the week -end this district
was saddened in quick succession
by the deaths of three esteemed
and respected citizens of this dis-
Stricken • with a heart attack
early • Saturday morning; Neil
John MacKenzie . passed away
suddenly at his home, in Ashfield.
He had been in his usual health
that day, was busy on his farm, •
and entertained'friends until late
figure_ There were 57 donors at ATTENDED CENTENNIAL ; that evening. M. MacKenzie was
been receive about un,
the first clinic held a year ago 1 OF MISSION BOARD in his 59th year and was a mem-
last June;. 45 at the 7th clinic 1 ber of the Township Council
and 56 at' 'the 9th, bre member I
Rev_ C. H. MacDonald, who is a Board_
of the: local committee states that member of the Board of Missions i His son Jack, who had ,been in
last week's showing "was a dis-
grace to Lucknow ' However,
the overall picture, reseals .. a
grand total. of 1150 'donations. 1 ficance-_ as it . marked the , htin-
Donors on Thursday included dredth annual meeting of the
forty-eight men , and eighteen
Miss Grace Campbell; a bride
of Saturday,was the guest of
honor last week at two miscell-
aneous showers.
On Monday , evening Misses
Jane and; Bernadean Alton en-
tertained a number of .Grace's
friends who showered her with
many lovely gifts. A pleasant
social evening was enjoyed and
concluded with ' the - - gathering
visiting ' Miss 'Campbell's home to
view her trousseau.
On ' Wednesday evening Mrs.
Robert Scott was hostess for an-
other shower. •A program and
contests added to the pleasure of
the evening The gifts were
drawn into the 'living 'room by
a miniature ,bride and groom, 2 -
year -old Joe Drennan and Aud-
rey .. Thomson, who performed
their duties;o the delight of the.
gathering. • Mrs. Marion K. MacKinnon, Wil
fred . Farrish, . Miss Margaret M.
of the Presbyterian Church ?r} ! Western Canada, and his brother
Canada, attended a meeting of Dr. F. Scott MacKenzie of Mon -
this body in Toronto las week. treat arrived here on Tuesday.
This session had special signi-
The funeral' was held in Ash-
fiell--Presbyterian Church . on
Wednesday at 1.30 . o'clock with
Board of Missions, established
ladies as follows: Miss Maud 1844, and which sent the fir' t' -interment m Greenhill Cemetery..
Fisher, Mrs. Myrtle Stewart, Jas. Presbyterialn Missionary. from Mrs. Famish Passes
Canada to the foreign field a' Late Saturd y afternoon Mrs.
Smith, Milvert ' Reid, J. 'Currie a
year dater; in 1845,
Colwell, H. John Mason, Mrs. i John Farrish passed away at
Ruth I. Colwell, Mrs: Gordon SUPERTEST GARAGE Byron Sanitarium, London, where
Wall, Mrs_ Agnes,Hodgins, Jack WAS BROKEN INTO she had been a patientfor some
McKinnon, :J. David MacDonald, time, Her death was quite unex-
Eddie Moore, Lloyd Robb, . Rus- The Su.pertest Garage was pected; and Mr:. Farrish received
sel E. Alton, James . K. Farrish,broken into over the week-end,�- the sad news on . his arrival in
Rennie J. Graham, ' Miss Anna but only a comparatively small 1 Lucknow in the , early. evening,
Graham, A. M. Phillips, Allan quantity of tobacco was en. where he planned to preside at
Grant, . Miss Jane Alton, Missa meeting of the Agricultural
.. There was no sash..�n .t�k�e,..g rage...
Bernadean Alton, Everett Fin- Entrance was . gained by prying Soeiety . to arrange final details "
nigan, Allan Reed, Carman And -open a back window, and fore- for the ,Fall Fair.
ing a panel in the office door. Mrs: Farrish was formerly An -
I Walter' Alton, Alexander G. An -This is the second such occur- nie Johnstone of Ashfield_, She
drew,- Miss Josephine McTavish,:rence and as well other petty was 68 yearsAf age. The funeral
Campbell, Mrs, Katherine Horn_.
�� i ell, Howard Cann, George. Lock -
pilfering has been going on at service was held 'at the home of.
the garage, which will have seri- her . daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Robb
our consequences if it continues. of Ashfield on -Tuesday afternoon
1 with interment in ' Greenhill
GUNSHOT WOUND hart Miss Helen Salkeld • Mrs.
. ' Alma .Hunter, Bert McLean, Don-
Jose h Elliott, 15, of 848 .Pri ald McPherson, Mrs. Jean O_•.
cess avenue, London, was found Durnin, Fraser McKinnon, Lorne
accidentally sflbt through the Eadie, Henry MacKenzie, Mrs,
head in the bedroom of his home Hazel Elliott, Jack McLeod, El -
last week. He died an hour later :mer Alton, Thomas R. Young.
Gordon Robb; Girvin Reed, Allan
Graham, George Tiffin, Clarence
Waddell,R. C. McWhinney, John
McDonagh, John A. Thompson,
Harry Lavis, Peter G. MacDon-
ald, Donald Thompson, Allister
at Victoria Hospital., Coroner Dr.
A. R. Routledge said there would
be no' inquest.
1 The wound was inflicted by a
.22 -calibre rifle owned by an old-
er brother of the boy, and had
been left in the bedroom, police
were told. The discovery was
made by the boy's , mother short-
ly after nine o'clock,
Detectives Chester Langford
and Sgt. William Clipperton of
the city police department inves-
The boy, was the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Thorhas Elliott. The family,
came to London from London
Township about a year ago. ,
He' attended London Technical
School and Centennial United
He is survived by his parents
Mrs. Newton's Funeral Today.
Critically ill at Orillia, for softie
time suffering from a . heart con -
virion, the death of •.Mrs. G. A.
The "contest" still wages : be- 0 Newton occurred in the hospital
tween Detroit Red Wings and the there on Monday. Formerly Edith
Maple Leafs, to entice the three
Chin brothers to their respective, L. JJ Smith, Mrs. Newton was a
training camps but Hap Day i mu§ician of .outstanding ability, .
looks like •a sure winner as he and rendered a musical„ service
has- the boys solid. of inestimable value to this vill-
age until going. to Orillia about
Originally Day .put •Bill Chin a' year ago to make her home
Hughes. Miss Lillian Alton. Lloyd on the Leaf reserve list, and.since with her sister, Mrs; T. S. Reid.
McDougall, William . Wareing. then to , be sure the trio wouldn't 'The funeral service will be
Leo Courtney. Roy L. MacKenzie, be broken up, has added Albert
Robert E. 'Irwin, Johnston; Mac- to the reserve list.. According to
Leod. National League rules,. it appears
that no Club can put George on
•their list until 'he reaches the age,
With a colorful display and in-
creased -numbers of indoor ex-
hibits, plus a full house at the
opening concert performance of
Tuesday night. Lucknow's .79th
and three brothers, Graham, Ed -1 annual Fall Fah- got off to a good
monton; Mervin and Jack at start,
home; 11 sisters, Mrs: Albert As we, go to press Wednesday
Wise, Clinton; Mrs. W. A. Town-
shend; Mrs. Don Ferguson, Mrs_ morning' it is pou�riig rain, and
R. Sweeney, Misses Betty, Fran- whether or not the Fair will go
ces and Joan Elliott, all of Lon-
don; Mrs. P. Hunter, Edmonton; The indoor exhibits are , at -
Mrs. Ian MacRae, Strathroy; Mrs. tractively a arranged and . Wm.
P. Shoebottom, Ettrick; Mrs. Karl Schmid's monster display of
Boyle, Holyrood, Ontario. chinaware . is outstanding.
A private funeral service was Displays by the Red Cross, the
held on Friday at 2 p.m. Rev. R. W. A. Bazaar, the War Informa-
T. Richards, pastor of Centennial tion Board, local ladies' organ -
Church, assisted by Canon Town izations, rural schools and from
shend, officiated. Interment was Victory" Gardens are in addition
in Woodland Cemetery. to the usual array of exhibits.
The 'play "Don't Darken My
Door ; presented by the Ripley
Dramatic • Society drew a big
crowd on Tuesday night. ` The
audience was delighted with the
presentation ancl, it was expected
the Wednesday night show. ,
Had Array Medical
Lloyd Ackert, who, returned
from a Saskatchewan Mission
field last Thursday, reported at
lte�erad of�tie weekin-
is army medical ween Ire
rejected because of his category.
of sixteen.
While the three brothers sign-
ed 'on the dotted line to attend
the Red Wing training school,
they are not on Detroit's reserve
list, and so The Wings have no.
hold on them. On the other hand
Day has them on his list and can.
prevent • them from trying out j
with .another Club. For a
Club to place a player on its re -1
serve list, it is not necessary to I
sign that player nor even advise
him he is on the list_
Last week an- invitation over
the signature of Jack Adams,
was received by the three) boys,
and by Curly Stevenson, to spend
a week or two at the Detroit
Camp, which opened. this week.
In view .of this: Hap Day was
again indirectly contacted. when'
it was learned that he had also
held in the United Church this
Thursday afternoon at- 2.30 with
interment in Greenhill Cemetery.
We . hope to have fuller obit-
uaries for ournext issue.
The Soldier Settlement Board
recently completed negotiations
for the purchaseof the farms of
Cecil Robb and Bert . Brecken-
ridge on the 4th Concession of
Huron Township. Several other
farms in the district were in-
spected. • ,
° The Board' obtains possession
of the farms at March: 31st of
next year, but the present own-
ers have the option of renting
for the time being, if at that. time
the Board has not an immediate
use for the farms.
Ho' ver, neither party plan on
doing this. Mr. 'Robb has purchas-
ed a 50 -acre farm near Lucan,
where they will move early next
spring. Mr. Breckenridge is • hold -
put Ab ' on the Leaf list, and that 1 ing a clearing auction sale early
in October_ He plans to retire
they could not go to the Detroit from farming.
camp Without some trouble de-
e;veloping in N.R.L. circles. • . . Taken To London
The three boys are slated for
the Leaf camp which, opens at
Owen Sound on October- 10th.
Stevenson • also has been invited
o Owen 'Sound and Adamss has
Dr. John White ' of Lucknow,
who suffered a hip injury in a
fall at his office ten days ago
was taken from Wingham to St.
_Joseph's Hospital, London, the
week;LL�e'dee'Yfi �z7Y"iei`"e lie 'Ys -.
!being treated for a hip fracture.