HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-09-21, Page 7V�U,VTEER TO'DAY
TSS; SEPTEMBER plst, 194.
Bud Orr has been posted • from
Toronto to the Arany : Trades
School at Hanaiiton.
Recent enlistments . at : London
for the active array include
England and Donald Maclntyre
of L` uck iow_ ' •
The Ludiuow Sentinel, L w, Ontario
Mrs. 13essy Shirley of town
received word on Tuesday of the
death of her son -inn -law,` Corral
George Franklin. ShuarL Cpl.
Shaiart, a member of the Argyll
and Sutherland Highlanders, was
killed in action in France on An -
gust 1511
He is an only son and his par-
ents andhis. wife ,reside in Hani-
ilton. His young widow who was
formerly Winnie . Shirley, is a
sister of Mrs_ Harvey Webster of
town_ '
Mrs. Herb McQuil$in rived
word that her son Carmen has
arrived overseas. Her huuband
and son Sam are in France with.
the Canadian Engineers.
Charles McQuillin of the hos-
pital ship, Lady Nelson, paid a
short visit this week •nth his
brother and sister ' Mr. William
and Miss Beatrice McQnillian off
St_ Helens_ Charles . left on Wed
nesday. on his returnto ln_ilufa
On Opeerational Fligtkts
Mr_ and ' Mrs_ Elmer Parrish
Gorrie have . reeei v;ed ' word . th,at
their son, Air Gunner Jasper
Farrish is now on operational
rights ed en- enemy territory.
ynunger: brother. Bower Farrish.
enlisted this :sea miser hi the Nalen
and ns ,at present stationed et
LeCizndaan: 4P
'Shrapnel In His Hip
In the Canadian Al any 6ind
Casualty lust published on • Sat
"urday, Gnr.. George Eric Melo-
nes., son of Mrs. Neil McInnes of
Lucknow, was lasted as wounded_
Some- tome ago •anis- another -aa as
advised " that George was wound-
ed.in France and since then he
has written from a .hospital hit
'England where' he is ' cr„nfined
with a 'shrapnel wound in his hip.
Crack Shot
John Car anthers_ sin, of. Mrs.
John Carruthers of K.iriloss .Tp_
is in training in the Canadian.
Army at Chatham. and has prow -:
ed himself to be a crack sh l l
with ,a • rifle. In . a re-censt, sITMM
John :core+$ a bail's -e :;'e e v e-,;
mum". and the CD_ of the camp
• credited him as being the best
shot of many. thousand mein who
fav e been under his co-anainatsd. .
Prior to putting on the khaki a
few weeks ago. John was ins• the
Market Branch of the Bank • q..f
Montreal at Lvrridora_ He started
cranking career in 'the 'beet
trench. 0•
On Tu day evening_ Tpr_
Leonard Joie • t Pn arrived in
Kincardine_ .hospital train
was met in London .on Monday
snoraning by his 'father and his
brother Eddy of Lucknow.
Tar_ Johnston was so seriously-
eriouslywounded ins the Italian campaign
that it was neccay le ampru-
tate both legs_ He was in a haYs`-
pita! in Britain for some time
before sailing for Canada aboard
the hospital ship Lady Nelsen_
which docked at Halifax the lat-
ter part ®f the week_
On' arrival in l c-arthnne on
Tuesday,. Tpr_ Johnston was nnet
by the town band. and a wr'gie
gathering of relatives and friends.
He is quite cheerful_ hapiay to to
back in Canada. and enjoying
gni), health considering wham
has been through.
Leonard has a thirty -day Ieate.
bore returning to Londony
h. vital treatment •
A subfaaine crewman destniThe.
es a dem charge: —When one Of
these tthin goes off. your. gull -
tail r up' your back like •a
Cpl_ Shugart was only 22 years
of age and has been in the ser-
vice for four years. He enlisted
September .1940 , and served
two years in Jamaica . before go-
ing overseas_ .
A . latrge crowd attended •the
funeral of the late Mrs. Thos. Hill
on Monday. We wish to extend
our sympathy to the bereaved
family. _
Mr. and Mrs. John Currie and d 1
infant daughter, Mrs. Bill Lapp,,
Do s & Betty,- visited ori Sun- a
V day with ' Mr. and Mrs. Iiihn. Orr. ii
1 and
and Mrs. Farisb Moffat &I
Gordon Mrs_ Bill Scott vis -
1 iced Inst week with- friends can I
Toronto, Hamilton and Galt.
• The September meeting of the
United WAILS_ was held at the
home of Mrs. Bill Scott
• Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs.
Andy Th c ,i_,, nee Beatrice Cas
kinette) *o were married on
Saturday_ A. shower was held on
Thursday , evening for the bride -
Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs
Observed 74th Birthday, j WILL DISTRIBUTE RATION
Thous Wiggins was the OCTOBER 14-21
guest of honor at a gathering of
relatives at her ,.;erne last Wed- Residents of Lucknow and dis-
nrict will receive their No. 5 Ra-
ton Books during the week of.
October 14-21, according to,a -e-
cent annouriceintent Eysktihe, War -
times Prices and Trade Board
which stated that the new
nesday afternoon in observance
of her 74th : birthday_ Present, be-
sides inmaanediate membsu. ef her
family, were Mr. ll,+s_ Johan
Scrimgeour, -Go eriehr 'Mr. aged
Mrs. Matthew l cNall; Lucknow;
and Godfrey Hall, of Dungannon_
Mrs. Wiggins was the for,r--®r Miss l• would be distributed to the
Sarah Park,daughter ail fate i adian public during that _'week_
Mr. and Mrs_ John Pal_ , .h- The announcement added that
field. A :sunnptuous repast was coupons will be included inthe
served, prepared by Mrs. Parkie new book to cover., `'emergencies
Wiggins: r that 'may arise". • .
It will be necessary this year
% to surrender; the sheet of K con -
"Van' Conley on ,':e arrival of a. . pons from NO- ,4' brink and the
by ;eIrl in Winglianv Hospital_ ' stub completed on both sides in
Mas Conte and babe ale''spend- the space provided.. The ages of
ing a couple of Weeks with her ' all children ; • ,i . er 16 wile be giv-
mother, Mrs. McCallum in Luck- en after the name for the pear=
noev_ pose of rationing the e1'mild_ •
OU can't have one without the oder . you can't share in
the Victory, unless you are read and willing to take your ..
place.with the boy who are earning it.
The fight is overseas --- in the face of the enemy — and you`
must be an overseas soldier to get into it.
So get that GS badge on your arm right away.
There's time - and there's.a place for you in theC uaa ian
Army -- for all the young men Who want to be fighting sod
And when you come horde again", you'll be one of the boys to
lead the. Victory Parade!
Join up now ... and go GS.