HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-09-21, Page 3THURS., SEPTEMBER 21st, 1944
The Lucknow•Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario •
Train Service Changes
=_ .1944
Full Information From
Agents \
Canadian National Rlys.
Horse Runs Away, Two Boys Hurt
Two lads.'from Kingsbridge, 18
miles north of •Goderich° made a
trip to London on horseback and
on their return trip came to grief
in Exeter. The. lads were Pat
Courtney, aged 18, and Wm. Mc-
Donald, aged' 16. From the re-
port we are' able to gather the
lads had visited the former's
father in ' London and' had traded
their "saddle for an old cart and
harness_ When north of the
bridge -the horse became fright-
ened and. ran 'away. Both boys
werewere thrown from the cart and
Courtney was rendered uncon-
scious. He was treated by Dr.
Dunlop and was later able to pro-
ceed home on . horseback while
McDonald had to foot it. --Exeter
Times -Advocate:.
MacDiarmid-Henderson Group.
Thee September meeting of the
MaeDiarcnid -Henderson Group of
the W.A, was : held at the bme
Mr and ss, Sam Eraser- = i;
a Goldie visited last
eek with the latter's brother at
Mrs, Jack McLean visited at
Mr. Victor Gawley's recently.
Mr, and Mrs. Simmons of Van-
couver and Miss Eva Sutherland
of Toronto spent last week visit-
ing Miss Marville Scott.
Mr: and Mrs. Jerome Schmidt,
Betty Lou and ..Rose Marie of
Mildmay visited on Sunday with
Mrs. J. H. Collins:
The .electrical 'storm which vis
ited the community during the
past week struck and bprned the
large barn belonging to M.S..J.
H. Collins. I.t was onthe'. prop
erty adjacent to their homefarm
better known as the Jas. - Geddes'
Mr. anclli,Mrs. Nelson Albertson
of Regina visited with the lat-
ter's sister, Mrs. John Emerson,
travelling by .plane to Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald McFar.-
lane and family visited at God-
erich recently.
We are glad to report M.rs. Mil-
ton Walsh has recovered from
her recent illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Albertson
of Regina .and Mrs. John Emer-
son spent last Thursday at Mr.
Isaac Nixon's.
of Mrs: Rae with 24 ladies ,res- DECISION RESERVED
• east and Mrs. MacDiarmid pcesid-'
ing. The meeting :Opened ' with
hyenn 502 and the Lord's prayer 1 Judge Costello reserved judg-
repeated in unison. Mrs. Stothers
read 'the' lscripture lesson_ The
program included a splendid
:reading "Every Day is a Thank-
ful Day" by Hazel Webster .. and
a . Biblical contest conducted, by
Mrs. Jack Ackert. This was fol-.
lowed by a reading by Mrs. Ray-
nerd Ackert and a bird contest
by Mrs_ .Ewart Taylor_ .Hymn and
prayer by Mrs. MacDiarmid dos-
ed . the meeting.'
Robertson-Joynt Group , W. A.
The September meeting' of, the.
Robertson-Joynt group met at the
home of Mrs. J. W� Joynt with
19. present. After the opening
hymn and prayer; Mrs. D.C. Tair-
Ior read the, scripture lesson. Mrs.
Norman Wilson gavea piano solo
followed by a vocal solo by Mar-
, garet Rae. A reading was given
by va Greer and Margaret : Tre-
leaven gave . a piano solo The
meeting .closed with the hymn
Blest be the tie that Binds and
prayer by Mrs. Robertson. The
social hour was made interesting
with a• shower of articles on dis- 1
play, 'which will be for •sale at
the Fair.
Suffered Painful Burns
Thomas Culbert of Ashfield, ant
employee at the Dominion Road;
Machinery Co. in Goclerich re-
ceived painful arm, -head and
chest burns when . the hot sand'
in a casting, iron blew up as the
! i rI was lifted.
ment this week upon conclusion
of the inquiry, asked for by God-
erich Town Council, following a
charge by Lorne. Eamons of Ash-
field: 'that . he .had* paid $10.00 .o
Sgt.:. Emmerson."Over")holt of "GOtt
erich Police Force,.. on an alleged
traffic violation of which there
was no information laid.
Mr. Eamons claimed that the
fine was $9.60, but that he receiv-
ed neither a . receipt, nor any
change from his $10.00. Thomas
Culbert of Ashfield; a fellow-
worke'r' at the Dominion Road
Machinery Company, stated he
heard GEamons say, "Here ' goes
my $10,00," on one occasion that
Sgt. Overholt called at the plant,
)ut added he did not see the
actual transfer of the . money,
The fine is alleged to have been
levied as a result of Eamons driv-
ing over the fire hose in Goderich
in June. Sgt. Overholt flatly
denies : receiving the fine.
Mr. Jack Carter, north of the
Village, has an interesting col-
lection of old coins. Among them.
is one no bigger than a 'small
pearl button bearing, the., date
1724_ It appears to be an Eng-
lish penny.. Mr. Carter has , a.
French coin of 1872 bearing the
inscription, "Liberty, Equality,
Fraternity" ' and some old penny
and., half -penny . pieces, one of
which is a Bank of . Upper Can-
ada half -penny; 1857.
LAC. and Mrs. ,Max Bushell of
Crediton visited lett week with
their parents, Mr,. and Mrs. John
Bushell' before Max left for Ham-
ilton to commence a six weeks'
course in Diesel engineering.
Miss " Veronica Murray spent
last week visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs.. Oberle, Tees -
water. �.
.. Miss Ethel Haldenby returned
home from a week's vacation at
Mr. Jack . Walsh is employed at
,Canada Packers, Walkerton,
Miss E. Sutherland of Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Sims of Van-
couver are guests . 'of Miss Mar-
ville Scott and her father, Mr.
William Scott.
Miss Norma Burt of . Toronto
and Miss Anne Burt of • Vancou-
ver are holidaying at the home
of their.,parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Qharles Burt.. ,
Miss Betty , Gillespie spent the
week -end in _Kincardine with 'her
father, Mr: Charlie Gillespie.
Mrs. Lavine Hodgkinson spent
a few days, with her brother, Mr.
Herb Pettipiece, Langside.
Miss Evelyn 'McLean of Lon-
don spent the week -end with her
mother, Mrs. W. J. McLean...
Mr» and Mrs. Frank Murray '&
children of Chepstow were Sun-
day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. P.
A. Murray.
,Mr. Harold- Guest. is . employed.
in Kincardine.
High •School students returning.
for the new terra are Helen Hal,
denby to Teeswater, Irlma. Hod-
gins to ' Kincardine, Veronica
Murray, Hugh and Everett Lane
to LU.cknow...
We are sorry to` report the ill-
ness of Mrs. Milton Walsh and
wish her a speedy recovery.
Mr. Wesley Boyle ` who. has
been confined to bed for the past
few months as the result of a
haying accident and later pneu-
monia is able to be out of bed
a . few hours each day and had
the cast removed recently.
Mr. and Mrs: Medford Wall en-
tertained the Anglican choir on
Saturday evening last. At the
conclusion of practise Miss. Mar-
ion Walsh read an address to
Rev. and . Mrs, George Honour
expressing the kindly wishes of
the choir to them in their recent
Marriage and Miss Irlma' Hod
gins u ade the presentation of a
lovely hostess tray. Mr. Honour
thanked all for their kindness to
them and invited them to a choir
practise at the Rectory, Bei -vie,
in the near future. `Following is
the address'
Rev. and Mrs: Honour
Dear Friends:
We, the members of the choir
find pleasure in gathering here
tonight not only for a practise
but toextend to you our heartiest
congratulations. And we also take.
this opportunity of inviting Mrs.
Honour to be one of our choir
This . happy event could not
pass without expressing in a
small way our good wishes. So,
we ask you to accept this hostess
tray for
Your friendship meansalot to us
So at a time -Iike this
'Affords an ripportunity we really
couldn't miss,
To wkhh•you health, to wish you
To w,viSh you a :golden store
With lots of seniles and chuckles
. nd happiness galore.
Signed. the Chnir Members.
Mr. Dick McBride rn vel nn
Friday Iast to `Ile, horne of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Wall where he
will occupy the •east part of this
home. .
Mrs. Jes9n:1 tiVal F,n+ertaineri
the Sr. Women's 'Auxiliary nn
Thursday afternoon kit a• quilting.
Mr. James Hodgins of Stratford
spent last week. with Mr, and
t ity You'll Enjoy
Mrs, Fred Hodgins.
,Rey. Mr. Gomm of Armow will
be' the guest . speaker c at the ev=
ening service at . the Anglican
Harvest' Thanksgiving services an
Sunday, October 1st at "11 a.nn.
and 7.30 p.rn.
Mr. and. Mrs. Harry Bell re
turned home from visiting with.
their daughter, Mrs. Howard
McGuire and Mr. McGuire at
Mrs. Ethel Runchey returned
to St,. Catharines'° -after visiting
with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard McGuire
and Lovell spent Sunday with
Mr, and Mrs. Joseph. Wall.
Mi.. arid Mrs. Fred Hodgins and
Mr. James Hodgins visited Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hal-
Service in the United Church
next Sunday will commence at 1.1
arm, when 'Rally day will be ob-
Dr. and Mrs: Alvin Woods and
family of. Dundas and Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. ° Dougherty and Gwen
of Guelph were week -end visi-
tors tviEh Mrs: "R: "J. Woods."
Mrs. Stuart Collyer, Teddy and<
Thommy of Port Dover were vis-
is-iting' last week with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. J Thorn. They
were. accompanied by Mrs. T. F.
Wilson and Terry who had been
their guests for two weeks.
Treatments war; the subject of
Mrs: Ward's lecture at the nurs-
ing class on Friday night: She
also supervised the practise work;
in, making plasters, filling hot
water bottles, etc. Bathing a .bed
patient was practised under • the
direction of Mrs. Stuart and Mrs.
T. -F. Wilson. Members of the
classare providing and serving
the lunch at the Blood Clinic be
ing held in Lucknow on.'Thurs-
day. .
Mr. Charles McQuillin of the
Lady Nelson is spending a leave
at his home here.
A 3 -YEAR-OLD LAD, Murray
Carmichael, son of Mrs. Mary
Carmichael, was drowned in the
Nine Mile River at Port Albert
last Thursday ,where they were
visiting. The boy's father° is on
the staff of the . Charlottetown
Guardian, P. E. I.
We are sorry to say Mrs. Aldir
Purdon is sick in bed at Mrs.
Fred Newman's in. Wingham.
Mr. Roy McGee of Toronto .
spent the week -end ;with hispar-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry McGee.
Mr. and °Mrs. Robert Mowbray
and Miss Roberta Mowbray spent
Sunday afternoon with Mr. and
Mrs. Wesley Leggatt pf Wingharn.
Mr. Alex R. Kennedy of Win-
nipeg who was on a business trip
to Toronto spent the `week -end
with his mother, Mrs; David 'Ken-
nedy. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tich-
borne of Goderich, Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne Durnin arid family of St.
Helens, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan
a Kennedy of Wingham and Mr.
Mrs. George Kennedy also visit-
ed there on Sunday.
Quite a number from here at-
tended the special meeting in St.
Andrew's Presbyterian church of.
Wingham Sunday evening when
the moderator, Rev. Mr. Stewart'
of Midland preached an inspiring
sermon. Quite a number are at-
tending the special evangelistic
services' in the Town Hall with
music by the colored quintikte,..
from 9eveland. -
Mr: Mcllwraith received word
on Sunday that his sister, Mrs.
James McWilliams. of . Toronto
was seriously ill, and he and .Mrs.
Mcllwraith left for Toronto Sun-
day. She passed, away on Mon-:
day: This community extends
sympathy to the bereaved rela-
tives. •
Mr. and Mrs° Wm•. Simpson and
Mn Hugh Simpson of Langside,.
their son Cpl. Arthur Simpson
of Mossbank, Sask., also Mr., aiid
Mrs. Wallace Miller & Mrs. 'Thops
Wilson and baby, of St. Helens,
Miss Merle Wilson, R.N. of Wing -
ham ,and Mrs. James Wilson, Sr.
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
James.: Wilson, Jr.
Mr. Ernest Beecroft who went
West on the harvest excursion
took sick and returned home on
doctor's orders.
An earnest young soldier re-
ports that hejoined the army for
three reasons: "First, I wanted to
fight to defend by. country. Sec
ond, I knew it would build me up
physically. Third, they came and
got me,' -44
Fell beaten
2 cups sifted Pour t cup rig. shortening,,
3 tspnlk
s Magic Baking z thp
Powder melted
uilf ydirbmel t shredded
?'a tspp.nt: le
t =bspn, sugar ' app' , dd eggs,
t allspice ingredients; a l,t
gift t mel er dry. ening and apple; almilk,t melted shortening
. Bake t welt -
togethM n pans in hot oven
(400 about 20 minutes..Niakes 12
i�.: 3^uvuuW