HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-09-21, Page 1$2.00 A Yea
Advance; 50co Extra to UoSiAa
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Mr. Joseph Alton of Lamont,
Alberta spent the week=end at
the home ,.of his cousin, Mr. Al-
bert Alton at Belfast and visited
with relatives in the conirnunity.
It isthe first time he has visited
in the district since leaving here
With•his parents 66 years ago.'
Mr. Alton is a son of the late
Mr. and ,Mrs. Joseph Alton and
was born on the former Agar
farm at Belfast.. He left here with
his parents for the Parry Sound
district at the age of 15. Mr. Al-
ton is now 81 years of 'age but
so spry ,and 'mentally alert, you
wouldn't believe it.
Mr. Alton resided in .the Parry
Sound district for a number, of
years before goingwest to La-
wont, where he and his wife are
now living retired. Mrs. Alton, is
two years his junior and equally.
alert. Their many friends in La-
��. mont refer to them as "a pair of
lovers" as they step briskly alon '
the streets of their little town.
Mr. Alton has been Justice . of
the Peace for. 30 years. He has
been a church elder for half a
'century, and was a delegate to
the. United Church General As-
sembly held last week 'in 'Lon-
don. Incidentally Mr. Alton was
the oldest commissioner "at, the
He, was one of ten children
of Mr. and .Mrs. Joseph Alton,
and old timers will \ recall his.
father having run an hotel in
Lucknow, where Elmer John-
ston's ;garage now. stands. That
wag at a time when the Village
boasted eight hostelries.
Of th.e family of ten children,
seven .are • still living.. They 'are
William.., Joseph, Dan, Thomas,
Selina, Robert and Mabel: James,
John and .Margaret .have passed
on. ,
'Mr. Alton's bro.ther`•Dan is cur
iently the president of the Bruce
. County Old Boys and Girls As -
Mr. Lorne Johnston, Con. 2,
Speaking in the United Church
on Sunday morning, Mr. A. ' K.
McLay of Ripley charged .that
the root of the liquor. problem
lies In the fact that the liquor
'iinterestshave the 'whip , hand on
our governments , He appealed
to the people of the church to
give leadership to young people.
by example as well as precept, in
fighting this evil thing, and com-
mended the teaching of temper ,
ance in public schools, as .another
method which should be of great
Ashfield, has purchased the gen-
eral store business at. White-
church operated for several years
by Rhys Pollock. Rhys is. takitig-
over -a shoe business in Wingham.
Mr. Johnston has purchased .the
Pollock stock of,n rchandise'and
rented the building. His farm is
being taken over by his" brother,
Howard Johnston.
Lorne is a veteran of the last
war, and at present a member
of Ashfield Council. He plans to
finish the term .on the Council I
Lucknow High School re -open- I .
ed on Monday; after a two weeks
extension of the opening date.
Eighty-five students enrolled on
Monday, and 'a few More are ex-
pected to attend. This compares
favorably with the past term
when the peak enfoilinent, figure
was .86 pupils.
The teaching staff is' unchang-
ed with one exception. Mr. P. W.
Hoag succeeds Miss Dorothy
Sharpe. Mr. Hoag is boarding at
Mr . Melvin Irwin's.
help in the suppression of the i LOCAL PAIR WON
! drink traffic: • • . HANOV
McLay is Lay Chairman oft
ruce Presbytery, as well as a , : winning
BONE IN HIS HIP representative of the Ontario• is becoming
Temperance Federation, and`: in
Notice of appeal has been'
sued against the judgment hand-
ed 'down in July by Mr. Justice
Kelly, who 'declared` invalid the
last will •of the late Alexander
MacKenzie of Kinloss Township.
Mr. MacKenzie died in.' Guelph
Sanitarium, a little more than
a year after: he had made this
will which' Mr. Kelly ruled nul
and void, claiming that .at ,that
time he•believed Mr. MacKenzie
was not able to comprehend the
provisions of the will, nor . was
he then capable of a reciatin
L PP g
ER TOURNEY the .extent of his estate and by
reason of his mental inability was
trophies at Hanover without testementary capacity.
a habit with . local
Mr. MacKenzie died leaving an
bowlers_ Last Thursday Clad:' estate valued at approximately
Dr_ John H. White, who re- his. . latter capacity . fiequen,ly 8100,000, the bulli of which was
cently opened a medical practise lectures :on behalf of: the temper-' Finlayson and Gordon Taylor
i won the Fair Dar Doubles tours- to be used as a perpetual educa-
in Lucknow, had the n'usfortune ance . cause in the Counties . of tinnal endowment to provideties •
; suffer :a severe hip'. injury on Huron,'Bruce and.Grey:' vaned educations for worthy
!Milburn trophy with three wits
Friday, when he fell while doing Mr. McLaysaid it was not an :graduates of Lucknow High
land a plus of 26: l
School. •
We understand that -the appeal.
has been entered' by the Public
Trustee, of this endowment fund.
The entering of the appeal. does
not cause a second .trial of the
case. but requires that the evi-
dence be reviewed in a highest •
court with the attorneys for each •
side pleading their case.
some, painting at his office. easy, and often, a discouraging
The Doctor was taken to Wing- task, to speak out in support 'of
ham Hospital for an x-ray, wh?n . the temperance cause: Many peo-
it was revealed that he had suf- ple are afraid to express their
fered a cracked hio socket It views for fear . they ,may offend
was not necessary toplace the someone. The truth may hurt, but
leg in a cast, but the injury has it should be told_ We as profess-
confined him to bed and is quite l mg, Christians must not be neg-
painful.ligent nor sit by in idle silence
The Doctor's, sister, Miss White ! in combating the liquor evil, he.
of Collingwood, is with her bro-said. '
they. at present. , �`. Mr. McLay said we all agreed
that t e curse of iVazism with Robert Rae and. Miss Mar-
garet Rae finishing in first place_.
tune of Noah antoxicatmg liquors f who suffered a severe spinal in-
her flourish.
Some• fifty-two .risks iv4er•e•-en-
tered. There were seven pairs in
attendance from Lucknow with
Wes Huston and Art \'Cann also
finishing in the . money.
Thirty-three rinks. were enter-
ed in the mixed doubles twilight
at Wingham on Monday night,
BEI -AWED LAD , we ha�'e known u
Y PASSES must .
• The death of Mrs Thomas Hill, the tourney Mr and Mrs Austin
have been a curse to humanity • jury about eleven weeks ago, was
a beloved resident of the L Solomon won fourth prize.
�- and the traffic is allowed to �, able to have the cast removed
side district occurred at HORNEi.L CREWS ACTION
but a fee i years,
be crushed, yet since the . Wesley Boyle of. Kinlough,
r. gnt Lucknow pairs took part,.. in .
home in Kinloss on. Friday. Mrs. • Governments urge the sale for
Hill, formerly . Eliza McBurney, the sake, of 'dividends. and Ont-
was in her 71st year. The , fun- l ario s drink bill during the past
residence on Monday with inter i
- ing figure of .8120.000.000, an • in- , tune his condition was quite ser-
ment in Tiffin Cemetery. • r a f t lit dollars evening: at x.30,- there v,:iti i3e !�,
dram, that action in which
' - +
Fit_ Lt. 'David. Hornell lost• bis l
rnent has endeavored to placer t e ! , -
drink traffic on a' respecta'''P r_ �-^, the T'
9 t.. r- ously awarded led Victoria 8 and F'riday. September 28 •& 29.
basis: and we find_ said Mr_ Mc-, r,i. ,)�,: i Don't Miss i#.
Lay. that conditions in our pro- r
wince are 1vorse 'than in the bar- .j •
eral service was held,at her late fiscal year: reached the ' astound -
On. the L -for -Lanky program
on. the CBC network on Sundav
recently and can sit up .. in' .' bed
for short periods daily. Mr. Boyle
suffered the injury when he fell
off a •load of hay.'He later de-
veloped pneumonia • and for a
c e se o en million o ars of 1 soils
the previous vear. The Gov ei
sociatidn of British Columbia.
Another brother. Thorh.as. is a
lumber Magnet in B. C. -
Maple Leaf Aircraft Gets Go -Ahead
On Record Player Production
During -the past • week The Since then the matter has been.
Maple. Leaf Aircraft Corporation taken up with leading Govern -
Limited received the . go-ahead ment officials and last Week pro-
signa,l in respect to -the manufact- duction of the complete unit was
tire of electrical recording mach- sanctioned under the signature of
inns. which is .most gratifying to the electrical administrator of the
the management, employees and 11 Wartime Prices and Trade Board.
citizens f chi • community in
The plant re -opened on Mon-
day after a week's vacation, and
immediately started to huin on an
extensive and expanding pro-
ro-gr,am of production.
M.L.A. has •admittedly encoun-
tered some "tough going", in re-
cent months in common with
many .other small concerns • in
their struggle for survival follow=
- • ing the "cut-backs" in the air-
craft industry, as the local plant
u, as for some time chiefly engag-
ed in the manufacture of aircraft
component parts. -
,.....if Since then M.L.A, has got into
' production on electrical' recoiding
players, and ' just when assembly"
lines' were running smoothly,
came the bomb -shell announce-
ment that the Government per
mil to ,Manufacture and asseinble
this complete unit could not be',
renewed. By . this directive_as-'
sembly lines were brought to a
sudden standstill at the end of
August, as permission to corn-
piete some 2,000' units in the
course • of production was not
In commenting on . this good
news, Mr. G. H. Dickinson, plant
manager, • told The Sentinel: "The
Company now finds itself in the
competitive field where plenty of
straight thinking and hard work
is the order of the day. Under
such circumstances this, or any( REQUEST PROPER
plant; can function only proport-
ropos t-ionately as the interest and loy-
alty .of the community which it
helps to support is extended to it.
The Company is particularly
grateful for the loyalty of its em-
ployees at this time".
Has Aircraft Contract
But not only. is M.L.A. engaged
in the production of record play-
ers. 'They havean aircraft con-
tratt for small components parts
for. the Mosquito bomber.,This
contract, "slim as it is". gets
priority in the plant and may be'
increased despite the approaching
end of the war in Europe.'
It. is anticipated that another
"open house" can be arranged in
the near future at the Maple Leaf
plant so that everyone interested
and concerned in the welfare 'of
the plant may be given an op-
portunity to "see the wheels go
and for his valor was po_ -1 DUNGA^NON .FAIR—Thursday
room days_ when •it was rare to l Fair Next -'Wednesday' Promises
see women or young people enter 1 v
an hotel to partake of beverages.
The: young people are looking Full Afternoon Of' Entertainment
to the church for guidance, ex-
ample and .leadership. `t'►Ve must
show more ,interest, -urged Mr.
Buys Villager Residence
Mr. C. 'R. Shaddick. C.N.R. sec-
tion foreman; has purchased the
residence of Miss R. A. Woods of
town, Stere , an auction sale of
household effects will be held on
Saturday; Septernber 30th.
The •fly season is at its lieignt
and the local Medical `Officer of
Health requests that household-
ers ..and merchants co-operate to
eliminate, so far as . is within
their power, the breeding places
of this summer menace..
'Householders are asked to care-
fully dispose of all garbage, pre-
ferably by making use of the
Municipal Garbage Collection
System. Refuse that can't be kept
w"wrapped or covered, awaiting the
eekly collection, should be
-buried or burned.
Merchants,, who may not be do-
ing so, are' also requested .to see
that discarded fruits and vege-
tables are effectively disposed of
through the garbage collection
system or • by' burning or burying
• same.
Lueknow's 10th Annual Fail
'Fair is .scheduled for next Tues-
day hod. Wednesday, September
26th 'and 271h..and favored with
good weather, the: program that
is, scheduled promises to attract
the biggest crowd that has atten-
ded .the local show in many a
A detailed outline Of Etre Wed-
nesday afternoon's program ap-
pears in .an advertisement, in this
issue. and if you , don't think it
looks like a dollar's worth of
entertainment for ,' two -bits, we
miss our guess.
There'll be two bands' in at -
the Hon. George H. Dunbar, Min- '
ister of Municipal Affairs in the
Ontario G?vernment: M. L. `Tory'
Gregg will act as master of cere-
monies during the .afternoon and
the entire program will be 'pre-
sented over a public . address
The Fair gets underway ' with
1.a. school children's parade from
the school grounds to the park.
Sehools are requested to assemble
by one o'clock. as the parade
must start sharp at '1.30, so is -
not to delay the commencing of
a full afternoon's program_
I Concert Two Nights
tendance--the 34 -piece Walkerton Ou both Tuesday . and wednes-
Girls Bugle Band and the Luck - Ida,, et ening the Ripley attic
now Pipe Band, Highlights of 1 Society �' present th
the program are choral singing
and school yell contests 'for rural
schools; The Tuck Fancily . in a
variety program of ' songs. idanc-
ing and acrobatics: public speak-
ing contest: children's • races: tug
o' 'war contests for John Hanna
trophy: relay racing: bicycle rac-
ing; 100 -yard dash: 34 -mile rac-e
and calf race: square dance :con-
test and a prize draw for five
lovely prizes including a china
tea Cet .a . 'silver tea service,; '-
amotor rug, congoleum rug and
axminster' rug;'
Cabinet Minister Opens Fair
Tie Fair will be officially op-
ened, ctn Wednesd
pus play, "Don't Darken My
Door in • the Lutknow Town
Hall. Those • who can. are request-
ed to attend. the first night's per
formance_ There will be a dance.
on Wednesday night . after ' the
concert • to music by MccKenzie's
orchestra, '
knproved Stock Show .
- And remember there'll be an
outstanding livestock show and
indoor exhibit. Various changes
hati a been made in the ,prize iL
A complete new class has been
added for Percheron ' and Belgian
horses as well as other livestock
changes aimed at increasing en- -
tries and -intertest in the .judging