HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-09-14, Page 7THIERS.,„ SEPTEMBER LIM, /Stt
The Lucknovr Sentinel:, Lucknow, Ontario
• Lyeetstra Theatre
Thurs., Fri. Sat., Sept. 14k is
George- MURRY - Ginny SIMM
„am . Chas..WINNINGER.- Glaria DelfAVEN
istiagtote. • teraHMIN:EROCHESTEW•Hazel SCOTT
Er..eetbromiitiaelGS WALKER Bra ilisint!H4Ye-fiaElst gig
Sit_41-A.kce Tommy EIORSEY and anti.
fr**°1i7:0:1121” •
/40* --••• ••••••••0*•••••...m.....
.00**,••••=,....*** s••
Also rt SviEtjects'
Matinee S4urtiliy A '
n at..±.30 p.rn.
Mo1 Tues. Wed., Sept. 18, 191
j1oma Mitchell . 'ArH16 Baiter
• •
"The Sullivans"
The story of five brother. from Iowa
fonght a. a Fast e together in the Pacific.
Also 1Short $uhfeCts".
1 e
We are glad to , report Mr.
Robert Furdon to be able• to re-
turn to his home after • being in
Wingharri'Hospital for •a couple
:of weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. ROA. Scott 'and,
his son and his wife of 'reeswater
spent Sunday afternoon with his
sister,' Mr. Murray and brother,
Mr. Price Scott.
kr. • John Purdon, had his leg
.badly bruised while working .in
the bush last week.
Mrs. Eynon and, family- have
.returned to the village after Vis-
iting' with. her mother at Engle -
„hart for a few weeks.
Mr.• and Mrs. Tem Morrison
are spending afew weeks at their
home here.
Mr. arid, Mrs., Neil MacCalliim•
Lneknow spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. R. Mowbray.
Miss Dorbthy -Walters has tak-
en:a position with the A. C. Ad-
ams Co., Toronto.
•An 'euchre and dance Was, held
in •the hall Friday night Lunch
was served. Music/Was supplied
• by Mr. ancl Mrs. Garnet Farrier
• and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Pickell
and Mr. Jack Gillespie Jr. A quilt
was sold during 'the evening for
!funds for the soldiers. boxes.
A civic reception was tendered
iCapt W. R.. Tomlinson, of Port
;Elgin, who • recently arrived
home from Italy. Capt. Tomlin -
!son wifl report to M.D. I at Lon -
,don before the end of the- month
• and it is expected he will receive'
hiS discharge. •
The September meeting . of the
;Women's Institute was field in
the community hall with Mrs.
Archie -.Aitchison presiding. . The
roll call was responded to by the
naming of . a flower beginning
with the first letter pf-yeur giv-
en name. • Friday, .Septemb'er 22:
:was the. date chosen for the Red
'Cross quilting. Plans were Made
for the exhibit at the Lucknow
Fall. Fair. It was deCided to send
-Christmas .poxes ,t.o the boys
overseas with Mrs. A. Aitchison,.
llitrs.-G McPherson and Mrs. -Mc-
Kenzie Webb in charge. It was
decided to sell -tickets en a quilt
Made by, Mrs. • James: Gaunt. he
topic was • • taken by . Mrs: John
Cameron' who chose as. her, sub-
ject The COrnmunitY School...IVIrs.
Webb gave.. a 'reading The. Farrri7
er's .Wife. At the conclusion 'lunch
was served 'by the hostesses; Mrs.
R. J. Woods and.. Mrs. Stuart.
Miss ' Grace Weatherhead is .a,
student at the Stratford Norrnal.
phool which . opened on Tuesday.
. .
Practise. work in bathing a bed:
patient meas done at the nursing
class on Friday night under...the
direction:Of Mrs.' Stuart and. Mrs.
James Wilson,: Mrs'. •Ward' had.
'charge of, bathing the:baby, Plans
• Were, .made for. • thItineir at the
Blood Clinic 'to be held. in Luck -
now .on . Thursday,' September .21.
It, was. decided. to hold the .week -
.1y, classes ••O'n'Friday instead of
Thursday night; ‘ •
' Members . of :the W.M.S.' .were
guests ..of the Hackett's Mission-
ary 'Society . on - Tuesday after -
Poen.. , .
. •
Men, Women Over 40
Feel Weak,Woirn,
- Want !tonna! Pep, Vim, Vitality?:
Does weak, rundown, exeausted condition mailer
You feel fagged out. old? Try Ostre.z. C4" -
general topics, stimulant, .often needed after Moe
40. Sup0116)4 Iron, calCium, phosphorus, vitamin
Bt. Helps you get normal pep, vim. vitality. Fa-
troductory size Goma Tonic Tablets only 35a. Feet
sate at all good drug stores everywhere.
.• Mrs. J. C. •Stothers, jean and •
Jack of London who. were holie• -•'"x
daying , at Kincardine for the.
Week, Mrs. J. A. Crispin, 'George •
and John of Lucknow visited Mr..
and. Mrs. Verily Horton .on Wed-
nesday evening. . •
Mrs„ Elmer 'Johnston .attended -
her brother's • wedding. in 'Mild-
may on September '4th, .' • -
• Miss Olive Blake .. was • able to',
leave the hospital .on Saturday"
•and is recuperating at her home; .
• Keith Blake returned • honte' • . •
from' Toronto .on Saturday - after- •
a pleasant :visit with friends. •
• ' We welcome Mrs-. 'Harvey. -Aire..„
derson and babe who are expeet7 .
pd. h.onte. On. Tuesday. • • ••
,• The..corpmunity-. extends their •
sympathy to • Mr: and, Mrs: Jack
Curr -art of „Crewe in the loss of
their infant son last Week -end•. 4
. 19,tr. and Mrs.- Bert. Helm ,of
:4151.7tre.rtori sp.ertr .Friday 'with their
• ,alint and 3/Ir. 'and Was.
Albert. FFelin:. • • • •
•• Mrs. Jas. Vacbonald. of Para-
mount. vis-ited her sister Mrs. A.
• .Culbert 'on Sunday.
Nr..and Mrs: John:Gibson ..and
'family of Clinton '•spent Sunday
with. Mr.. George, and kiss SIO6
Gibson. • Miss . • ICathleen GibSon
returned' to' Clinton with them..
1- •
Mr. and. Mrs; Take Hunter and
.Totm and Freda, spent Sundair
•• .with 'and Mrs. John • Carnp-
• •bell.
IffisS IVtae Webster of Luelcribw
spent the week-e:nd with Misses
Lois.a.nd Lorna Hunter. .
Mr. and IVf.rs. Peter Campbell
of St Helens accompanied by
19Ess •Thelma Snell of Goderich
. visited' with 'Mr.. and Mrs, J. Hun--
. ter on Sunday evening..
• . Mr. and Mrs.. A. ,Gaunt andl
•• Murray and Mrs. Sherwood spent
Sunday With Les. Ritchie. . •
• . A Red- Cross quilting eels •heId
at the home -'of Mrs. Will Hunter
one °day last wee.k...
The larcknow
•Consinners Co -Operative
• WILL RE ,V=ING Eertilize6r
as usual this NIL •
• WE CAN• MIX 2-12-E, G -I2-6
and any grade youmay need
for wheat
WE ALSO Ef:VE plenty of
material for mixing the above
grades without filler for sow-
ing in any ordinary' seed drill
alongwith the grain, •
ON ACCOUNT of the shOrt-
age of labor it 15 necessary
that we receive orders early.,
,,• .
• .
The Women's Institute meeting
will be held .at. the home of
E. MacLennan on Thursday, .Sep-
tember 2Lst. , Topic, Miss Alice
Reid; . program eorn., Mr's. EL En-
sign, Mrs, R. Hamilton. .
Red Cross quiltings were held
at the hoines' of Mrs. Bill Stanley
and . Mrs. R. Hamilton,:
?Tr. ;Ind Mrs. Garnet Harnilton
and lkes of Hamilton visited
and Mrs.. Jack Hamilton.
'.Mrs. Daisy Mc.Charles. spent a
w ci:•ivs with her sister, M..e.
Ruth Brooks. •
• Mr. and Mrs., Art Cook and
.Carneron and Me's.Jack Hamilton
:attended the, 'funeral . of Mrs.
Hamilton's brother, . Mr. Cox of
Kincardine. • •
. Mr. Norville :Richardof Guelph
visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
D. 'Richard. Norville is going to I
the States 'to take a course in I
Agriculture. .
Mr. and .Mrs„ Nelson 'Ravnard
spent ..a ' day in Listowet
with. Mr. and Mrs • C. 'Mullin
waiarAist JAMES swam
•rciTilliarn James Smith, a native
of West Wawanosh and,a' resident
if Goderich for the past eight
-.:'-ars. died .at .his :home on East
St -or Saturday .night after a long
illness, He was in his 73rd year.
• Mr. Smithwas a seri of the late
Hamilton and Charlotte MenArY
and farmed most of .his
Tif6 nr,ar Dungannon. His wife.,
ff-irrnerly Ellen Smith; predeceas-•
*him by' six years.
Stir,dving are two Sons. Oliver
-f Ripley: Leslie of Goderich:
two _daughters, Mrs. David Nev-
ir s,•if West : Wawa.nosh!. and Miss
Mabel at home: a brother, John
,Smith. Of ,Goderich; and' three siS-
tor. .Mrs• Ernest Roberts, ,Tor-
onto: Mrs. Rebecca Caldwell, W.
Wawanosh: and Mrs. Elizabeth
Glenn -of Dungannon; 18 grand-
children and six great grand;
'Tle•funeral t,vas held from the
Br 'Funeral }nine on T'ues-
iiv 12th at 4 p.m.
7:6 service :was. coriducted• by
Richard Stewart of Knox
P:-rs,erian Church. Interment
Dungannon Cemetery. ,
Toured The North ••
John -Hanria, HurOri-Bruce,
R. Hobbs Taylor of Huron and
Thomas N; Duff of Bruce, were
among 19 members of the Pro-
vincial Government who tourecl
Northern Ontario last week
investigate .post war agrieultural.
What Does Inflation Mean to
You and Nie?, -
Ns/by, we couldn't buy enough food
to keep out families healthy under
. inflation: For wages and salaries
.pever catchcm ceo prices when they start
soar!-. •
Ho* would. we like to pay $1.10 a
dozen for eggs? You say 'it ',can't
happen? Don't forget it's already
happened right here in this Domitt,
ion, during 'the fast war. And it will happen
again, • we're on our toes to keep
the cosi of living down. Every Caritdian must
face this challenge! It's our responsibility.
Rut be of good heart Living costs
have risen LESS in Canada than
anywhere else. Canada leads the
world in the' fight against inflation.
fit. 1941, Canada determined to
contml the cost of, living.: Price
ceilings were establish4d on wages,
' rentals and con subsidies
Werepaid on essential foods; goods" in short
supply were rationed.... so that everyone
could ger their fair share at a price they could
afford, to pity!
II But control of prices is a• two-way
responsibility. It needs your support
. if it is. to continue working effedively:
9 I
• •
So make this
Pledge Today
I PROMISE co give my support
ro keeping the cost of living .
down.. I will buy only what
need -1 will observe -the ceil-
ing whether buying or se ipng
goods or services.. I'll pa§ off
old debts, save for the future, '
invest in Victory Bonds and
War Savings Certificates—and
will support taxes which help
lower the cost of living.
Published by ,•
to reveal the dangers which inflation can mean to all the people of Canada: