HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-08-31, Page 9THURSDA.I, AUGUST 31st, 1144
The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario
Among local boys who are now
seeing action in France are Geo.
Beaton and Sid Whitby.
Cfn: P_ A_ Durnin as hoarse from
Wainwright, Alberta, for . a two.
• week furlough,,
PO.' Stuart Collyer, Mrs. Coll-
', yer, Teddy and Thoman. y of Jar-
vis spent the week -end with rela-
,a tives - here..
Pte. Harvey Johnston, .son ' of
' Me. and Mrs. Frank Johnston of
HQlyrood, has been Posted from
Camp Borden to the West Coast
Active service enlistments at
London in august. included Lloyd
and .Warren Wylds, sons of Mr.
and Mrs. .Donald Wylds of town.
d 7 days when the most optam
Mrs. t' . 3. Cameron of 'town
has beenadvised that her son
Kenneth was. promoted to the
rank of Battery Sergeant Major.
Kenneth, who •is in. France with.
the 12th Battery, teas among the
first Lucknow• boys to enlist five
years ago:
Ip a recent letter to, his mother
he said he was fine • so are
the .boys from home many of
whom . he sees. •Mail is 'getting
'through well and.' Kenneth ;has
received nine 'hundred cigarettes
since arriving in France, but they
were passed ,around as, many of
the. boys Were. out. "There is no
place like the army for' fellow-
ship", he said. •
Kenneth says -France would be
a lovely country were it not for
the war. Even the .po`brest people
in Canada can be thankful they
live in 'a country where. they are
safe. 'I don't think there is a .than
here that at ene time or another
hasn't said a few prayers, he add -
Flier Missing, Brother
Was Killed In June
Relatives' in Ashfield have re-
ceived notification that •Pilot Of-
f ricer A)an IL Durnin has e, been
reported rni_ssing after air. opera-
tions over Germany July 29. He
is one of a family of sig, two
daughters and four sons of Mrs..
E. H. Durnin and the late How-
ard Durnin. A brother, Ordinary
Seaman Homer' is in the RC_N_,
and another brother, Sgt. Graham
Durnin, of the RCAF.,: paid the
supreme sacrifice' early in 'June
when his plane cracked up when
taking off from England. The
Had Part In Difficult,
Arduous Assi i nt
W. F. A. Breckles, son of Mr_
and Mrs, Art J3reckles of town,
was recently. a member of a spec-
ial overseas detachment which
took part in an assignment. on
whiih depended a . successful
Canadian break -through and
which' task was completed in rec-
ord time to merit the compli-
ments of the General Officer
Cin_ Breckles' wife has receiv-
ed the' -following letter from
Major G. A. Wiggan, 0.C., Second
Canadian Tank Troops Workshop,
missing' young man .received. his R_C.E_M.E.
early education at 'Crewe Public Mrs_ Mary G. Breckles,
School and was latter a graduate R. 2, • Holyrood, Ont.
of Goderich Collegiate Iran - t De M d
The death of a popular. young
girl, Barbara Joan Pagan, occur-
red ai<t the home of her' sister,
Mrs_ Gerald Rathwell on' Thurs-
day. .August 17th. and brought
profound sorrow to many friends_.
Barbara was in her 19th year. '
She was a daughter of Mr. Ralph
Pagan of ' Toronto and the Iate
Mrs. Pagan, and . was born in
Toronto where she resided until
about a year ago.) Barbara's
mother died in December of 1941,
and in March of 1943. Barbara .
underwent a major oneration and
for some time her •life hung' in
the balance. She made a gradual.
recovery and when able to- be
era 2 tato e.. air, a am moved was brought to Lucknow`
Recently A-59497tin. ° Breck- to the home of her ' only sister,
Chilly At 16,000 Feet les,' W_ F. A. was part of a Scpe- Mrs Rathwell_ Here Barbara con -
Mr. and Mrs_ Wm_ Buckingham dal detachncaent from 2 Canadian A tinkled to regain her health and
received a letter this week from Tank Troops Workshop which n about two months ago accepted
their son, Sgt Air Gunner . Eldon was engaged on a very difficult !a position in the Maple Leaf Air_
j Buckingham, an which he refers and arduous assignment. i craft plant, where she was cap -
16 000 feet, and ten below, zero_ Canadian Army was contingent Although a resident of the vsi41-
to flights over the North Sea at A certain planned attack of the i ably= performing her duties_
Eldon says they have to wear upon the completion of this job
_ ace for wash a coaaapagativel�t
short time Barbara won a host
WRENS Mabel MacDonald and
Jean Webster of Halifax are
spending their. furlough at their.
home in Kincardine_ Mabel. vis- r
ited here . week.
Wounded hi France
Mrs_ Bert Craig of Auburn has
eceived a an. airmail letter . from
her brother Gnr_ Wellington Me -
111.4,.7E -written hospital Eng -
in.aaw�sa ani in• `-.'"S-
and, where he was recovering
from wounds received in France
on August 8th_
Oddly enough Mrs.. Craig 'has
previously received a letter writ-
ten the day her brother was
wounded. He said it was hard to
find 'time to write during the y17,
and at night '"Jerry makes it
difficult'_ His letter read in part:
-Don't let anyone tell. you. "Six ,
we are not frightened. We 'are,.
and we are' not a=shamed of it
Any one who says he has never
prayed over here is not telling
the 17rantla ;I id a gy sand°time last
night with Sgt._ Hugh Cunning and
Sgt , Clifford •Tasman_ They were'
both Al and . now "Sia', do 'write
�i ellington''s brother, Jack; was
killed . in France late In July:
SBA. Bertram Curran. R. C. N.
V. R. of. Ti_ M. C. S. C'ornwallis,,
Nova „Scotia, returned last week
after spending 'hie furlough at his
home. in Ashfield.
Mrs_ James Ritchie has receiv-
ed word that her son Harold is
back at sea again. He had been
stationed at Lives pool, Nova
Scotia, since completing his fur-
lough early in the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. James Johnstone
of town received a letter recently
;from their son Clair who is in
•:France in' -whichrite-'referred-to' '
meeting Phillip 14lcMillaai . Hugh
• Cryuaning and Busters\ Whitby.
Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Stewart p
' have received word that their Stall.
Melvin now : holds the rank of•
LAC_ Melvin is stationed at Mt. .
Pleasant, P.E.I. where he will ' - .
continue his bombing and gun -'.Writes About His Visit to Rome
nery course for another 6 weeks_ Mas. Millie C•uyler_ R. 4. Kin -
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Whitbv ikaa e sardine. has received ' a letter
learned that their son Russell $roans arses son.. .Trooper George
1Buster l is in England with bank ler sv �9tteab in Italy --oak June
injuries. Blaster was net av Duni 21st_ and in which he briefly
ed, and hopes to aeon be recaa. _ outliane-s the sights he saw op his
eyed from the injury and sat visit to Rome_ Tpr. .Culler was
back to France_
the oxygen equipment an an an
spite of flying suits its a bit istic Staff estimate was that 10 8 of friends by her endearing smile
chilly in the rear gun turret days would be required. By '' and kindly manner_ Tine. floral
Working' from dawn to' dark un- ,
der the most trying circumstances i d ace ofa t r fkm<aeral were ev:i
A few weeks ago we reported i of these vehicles made possible Barbara . contracted. ,the suananer
thedeath of Pte_ Alex ' MacKen-. the Canadian break -through on. 'fluand complications developed
8 August 44 that resulted in her condition be -
I thought you would be pleased ling very critical for a week, ; and
and to know that the Gen- when peritonitis developed no
eral Officer Commanding caused hope was held for -her recovery.
Ibis Detachment to be thanked The funeral service was held in
the job was completed by this 1
Detachment in 4% days_ The use Two weeks prior to her death
zie a native of Ashfield and a
veteran of two wars_ Pte_ Mac-
Kenzie was killed in action in
France and the following letter
has since been received : by his
brothers th and sisters from the
and congratulated on behalf ,of a St Peter's. Anglican' church on
Chaplain of the lst Canadian. the Canadian Army for their re- I Saturday, August 19th, conducted
Scottish Regiment. of ' which he markable achievement_ by Rev John W. Donaldson_ In-
Iwas a member: terment was in Greenhill Cern-
"It. is with deep regret that I
AC_ Gerald Culbert_ R.0 A_g'
recently graduated from No. 1
Wireless School: Montreal_ He is
spending a two week furlough
with his parents. Mr_ and Mrs.
Jas_ E. Culbert_ before reporting
at No. 3 It D__ Vaancoaat er_
wounded last year at the 'time.
Harold MacTavl-ish was killed He
was back in. action by .November
and has been through plenty
since then_ He was also with,
Leonard Johnston who lost both
his legs:
On his visit to Rome George
was accompanied by ala A:aneri-
can soldier who was a Roman
Jim Ross Of 9:tb Hilted aCatholic and explained many
Battery. Sergeant 'Major Janes' things to him he would not other -
Ross of Walkerton.- a aneraal'er of wise have understood_ Without
the original 9' t$k Baate,rt . has:.trying to descrilte them Tpr. Cuy-
been killed in action in Frannie, ler listed some of- the' places. they
according to word received by
his wife. TWo years ago B.S.M.
' Ric was involved in a, motor-
cycle accident that ce•nf:lied him
' to hospital fr.: several • inotaths
Besides his wife. a young lo• ugh- Emanuele II. the Italian Tomb of
• ter survives. ••the Unknowna church
led Of Wounds in whichallingss and
visited. including St Peter's
Cathedral and the. Vatican, The
Coliseums. the Forum. the Roman
Hall of Justice. a the Piazzia
l_`ngheria. Monte Polatina, Casa -
de -Livia. Mothn hent of Victor
Soldier, th
time Italian k
Otr- Gaailev of
queens are buried_ the old Ro-
Fergus and formerly of Ashfield_ man Rotunda. St Paul's Caathe-
formerlyhate received official word of the dra➢. the Court of Cea`sar_ the
death of their son. Pte..Allam M.
Court -of Akigustus_ the Parlia-
GauleyY' wino prev=�^an-�iY had bin meat buildings, statues of Eft
reported sersousiy mv: ounded with all the Egyptian inscriptions
and dangerously ill _ He was with on them_ They were old • and yet
the 'Royal Regivent Two other
sons of Mr. and Mrs Gauley,
Kenneth and A ue x. are in the.
Mediterranean theatre and their
aaritson .Reginald is .se "a the
Merchant Marine.
Receives Word From
Her Son In Hong Kong
• Mit. Donald Roti f Vancouver
--- is. .._-tv ord__`ltat' her :on
Gordon is safe and weil in Hong
Kong. trdon is a cousin of Mr.
John' D. Rosy of town. and his
late father . forterly fled on
the Second Concession. Mrs Rom
was formerly Eliza Armetroof
Kinloigh_ It is the first word she
has received from her son mance
the fall of Hong Kong most
three years ago.
suchbeautiful work_ I will have
plenty to tell when I get home_
George Whitby writes • home
that allhe has left is the clothes
he wears, after their troop was
bombed by mistake by American
y g_....-Fesr€s_ Fati
dropped , personnel bombs that
showered shrapnel around. Half
the troop was killed or wounded.
George said this gun -was the
only one left to fire, and hit crew
was the only one so far to escape
casualties. Their driver was
wounded badly when ,his truck
was ,blown up.
etery the pallbearers being Geo_
am writing to convey any sincere FORMER. WAWANOSH YOUTH Cook. Cliff Cannell, Culler Ram -
sympathy with .you in the loss of RILLED IN FRANCE 1 age. Vernon Forbes, . Lloyd 14.111
your .,brother,..Pte. ...Alex_MacKen-
zie of this Battalion. He was kill- Charles Hallthn'bf Ashfield' has
ed in action on the night of 8-9tga received "word that his friends 11
June during a determined and R Arthur- who waas'serving with
successful counter-attack made a - tank regiment in France, was
by this Battalion on strong en- killed in action on July :18th_
emy positions_ He fell with the Charlie's last letter from his
and: Alan McKim_
Mourning the doss of a loving
daughter and sister are her faith- •
er and sister Violet •
leading company, which distin- friend was received the day he A much beloved resident of
guished itself greatly_ Your bro- was killed_ , Dungannon, Mrs_ David Sproul,
ther was known as one of the ' The young soldier is a son of i died at her home late Friday af-
ur of Toronto, who ternoon_ Mrs_ Sproul, who had
ormerly operated the farm . now been in ailing health . for some
wned by. James Webster in West thane, suffered a heart attack on
He is _sagrvived by l Tuesdaiy- from which shefailed to
most soldierly men in the Batted- d Jahn
ion_ One of his officers described
hiin to me as "all soldier". He
was a good influence on , all the a
younger men and set- -them an wee -brothers and -a s tel Joianl d '— as -own -J —11,
example of bravery and devotion of Camp Borden, FPI-1 of London "1856. she was . the former Mary
to duty. I and Harold and Anna in United Jane Kitson, daughter of the late
Mr. and Mrs_ George Kitson. In \k
June. 1878. she was married to
Mr_ Sproul_ They celebrated their
"'He is buried near where he States_
fell and a suitably inscribed cross
now meorks his grave_ I am sure injured in France
you will take pride in the mem- Mr. and. Mrs: W m Pinnell of golden wedding day in 1928 and
ory of a brave and well -tried Kinlough hate %sen officially her husband died five years' later_
soldier who did more than .bis notified that their youngest son_
duty in serving again. He is I Wray_ was injured in action in
greatly missed and sincerely France on August 9th. Hic in -
mourned by all in his Battalion_ i
I knew him personally dosing thejuries were described as a coana-
pound fracture of the left fore -
past year that I have been regi- arm_ W., ay �: as with the 99th
mentaal ebanlaiaarm_ale a mood sold- Battery and has been in France
ier and a fine character_ • since the start of theinvasion:
""Sincerely yours R. L.. Sea-
ea-burn,, Chaplain."
Ashfield FIiEer • Honored -
PO. Jack CCaaesar. who was 20 in
June and who recently graduated
at Dafoe. 'Sask_. was honored last
Thursday by friends and neigh-
bors who gathered - at the home
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Caesar. Con. 6. Ashfield Town-
ship. Mrs_ Jame Sherwood and
Its. Jack Rivett had charge of
e prograin which consisted of
community singing- instrumrn'ean-
tats by Miss Shirley Sherwood,
solos by Miss Gvendolyin "Trea
leaven. and songs by Edna and
Ross Rivett Mrs_ Harvey Mole
read a congratulatory address &
Ronald Treleaven made the .pres-
entaatio a of a well-filled purse of
money. PO_ Caesar left this week
for Maitland. Nova Scotia_
formerly Patrician Parker. daugh-
ter of Dr_ and Mrs F. A. Parker
of Wingbam. has been advised
that her husband"POS: 11'mit l(t'on
was killed on active se: vice\ on
August '14th.
ham twat killed in action in
France on , August 8th. He was
one of the first Winghaam -bears
to ,enlist,, having joined the 07th
=t rtillery iBattey ,
' State Secretary _MLLarty has
announced that Sunday._ Septem-
ber 3rd. fifth .aradversarvr of the
outbreak of war will be ,observed
in ,Canada as "a day of interces-
sion to Almighty God and of
special dedication to national ser-
vice and sacrifice".`_, A similar ob-
servance will he held ,throughout
the Empire and a proclamation_
signed ,by His Majesty, King
George VL will be issued_
The wrecking of a large frame
building in the heart of Dungan—
arson's main street removes one of
the oldest landmarks of the vill-
age of Dungannon_ The building.
was erected over 90 years ago by
the late J. M. Roberts. and was
used by him as a double store
for some years_ The business was
later enraducted by -R. B. Helian
John' Hiles and S, J. Young. Of
late years it was unoteupied and
the building was purchased by
William Nivins who tore it down
and will use the material in
building a .house, on his farkn,
Concession 3. Ashfield. where the
dwelling was destroyed by fire
!L'llas_ Sproul, who was held in
. deep affection by ell residents in
the coanmmunity, • was ' devoted to
' her family, whose welfare held
a foremost place in• her life_ A
member of . the . Dungannon Un=
ited church. she took an active
part • in' church worth until the
time when her health became
frail_ She 'was a life neanber of '
the Women's Missionary Society_
She . is r survived ' by . one son,
Harold_ Davidson. Sask_. and five
daughters_ Clara, 124, Church St,
Stratford: Rebina and Nettie at
home: (Georgine) Mrs_ William
McClure, Dungannon: (Ada) Mrs.
Robert Wilson_ Goderich, • and
(Enarna) Mrs_ Arthur Elliott, R_.,
6_ Goderich_ There are also 13
grandchildren and nine great-
grandchildren_ A son. Warner_
died in Davidson. Sash_. in 1930_
The funeral service was held
at her late residence on Sunday
h afternoon with interment in Dun-
gannon Cemetery_
KILLED IN• MINNESOTA William Mcllwaiin of. Auburn
received word that his brother.
:Alexander McIlwain, 72 years of
age_ diad been killed in Minne-
sota_ The departed rnaan was a soli
of the late Mr_ and Mrs_ David
wain- of West-Wawanosle Iffe-
is survived byhis wife and fama-
aly. also three brothers William,
Auburn; David & Andrew, Gild-, -
erich: four sisters, Mrs. Wi!
son (Sarah), Nile; Mrs_ Tiffin
(Mary). . Goderich; Mrs. John Mc-
Phee (Filen), West Wawanosh,
and Miss Martha Mellwaian, West.
some years ago. Waawanash_