HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-08-31, Page 7• TIIIITRSDA.Y, AUGUST 3Lst, 1944 The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario • k, PAGE SEVEN Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM \ Thur. Fri. Sat. Aug. 31, Sept. 1, 2 • • 20 -sirawir-cox s nava • Also 'Short Subjects" Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2.30 p.m. Starting this Saturday afternoon there will be a serial "King -of the Royal Mounted". There will be 12 episodes playing Saturday afternoon only for the next 12 weeks. Do not miss the first epi- sode this Saturday. Mon., Tues., Wed. Sept. 4/ 5/ r SPECIAL Ann Sheridan Dennis Morgan — _ "Shine On Hirvest Moon" A nice variety of entertainment from songs and comedy. . . both old and new. ... to a trained seal, lifts !Mu latest story of vaudeville's nostalgic charms to ar-level of enjoyment Also. "Short Subject • Problem. of Tomorrow's CULROSS .CORNERS FIying..Jeeps Anticipating.. when skyways Mr., and Mrs. Ivan Pollock and will '.be as .crowded as prewar family 'of Ripley spent 'Sunday highways:- engineersare. working with Mgs„..John Wail and Mr and • out plan.s to expediate aveI..'Mrs.''Midford.Wall.. • • " Read. American Weekly Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hodgins and tvitp. this Sunday's '(Sept3).issue Betty ••Gillespie, Mr and Mrs Sid • • of. The Detrdit Sunday Times. Perry-, •Jack and BilIie,of Detroit .howairlartes will becomedefiri-' visited. Mr., .and... Mrs, Earl -Hod- ' 4te•Iy marked. with flying officers gins one evening last 'Week.. . • with' electronic "eyes,•"ears' • ,& • Mr. Donald RossR.C.N..V.R. of 4-voiceS", keeping you in line, Get, Saskatoon: is .holidaying with. 1s Sundayls • Detroit Times. • • "parents, Mr. and Mrs. John. Ross:. 1 Mrs. •Robt. McKee of TeesWater. is spending. a few Weeks. with Mrs. .Joe Hanna. • , • • Mr. and Mrs.•Milton Opper-' heaUSer and . Buddy -of, Elmira, Gorrie, visited Mr:, and .Mrs. Earl. . Warden and' Mrs. ShewfeIt, • N.-eirria and. Bert, of Kincardine !,,pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hodgins: Jackl.Xesbitt visited on. the Sunday, afternoon. :• •• • . Mrs.••Ed James/visited Mrs. Frank TI-tompson on Monday af= t.•srrioon. , Mr: and •Mrs: Hackett spent Sunday' With their daughter. Mrs. Midford- Wall. •' •. I Mr. a.nd• 'Mrs. Harry Hodgins ond' fmi1y r -)f Toronto . spent a holidays. with Mrs.' Walter HOdgins and Mr. and Mrs. Char- .4-fodgins. '• • • Mrs, Chas'. Schurnacher-iS spen- na ci.n.st Ti-,ronto ,With 1- ' Wartime .travel is th,-, .most un- • cornfortahle distancd between , two Points,. • School Opening Dates • Lucknov.r Public School will opin TUESDAY, SEPT. Sth Lucknow High rSchool ' will open ,MONDAY, SEPT. lift' •" T , London; A. E. NIcKrn. Chairman. . .. ..... .. . Board of Education .: v.-:-.y..-ick sper.t 5 4v -.,.t.--k ir, Wngharn witil ---...:'•:-. ' .- ,, • .. :....".:i. C;;;.:... . ' _.. ,_ ........._ .,.. ,. - .„ : EiVE • Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ritchie and Alvin and Miss Elsie Ritchie of Zion visited with. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sherwodd. on Sunday. Mr. and .Mrs. Bill French of Hamilton spent their honeymoon with friends here. • . Mr. and Mrstl Benson Shackle- ton & -Mr. Will Shackleton spent a pleasant. week -end with friends at Port F.1gin. Mri Raynard 'Finnigan visited. on Sunday . with Mr. and :Mrs. John' Kilpatrick, Lucknow. Mrs: Geo. Freeman and.: sistel- Miss -RoSe , Cooke of Leeburn spent •Moriday With: Mrs. Lorne Emmons._ ••*1 • , . • PQ.' '• COrin'!;Crozier left on. 'Thursday ..for Lachine, Quebee.. Mrs. W. Dodd and Nancy. and Mr...and Mrs. Pope •of London. visited on Sunday with -:Walter Dodd and.Mr. and Mrs. 'Jim Sher - Wood: • Mr, and Mrs: Jim Curran and Dickie Of St. Helens spent 'Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs.. Jack-CW.7, ran. . Misses 'Shirley:: Sherwood and Gwendolyn Treleaven. spent the• •week -end at Kintail Camp. •when Miss .Flora 'Durniri entertained the memher,sof. the "Garden. Bri-, • gade". A 'most. enjoyable time was spent by. AM', '• • Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McArthur' Valeria and.,JiMmie. of 'Moncton were guests of Mr. & Mrs, Cecil Blake on Sunday.. . . • Mt. and Mrs.. Jones .& Mildred :of .Winghain ,spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Benson Shackleton, • • • • OBITUARY MRS. THOMAS ,H. WALKER , • After a week's illness, Mrs.,t 14. Walker, formerly Margaret Ad- ella Augustine, paA'sed away at Winghani Hospital. She made: her home• for the .past 16 years at, Brussels and was predeceased by her husband six" years ago. She was in her 75th year` and Was horn at Mt Forest, a daugh- ter of- the late Sara Ann and Benjarnin Augustine. Surviving are her only son Lieut: Stanley Walker; Windsor; 2 grandchildren, Patricia and Robert. one. *te Mrs. Ada Pentlandof Dungannon and a brother, O. Augustine of Blyth; Miss Clara-AUgustine and Mr. Laverne Augustine prede- ceased.their :sister. • -The funeral service was held at the hoihe of Mrs. Pentland at Dungannon on Wednesday �C•r-. 'ducted by- Rev-. Kerr Of Brussels Presbyterian .Church where Mrs. Walker was active in ,the work of the W.M.S. 'and Interment was in Dungannon Cemetery. the pallbearers being. Laverne, Ronald. Frank and Wil- fred Pentland. G. R. Augustine and George Cowan. •. • • PAAILMOUNT Mr.',' Marvin Sanderson, St: John, N.B. and - Mrs. Sanderson of .GOderiatk Visited.' 'with Mrs. Jas. • MacDonald: - • " Mr, and Mrs. Hartley McTavish and children of. MacTier visited with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Mc - Charles. • • . • , Helen Blue of Detroit- visited with her, aunt arid uncle. Mr. & Mrs. Grant McDiarmid...• Master LOrne J. Hamilton. is • spending. a few days with his .brother Donald at Carlow. Miss Ada Stanley, RN_ return. - ed. home after spending ,a .vaca- tion at North Bay. . Mr. and. Mrs. Acl.• MacDonald 'of Pine River •visited with Mr. and ,Mrs. • A. Cook. . tilt:. and Mrs. Alex MacKenzie of Detroit visited with . Mr. •arid .MrS: Grant Bilac.Diarrnid.. • •, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver MCCharles, Allan -and Donald spent Sunday: at Wiarton. Mr: arta, Mrs,. .R. G. H.arniItor. sns an.d Mrs. Jas. NracD')n-'. 17,7ent Mr. .ond IV7. 3 na Mrs. V;:r.,rrd T7r 2=,1:1,' and ,•• Neighbors Rally To The I m Md Of Homeless Family m eily Women Over 40 4 Feel Weak,Worn, Old :il • (NORTH CULROSS NEWS) Want The neighborhood was organ- . Normal Pep, Vim, ViblitY? 1 ized• int groups to collect along • IrarraisretAnfi!(a.nOledr Tar-yedOeTreftlee.= general tunics, stimulants, ofteaneeded atter 30 or the different concessions for. as-. 40_ Supplies iron, ealcluin. phosphorus IMAM= Bt. Helps you get 'lomat pea, Vint. 11111.‘ troductory size Ostrez Tonle Tablets only 350. For sale at all good druz stores everywhere_ sistance to the Siller family who lbst their home and almost all. the contents by fire. Over' four hundred dollars was -presented to themat a. social evening in the Salem school house as Well as quilts, dishes,' cooking utensils, e,tc. Mr. and Mrs. Silier expressed heartfelt .' thanks .to their friends and. syrnpathizers: --A quilting. was held at the home. of Mr. and •Mrs. Art Gra- ham, Con. 12 at which two 'quilts ,were completed. The quilting. was done, on the lawn so there Was , no ,dikonifort frbm..the excessive heat. • • Miss Wilma: Carter. teller in the Ripley bank spent a few clays with her granchnother at' "Glen. Douglas" farm. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Tortori. of Port Elgin beach paid a' visit at "Glen Dougla.s". • Little Ruth .Johnston Of -Luk- now is spending- a pleasant hob', day„with her aunt and uncle, Mr: and Mrs. Jos. Wall.: 'Mrs. JackWilson Is spending two weeks with •her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm,. Wall, Sr.; •and her. two sons •Jiituny and Orville: Mr. and Mrs.:CarSon OfTbrOnto are holidaying, with her .brother, Archie and Mrs. McKinnon. •.. Fire Alarm Saturday • • A grass 'fire on the property of Mrs. D. Patterson on Saturday resulted in a fire alarm being 'turned in, but was extinguished Without the assistance of the fire brigade. Grass fires have- been nuineroUs and prOpided =a real hazard during the long 'dry apelb On the farm 'Of Allister Hughes between the 4th and the 6th Concessions is evidence of a blaze that swept,over quite an area: before it ,asc6titrolled. It is believed to have been 'started by a cigarette tossed from •a passing car: • ' FATHER OF SIXTEEN DIED IN MANITOBA ' -1-:;1-ri July Cvt pub-lhed- an–itern about the death of Mathew Phil- lips, who ,was the father of six- teen children, with six sons serv- ing ...in the arined forces • The following obituary has been received by Miss Christina Graham of town; from his home town 3f Findlay; Man.: "M: A.• Phillips. 71, native, of Lucknow, Ontario, resident of this district for 40 years. died July 3 in Virden hospital, and was buried in ,Oak Lake cem- etery July 6, with Masonic rites: following a family service, at his residence: His marriage to Bertha Redford McLaren took .place in 190 - She,survives with eight sen and eight daughter?: Sgt. A. N. Philips, with the Canadian army' in Italy; FS. A. M. Phillips with the R,C,A:F.' in Canada: Bdr, R. X. 'Phillips- with the Canadian army overseas: L -Cpl. M. A. Phil- lips With Canadian paratroops Overseas, at present ir, hospital in England, having recently been wounded in action: H. J. Phillips. prisoner of war irt Germany: Al- vin H. Sidney H. and Flobert home. Sidney having reCentlY beep discharged frOin the army:, Mrs. Andrew Baragar 'oam Lake. Sask.: Mrs. HarTy Hewitt (Jennie. Wape!..:a. Mrs. Wrn. Macdonald (Florence . Oak Lake. Man,: Mr5. Herrhan Koss (Jessie). Fort W::liarn. an",t : Mrs. Phillsip Cook (C:aire B.C.: Shirley and Patricia, Toronto. Ont. and Viva, at hon - He leaves. leaves two brothers. W1:arn Phillips: Brandon: Dr, A. H: ,Chicago. Ill.: 2.1r.-2, one siste•;. " •.. 'There are alsi 11 1.3 !.-.7'are atr.csmber -f : for • • S, ‘. • '155.40: a way a • ‘\ „ seer sac of both boftles and , cortons... it's downright wasteful to leave a lot of them at your • summer cottage, wicni. they • might otherwise be put tb good ousr all winter long. For bottles andcartons are used over and over again: So please 6.return your summer's collection of empties, in their -original car- tons,, now — to your nearest • Brewer's Retail Store, and help -us maintain steaay supplies for • you this winter. • • •.f •