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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-08-31, Page 6
Lucknow Sentin4 w, Ontario ZION Mrs. Kenneth - were viistors on Sum- t weep with, Mr^ and .Mrs`. l !rt .. _ Taylar, X41. sada Kia, • and feingx visit0.deanSturdayN Mr; and. Mrs.. Joseph Freeman with .lam and ] . Gordon Sty m of Le b vim;. p dtth Mr, and Teeswater. - Mfrs_ WOG.. Hunter on Sumndaai Stehools'a guest at tire Kirkland Wisses Lois ancL.Beryl, mer home at teesent. ,Jdte and Arthur man return- ed home air sig two 'weeks. with Man frier Mr- Mrs..• Palnioir $Pipat'tt- fang ToFronta • - ed ,Mai.Susan Andrew o Sun- day . Hob Wim' of(Port Cred- it ryit has been a visitor in the burg this week. * tares with Mr. aatddi Mrs. Frank Rit- (hie tth�. 'ss.y, week 'p a Mfrs.. Mary McAuley, of ' �t:<lu`, ,Mrs. Angus ash 5s a 1 Mrs. Toronto Was :Violet Ritchie returned home Saturday• from Tormitto where she has sit mil. past Mrs. Robert Andreas 781,1 Mess returned eEfl lalfirMMaty $ruSan T1f tee .eeuaMr1t situ.; Men-t,J larimproved after PrF.rI Itriug. out altm. al5Plica orl for Bass, Kathleen mer; cue aid; ,ai colored sa l ebur accompan-ems themmelt wn111 ! a answered "tae " to `the question as iel�:t11 !11 a at Fr heron tt®w Fre Finadf any depend— M. Ivan:' a meq, rtit nncs:!, and flt:7b T. —re LII Frances..:.'SEII atl two".,- t'idTntt� Miis. �� j; .� (� h' 3r ` *1R eM - y.�. II allai� tµ$ce sdrnMei ,a2r. Mr Mrs.. Yl6fµdier„� 41'IWIL 'f9 qty dl �.� Ul r1 0�.: i),LC 1 Master Carman Joarn Holyroodl is spending a+ week with Mr, asset. Mrs. Sidney Gard- Mrs. .Wilfred Quaid and son Bard of Saltfo-rd are spending a few day ;witth Mr, and 1r• Cecil • lr. Mus. Bain Ma:s arra* Ma,- and Mrs_ - condi Daaltaim and Mr_ Pat Sullivan, motored litieiTatiel for the weekerviL Wye there they visited the M tyr"s Shrine. ED mg SON FROM WATT SNAKE The `Hope Bay correspondent" of the Wrarton R'eFro to fs of al rather ung ineident that took. Place at that popular Brite Pen- ittsua&a mer colony.. A Bine Herrn was noticed flopping about and squawking among the reeds. The first impression was that was, tr'giug to devour an oversize Fmk, but upon closer exa/nination it .seeped to he dragging ilts erre Peg However, . it was p ered that the Hes amm was gradually ung straimee4 by; a large water snake, whieh had wound utsetf once. around times Hermits s - nee k, then all around its body,''and'aln ally the tail was twist,, twice around the AAs reg at the jot, thugs drawing it up in' such a posittimt that the Peg. was, - ress. ' The Herdyan had grapsed the crustae with its Ti about three irrefir below the heart but . had - u t the strength to rimArce it loosen its hold. With well-placed club Wig the snakes . PreAt into the ground, if ysened of its grip, so, holey tthe. angT they t1it(g ed the. last : twist ,ems THURSDAY, AUGUST. 2Ist, f9 E ' A RI AGENTS . COUNTER CriEC< BOOKS PR{A, D .G ';MED TACE M4ds9£ BY 'Styles Pus's; war ous color: and •des.c-s sugzesiieriS ar.0 prices without' obdigat'ons • t' The, .Sentinel rj MAF KING Mr. and Mrs. /,infield Ander- son and Arthur of Detroit, Mr - and Mrs. Case McAllister of Chatham 'were recent visitors with lid . . and Herb Curran. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pearce of tford who spent the seer with relatives in this district left . on Thursday for Exeter, where they willvisit friends before re- turning horn , 1.: - ..RoRoberta Helm ' of Zionvisited her cons -in, inLottie Saunders last week. Jean .Ritchie of Zion spent the Weekend .with Lottie. 1 Miss Flora Andrew of .Luck- anoww spent . a few days at her bro- ther's, W. E Andrew. Miss ,Kaye Stothers of Arthur who' spent the summer on the fart,, returned hone last Sunday.Mr. and Mrs. George Twa i ley, enjoyed a trip to Toronto over the week -end. SBA. Bertram Curran of 'the ft..C.:N.V.R. returned to Cornwal- P:is on Wednesday. of last week. He was accompanied . to • Toronto its getaway, • with mac ° excMrs tited by gran and her suer, squawks wrimr-Y1 two small bogs Mrd Eldon lire r rt. Mrs_ Curralri immtergretee as than�tr � card i mus: /non via ed their aunt, snakes. It took many minutes and , Mo LEey1 may mut 'buy bagpirtess, se teraall atteut5 before the but you can Certainly purchase "groggy' bird was 'able to rrmadke m change of misery with it * ;nC EVER walk into an suction and fi©d yourseff getting ne tied and warnttireg to bud - _ . a victim of 'ar Ction fever"? Wye conditions can breed "auction fever" if we fet Everything is its sem..supply. Many more people are But... if pried are bid all our der w[1 lase some of their value.. Even necessitieS could get out of reach - * ea h* What we is more woonsar, if Prim costs go onastill nig' her. If What glsod sere higher returns to bashotss, if they are offset by higher c.. ° .PWhet dries the farmer gain if higher flatus pikes lead to diepressioa and low priori later. We cannot continue a full war effort and preps to Leet the problems of the post -wax: pyo uufess we maintain a sttabie and. reagionabl! price mei :. •4' 1.41115T SID'AGAINST YO®VSELF -• DIG IN AND NOLO* %OW VD "VD ME serresuearc., mow mocauswe mem saismont maw :JC tains,. Ear. nisi; ane of e sates 6Onrey isszoof by the Government of Canada fa> eeinplkersize tate iinpodunew of pvaetf'n eer /mouses tem the east of (tofu* now sate efefl Mrs. Milton Naylor and Mr. Nay- lor at Newmarket before return- ing on Friday. Mrs. Bain `'MacDonald, who has spent the last three months nurs- ing in a `.., a Hospitals, has returned to herhome at. ' 4a Jean has also ' returned with her mother;, Mrs. MacDonald. ' The absentee problem ' in Ger- many is acute. Every day a few more 'factories fail to show up: • WHITECHURCH Mir_ : John Mow F ray spent a day in --Hue a i• last week with rela- tives ela-tive s there MiSs Alice Laidlaw of Wing- hani, isvisiting a few days this week at the home of Mr.,, and Mme. R. Mowbray.. 't' Miss Vivi: n 'Tiffin.'of Winghain and 'Mr. "• a n near Dungannon and ,her sister, Mrs: Reeves' of Clinton called . cera friends in tthe village on Sunday. Mr. Bob Addaxs who has been working with Mr. Gillespie for some time enlisted ,in the arty at London 'last ' week. Mrs Froothe who had an op- eration for appendicitis in Wing- ham hospital, we are glad to re -, is able"to return to her horne� this week. • �. WREN Jean Weliwood is spen- ding her holidays at her home here and WRENi. Velma Scott is . Jimmie --Week:..; e weloame them.. (Intended for last week) Mi • iiii'esLRy Sherriff of Wind- ger ind sor visited last geek with his cousin, Mr. W.' R Farrier. ' Mrs. ! Ab Couites and children spent Iast week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Kerry at Paisley. Mrs. dordori McKay and dau- ghter Barbara of Winghaut spent a few days at the home of Mr. Hector McKay. Mrs. W. R: Farrier & son Car- 'man and daughter Winnifred and Mrs.. Garnet Farrier are holiday -4• ing at •l intail this 'Week. R(7R T=In Winghani Hospital 11 on Saturday, August 19th' to Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Craig, a son. Congratulations, • We are sorry to report Mrs. Frome to be lin Win gra. gtram hospt t tat suffering 'Strom an _attack of _•. -..._ appendicitis. Mr: & Mrs. John Reid of Cod- erichand Miss Nettie Sharpe of • Hamilton spent Sitrida:y • after noon at the home cd .Mrs. b. Kennedy and Mrs. A. Fox. Miss Mildred Mcelenaghan, nine -in -training at Guelph is spending a couple of Weeks ay