HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-08-31, Page 4E•FOUR 1.4 LISTEN TO 'a • The Lucknow .Sentinel, L,norknow, Ontario ....._ Self Polis ''.ng Liquid Wax :& .Paste Floor Wax On °'Every Friday Mooing At .1045 '37 Prizes- Awarded Each Broadcast 'FROM CK N WINGHAM-920 on Your Dial 1N'or Salt; A t . All •Grocery and, Hardware Stores WEDDING SELLS ROBINSON—MaeDONAL'D A quiet military, wedding took !dace izX Halifax on Saturday, Aiigusi 12th, when WREN Mabel MacDonald,' daughter •of Mrs. ,Margaret 'MacDonald of Kincar- dine and the late Thirteen Mac- Donald, became the bride of Stoker. ' James Robinson, son 'of Mr. John Robinson.' and ' the late -Mrs.' Robinson of Collingwood. 'The, marriage .was . performed at the PresbyterianManse by the. Rev. A. G. Farriday. Attending. the young couple Were WREN Jean Webster of Kincardine. and . Leading Stoker Joseph .Purdue of Peterborough: Following a short trip to Nova Scotia 'points, the couple return- ed to Halifax .where both are. sta- tioned. ASI-IFIE.LD The Mary Hardie '.Mission Buried meets on`Friday 'afternoon of this: 1,week' at The Mans?. The Presbyterian cci,ngregation 1 held their, annual ' . picnic on Thursday of last week at ,Camp Kintail.. ` : The I3emlock ' City quilting group has been very active dur- ing vacation time. They meet . in the school once a week and. fin- ished • several ..quilts. • Mr. Neil J. 'MacKenzie has in- stalled hydro on his farm: Misses Helen Mackenzie, ' Betty and Isabel MacDonald have,.com- pleted their short 'course at Lon - 1 don ,Norman School. • • Miss Bowman of Lucknow and Mr. and . Mrs. Mervin •'Carter ., an family of Clandeboyevisited' with Miss Tena 'Buckingham • recently. Mr. Il. A. Maclntyre has re- n f' f e•r a rs of turned from a vacation in which the West. bleeding and he p.rotrf.udin'g piles .skould know Bunkers Herbal Pills treat the cause at it source. ,Money !, back if the first bottle does not satisfy.. At A. .E. MccKim's and ` Gordon Taylor's Drug Store. Rayfield, :carburetors • For Economy • For Performance . • For. Power , For Ford %!odds A and B 5.98 For Pord , uodei 178 12.95 For Chevrolet '29 -'31 8.26 For Chevrolet '32 -'r.2 .... 12.35 For. Plymouth' '33 - '40 ..: - 12.3E For roost other cars op to 1932 ®oder . .... 8685 to 10.80. took a trip through . part of Some of the young men of this district are' planning to: go West to 'help with the harvest. Mr. and Mrs.' J. MacKay of Kintail have received. , a ' letter. from their son, Lieut: Donald MacKay who is . prisoner of war is well. These •letters of 'course ►' are very short. . POT most other. cars from 1933 to 1942. 12.25 t' 14.95 • CANADIAN TIRE CORP. ;a • 1 ' The rnan ' who tries to drown his troubles in dripk' usually finds that he. has • only irrigated them. THURSD%AY, ° i1J ' U T .31*, 1 WED IN ASHFIELD FIFTY if EARS AGS "Woodlea" the farm home of Mr. and Mrs.. R. C. McGowan, 3rd Concession, East. • h, Wawanos was the scene of a happy occasion on' Tuesday, August' 15, when many relatives, friends and neighbors called to offer cngratulationsand best wishes on the celebration 'of :their gulden w dung. The mar- riage took placn Ashfield on Janrrar-y 18, 1894, but owing to road and weather conditions this past winter, the observance of their • .50th anniversary was post- poned. , Their. four: daughters, • Mary • Mrs. ' C. R. Coultes, ' Belgrave), Rebecca Dixon (Mrs. 'Fr'ed' ,Reid, Varna); Ruth (Mrs.. Harold Buf- fett, Carsonville, Mich:), Edna (Mrs.. Geo. Charter, Blyth), were all present for the occasion. The house. was nicely decor- ated .with a ,profusion of : summer flowers. The tea room was dec- orated with a white wedding bell and yellow streamers. and the tea table which was ,covered with a lace cloth was 'centred with ' the wedding cake and candles. Dur- ing the afternoon, • Mrs. E. J. Mason. of Goderich and Mrs. A. M. Babb of Teeswater, poured. tea and -in the evening .Mrs. D. C. Tfilylor - of Lucknow. and: Mrs. Almc `McGowan, Blyth. Tea was served to the . guests by four' of t'h'e i r granddaughters; Mabel Coultes, .Anna and Doris. Reid, Mildred Charter and Mrs: Jas. R. Coultes. . Guests were present 'from Lon- don, Goderich,, Auburn, oToronto, Lucknow, St. Marys, . Clinton. Varna, . Teeswater and Blyth. Many beautiful gifts received ex- pressed the esteem and best wishes of all for more 'years of ..weddecLlife together. . RE -OPEN SLUEVALE .DEPOT Closed .forsome time, Blue'iale C.N.R. depot has been re -opened with M. W. Kerr appointed as station master. Business has been on ..the increase there and the DONNYBROOK - •• Anniversary , services will' be held in ' Donnybrook United Church' next Sunday, September. 3rd,. •afternoon and evening, Rev. Mr. Howse of Ashfield Circuit will be the guest speaker at both services. . ' 4'. Billie and Jhnmie Chamney of Windsor spent last week with their pparents, Mr.. and Mrs. R. Chamney. Mr. Jack Mills has returned to his home. in Detroit after spend- ing the holidays at the home of his aunt- _Mrs. Norman Pomp- son. , Mrs. It Jefferson has rettirned 1 home after -spending a week •with her parents, Mr: and Mei. George, Thornton at Blilevale. railway authorities :have on, re- quest of the shippers and busi- nessmen of : that arta,' , put ,the • 1 A. FOR SALE 'Heintzman' piano,' with bench, in good condition. Apply at Sentinel Office. HOUSEKEEPER : WANTED —On farm, .middle-aged, l t work. Apply at .Sentinel Office., .. " , WOOD FOR SALE Elm body. wood, 14", 16" and 4 -foot lengths. Apply. to, Wm.. A. Humphrey, R. 2, Lucknow. THE KANSAS . FARMER will.. give- an • °entertainment at, the Palace Gardens, Formosa, on Sunday; ' September 3rd from 2.30 to 5.00• p.m. INDIGESTION ' pains vanish in. three -minutes . when . you use Wilder•'s Stornaeh Powder -pleas- ant and tasteless. 50c and $1 at TAYLOR'S DRUG STORE. WANTED TO PURCHASE= -Pule lets eight weeks of age and older. Barred Rocks, New : Hampshire% and White- Leghorn. Good prices paid: Write. Tweddle Chick Hat- cheries ' Limited, Fergus, Ont. APPLICATIONS WANTED Applications for the position cf collector of Taxes in the Town- ship of West . Wawanosh . will be. received by the undersigned, up to. 2.00 p.m. oritember 12th, 1944. The salary. has been, set at $100:' DURNIN PHILLIPS; Clerk of West Wawanosh, • Lucknow, Ont., . R.R. No. 2: FOR SALE -- A child's go-cart. Apply to W. S. Reid. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. George Lane and family are deeply grateful to friends, and. neighbors who wrr'e so kind and ,sympathetic in their bereavement and wish to acknowledge all these kindnesses , with most sin- cere - thanks and appreciation. 0 4. 'Ralph Pagan , and Violet ard. Gerald Rathwell wish, to eit:er.d their sincere thanks to friends and neighbors forall their kind= ness during their recent sad .be- reavement. "• iN MEMORIAM TRELEAVEN—In • loving mem- ory of .a dear motherand grand- mother, Annie Treleaven, who passed from this earth August ; 21st, 1941. , `Two. bright eyes, a tender smile' A loving heart that knew no guile Deep trust in God . that . all was .right Her joy to make some .-other bright , ' If sick or suffering one sher knew Some :gentle act bf toy'e sh 'd do: No thought of self, but of, "the other", I know He said "Well done, dear. mother" • ' Lovingly'remembered and sa3 ly . missed' by Bert, Amelia and Family. • CLERK'S• NOTICE. OF FIkST POSTING ; VOTERS' LIST 'Nods" List; '-1944,.; Muriieipalty, of . the Village of Lucknow in the County of Bruce. Notice is hereby given that have complied with Section 8 of the Voters' :List Act and ,I '.have posted up at myOffice in the said Village .on the • 18th. day of August ,A.D.1944, the list of all persons entitled to vote in , the said village at Municipal Elect- ions and' that ,such List remains tiere-fur' inspectiun. And I hereby call. upon 'all ' Voters to • take immediate pro- ceedings to have alny errors or omissions corrected according. to laic, the, .last day for appeal be- ing the 8th day cf . September A.D. 1944; - ' Dated at Lucknow, Ontario, this 21st day of_August A.D. 1944. NOTICE .11* ,Ladese Ati ciliary of the Canad.ipn. ,Legion egion B.£:S.L. will .r meet in the Legion Rooms, Tues- day, .September 5th , at 8 p.ni..' The Zone Representative, Mrs. Grif- fin of Woodstock ;will be present. A good attendance is requested. NOTICE The 'annual meeting of the. .Lucknow Elevator Company, Ltd. station back to its former status. Twill be held at the office of G. H. Mr. Kerr has just completed a 'Smith: on Saturday, . September term in the • army. His ' brother i-9trr -1.944-at 8 o'-eleek: p.-rrr. Meet -- is the station agent at Brussels '--on of officers -and -other regular He started his railroad career at, business to be transacted. Milverton about -,24 years agv.,,J , n JAMES. HACKETT,. Pres. ASSOCIATE STORE . Mr: and Mrs. J. C. II.o • inson, Mr.1 and Mrs. Gordon Robinson Cpbfirs and Mrs Elizabeth Naylor visited over the dweek-end with relatives at Br6-nsville and vicinity. ' • Garage • Mrs. • Jefferson has . received Wingham, 'Phone 184 word that her daughter. N3rsing 1 Sister Olive Jefferson is now ser- �, ving in France. Mille •Early ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7th, - So You Won't Miss Any Of THE CLANSMEN'S MONSTER, CARNIVAL Whichpets Underway At 8.15 Sharp IT'S: THE° BIO NIGHT OF THE YEAR will be a great convenience, 'for. the folk of the Blp.evale district to have this service again.' Prof. A. W. Anderton Will Resume Tuitions In Piano, Singing and Theory iN LUG'iKNOW On Friday, September 7th At The Residence Of A. C. AGNEW ' • FERTILIZER " ucknow Consumers' Co -Operative WILL BE MIXING Fertilizer as usual this fall. WE CAN MIX 2-12-6, 0-12-6 and any grade you ma need for wheat. WE ALSO HAVE plenty of material for mixing the above grates without filler for sow- ing in .any ordinary seed drill along with the grain. ON ACCOtNT of the short age of labor it 'is necessary that we receive orders early. JOHN JAMIESOI Manager 'PHONE 11' LUCK -VOW CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTLNG,.'OF VOTERS' LIST Voters' Lists, 1944, Municipality of 'Township of Kinloss, County of Bruce Notice is hereby given that I have complied 'with Section 8 of, The Voters' Lists Act and thLt I'have posted up at my office at R.R. 2, Holyrood on. the 15thday of August, 1944, the list of all persons ' entitled to vote in the 'said. Municipality at Municipal Elections and that such list re- mains there for inspectibn. ' • And I hereby call upon all vot- ers to take 'irrimediate proceed-- ings to have any errors on arts- sions corrected according to the last day for appeal, being •„he l ath day of September, 1.44. Dated this 15th day of4s.Augu: t 1944. JOSEPH AGNEW, Clerk of the Village of Lucknow. J: R. _.A1 Clerk r;f COMING ElENTS DANCING AT PARANIOV-NT Every Fri ai e. ...-s C;:- ruthen' pr,pu.a: •G.."E•..•a. D•, . prize:' Stuart MacKenzie.1 BARRISTER & SOLICITOR, P. BARRI tti alkerton, Ontario. IN LUC•KNOW Each Wednesday OFFIC E IN THE LEGION INSURANCE , SOVEREIGN" LIFE CAR, FIRE & CASUALTY Free 'Advise on .11I Insurance Matters. District Representative PHILIP• S. STEWART i'PHONE 8 LtCKNOW North ' American Life A MUTUAL COMPANY A. Grant MacLennan District Representative Ripiev, Ont. ' Phone 28-r'-8. F. T. ARMSTRONI OPTOMETRIST IN LUCKNOW EIR,,ST WtDNES1W' OF EACH .MONTlI FROM 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.. Larne MacLennan, 'Phone 77-w• NTw :f. ' [MHMID'S. STORE 4