The Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-08-10, Page 8r r4GE ppm: • g"-.• =7.; !=,;!.:1'.: The Lucknow Sentinel, Lnehnow, Ontario THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1944' Ms SMART TO BE THRIFTY •Sew and Save ITS A WAR -WINNING MEASURE PURE WOOL PLAID, for skirts' and jackets. 54 inches $2.65. ALL: WOOL HERRINGBONE SUITING—Fine quality for snits, two-piece. dresses or separate skirts. 54 inches wide. Yard $2.25 ALPINE —, The favorite material for tailored dresses, skirts, slacks, 54" wide. Yard - $2.00 & $2.25 POPULAR, PRICED printed Feather Flannels, floral designs on brown or blue backgromid. 38" wide. $1.00 PRINTEDWILLOW CREPE. Smart monotone ltItterns can be worn now or later. 3e inthes wide. $2•24 • WOOL & RAYON DRESS •FABRIC—for sport' dresses, skirts and children's wear, in plain colors. Yard •' $1.25 wide... Yard „ MARRIED AT MORRISTON •• A wedding of interest was sol- emnized at •Morristown mi -,,Sat- urday, July 22nd, at 3.30 p.m. when •Miss Mary Etta Turner, • only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. • John Turner of Kitchener and • formerly of West Wawanosh, be- • came the bride of. Mr. Donald Jackson. The happy couple spent their honeymoon at PoI Elgin, and called at 'the " home of her . uncle, Mr. Albert Patterson. Ifeir. Wee!cly Guide •Better Buying "Goad Morning" Marmalade By ShirAffs (2 coupons) 2 lb. 'Jar 35e THRIFT SOAP• FLAKES Giant Family size, box 35e -BELLOGGS 'CRUMBLES• Tasty Shreds of Wheat 2 liackages 27c CANADIAN SARDINES in oil, 3 tins 25c AYLMER APPLE JUICE Sparkling, refreshing Bottle 15c " KRAFT CHEESE Canadian, Velveeta & Pimento % lb. pthg. 241e This- Coupon Is redeentable at Thompson's for 5c on any article on our premium table. With the pur- chase of any item or items • from this advertisement., the value of this coupon will be doubled.. Cash in on these • real saving. . (Valid to Aingust 16th only) Former Bruce Member Passes' In Walkerton Derralter Allan Hall, a med- ical practitioner in Walkerton for more than forty .years and -Lib- eral member for South Bruce in the Federal House for ten years, • passed ,away in Walkerton on Thursday after a long illness. Of a family of nine children his brother John of Sarnia alone survives. Mr. Angus McIntosh and Miss Margaret McIntosh of Holyrood are a nephew and niece of the deceased. • Dr. Hall was born in Perth County and spent his early life near Teeswater.. He attended school at Salem; Walkerton, •Owew ,Sound -and St: -Catherines and taught school •for 10 years before attending Queen's' Uni- versity where he obtained his I -I medical degree in 1900 and est- d ablished a 'practise in Walkerton w OBITUARY WINNERS NAMED 411111011M1111111111k !otrN 1C----mactooNALD IN CROP CONTEST' patience. ' Wilson and Kenna MacDonald He was the son of the late Sara, pioneer settlers who settled nea the boundary known as "Egypt' in 1844. There John was born where he.lived'ilis whole life til ill health forced him' to. ,retire. Since then he lived with differ- ent members . of his family. His beloved wife predeceased him in 1934. He was a man of sterling integrity, upright, ev&- true to all 'his friends and 'to the noble tradition of the Scottish race. He was possessed of° a gentle cheery nature. His handshake was that of . a true friend, and his whole life was rich in love, and affec- tion. To Mourn the passlng of a. dear parent are four daughters, Mrs. George Blue (Sadie); .Mrs. IL Agnew (Marybelle), Detroit. Mrs. Noble, Johnston • (Jessie),' Lucknow and Mrs. Stanley Dien-. pan (Catherine), Ashfield. He deeply regretted but bravely bore the loss of his only son Red, who died in yeung manhood:He is also survived by 13 'grandchild- ren and, as a loirer, of children they were endeared to their. grandfather:A host of sorrowing friends and relatives will cherish his memory for many years.. 'The- tiineial -,Whieh* Wail held. on 'Friday from the home of Mr. Stanley Drennan was Very large, y attended. The service was con- ucted by Rev. C. H. MacDonald ho spoke ennifortinj words to the bereaved ones. Rev. W. 0. Rhoad assisted. The pallbearers were all near relatives, Finlay MacDonald, Finlay J. MacDonald, Bruce MacDonald, David Mac Donald, John K. Matheson an .. I . 11/=••••11••••••••••• Winners have been named in t, the field crop competition spon- sored by the Lucknow Agricul- s h tural •Society. The competition was for standing fields of Cartier . , oats grown from registered No. 1 d seed"; 'there were eighteen entries r in the contest, with the 'first' eight scoring the highest marks divid, s the priie money Of $75.00. First prize was $13.00 and 8th prize There passed away at the home of. his daughter, Mrs, Noble John • Ston, Lticknow, on August. is • one of Ashfield's beloved 'citizen in the person of John Kennet MacDonald at the age of 79 Years His last illness was of brief dor ation although his •health ha been somewhat impaired fo some time past, but he bore hi weakness with true Christian r 1 the same year. In 1925 he was elected to Parl- iament in South Bruce. He was re-elected in 1930, and in 1935 unsuccessfully contested Grey. Bruce riding against 'Miss Agnes MacphaiL - • Dr. Hall is survived by his wife. Their only daughter died The funeral *Service was held in St. Paul's United Church, Walkerton, on Saturday. Made Two- Quilts The ladies of the Victory Club met at the home of Mrs. Robert Lyons and made two Red Cross quilts. The next quilting will be at the home of Mrs. "Wm. Mac- Crostie. • Made Two QUilts The ladies of the 9th Conees- sion Victory Club met for their July meeting at the home of Mrs. George Stuart when two quilts were made for; Cross. • THOMPSON'S GAT.INT—In Wingham General 'PHONE 82 WE DELIVER Hospital on Monday, July 31st, to ' Mr. and Mrs. Russell (aunt, --manem•ilm9• • R. 5, Lucknow, a son. There was only seven points between the first place and 8th place fields, the high score being 88. poinfS. • The,list Of winners •is as fol- lows: -1st, Harvey, Ritchie, R. 3, Lucknow; 2nd, W. E. Henderson, Lucknow; 3rd, Wilmer Robb, R. 3, Goderich; 4th Harry Lavis, R. 5, Lucknow; 5th Samuel Gibson, R. 3, Goderich; 6th Thomas Hac- kett; R. 3, Lucknow; 7th, Roy Alton,. R. `7, Lucknow; 8th, Robt. Hamilton, R. 3, Lucknow. He was in his 85th year. • Born near s Kingston in 1860, Mr. Switzer came to Holyrood with his parents, 'Wm.. Switzer and Arabella Teskey, when an infant of seventeen months. Be has spent his entire life m the community where he was well and widely known. In 1894 Mr. Switzer married Margaret Ann Stothers, and, on JUne 21st of this year they, ob- serVed their- golden Wedding an- niversary: . .Mr. Switzer had been in failing health for over two and a half years and lgist week -suffered a- • SEPoIr Theatre Friday, Sat'day Only, Two Shows -7.30 &° 9.30 "THE PAY6OFF"- A detective mystery. thriller with a generous sprinkling of h i‘ or, starring LEE TRACY with • • TOM BROWN INA THAYER o objects Coming Next Week, . Sat., Monday • The thrilling war picture "DESTROYER" Edward G. Robinson Glenn Ford Margaret Chapman Edgar Buchanan Cartoon,' COMING\ . . . . . Blomlie & Dogwood in `IT'S A GREAT LIFE" COMING . . . "DAWN ON THE GREAT DIVIDE" 101111111111111111111.111r fractured • hip- in' -a home. Be was removed to Wing - ham Hospital, but his strength failed rapidly.• Besides his' wife, he is survived by .a son Jack of Huron Town- ship and two 'daughters, Mrs. L. C. Cox of Calgary and Mrs. R. L. Treleaven of 'Woodstock and a sister, Mrs. Colin Eadie of Glen - A private luneral service was •' held at the home of his son, Con. , 8, Huron Township on Monday alAernoon, conducted by Rev. Herbert F. Dann: Interment was in South Kinloss Cemetery. Pall- bearers were Donald McPherson, Ramer Harris, Richard Baker, Richard Elliott, Robert MacDon-•, nanon. A son Ray .died thirty- ald, Mark Johnstori and Leslie d lour years ago at the age of six Congram. Wlill llarris=Neighixws-alld-mus ins carried the many beautiful floral tributes. Burial took place in Lochalsh Cemetery. Friends from 'a distance atten- ding the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. George Blue and Marjory, Mr. and Mrs. H. Agnew, Mr. John Matheson, Missi Sadie, Mr. .Doug al Matheson and John K., Mr and • Mrs. Lund, Mrs. Jack Ross Miss Margaret' Bowe of Detroit, Mrs. Margaret MacKenzie, Sar- nia, Miss 1VIabel and Salena Mac- Donald, Windsor, Mrs. John Campbell and Mrs. MacNaught, Hamilton, Miss MacKenzie, Kin- cardine, Mrs. Black, Lnnqing, Mich.; Rod MacDonald, Stratford, Isobel, Londen, Bertha, Toronto, Mrs: Cowles, London and Mrs. Dr.) Porde, Hamilton. GARRET1 T. SVVITZER, The death of Garrett Teskey Switzer, a lifelong resident of the Holyrood district, occurred at midnight on Friday, August 4th. HY SUFFE With Your Feet? We carry a full line of. Dr. School's appliances for the relief of tender and, painful foot condition,. We also have the -best in corrective footwear to give you the utmost com- fort day in and day out. C.Ratinsrell cs Son Men's and Boys' ,Work Clothing, Shirts, Pants, Smocks, Socks and Undergarments The -Store- Wftb-The4tOilit— THE MARKET STOR a