The Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-08-10, Page 34
The Lu chow Sentine'l,, .udcnow, Ontario
August 1
Carruther's Orchestra
Refreshment Booth
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Ecken-
Willer and Mr. and Mrs: John
'Ross attended the Ross Book
wedding on. Saturday .in Harrill-.
t)n. •
Mr. Earl Percy and Mrs. Har-.
o:d Thompson • of Kincardine
spent. Sunday with Mr. and Mfrs:
A?f ,Haldenby.
Mr. and.. Mrs. Syd Parry, Billie
end Jark:'i�f"IDeCrplt vlsifecl over'
the week -end with Mr. and Mrs.
Jas.. Hodgins. • 1
Mrs. Dr. Quinn, the former
Lily Arnold will be, welcomed
' here" on Sunday to address the'
--Presbyterian W.M.S. Thankof-
:•fering meeting at 3.15' p.m. The`
Angcan service will be held at
o'clock instead of:2.30 p.m. with
' Canon Townshend 9f London in
Mr: and Mrs. Art Haldenby,
•Shieley and Marjorie returned to
'Toronto after spending the past
two weeks with friends here.
' Miss Evelyn McLean and ;Mr.
and Mrs.' Levi Eckenswiller of
London spent the week -end at
g'their homes here.
Miss Veronica Murray of .Pres-
ton spent the Week -end at her
'home here.
.Miss • Betty Gillespie returned
. home after spending the past two
weeks in »Detroit. •
,;Mr. and Mrs. Russell Needham
and. Mr:.John Wall. spent , ari ev-
ening last-; week with .Mr.. and
Mrs:George Haldenby. '
Mrs. M. ' Pierson • of Millarton
spent 'a few days last week with
f,:•iends here.
iVlr. Jas.
Hcvdge spent: the week
lior end with friends in Dunnville.
. Mr. and Mrs. -Perry Hodgins
and Sharon spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Alf JIaldenhy.
Mildred Pinnell was
E. ,me over the week-encl.
:•,!:r and Mrs. Jack Scott. Billy
Bnt+hy. Mrs. Cox. Rev. G. B'.
f' M:•.• and Mrs. -Wm. C,»
4•. visit yrs Sunday with' Mr.
• i :`,I:. 'Maurice •Hh,i in .
1T,:•, Re•th and Jean Jahn-
AliP•d . ,re ,,f K.nca'rdine spent the
• - -T'd at their h
•1l' \*• • istson Cox returned
t :Ct•tt` York to
` hiS p i`ochi ii duties. '
af` r
, e • `t .,
'1• .
' Mr. and Mrs.. Henry Kruger of
Detroit spent last week and Mx.
and Mrs, Ed Thom of St. .Helens
spent Sunday with Kra.. Gillie
and Jack. '
Mr. •Chris Kunkel, .Mrs. Wang
ler •and family 'of Walkerton 'were
'recent visitors • with • Mr, 'and Mrs.
Pat •MacMillan.''.
,Mr. Bud -Sims of °Toronto=spent
the; past Week at the home of ,IVIr. •
Tom Inglis. " • ' " •
ongratulations"to •Mrt .& Mrs.
Russel Gaunt on the' arrival "of a
son. -i
Mr: -and Mrs. 'Basil Thompson,
of Caledon & Mrs. •Russel Moore
and • wee daughter of Kitchener
visited •last. week .With Mr. and
Mrs. Art •Moore and, Mr. and Mrs:•
Eddie : Moore '
Miss Annie Smith 'of Kincar-
dine spent last ' week with her.
sister, Mrs. 'Frank Miller. •
1 Mrs. ...Archie MacDonald'. •of
Stratford •called on Mr. Alfred
Patterson -on Monday. •. • ,
Mr: and Mrs.. Cliff Hackett •and
sons visited with' Mr. and. Mrs.
Pharis. Mathers on Sunday.
Mr: .and Mrs.. Fred, Mc(uillin
and, sons spent Sunday with Mr.
• and .Mrs®Farish Moffat;
Miss Donna Miller •• of Dorches•
ter spent last week with her aunt
Mrs. Fred.' McQuillin,
,Mr and Mrs. 'Roy Hudson and
family .of 'Wingham are visiting
with Mrs. Hudson and Gretta:.' '
Mr. • and. Mrs...'Medford Carter,
Ross and Marjorie of Walkerton
and Mr: and Mrs. Will- Brown, • of
.Riversdale were -:Sunday visitors
rat Mrs...Hudson's. •
,.u..... -.w: ,...... _. tip......,.__..,..,......_..,.
A quietvedding took place in
First United Chu.rch, St, Thomas.
when Vera Mae, only daughter of
Mrs. Lasenby, of London and
formerly of Ashfield and the . late
John ,Lasenby, was united in
marriage to Edse'l Claude Potts;
younger son of Mr. and Mrs:
Percy Potts. St. Thomas. Rev. A.
E7 -Lloyd officiated.: The bride
wore a -white sheer ; chiffon dress,
'flowered headdress and corsage
houquet of pink roses*arid .si.v?ct
peas. Gordon Lasenby, Ivother of
the ' bride, was best man. After
wedding dinner: the couple left
on . a trip' to Toronto and the
Georgian Bay. For traveling, the
bride wore a robin's •egg blue
crepe suit with white accessories.
. Mrs. Campbell ,of Hamili5n is
visiting with Mr. and Mrs..Don-
"ald MacDonald. -
Mrs. Joe Jardine, 'her daughter
Gwen and Ruth Hesse, of Evan-
ston; Ill. and Mary - -MacMillan
are visiting Miss Mary ' MacKen-
zie. Mr. .Jardine spent the week-
end here.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacDoli-
ald attended the MacDonald re-
union Saturday '•
Mrs. W. •G. Reed accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Nicholson
•to London. Tuesday. •
• A 'few from here .were at the -
races in Goderich Civic holiday.
Misses Mildred. and Kay Weil-
er are spending :a week's holi-
days here.
Miss Shirley Webster of Wind-
sor. is holidaying with' relatives.
• Then there is the 'sailor who
was asked th^ .name of the new -
girl he had out last night. .
He. said she ..was nit new. just
a repaint j - b.
The Clue of the Tacking.. Dog _
u in the 1 i v ti' YKSits.
the doh who could talk
�,. ,.. z , e, ; , •. h'.s crippled
:a,�•. •' B`.. 1,1 �•:,s ; . �r b»
• t,st•
S �I.•
Mrs; WIT G. Reed has received
'the following letter from her son
Howard: •. .
. • • Somewhere in France.
»July 31st, 1944.
Dear Mother:
Received your letter written
July 21st so ita,made good time.
It • only. 'took eight days" to get
here. az?
So the .crops 'are pretty good
aroun• there." 43ope there is lots
of wheat because we need, a bit
of bread over here.. It hasn't been
too bad lately as we get bread
nearly•. every nxeal, now..
I was talking to.Lloyd- McAuley
today. He does a lot of driving
so' I don'.t see him : all 'day.. Got
another Sentinel the other day.
I gave it to Lloyd and when he
drives up : to the front he gives
it to Elliott Webster. I think I
told you George was wounded
last .week: •
Doc Stewart was oVer to see
You'll ' enjoy oti-
Orange Pekoe » Ue
some of . the boys bu I didn't see
hilrxi and Ronnie d3 'ndersoh »'was
up too and I '.missed him. •
We are about six miles or "so
from the. Regiment now 'as, the
paymaster doesn't have to be
right with the Regiment They'd
have quite 'a time getting me as
i have my bed dui' in the ground
about four feet and every tirne
a bombcomes over .I hit for it
like a ground hog.
#Rovestogleffeee6,95#49 eivOiro
WTHEN demands have been
vv filled .. ', when invasion gasoline,
aviation gasoline,' Navy fueloil, petro-
learn for the manufacture of explosives,
synthetic.rubber, and gasoline for' war
industry, farming and essential truck-
ing all have been taken. from Canada's
oil supply — it, doesn't leave a. lotl. f or
the civilian!: .
Figure it out for yourself. It takes
5,250,000 gallons of, gasoline. to fuel
5,000' bombers and fighters for a
mission over Germany It takes enough
oil for one' fueling of a battleship. to
heat an average house for 350 years. It
takes 18,000 gallons of gasoline to keep
one armoured division on the move for
one ,hour. • • •
From petroleum and petroleum
g we; -obtain, the -gasoline -and -fuels
needed to ppwer planes and ships and
tanks as well as the raw material for
acetone, ammonia 'and to1uol for ex-
plosives, Organic chemicals for an-
aesthetics, naphthas for camouflage
paints and plastics and resins for war'
weapons production.
This is why civilian gasoline is short.
This is why it's up to every motorist,
to -every= owner of an oil -heated home,
to dreeto
toexercise the strictest economy in
gasoline or fuel oil .usage. Every gallon'
we can do -without "here at�home is one
gallon•rnore for the fighting men. And
they Geed every gallon they can get.
Two full years of gasoline. rationing
• and. fuel oil control in Canada have
saved ,393,000,000 gallons of gasoline'
and 175 .million gallons of fuel oil —a ' •
total saving of 568,000,000 -gallons of
petroleum products. Yet, despite this
'. saving, gasoline stocks on hand in
Canada, a$ of March 31st, this year,
195. ° 5.0001100 gdllons less .than at.
the commencement of rationing, April
• .1:2
Oil; has a mighty war job to do.— yet
supoiies ate short and are constantly •
dwindling. Oil powers the attack on '• -
every front. Oil can mean the difference
between success or failure, between
light casualty lists and
• heavy. Oil is vital ammuni
tion — not to be wasted, not
to be needlessly, frivolously
An announcement i33ired by
The Department of Myr:Worts and Supply;
H,onourrsble C'. D. Hawe. Minister'
Answering Your •
.Questions, about the •
• Gasoline Shortage
,1 '• ',at are Canada`s total yearly ire-
q:I 'rements of motor gasoline? . - .
Apppromitnatel ---800:000; 00; gal '
1•ons. Do these requirements have
' to -corer both military and civilians,
needs? ... Yes.' Why cannot this
supply he increased? Because
Loral .hemispieric supe les are in-.
adequate to meet both the colossal '
war demand, and Icivilian needs.
There is not enough' oil, there are .'
no eetough tan ____ dor both: flow
i.,..t% oY Catl".r a s etr0 cum nee s
is supplied from Canadian-u�ells?
. Only 1 c Thi can't Ibis home
production be in,-reased? . , , Every
e:-1,:-,:, is being -made ade tc do so. More
h.: -,,ii w'e::< are bin ` 'rt1,d
� � O`131e-
p'--`=,i. f,,_ d.. „
17Lie ht, v--. c't V.-e,terr.
hut- w: hate o' trod a new
T riser Valley. Wt'ar does not wait
fi''r '''eW nroduct o
h1 •