The Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-08-10, Page 1$2.00 A Year -:-Iia Advance; 50e Extra to U. S. A. GI4IDES AT -CAMP :FOR TEN DAYS• The 1st Lucknow Company Canadian Girl . Guides have bee at camp at Kintail..for the pa ten days on,- the property know ?s ."The ,Carrick Place". The gir break camp'`today (Thursday,). Members of the camp staff ar. Camp Commandant, Mrs. A. lcKim, district cornmissione Guide Lieutenant; Marr Salkeld Sports Director, Helen Salkeld Quartermaster Lieut., Margare Salkeld. Members of , the four patrols attending ramp (the .first named ,being the patrol leader) were, Blue—Mary McQuaig, Mary An derson, Betty Anderton and Doris LJCKNOW, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, • AUGUST 10, 1944 SUNDAY BROUGHT RELIEF. FROM HEAT WAVE , Sunday brougl t welcome relief. of to this district which had swelt- n ered under a five-day heat wave. st Starting last .Tuesday when the n mercury Oared' . = to 92 . degrees. Is there' was no., relief for the re- mainder of the week. e: There ,were various opiriloIis: as E. to which was the hottest day, • but A''; .1 according, to the official weather records' the maximum tempera- ture for each of . the five days' t was as follows;' Tuesday 92 degrees Wednesday 94.5 degrees Thursday 93.5 degrees Friday 92 degrees - , Saturday 88 degrees Lloyd; Green -Mary Marshall, Beryle Solomon, Shirley Robin— son, Winnifred Stewart; Yellow CLINIC NEXT. WEEK! —Mary Johnston, Jessie Marsh - 1 EIGHT PAGES LEADERSHl RECOGNIZED HIGH SCHOOL TO ' OPEN SEPTEMBER 18 all, Marilyn: McAlpine,,, Red— Mary Porteous, Margaret , Tre- leaved, Nancy Reid, . Donalda. Mc- Quaig. The daily time table which the camp observed was as follows: 8.00 a.m., rising whistle; 8.45, Colors; 9.00, breakfast; 10! 00, camp duties; 11100, tent inspection; 11.30, &nide work; ' 12.30, dinner; 1.30 p.m., rest hour; 2.30, court of honour; 3:00; Guide work; 4.00, Swim; 6.00, supper; 7:00, games; 8:30, fire; 10.00, taps,'lights out whistle., On Friday evening the Guides Inst out"' u a b game to a. team from the ?Anglican camp at Kin- tail, but the local girls: were. looking forward to another en-• cbunter. on Tuesday evening when they hoped to turn the tables..: On Sunday morning the Com- pany attended church :'at .KintaiY „Camp when Rev. J. H. Geoghe- gan delivered an appropriate ser- mon: On Saturday evening the girls held a weiner roast, 'but the fun was prematurely ended by rain. SISTER-IN-LAW' *ASSES Miss Katherine MacGregor re- ceived the sad and sudden news on Saturday of the death of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Alex `" Macy Gregor, which occurred at ,her home in Granum; Alberta, on. Friday. Mrs. _MacGregor had vis- ited here in June. Word of her death was' a shock to relatives here. CNDERWENT _OPERATION . Miss Eileen Cainpbell under- went an , appendix operation in St: Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, on, Friday, July 28th. - The severe attack' which made the operation imperative came at a time when Eileen was making plsans to act as her sister's bridesmaid.. GREENOCK FLIER PRESUMED DEAD Reported missing on June 19th, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Haldenby of Greenock Township, near Kinloss Village, have' been officially not- ified that their son,, F''light Ser- geant Frederick Haldenby is now 4^• presumed dead. The young airman was in his' 2lst year. He was boss in Green- ock and attended public school at R.iversdale and High School at -swrat:-~Un -graduating Ale enlisted in the R.C.,A.F. in the spring ,of 1942. He received his wings at Hagersville in May of '1943 and was ..en his way over- • seas the following month. Besides the parents, there are three silt rs and three -brothers who cling to the . faint hope that F�rexl...n ay yet _bp ��e a�ted.rs . _ The 13th.Red Cross Brood Donor Clinic for'Lucknow and 'district will be ` held. in the Un - The openin4of Lucknow'•High Schoo'1 will be .delayed two weeks it was- decided some time ago at a meeting of the Board of ,Edu- cation. Public school will open, on the regular date - Tuesday, September 5th, but High School Ashfield;' on Saturday.It 'is :100 vp-i:l not re -open: until Monday, • years since.the arrival. of the first September 18th.. 'MacDonalds m Ashfield and 101 ' registered ^:their' :name on this Joins Sana;: Staff 115th reunion. The sons and'dau lighters of these original settlers, Miss Pearl' 'MacKenzie corn- have all passed away and the menced her duties on Monday as 'gathering on Saturday was con junior member'of the local Bank !Posed of descendants of the 3rd, of Montreal staff.. r . , 4th, 5th and 6th generations. . 1 For reasons only too obvious, there was a feeling of lonliness for those of the clan.- who have recently passed beyond the bourne of time; and 'a minute of silence, was observed in .memory . SCOTTISH CLAN HELD REUNION The annual, reunion of the Clan MacDonald; descendants of the late Donald and 'Murdoch i1 at, Donald, renewed. old. ties at the ,picturesque grove on the farm of ,Alex .MacDonald, ex -reeve of ': PRESENTATION AT H0LYROOD of five of the number, John Mac - of asocial gatheringon Friday' -reeve, Arthur Booth, , Mary MacLeod,- ' John K. Mac- evening when a community pre Donald• and Alex MacKenzie, who 1 sentation was made to Mr. and on the 9th of June paid the sup- ,. Mrs. John . Walker (formerly reme sacrifice on the fields of • 'Mrs. Eliza Ackert). in honor of France. their recent marriage and also, but with 'regret, to bid the ling Holyrood Hall was the scene Kenzie ex was guest of'honor at a dinner in Ottawa on Monday evening in celebration of his 25th anniver- sary ited Church next Weds ' day' as leader of the Liberal morning, August 16th. in Canada During the An attendance of . 150 donors 'quarter century Mr. King has is' wanted. It is two months since the last clinic was held• here and the committee in charge is putting forth an extra effort and making a . special appeal for a record- breaking ' attendance. Plans'- are being made to handle' 159 don- ors. At Wingham last week there .were..... approsimatelg...240- donor's`: • The urgency for donors at this clinic is due. to ' the demands on the blood plasma reserve by the invasion : forces, plus the fact that mobile clinics did not Operate during the month of July while alterations were being made at Connaught Laboratories: It, was: on June 1st last year that the first clinic was: held in .. Lucknow. Since then' they have.Rev_ E. J' 'Roulston, St. Thomas, been held at intervals of uncle of the bride, performed the approx- ceremony'. Miss Marian Solomon,. imately five weeks., :Already i Stratford. played the wedding there have. been twelve clinics, !music and accompanied solo - resulting in a total of 967 bloodLouise- the donations.. At next week's clinic � �� �� � �p�' sister of the bride, who, during the signing of the register, sang "Pll Walk Beside You". The bride, given in"marriage by her father,• looked lovely in a floor length gown of white triple sheer over taffeta, and . a fmger-tip veil of illusion with sweetheart head- dress. She carried a bouquet oaf At the local home nursing class red roses and fern. Miss Grace on Tuesday evening, 1)r, W. Y. Campbell attended' her, sister as Johnston gave •a very instructive a bridesmaid,. wearing a floor - length gown of pink sheer. She carried a colonial bouquet of pink roses and cornflowers. ' , Little Winnifred Hariton, of Tamworth, near Napanee, . niece of the bride- groom, was a winsome flower girl wearing. . a floor -length dress of ',Wire taffeta and carrying a nose- gay of sweetpeas. The bride - been Prune Minister of the Dom - inion for 17X' years. BOYS' &. MEN'S Work'Clothing, Shirts, Pants, Smocks; Socks, and Undergarments. The Store. with the Stock. The MARKET STORE. WEDDING BELLS stance m all activities of thit Mica=summer flowers and ferns were effectively arranged to 'arewell . m before leaving for Kin cardine to make their' home. During the _evening duan ' pres- entations and complimentary ad- dresses were read . on behalfof atherin Four pipers g g- p"pars were, pre - the Women's Institute and the . sent, Dr. MacDonald, School Section. ' Glengarry, • . The Institute address express now of Port Albert;. Mr. Hewitt, Kincardine; Wilfred McQuillan appreciation of Mrs. Walker's Lucknow and the Clan's own Nevertheless friendly greetings were exchanged. H. D. MacDon- ald presided over,a varied pro- gram of music, .. speeches and dancing. • The skirl of the pipes: ;gave a real, significance to the gl1 147014--CAAi>Q!lO LL society. ` in which she held viii dee y g e orate Hackett United church for the marriage on Saturday at 3 o'clock of Ina Jean, eldest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Camp- bell, Concession 10, Ashfield, �o Mr. ' Wilmer S. Harlton, younger son Mr. and Mrs. Girshan Harlton,St. Marys. ous offices, and as well took; an c- active part in the district organ_i ization: , Mrs. Walker also cbn- `i shuns of Scotch dancing by . the tributed ,freely of her musical � �s�s Po • the 1000 mark will be consider- ably surpassed and interest will centre around who the thous- andth donor will be. LECTURED' TUESDAY ON EMERGENCY NURSING lecture on emergency nursing. Mrs. W. S. Reid dernonnatrated bandaging on Tuesday might and Mrs. L. C. Thompson supervised bed making by , members of the class, which she had demonstrat- ed a week ago. ' • ENGAG� paper,- D_ ....A,. ,.: MacLennan_.._..The,•.• gave splendid selections which always cause 'a , yearning the heart of every Scotsman. Exhiib- and dramatic talents. The Insti- -JMary rteous, Mary tote address was ° read b Mrs. -Johnston and Mary McQuaig Frank Thompson. � were much enjoyed; ' ' ' New members to the clan .were, During the evening the follow- introduced, Mr_ and Mrs_ Will ing _program was . enioyed: read-. Harris, Ripley and Dr. and Mss. ing, Mrs. James Smith; solo, Mis.1 Ford of Hamilton who since last i Ernest 'Ackert: reading. Merger- year have become one. Miss Jan- et Ann Murray: duet, Mrs. Wm- net MacDonald ; of Montana and: Graham and Miss Eileen Elliott Rhea Jean Martin of Sault Ste. The following address, on be -Marie . were present for the .first half of the School Section, was time and were given a welcome. . read by Donald MacPherson: 1 Both belong to ` the 5th genera- Holyrood. August 4, 194 tion_ D. A. MacDonald and Tom Mr. and Mrs_ Walker were glowing with Dear Friends:. ' their grandchildren. over grandchildren. Mich regret It gives us much 'pleasure to i •was felt for the absence of Mrs. gather here this evening in hen- Lennie of Ham l our of your recent marriave. We 1 promoter of the also regret your intended depart -1 was expressed for ure, frons our midst but we are a pleased . to know • that next year. Mrs_ j L you ' .are Present . and , .: making your home in the not too ' - cent n who was the- an hean and hope her. presence Harris was in excellent Speeches were Scott Mac- K A e Montreal and Rev. Scot orton. • Supper was served, games for the.. __children- ,followed aid Then _. __: more Highland dancing, and. mus- ic. The election of officers fol - to be in, the many years she ha_` lowed. D. A_ MacLennan succeeds' lived in thin eumnii David Stewart as president All Walker with • her cheeryMa-s. joined hands and sang Auld Lang' and kindlydisposition s smile Syne for another year. +position has alWaYs been ready to give a °helping hand., Her services at social func- tions, in the Red Cross, and every JACK McNALL groom , brother, Mr. Edward Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mae- g room's, Tamwo undertaking in the community Charles, Lucknow, announce the was best will' begreatly missed. Asa slight MILLED OVERSEAS man. The ushers w . far distant town of Kincardine. We are sorry that we have not had the opportunity of becoming better acquainted with Mr.. Walk- er but we feel quite sure we would- have found him to be a good a friend and neighbor as Mrs. Walker has proven herself' daughter, Were Harry token of our appreciation and; a Campbell, engagement ,of their e, remembrance from your friends Mme. Jack .McNall of Blyth re- an SadieSadie' Ellen, . to William Christ-. brother of the bpd b Knott, son of Mrs_ Dawson d Mr. Gordon. O'Neil, Chatham, and neighbors we ask you to ac- ceived word last week brother-in-law of b d ce t these that her opherthe ii egrooasa. .P gifts. After the ceremony a reception Perha these lines b Husband, Tpr.. Jack McNeil,' had take August e s parents, the brides moth God bless 25th He is survived by has wife Knott and the late Mr. Knott of Clarksburg.. The .marriage will Guesty � was held at the home of the best eress our thoughts the been killed in France en July place quietly the ratter part bride's e receiving the guests in a gown who �� it your home and'you arida family of seven children of nayy blue sheer, with corsage' In the sweet oils of gladness •pr. Mckall, who was ist his BERME MlililSTER LEAVING of roses. The bridegroom's ' steep it 34th year, was a member of .the f Rev H W Stra m ` nervi urch circuit pink no_. For the buffet lunch mother received with her, gown ed in navy blue with cnrsage owealth, pp, ministerOf e United ch ' &-, Endow' the walls with lasting The lights of love; the g16w of The- palmi of peace, the charm of mirth, Good friends to sit around your hearth, And with each nightfall 'perfect rest, Here let you live your happiest. • Signed: ----on _behalf ' of your neighbors and . friends of S.S. No. 4, - Mrs., . Richard Elliott,, Mrs. which includes Bervie, Clar . & ! eon `which was served; to _ bo,,at glass- bras bEen eh ster ' of Chapleau United brei and will soon take over his new duties. Mr. Strapp dune to Bernie from Manitoulin Island. He has taken on active part in common- hat and accessories. On their re - its, enterprises terprisess and conttibuted turn Mr. ' and Mrs. ' Milton will of his musical talent in various reside on the bridegroom's farm ulext it ti ° Rea St- — as na- 3 guests, the diningroom was decorated in a color .scheme of pink and white, the table being centred with the wedding cake. The • bride chose for travelling a dress of liaise crepe with brown Elgin ' Regiment and went over- eas in October of 1942. The young men ,; a nephe,:- of Matthew and Bob McNall 'of Lucknow and a son of George McNall, Sr, who ' at 72 years of age is still driving race homes. Tpr.McNall has four brothers and two sisters, 'George. Jr.; of B1:vth;..Sanaa_,of.-Goderich; Tom of Auburn; ' Wellington, overseas; Mrs. Win 'Rani,, Mitchell, and