HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-08-03, Page 34,4 THURSDAY, AUGUST 3rd, 1944 The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario • PAGE T J.UST,, UNLOADED TWO CARLOADS ONTARIO WHITE PINE ' a i • Wraith. ONE ..CAR WEST few holidays with Gerti Friends' . and neighbors' ar U n load i.ng • T; pleased to know that Mr. Hann is . feeling much better after : hi • fa 11 Five Carloads Ontario .Wl « ..w a,„ ,:�_ ing, Etc. •IB { Spruce Siding, "'Flooring, ' Etc: Hemlock Siding, 2x4's, Etc. ALSO ONE CAR. �C Red' Cedar Shingles. We pre now. taming orders. for• Ston Sash Please- order now and he. assured of prompt delivery¢ W. HENDERSO PLANING MILL 'Phone 150-J. ai FAMILY. `BONUSES J. Deacl .man Family bonuseswill be quite popular. 'Everybody :like's to get. something for nothing. It will be claimed that they take from the rich and give' to the '-poor and obin Hood, late of Sherwood orest,. ,is now the /atron saint f democracy, In the' background biere lies this heartening story— ✓e are in' the age •of deficit fin- ncing. ]People May become rich - ay getting into debt a cr staying there when they are in—payday never comes. This • is the light which more and .more directs our: thought and action.. , , Then there ,is- another. ,idea, Sri. explosive, and expansive ore:'xWe are going 'to have "a high income after the . war and an impost of $200 or" $3OO rpiltion, 'a' mere fifty per cent . increase over, pre-war taxes, pa(d out' of a national in- come of $9,. billion will . not be apparent—while' on an income of $3 or 4 billion it would be'a mat- ter of vital importance. OTTAWA LETTER (By A. 3I.' Nicholson, M P.) The weekly letters .from Parl-: iarr,e'nt Mall have ,been' interrupt ted again, while the „member for `�:,ackenzie`'att�nc��ci�the �vsi•ear'ing in ' of the new -Cabinet at Regina and the Provinai•al convention of the Saskatchewan ' section of the C.C.F.. It has been the custom 'for, the elected members of the Pro- vincial,' House and the Federal • House tobe on hand 'to "give some ae&ount of • their.. stewardship when the delegates from all parts. of the' Province meet 'in . annual. _ convention It seems important • that there should be the ' closst consultation betw en those who r.:ak'e the laws in arliament and the rank and file of the people who pay. the taxes. These annual.! conventions offer an' opportunity to get a picture of problems E throughout a wide area. stressed, the fact .that the, new order seeks to shift. , the emphasis l,Lr'om the sacredness •of possession • to' the sacredness of life. We ha'. -e. to tliink in terms of our cdmmon humanity and our,,"common. ob-. ligations .to each • other and the. necessity for caring for the well- beirg of. all if the well-being of each is to be preserved. IUI. I_ Coldwell, speaking for, the C:C.F. .group. welcomed the in- troduction of the measure. He • r'- vie,-ved. the nrI ion eete:.h,c- isted' during.; the 1930's, and an- ticipated that the Family, A11,owi- Anse Bill would helm to ' provid:•! a minirnurn stagdard' of 'living in every Canadian brine_ illus. , Neilsen from• North! :Bat- tlefod told of the first-hand ex- perience that she had known dur- ing the. 'depression years when The swearing in of Premier T:' shelost her first son through .lack C. Douglas :and his Cabinet has of medical attention_ It will 11 - been featured in the picture: ways be a source of sorrow for shows ' across the Dominion. Itj her to know that one of her chil- is the first time in the history r dren .will suffer during his whole of the Province that the cere- mony was held in the Legislature with the galleries ,filled', with cit- izens who •heard : the, Cabinet members assume their solemn Obligations. The debate on Family Allovir- e nces has taken a good deal `cf time .during the '.present week in the House., The ?'rime Minister in rlrwing the second reading of the Bill made one of his most elo- r,,:ent speeches of the Session. He explained . that the income 'tax it gislation has recognized since l' it that incomes should be ad- justed to make provision• for the additionai family • hosts in cnn- rhrtir n with raising children. The ntesent income tax structure :.avec 30,9 a month fora family, r'ir each Child. The Family Al- l-II-caner l-l-Iccanee. Bili is supposed to ee- i-rid the lame princmle to farri- tiv's in the lower income. brack- 't>. Mr. King in discussing mod - ere trends pointed' out 'that the w•i< has hrnuahtin the fore very steoegly the injusti-es that exist in htrrnan cncietE. and leas cone - lied mere' attd women to think r "ply on the social problems of Lb,. anrr has macre therm feel that, IA...! must have a new order. Ile • lifetime as a result of . physical disabilities caused through, mal-. nutation... ill his-_. early ...days_ She 1 hoped that Canadian .families would never be called on to live through the conditions whir:1 northern settlers endured during the 1930's. Gordon • Graydon. leader of the Offi-ial OppoSition. moved an a- mendment which would .have blocked' the passage of the Bill for this session. When the Speak- er ruled it out of order. a division was called when A. W. Neill, In- dependent from Comox-Alberni,• was the only one to support .the vote with the Progressive -Con- servatives. John Diefenbaker, sneaking later, supported the principle , of the Treasure: but urged the government to submit the measure to the' Supreme Court. which would, also . delay the introduction of it for a year 'or more. `` As the House will probably• I have adjourned by the time this letter appears' in print. the Mem- ber for Mackenzie takesethis no- portunity to thank the Editor'.. for the space .'given ' to the Ottawa !Letter. Through five sessions 1 have endeavoured' to write some-' „ 1 Our national: income 'at the mu- Tr-ent 'is'high,. It has been s i`rnu- lated : by, tremendotis borrowing, it is. drivenupward by war. The problem• of markets and Market- ing- is shelved \ for :the moment and life, despite War, goes mer- rily along_ In the end there comes tomorrow Mr; Hitler will throw in the sponge, the towel, the dressing gown • and everything else. V e, staind then at the door ;f the new 'era. We are unchang- ed` from ,pre-war. days, •a 'little sadder, .a little wiser, •perhaps- but, In the "main, as We were. What' then, are We to expect? ' We do 'not know. The general as - sum.l tion' .is' '''that Adolph has brought up a new era. By reason eifehis.a.ceiv4ies:•it-seems;teerenate ional income is to be. doubled. This is . a niirage, • a form • of in- telleetual strabismus, nye ate gaz ing inward, ignoring the, world in which. we live:• :. I may be wrong -it may' he that, Hitler has solved the age- old problem of depressions and uncmployment. It may be that we can impose taxes which will retake us 'rice -rand 'exploit -the cap- italist `without making us .poor. There may be magic' in the wand of this bemustachedand bewild- ered lunatic, but. I do not think sol There may be others who have similar v ie vs=there are, I have •. Met .them. Then why not. discuss • realities and the reality I propose tos is family bonuses and the particular phase Of it. I wish to stress is this: If ive have $200 or $300 million• to spend, could we find a better, alternative method of spending it? If we can, why ,not do so? 'At least the contemplation of that idea is not a- sin -against -rnanki'nd, nor against the children of men.. It is said that this will increase purchasing power—will it? If you stand alone in a room with -5100 in your.right-hand pocket and you decide to transfer it to' your left-hand pocket. you will . not thereby have increased your own purchasing power: If I join you and you give me 825. is our joint purchasing power increased? Look now at the nation — take from' some, give to others. is the spending: power of the nation. as a whole, thereby increased? I do not think so. I am riot now discussing the wisdeen of this proposed action_ Regardless of' the rights and wrongs of it, action' should not • thin each week from a non-par- tisan angle with a view to'stin'i- Quality 'You 11 Enjoys be taken under a false coneep= tion. It involves an' increasein, taxation •of somewhere between $200 and $300 fnillfon: Thele i$' a constant tendency for the real- itiesto be' higher .than ,the 'estim-• ates, ' nor, 'does the . calculation take •into consideration the cost of distribution. While straight • in front of us there looms this fact —we cannot• enrich the nation by increasing . taxation unless the ,.taxes, in, some .way, . add 'to the national income, that is increase the volume of liroduction. if it does this, then_ __tbe,_,pieture.„is changed: As th'e income ..increases there is more.. 'employment. We have less difficulty in finding the necessary capital for investrner®t. The stabilization' of national in- come, 'at a high level depends; to. a large extent, upon the caq!taI we have,; ' for ' in esti:nent. iper worker employed.. and on the e-f- fie.ncyof management and labor.. As this increases. production rise es and if ''we can. succeed .in_' the process of increasing production and- lowering unit costs. of 'pro duction. we have th•e basis of a nigher real income: This is' the ooze: of the r: he e-' ,problem., Can we increase pro- v..ia;i . d to do ,._b w .,.the:.. ud c is 'ti-erf taxation until taxation, in 'peace time, reaches the level of.; the :.wartime load? It is a nen. con - 1 ception, perhaps' a foalish one. We face, after the, close' .cf the war. the fact. that' tl,e rations of the world' will • be ' poorere We •face also that fact that they will i be heavily. militarized. . i _S. net- ion will be involved, in the n- air. twnance..f an Arr,ylNT: - so also will the .other great naive ers and as 'the. tax lead impinges upon the capacity of the, consum- er to,buy; we shall find, that we have 'a limited market and the. 'higher bur level of :taxation the:1 more difficult will be tHye prob- lem of prodticirig and, seling at. a ISrice withing the capacity of the' market :to absorb. . house. Cagle Men Held Barn Meeting At 'Lorne Reid's Apprbxinaately • 35 Holstein breeders. from the south - west ” district of Bruce County attend- ed aa• Barn• Meeting` held during. the 'evening ''of. July 19.th "at the : Maple Lea farm of Lorne -B. Reid, , Huron Township: The . spic and, span condition of the stable and. the fine bloom Of the cattle com- prising the' Maple Lea herd were the:. object of much ' favorable ,comment.1 Agricultural represent- ative: George Gear supervised the: .program 'in his- usual capable manner, . , • • J. E. Terry, Western. Ontario fieldman for . the• Holstein -Fries- ian Association of Canada, intro- • doted' the main feature of the e :- ening, • a judging.,' competition by pointing Out the important.. things to look for in ,a good' Holstein cow.. After each member of the . crowd had tried his skill at plac- ing the animals, R. M. ' Holtby¢,. chiefinsjiector of Selective' Reg-. ' ' istration .. and' veteran Holstein fieldman, officially linedup the class. W. B. Walden, Ripley, 'presi- 'dent of . the ' County Holstein Breeders' Club, spoke briefly, as: did,. Wilford :•Dipple.: Walkerton, and Roy Geddes. John Reid and! Lorne: Reid, all THE'AP Take the heart of a sneak thief, The slime of a .snail, The tooth of the serpent, Now throw in the . taiI, •Add the gall of • a monkey, The, eye' of a r•at,.. The claw of a buzzard, ' The• ear=of Stir them up slowly: Then boil out the sap, And the scum that is left. Is the "Heavenly" Jap_ A man is that irrational creat- ure who " is always looking for a home atmosphere in a hotel and hotel service around the' ulating inter e_+t 'in rimti id j of Parliarnen. It is tn3 h)pe `het those who have rea' thisfeature • will have found same, suggestio is ' which have Rbeen i:eleful.as we. perform, our joint ,responsibility inconnection with making .le- mocracy work on the home front: • PREMIER GEOIIGE DREW gall make a report TO THE PEOPLE OF ONTARIO Wednesday, Aug. 9th 8.30 p.m. over the Ontario Regional Network :of the Canadian Broadcasting. Corporation and Affiliated Stations,