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The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario' .
THURSDA,Y, JULY ,,gotk. 1944
LUCHNOW, ONTARIO. The tourist industryin Bruce County is'
Established 187„3:
Published Each Thursday• Morning '
Subscription Rate — $2.00 A Year In Advanc6
To United, States $2.50 ,-, Single Copies 5c
Member of The C. W. N. A.
L. C. Thompson, Publisher and Proprietor
° THURSDAY, JULY 20th, 1944
• . ,
Canadian servicemen overseas pay fifty-six. .
j cents for a package •of twenty English cigar-
ettes . We in. Canada can .sendthem three hurl-
dredfor a d011a.r. American cigarettes are made
available to the Yanks at their overseas can-
teens at a very low rate and on a quota• basis
of so many per 1:1.ay,
The Canadian soldierwho is kept supplied
with smokes by relatives or war work organ-
ization.s need not worry about the cost of Eng-
Iiih fags, but what about many a serviceman
who is not so fortunate..'Smokes are the big-,.
gest drain on our money", says one chap.
Why , aren't Canadian cigarettes made
available to all Canadian troops by a. plan sim-
filar to that adopted by the -United States?
.What's the answer?
A local C,C.F. exponent claims theanswer is
• simple. He lays the responsibilitir at the deer
Of monopoly capitalism onthe part of English
tobacco firms. We can't prove or disprove any
such Clam, but we do agree with him that the
present system is a. crying shame, and the
moreso now when Caladians. are scattered on
many battle fronts a'nd delays aire to be ,
peetei in receiving parcelfrom home. 4nd.
then there's the "forgotten soldier" who ays
credited with bringing the largest financial re-.
turns of any individual enterprise3 in the
County, but the Teeswater. News laments that
inland towns and villages receive little of the
benefit. But The News has another grievance,
and here it is:
"Teeswater, situated as it is at the south-
ern tip Of :the county, along with Lucknow to
the west of Us,' More or less are the gateways
to is great vacatienland, Here we have Can
ada's largest viral' fair and in this 4i -strict,
is, te be found some of the best farming land
• in the entire province.,These points Could, -and
shoidd, be CaPitalized on by mention' in adver.,,
tising prOmoting the tourist industry. There
Should be some way wecould share in the pro-
fits- of this great summer business; or at least
gain recognition as part of this thriving county.
• "But: Teeswater, along with some other
mimicipalities are being left out in the cold.
Even though we are situated or; one of the
most travelled highways for tourists from the
south 'we lack that certain thing that gains
, recognition in the propee source. Just a short
• time ago the Owen Sound SunLTirnes publiSheil
.a vacation' edition. One large advertisement
ticed tourists to come to the Bluewater Country
• and showed a map of the Lakeshore route from
Sarnia. to Orillia; not being on this route Tees -
Water could hardly exPect to be mentioned.
But—and this is where the shoe pinches—an::
other large advertisement appeared, paid for
by Bruce County citizens through the County
•,Council, showing ' all of Bruce Peninsula and
• south to Kincardine and Walkerton. No, Tees -
water just wasn't there and as tar as the after-
tisemeiat was-coneerned there is'n't Sitch a -plate:
Tiverton, Underwood, Tara, - Paisley and Hep-
worth, all • inland.• ilaCeereL-named- on the
map---biat not Teeswater; Luc -know' was .also
()Mittel and even Bruce Beach, which is a very
prominent resort
'If such Promotion of the well paying tour-
ist industry is going to continue, with Bruce
paying the shot, then Teeswater should insist
upon recognition. After all, it's part of onr tax
money that is doing it and it riles us up to
think that we are being side-stepped except
has to buy his smokes out of his meagre "sal-
, - arr.
1. t
4 .
A change in the system of making smokes
available to our fighting ellen is long past due,
• and on the double quick if this exploitation
charge be 'true. •-
• *
Thered Y.'S .11Q easing of the-, urgent need for
waste paper which is playing a war role never
before dreamed of. The uses waste paper is •
put to are really amazing and the Pulpwood
shortage makes the salvaging of this com-
modity an important, but simple task in winch
every household and busineth • place can take
part. Newspapers,nagazines,' cartons, wrapping
paper and 'even the contents of your waste
paper basket should all be saved.
• There will be a salvage collection in Luck -
now nett Tuesday evening. Scour your prem-
iseS for paper. Bundle it, or pac4c it in cartons
and place it at the !curb. Of, course rags, iron„
rubber tires and glass are also Valuable and
will be ccillected. Entire -proceeds of salvage
sales are used to . send smokes to the boys
overseas from Lucknow and district
• So your co-operation in this regard serves
• altwofOld worthwhile purpose.
Witii a promising' outlook for the wheat
harvest in Canada and a billion bushel crop.
in sight in the 'United States, there need be
no apprehension about wheat supplies for the
crop year 1944-45. There will be plenty and
to spare, but surpluses wiul soon dwindle as
they become accessible to the liberated people
Of Enrope.
Paisley Rotary Club has__ completed "i,ar-
rangements with a swimming instructor to con-
duct a series of classes for the benefit of boys
and girls of that commtmity. • It's a mighty
worthwhile undertaking but one that could
cbe--tackled here-bempse- of -the -lack -of
any suitable swiunming "hole". » Talk about
post -War projects -La swimmin' peol is .a crying
need in Lucknow, and something' more than
just talk should be done about it. ••
ip •
• Haying completed—wheat's being cut—oats
and barley are ripening fast. In other words the
simmer is slipping away.
.• .•
• •
• .1
when it comes to paying'.
"The Glorious Twelfth" has come and gone
• for another year—and we didn't hear a fife or
a drum all ,day. •
* *
• Another case has come to light of cigar -L.
ettes sent last September, by a local organ-
ization, having just recently reachedtheir des-
tination: In acknowledging. the -smokes this
chap, whose home is in Ashfield, explained that
the delay was because we were using his old
• address. He Said he had left the unit, to which
• they were addressed, almost two years ago.
And yet all appeals to have the "folks at home"
• check up these addresses and keep them up to :
• •. date, fall almost entirely on deaf ears. It is
little wonder that only about fifty per cent of
• the» cigarettes sent overseas are acknowledged,
or that those 'who are trying to carry on this
work' get a little weary °from the lack of ico-
operation. •
0 ID
••, The usefulness of Emergency Nursing Re-
serves which are being established in many
• centres by the Red Cross, Was illustrated re-
• cently at Midland when an explosion wrecked
• a grain elevator. Volunteers Who had taken
• this nursing course, rendered invaluable' ser-
vice at Midland Hospital following this cat- °
astrophe. Nursing, Reserve courses are being
currently conducted in Lucknow and St Helens
with a combined enrollment of close to one
hundred' and Eft...ladies__ ______
* * *
• Premier Grodfizeut of Quebec » is really
"spilling the beans" in some of his campaign
speeches. But he is not Outdone by other party
leaders whose ' utterances should ' convince the
most skeptical, of the attitude of many in Que-
* bec. towards Canada's participation in the pre-
sent conflict. » » s •
Local and General.
LAC,. Jim. Hew:Moan \and . Mrs..
J. W. Henderson visited last
week in London .with her sister,
Mrs. McLarty.
Misses Blanche and Joy • Stew-
art of Toronto were holiday visi-
tors with their parents, Rev. and
Mrs. J. W. Stewart.
..Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert Hodgkin-
son • and, Kenneth of Kinlough
have taken up residence at God-
erich ,where Wib is employed at
Reg. Ailegee's Garage- •
• Mit. Roy Finlayson and ,dan-
ghter Elizabeth. Arm of Hamilton
are vendingthe summer with,
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
MacKenzie of Langside,
1 Morley Chin bad bis . topsils
remOved last Wednesday. ,
,• Mr. Phil Smith of • Toronto l•s
spending two ' weeks' holiday#.
with Mrs. Smith and Ma e.
Mr. Sam Durnin and Be -vis-
ited with friends andrelates in
Mitchell over. the week -end. •
1 LOrne MacDonald of Peterbor-
ough, visited with • relatives here
last • week.; -
Mr. and Mrl. Jack 'Reid a - '
London spent the week -end here
with his brothers and sisters.
. , :„ - -, . •.' •
Dean McInnes of the-DeHavil-, • ) ,
and • plant in Toronto spent last
week at - his home here.
Miss Marion MacDonald is tak-
ing a course in music during the
month of July at the Toronto
Conservatery of Music. _
W. A. Porteous and Dr. W. V.
Johnston spent a couple of days
last week in Kingsville at C. L.
Oberle's. •
• Miss, Olive Webster of Toronto
Mr. and Mis, Andy !Instep of
Toronto visited, last week with
his mother, Mrs. David Huston.
Andy h'ad been off work for the
past few- weeks since undergoing
a major operation. - •
Mrs. J. Mathers and son Billie
of Toronto are visiting at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
• 1 George Bm•gess, who also have i visited last w.eek with her cousin
as their visitor Master Robert
Charlton, a war guest from Eng-
land. •
Mrs: Orin Moffat and daughters
Marilyn and _., Judith • et. Toronto
are holidaying with her parents,
M. and Mrs. S. C. Rathwell. Mr.
Moffat who has 'also been visit-
ing here returns to the city to-
• Mrs. Al Guse and son Douglas
Who -have been visiting» with' her
parents, Mr. and Mrs: P. M. John-
ston, left the first of the week
'for -SWIM Current fd join her lius-
band who is stationed there in
the R.C.A.F. •
• Visitors with Donald and» Miss
Mary MacLean, Con. 12, Ashfield,
are their nephew Dr. John Fraser
MacLean of Evanston, 111. and
Mr. Jack. Weigand of Detroit. Dr.
MacLean - who graduatedthis
year in dentistry has joined the
Marine Dental Corps .and is a-
waiting instructions to report for
duty. •
,Mrs. W J Clark of Wingham
who was seriously injured .in a
motor crash near Palmerston sev-
eral weeks agb is making a fav-
orable recovery. ' Among other
injuries Mrs. Clark Suffered a
fractured jaw, and returned to
Palmerston 'Hospital a fetv days
ago to have the wires. removed
that were employed to' reduce the
• a
Miss Flora Andrew and other
relatives in and around Lucknow.
Miss Alma Alton has returned
to her home after spending a two
weeks' vacation at 'Browning Is-
land, Muskoka.
• Mrs. George Bower, Jr. and
son Lawrence of 'Kirkland Lake
are visiting here with Mr! and
Mrs. George Bower.
• Mrs, M. MacDonald and dau-
ghter Mary Elizabeth of Montreal
are visiting with her parents, Mr.
mid "MS. 'Charles Steward
Mrs. Albert » Millson Who has
been making her home in Pal-
merston for a time, visited here
last week at the home of Mr.and•
IVIrs. Peter McCall.
- •
Miss, Eileen - Henderson of Tor-
onto is spending a two • weeks'
vacation with her parents, Mr.
-and Mrs. Jack -Henderson, before '
entering Stratford General Aos-
pital to train. for a nurse.
Mrs. Wm. Hewat and Nancy
Lou left on »Thursday fen- their
new home at • Nobel near Parry
Sound, where Bill Is a chemist
in the Governinent's explosive
plant, having been recently
transferred there from Nitro, Que.
They, were accompanied by Will-
ard 'Thompson who will visit at
Nobel. Bobby Hewat remained
here for a holiday.
Mrs. John Kilpatrick and Mrs:
Susie Kilpatrick spent a day re-
cently with friends. here.
• Mr, and Mrs, 'Vernon Hunter
and family spent Friday. with Mr,
and Mrs. Bert Treleaven,.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Curran and
family spent Sunday with. Mr. 8z
Mrs. Jim Curran.
Mrs., Jim° Hesson spent a few
days with friends here.
A number from here attended
the Orange celebration at Listo-
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Stothers &
Arnold spent -Sunday » evening at
Mr. and • Mrs. Bert Treleaven's.
Misses Shirley Sherwood and
Gwen Treleaven attendedthe
tanning demonstration at- the
home of Miss Flora Durnin, Dun-
gannon. • , •
Miss_Margaret. McPherso• n: -was
le/Sherwood on Friday.
tiest of her friend Vtiss"ghirl
- the g
• Miss Shirley Sherwood held a
meeting at her home for the girls
•of the Garden Brigade on Thurs-
day evening..
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon TwamleY,
Norma and Dong vent an even-
ing recently with Mr. and Mat;
ot.4tirk Ett-TVZSIt ••
Miss Eileen McClenaghan of
London spent the week -end » with
her parents, Mr. » and Mrs. Ben
Mr. and Mrs. Ezra -Wellwood •
& Master Gordon Wellwood vis- ,
ited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. John Falconer of Winghani.,....
Congr• atulations to Misses Mari
jorie Huffman and- Eileen Yoe -
man who passed their entrance
examination at Lueknow recent-
Pte: Thos. Morrison,1 Mrs. Mor-
rison" and little dau ter Mary-
lon -Spent a feWJ da here 1=
week and then he got Word to
go to bttawa.
Mr. Chas. McKay and son of...b..
Dunnville spent a few days last"
week with his father, Mr. Hector '
McKay and other relatives here.
-» Mrs,--41bert -Walters -and » Mrs.
Lester Falconer have gone to
Vancouver, B.C. to visit relatives
Rev,„ Henry Martin who ,has
been stationed at Chapleau, has
moved to Southampton.
Mi. and Mrs. lia:try Tichborne
of Goderich spent Sunday » after- \
noon with hor mother, Mrs. Xen-