HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-07-13, Page 4e MY or P1466 max tis The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow►, 10'[E.Tx_ TO SS" Self Polishing Liquid Wax • d Paste Floor Wax. - On Every . Friday Morning At 10.15 'r1�eb Awa rej Each. Broadcast INGHAM- 920 on Your Dial For :gale At All. Grocery.„- and Hardware Stores en 30. 50 Ott' Non118i. Pop, Vim, Vigor?, Try artnez.Tonlc.Tablets: Contains tonics; admit - Mate. iron.vltaimfn• B1.caletnffi.phosph�"atd tO normal pep. vim, vigor, vitally atter 30. 40, or $0. ted r to of Drat package. maker nrefundseTOO prrllee.e., At all druggists. start tans O Tablet's today. , No Place Like Lucknow In renewing his subscription, Edward . Webster of Big Valley. Alta.,; says: "We surely appreciate. The Sentinel . as you know we al- ways ,have been, and.. still are, of the opinion there is no place like, the Old: Sepop Town" Buys.,,Winghap�- Resideuce 110Ir. Thoma§ Gaunt of Kinloss Cartoi And Bottle Shortage Aggravate, Supply Problem -1 There are known to be4 rge numbers'. of 'empty bottlesand cartons . in. : the , possession of householders in , towns and rural gonununities throughout the' Pro wince:: The necessity of conservir gc materials during the present ern- ergency is obvious and the Brew- ers' Warehousing Company is:. running a series of adver- tisements in this . newspaper . in. an effort to speed up the return of empties to the stores. Those who have empty bottles and cartons in their possession are urged to return these as soon as possible to their nearest Brew- ers' Retail Store or collection de - Township, and: treasurer . of. -the pot municipality, has'�purchased .the Jack Kelly house on.John St, Philosophy is' the parachute in Wingham' and *will get possession' which we return to earth when in August. the wings of illusion fail. , lig THAI FLY.TIME DROP' A Cow can''tswitch her tail—stamp her afoot—toss her head . 810 times a day and give milk -GET YOUR FLY SPRAY. BUYi YOUR FEED BY THE TON ANDr4 SAVE . MONEY .. If better feeds' are to, be bought, Lorne MacLennan will ” ha'e then,. Anything we haven't got, we'll' get for you. ) BRING YOUR HENS .IN --weigh them yourself, top notch prices; also 'EMPTY BAGS . which are` notin use. L�rfleMacLennan, Phone ,'77-w GUARD A NST DEADLY CARBON MONOXIDE'!.. Replace with MAST( MUFFLERS TAIL PIPES EXHAUST PIPES • For Easier Installation For Smoother Performance • B e.ic a u; s e — Moto -Master is ENGI- NEERED and built SCIENTIFICALLY —a specific unit for each model and make of . car or truck. • For Minimum Back Pressure '. For Greater Safety r 0, • Associate . Store Campbell's Gara • Wingham, ant. • e THURSDAY, MY13th 1944 .. K.I NL0UG LAC. and' Mrs. Max Bushell & Ronnie spent a week's furlough with their parents, M. , and Mrs.. John Bushell and Mr..and Mrs. Bob Riddall, Bervie. Misses Aisla and Mabel Bushell who had vis- ited last week at Crediton were also home. Miss Billy Ruth Parry of De- troit is. holidaying With Miss Bet-. ty Gillespie. , Mrs. Dunt MacKenzie and Mr. Fred Boyle of Moose Jaw, Sask.,. are visiting with -relatives here. Mr. Wesley Boyle is a patient in God erick Hospital as , the re- sult of a fall from :a load of hay On his farm on Friday last. He. was placed in •'a cast , and will be confined . to his bed for some time. r Ma d•Mr ,. John Currie and � s Jean Ann of Wingham spent' Sun- day . with ..Mr. and Mrs. Harold Percy. The Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. P. A. Murray on Thursday last. Mrs.. Frank Thompson presided. The ode and Lord's Prayer opened the meet- ing. Minutes of the previous meeting were read; business was dealt with. Mrs. Ernest Ackert in- vited theladies to her home for the August meeting. Mrs. Ray, r,rd. Ackert' and Mrss .Charlie' Hodgins favored', with a vocal• duet. Mrs. Wm. Graham" conduct- ed a humorous contest and also read an article on the topics Miss "Eleanor Murray favored. with a piano solo. The National Anthem closed the meeting and a dainty, lunch was served by the hostess and committee in charge. Mrs.. A. E. Haldenby *returned from visiting With.- Detroit friends. Mr. and -Mrs, Harold Haldenby d ShieIa of -Toronto -are -spend- ing their vacation with Mr. and Mrs. George• Haldenby, and 1 . Mrs. - Arthuri Breckles, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm. Lane visited with Mrs Abe. Culbert of Dungannon. ''� . Miss Ethel Haldenby , spent 'the week-erid with Miss Evelyn Lit- tle. , Miss Winnie Percy, R.N., Kin- cardine, is spending her vacation at her home here. Mr. R. Huffman visited on Sun- day with Mr:and-MTs -Wm. Wall. Miss Helen Thompson of Kin- cardine spent spent the week -end , at her home here. Miss Evelyn McLean returned to London after holidaying,, at her home here. Mrs. W. J.. Mc- Lean. cLean. and Mrs: B. E. McLean ac- companied her to London. Mr. and .Mrs. Jim Wraith of Cufross and Mrs. Nevein of In dianhead, Sask., spent' Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wm.' Wall. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Selloff and Elroy and Mrs. Ada Hodgins of Detroit spent a few days with relatives here. LAC. Mervin Cameron & 'Mrs. Cameron of Exeter spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs.' Wm. Pinnell. Miss Mildred Pinnell re- turned with them to spend her holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Jack "Hill and Shirley are visiting in Sacriston., Mr. Wilbert Hodgkinson . of Goderich "spent the, week -end at his home here. . Canon C. H. Simpson of Sud- bury, Mrs. Fred .:Simpson, Mrs. Laura George and :Mr. Maurice Simpson of Clandeboye visited on Sunday with Mr. nand' Mrs. Wesley Boyle. The entire community joins to- gether in extending congratula- tions to Mrs. Mary Cox. wHo cele- brated her ninetieth birthday on Sunday last. Friends , from near and far gathered at her home to mark this special occasion. THE-VI--.rr.of--46---�.<is s tic riclu r- fom the Wiartorl Dispensary re- suited in Harvey J Winis, of Kit- chener drawing a. term of two years less a day ,in Guelph Re- formatory. 'Similar charges a� gainst Harold Indoe of South- ampton arid Wm. Spetko Of Kit- chener were dismissed due to in-, sufficient evidence. FOR SALE—boy's bicycle, pract- ically new, has carrier and spare tire. Apply at. Sentinel Office. WANTED TO PURCHASE --Pul- lets' eight weeks of age'and old- er: Barred Rock, New Hamp- shire, White Leghorns, Good prices paid:'. If you require day old chicks, we have''them last hatch July 14th. White Leghorn; 'Barred Rock, New Hampshires White: Rock, Hybrids. Non -sexed as law as•$8.95` •per hundred. Pul- lets .$10.95.. Heavy. cockerels $7.95.' Write Tweddle Chick _Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. Notice To Creditors IN THE MATTER of the Estate of Kenneth R. McKenzie, deceas- ed. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of the late K'enn'eth R. McKenzie who died at the Town- ship .of Kinloss in the County of Bruce on the twenty-second day of February, A.D. 1944, are not- ic''ed to send Chair. nlai� .s r tt.ly verified to'the undersigned' be- fore .the 1st day of August, 1944. After the said, • date the estate will be distributed amongst the. parties entitled thereto having regard only to such claims as are then received. DATED ' at Walkerton,. this twenty-fourth day :.of June, A.D. 1944. J, C. 'McKenzie, R.R. 5, Lucknow, Ont. ,• F. P.' McKenzie,' Lucknow, . Ont., Executoi•s: P ... • Stuart MacKenzie, tario. r' the "said Walkerto tutors. Notice Creditors IN 'THE MAT , ' R of the.: Estate: of Alexander Pierce, Farmer, de- ceased: Notice is hereby given, . pur- suant to ,.the Statutes in that be- half, that all- persons having claims against the Estate of Alex- ander Pierce, late of the Town- ship of Kinloss • in the County of Bruce, I Farmer, : deceased, • who died on or about the Twenty- fifth day of May A.D.. 1944,. are hereby notified to deliver, or mail postage.prepaid, to the un- dersigned, Administrator of the Estate of- the said Alexander Pierce, �on or before the Twenty- ninth day of July A.D. 1944 full particulars of : their claims in writing duly verified by affida- vit. And further take ,notice that after, the said. last mentioned date the assets of the said estate will be distributed.among the persons entitled thereto having regard, only to claims of which the ` Ad- ministrator shall then have 'had notice. • " • Dated -atLucknow, Ontario,' this Fourth day of July A.D. 1944. Noble Pierce, RR. 3,. Holyrood, Ontario. Administrator.. FOR SALE—M.LH; Binder, 7 ft. cut; ,also Durham calf 6 mos. old. Apply to Jack Aitchison, R. 1, Lucknow, Phone 42-r-21. 11 FOR SALE -8 -year old dual pur- pose Brindle Cow past,due; pure- bred Yorkshire sow, bred, raised. 11 pigs last litter. Apply . to SID GARDNER, Phone 69=r-6- Dung annon. DRASTIC 'PRICE REDUCTIONS at • the. Mildmay Furniture. Store during July. 2 . stores . 'filled with chesterfields, studios, mattresses,. used ''piaugs, lamps, etc.' J. • F. SCIiUETT I & SONS, Mildmay & Mt. Forest. • • ,COMING EVENTS DANCING AT PARAMOUNT Every Friday - evening. Car- ruthers' popular orchestra. Door prize. - INSURANCE SOVEREIGN LIFE CAR, FIRE & CASUALTY Free Advise on all Insurance matters. No Obligation Enquiries Welcomed PHILIP1 S. STEWAR.T 'PHONE 8 fLUCHNOW • North American '.Life A MUTUAL COMPANY Grant IVlaeLennan' District. Representative Ripley, Ont:_ Phone 28-r-8. F. T. - ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST IN LUcKNOW _ FIRST WEDNESDAY- OF EACH MONTH FROM 10 'a.m..to 61i.m. AT WM. SCHMID'S STORE P. Stuart MacKenzie BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Walkerton, Ontario. IN LUCKNOW Each Wednesday OFFICE• IN THE LEGION BUILDING CULROSS CORNERS Mrs. 'Walter Hodgins is 'spend- ing a few weeks with. Mr. and Mrs., Chas. Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. Carfay Brown of Teeswater visite Mr. and Mrs. Earle Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie 'Knight and family of Toronto are holi- dap ng with Mr. and Mrs. James Wraith. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McKay and family of Hamilton spent a week- end recently at the` home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ross. Rev. Dann, Mrs. Philip and daughter ' of Ottawa pert in e ternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Earle Hodgins. . Miss Doris Davidson of.Tees- water is spending a week with Shirley Hodgins. Mrs Snider and. Douglas, Mr. Harry Hodgins and Kenneth' Thompson spent a week -end with Mr. and Mrs. ° Chas. Hodgins. • DONNYBROOK ' The W.M.S, met on Thursday afternoon at the home Of Mrs: Thos. Bamford. • The' St. Augustine War Work- ers met on Wednesday ..afternoon. in the parish hall and completed a Red Cross quilt. Mrs. Joe Led- dy offered her home, for{ the Au- gust meeting, The 'Misses Irene Jefferson of Dunnville and . • Lucy Thompson of Orangeville are home for the summer vacation. Mr. ancT Mrs. Gordon Robinson of Wingham were Sunday visi- tors at his home here: • ' Miss Margaret Jefferson is- vis- iting.with her sister, Miss Gladys. Jefferson, R.N. at Woodstock. Miss Bernice &' Mr. Jack ' Mills Of Detroit are spending the vaca- tion with, friends" in' this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. David Chamney of Wingbarn spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence .Chamney: •