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1ft, and grs. -Richard Gardner
spent 'Sunday with Dungannon
friends,. • '
Mr. andMrs. Howard Harris
and,, daughter Lorraine of Holy-
• rood were Sunday guests of Mr.
• and Mrs. W. G. limiter.
Mr. and Mrs. •• K. Laidlaw of
• London spent a day with ciktr, Az'
• Mrs. George Hunter.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gardner,
Mr. and Mrs. John Gardner, Mr.
• and Mrs. Henry Gardner, Mr. ° &
Mrs. Wesley Ritchie and Allan,
• Mr. John Ritchie, Mrs. Chas. Rit-
chie. attended the reception at
• Mr. and Mrs. ,Arrnstrong Wilson's
on Friday evening • in honor of
• Mrs. Wilson's barents, .Mr. & WS.
Robb: Ritchie of Lanesville,, it,
being the occasi f
wedding anniversary. We •wish
them many, More years Of happy
wedded life.
The Lucia:tow Seuthiel. Lurknow, Ontario
Mrs. Robt. Andrew spent Sun-
dals. with Miss Jean 'Long •of
Mr. Ernest Gardner- is. 'having
his house reshingled by Mr. Bain
McDonald of Kintail. i •
Miss Caryl Gardner had a ton-
sil operation in Wizigham hos-
pital on Thursday last. • , •
Mr. Joe Johnston .called •on
Mrs. Sidney. GaAlner on' Friday
Mrs. W. G. limiter and Mar-
lene • visited 1*. and Mrs. Geo.
Henry of Belfast , on Thursday
Beheaded Women
Sacrificed To Witchcraft?
Read, m The American
with this Sunday's (July
of. The Detroit 'Sunday
about .Missouri's bizaare
Scores Use Of Farn -Trucks
By• Youths Going 79 Dances
The use of " farm 'trucks by
farm youths as a means of trans-
portation 10 dances was roundly
scored- by Crown Attorney D. E.
Holmes in requesting that • a fine
be imposed on Kenneth McMil-
lan of near Dungannon "for f
ing to turn to the left when over
taking another vehiek :The
other vehicle also was a truck
driven bibordon Watson return -
trig from the same dance at bun-
gaxinon in the early , morning
1 hours. The accident happened on,
• the boundary road between Ash-
field and 'West Wawanosh. Mc-
Millan was .fined $5 and costs.
Both trucks were damaged. -
Weekly• 2) issue
YOUNG TEAM, of Clydeidale
Times. „ hoiseso owned by Jos. • O'Rourke
murder ari which, two tvonaen
Were, beheaded,. which, author -
explorer William Seabrook be-
lieves, may prove a modern ver=
near • r ord, died recently
after eating 'a ,quantitY 'of ,,paris
•• Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Alton, Miss ; sion • of • African witch -doctors'
• Elmira and Mr. Russel Alton of strange "ritual of the speaking
Lanes visited •Sunday p.m. with heads". •Get Sunday's Detroit
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ritchie. •Times!
SGT. qzo. ANDERSON of Kincardine, an air -gunner in the R.
C. A. F., 'was killed on active
service overseas on 'June 16th.
J1ThTE, 29th, 1)44
• Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cline and
Angus of Paramount spent Fri-
day with his cousin, Lorne and
Mrs. Emmons. /'
Miss Mayme t Irwin 'of Kinloss
spent . the week - end with hm°
friend MissShirley Sherwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Curran of
Mafeking, Mi. and Mrs. Will Beg-
ley of Hamilton and Mr. John
Menary spent Sunday evening
•with Mr, and Mrs. Jack Curran.
Mr. Wallace Twamley and dau-
ghters, 'Hilda, lEiva.and Fern and
Miss Dorothy Sharpe visited Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Sherwood on Sun -
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hunter
and children visited with Mr. -and
Ma. Bert Treleaven recently,
A number from .here attended
the anniversary at Dungannon
United, ‘einirchon gtinday.
• Mrs. Edna McWhinney was a
guest with Mrs. Vickerson on
Chewing gum may be removed
from almost anything by apply-
ing the white of an egg.
• fro the happy days when you bought tire
without restriction, you had one infallibl
measure of Mkt fire worth. . . the maker'
name: If you were like the majority of
motorists, that florae was Goodyear.
s • used -in the right proportions, to produce a
e • tire of high performance. Rubber by itself
s •(either synthetic Or natural) will not make a
satisfadory tire.
-• • Prewar lir' es -varied in que,y, toiriaccording
to the amount of knowledge, skill and experi•
enee possessed by the maker. The advent of
synthetic rubber does not alter that fact.
Actually, the •successful use of synthetic•
• rubber demands the full use of ALL PREVIOUS
• Therefore,‘When your -furl comes to buy a'
• nevr tire, remember that whiletubber, to some
• degree, may be "standardized," qyAy is not.
• Now, as always "More people ride on
•°Gooriyear tires than on any other kind"—Ise-
•cause motonsts know that the best measure
of tire value ... is still the no k "
- Today, a few unthinking folks say'Syrothetic
rubberwill Anake all tires the- sathe."'That
far from the truth! To 'believe it is to ignore
the fact that in prewar days, 'tires varied
greatly in quality . . . yet all makers used the
SUMO kind of rubber.°
you remember that MS ARE NOT "MADE(OF
-You'll understand why this happened wl:n
RUBBER." There's rubber in them, of cou e,
but equally important in their construction are
cotton, Steel carbon black and a dozen or
more chemical cionspounds. Each one of these
ingredients" must boo of top quality„ and
• mak's s name.
Goodyear's research los
seataral sow synthetic rab-
bets, begNI, 17 years ag-,,
rest, i* the firs -t prac,
tired all -synthetic tire.
nth% GoodYear's coo,
thesing researth Drag:ass
is carried o* aroceasing&
this, the most modern
of all rx36er researrb
This is a Goodyear
Synthetic Rubber Tire!
Goodyear dealers have it...
for eligible drivers only. it is
the result cif mT,rtri•-•--e-
fiarS' experience in tire -build-
ing plus Goodyear's special-
ized knowledge of Synthetic
rubber gained through un-
ceasing research and testing.
Oter' 2iO empire/eh
Goodle4sr Canada. - _
base serrei 25 years
6,4- more with the corn-
pany. tfere alone is -
rep resentedbettertimen,
5,600 years f experi..
etre. one of seseral
pricelevs, yet salta074,_
ingredients in eirery
Goodyear tire.
• EAit
• ..,-*:•••
• •.
Miss Mary McWhinney return-
ed from a visit with Rev. D. A.
McMillan and Mrs, McMillan of
• Mr. 'Joseph A. Killough is re-
covering from an attack of pneu-
monia. Pte. Mable. Killough of
London Who is engaged in the
postal service was a visitor at the
parental home.
• LAC. Kenneth, and Mrs, Hodge
of St. Catharines have been spen-
ding two weeks with relatives
here. At'
Mr. and Mrs, •C.. Seccird of
Leamington spent the week -end
with Mrs. N. tetkiart and Mrs.
S. L. Ward_
Stanley', Huighiss of Tor-
onto is visiting her parents Mr. •
and Mrs. DaVid Erringion.',
Miss Pearl Finnigan has re-
turned from spending ten days at
Toronto. •
•. MRS. sAmum. COOK
• After several months of illness'
there passed away early Monday
morning a highly esteemed and
• lifelong resident of this district,
• Mrs.' Samuel Cook, •formerly
Mary Ann Rlynard,L . youngest
member of family of the late
Mr. and Mrs. John Raynard. She
Was born in Grey Township and
was .in her 84th year. She is the •
he maker's na
last surviving member of a fam-
ily of three brothers and a sister,
Christopher, John, Joe and Re-
bekah. She was married 56 -years
ago to Samuel Cook who survives
at the age of 92: Theyhave spent
all of .their married life on Con.
9, West Wawanosh until the last
few years which they have. spent
with members of their, family
and have lately been with their
daughter, Lena, Mira. Isaac Cran-
ston„ Ashfield. • , •
Others of the family are Sam,
•who gave his life in the last war;
Myrtle, Mrs. Herb .,„.
Viirent0; Will, on the hOmestead,,,
Con. 9; West Wawanosh; Mary, •
Mrs„, Frank Glen, Con- '4, Ash-
field; Chris, Con. 9, West Wawa -
nosh and Dolly, Mrs. Hugh Men-
ary, Con. 9;' Ashfield_ •
The furer-al service was 1-- -•"
at the residence of Mr. and Mrs: ,
Cranston on Wednesday after-
noon conducted by Rev. G.
Howse. Interment was in Dung-
annon Cemetery.
The' memorial service will be
held at Dungannon cemetery on
Sunday at 415_
• Mr: ,and Mrs. Norman Moffat
(Edna Pentland), Ancaster, spent
the week -end with the latter'S
brother, Mr. Herb Pentland.
,- •
Mr. and Mrs: Earl Sherwood
of 'Ashfield visited Mr. and Mrs.
W. A. Culbert on Sunday
Miss Noreen Cobb. Hamilton,
Visited at Mrs. R. Fitzgerald's
•for the week -end.
Miss Bernice Blake, BA_ of Oil
Springs is spending this week
with her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
John Blake, prior to taking
a summer course at Geneva Park.
• Dungannon achool held a picnic
at the river flats on Monday to
close the year and make the pres-
entation of a gift of money to
prinipal George Cowan who is •
leaving to take a similar position
at fiensall. The surprise was ar- •
ranged by Miss Mildred Ander-
son. assistant teacher. Gwen Ste-
wart read a romplimentarV ad-
dress and DAS Mole made the
presentation. Mrs. Cowan was
presented with a bouquet of
roses. •
' Thomas Dickson, Sr, who was
stricken with a paralaitic seizure
ten days ago, was taken to G,4.. „
erich Hospital on Monday, His
condition is unchanged . •
• Rev. Sinclair of Blyth condirrt-
ed anniversaryservices in the
United church on Sunday.. Mr.
Ross Henderson of •Goderich was
guest soloist at the morning ser-
vice, and Mrs. Ralph Foster at
the evening service„ Mrs. Foster
and Mrs. Atthrtr BrovErr, 7,111„rt., rzn-
"But_ my good man". said Mrs.
Smith, dubiously- to the trarirtO at
.her door, "Your story has such
a hollow ring". , -
"Yes, ma'am. That's the natural
result of speaking with an empty