HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-06-29, Page 5THURSDAY, JANE 29th, 1944
The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario
Thur. Fri. Sat.; Juni 29, 30, 'July
r 0010
sow GO
* , and.
Highways' Minister
Tours District Roads
Hon. George, Doucett, Ontario
Minister.of 'Highways, thinks
Huron ounty :roads-. are about
the best in Ontario: Certainly
there' are .none ' better, he said,
after a hundred -mile drive with
County Engineer 'T. R. Patterson,
The Minitter was. accompanied
by Chief 'Engineer- Marshall of
the •Department.
The trip took Mr. Doucett.. from
:Goderich to Zt nlop to Nile; Dun-,
ganno and Lug.know raver the
„Count ••low cost biturriiniaus
1 concrete surface; ,east to Wind
ham: ;over 'the; .splendid • . gravel
road, south •to • Blyth, on . - No.: 4,
.highway, thence • to • Goderich :by
way of Auburn; , sm.., that afmost
every type of ',road construction
r '1 was covered,
•Mr: Doucett pointed ' out, to.:, a
gathering , of• • County. L councillors
after hist return that Mr. Pat-
terson •had done much ekperi-
'meriting and had; .pioneered in
. the type of •low-cost. hard. sur-
face highway as has. been plaid on
the 8th • concession of .Colborne
and ind other parts .of Huron
and that as„ a' result areal. ser-
Svice had • been done, - for now
rmany 'other counties had' adopted
the sante '.class of, road. : It costs
just • about one-fourtH'. that of -the
permanent Provincial' highway,
• and. is • standing up well. . • .
• 'Hon. 'Mr.'. Doucett.. confirmed.;
• the news of the decision to. pave .
Stile the 'Bayfield-Goderich ' stretch' of
1 No. 21 and proceeded north over.
the BIue. Water Ito' take a look -at
•the . •..Port 'Albert -Kincardine un-
paved.. i rtion'...
Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, July 3, 4
George Raft . and Brenda Marshall in
"Background.. to Danger'
Lena Horne ° and Bill Robinson in
"Stormy Weather"
Mr. aria Mrs, Andrew Emerson,
Mrs. Angus Graham and, Mr. &
Mrs. John Emerson attended 'the'
Sterling reunion at Harbor Park,
Mr. .and Mrs. Harold Banner -
men are •spending •' a few days
with the latter's parents, . Mr. &
Mrs. Will Walsh. •
Mr. James4'•Pollock of Brant-
ford is -visiting friends ground.
Purple •Gioye:
Mr. Will Scott, had . the tele-
phone installed last week.
The .Red •Cross monthly meet-
ing was held in the basement of
the church with a large attend-
ance. •
Congratulations to • Mr. & ' Mrs.
Donald 1VIcCosh pn the arrival of
a baby boy. •
Quite a :number from the
Grove attended !the 'blood' donor
clinic• in Ripley last Tuesday.
Mr. Glen Emerson has been en-
gaged to teach the Greenock
CHOICE .OF the .Progressive
Conservative convention in Grey -
Bruce ...was -John Grierson, who
will contest .this riding in the
next federal election.' 1'r. Grier-
son is a farmer and drover' of
the Durham district.. -
Will, Be Held On
Tuesday July 25
SAVE IT, or if you pre-
fer, this may delivered
at any time to Johnston's
Feed. -Barr
Watch for details of the
. - MRS, .V,rEORGE '1?VARI�i
,The death of Mrs. Geo, Ward,
a, former resident of W st Wawa-
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon' Ritchie of Windsor on Wednesday, June 7th.
Ashfield .:spent Tuesday 'last with, Mrs: Ward,. who was formerly
.Mr. 'and Mrs. Russel Ritchie. Margaret Jane Ryan, was 78 years
The Red .Cross held their quilt' of wage. The funeral service was
ing :qn Tuesday, last at the- home , held in ' Windsor : on June 10th
of Mrs.. Wm. Orr. with interment in Windsor Grove
Mr. and Mrs: C. Johnson and Cemetery.
Donald of• 8th Con. spent Sunday 1MIr: and. Mrs. Ward farmed at
with Mr. and Mrs. Bill .Scott. one. tune on Cod. 9, West Wawa;
Mr... and Mrs: V. Emerson and nosh on the farm now owned by
Mrs. A. Emerson spent Sunday' Mr..'and Mrs....William .Cook. A-
bout thirty years ago they moved
Kincardine: to. Windsor. Of •a .family of four'
with Mrs. Andrew Experson of
sons and. four .d4ughters, ,seven
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley of Tive.r- survive their `mother; Harry of
ton spent Sunday with. Mr. and .Windsor; Joe 'of California; Case
Mrs. Wm: Brown." • .of Toronto; Mrs; Mercer (Jane)
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wall of 'of' Edmonton; Mrs.:C. A. McA1-
Culross spent Sunday, with Mr.• lister (,Lizzie) of Cha h ' 'Mrs..
and Mrs. Russel Ritchie. t
Miss .Eileen." Stewart has gone 'Ernest McAllister (May) .of
to assist Mrs: Frank Thompson Windsor and Mrs. L. Westlake
of 10th Con. with the household .(Georgia) of Windsor. Their sort
work. .
Quite; a number from here • at-
tended the Major Bowes program
in Whitechurch - last ' Thursday
evening and all- reported a good
entertainment. •
We are: sorry ° to report . Mes.
Thos. Hill and Mrs. Herb Petty-,
piece are not . having as ` good
health as, their many friends wish
fair them. I "
Messrs. Billie and Jack Tiffin
-hate sold their 50 acre farm here
to Mr. Elliott .of the
who Nile sicinity
. gets possession October lst.
9 are holding a corn-
munity 'picnic on June 29th at
the school to which all interested'
are -invited.
Sometimrnesa new broom sweeps
.Clean and quite often, it merely
raises a lot of dust.
r.;rs. Dr. R. White and daugh-
ters of Chicago . are • guest's of
Mrs. K. MacLennan:
Mr. • J. K. MacDonald who.
spent Part of the ,winter : in De-
troit is staying :with his daughter
Mrs. Stanley D.i'ennan. • • •
Mi&S Marjory Blue .. of -. _Detroit
is visiting with -'her aunt, ' Mrs.
Stanley Drennan.
Anniversary services will be
held 'in the Presbyterian .church.
on Sund'ay', July 2nd with Rev.
STREETDANCE , F. G. Fowler of Bluevale as guest
speaker. .
To" Be Held.In:_July We extend congratulations to
. Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott of the' 10th
Con. on the birth of a son.
Jack passed away thirteen years
The annual Webster family re-
union, ' usually one of the Most
largely attended o ��tthe summer
.season, was held. at Harbor Park
last Saturday, cci-ith slightly,
two hundre4 of the clan present.
This was considered particularly
good 'considering existing • trans-
portation . difficulties. In past
years the attendance has been
over four hundred, many coming
from distant points. Oh ;Saturday
the picnickers 'came fromLtick-
now,' St. Helens. Seaforth. Dun-
gannon, Clinton. Varna, Hensel]
and other places. All are descen-
dants of the original ' Websters,
Daniel and Rachel, Who 'carne
from Ireland nearly one hundred,
years ago and - hewed out a ' farm"
on the 12th concession of Ash-
field. Yt was the twentieth an-
nCal reur'n' ion and, with ` perfect
weather. the young folk had a big
afternoon and. evening, while;
those of the 'older generations
renewed .acquaintance and rem-
inisced: Elmer.. Webster' of Varna
had charge of the sports program
-the -,-rac-es...-being -hotly -,cositos'teil:-
Tom Webster, ex -reeve of ` West
Wawanosh, .is agairr ipresident of
the association. ,} e is the fourth
Tom Webster in , four generations
to , hold - this office. Fred Ander».
son is secretary • and 'Wellington
Webster treasurer. The picnic
supper in. the park pavilion. left
nothing to be desired.—Goderich
Signal -Star.
hummer Clothes
's ear,.
See Our Showing; of
Sport; Shirts, Summer. Trousers, Etc. .
Mt. and:,Mrs. Hank :Kruger of Mr. and Mrs.. Cliff Congram,
Messrs. Reg and Dick McBride
and Miss Ellen. McBriae enjoyed'
a motor 'trip to Tobermory over
the week -end. '
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Clinton
.and, IE iiia of Millarton spent Sun-
day with,., Mr. and Mrs. Frank ,.
Johnstone ' .
Pte. Harvey. Johnston of Camp
Borden' is spending - a two week
furlough at his home here and
also spent the week -end with
London relatives
Detroit spent lastweek with Mrs.
Gillies .:and Jack..
Mrs: Morrison •of Wingham ' is
visiting.her. daughter, Mrs, John
McMilan ' '
Mr. and 'Mit.. George `Henry
babe of Ashfield . spent - Sunday
with .IV.ir. and Mrs. R. E. Forster.
Mr. and Mrs: Cecil Forster and
family 'rif' Palmerston were 're-
cent .visitdrs at Mr. James For-
ster.'_s. • ,
Mr. and 'Mrs,: Frank: Miller. &
family were Sunday visitors Pt
Mr. and .Mrs: H: Kruger • and
Mr. Jack Gillies , visi� �.'...with:..Mr.
andMrs: Peter onald, 6th
Con.; on Tuesday evening. .
•A ' number •from here attended
the „reception held '. for. • Mr. • and
Mrs.• Donald MacKinnon. at ' Lang -
side on Wednesday evening.
Mr. and 'Mrs.' Wm.. . Brown 'of
Riversdale spent 'an 'afternoon
last week with Mrs. Hudson and
Gretta ' ; • '
An interesting . Major Bowes
program ' was' ..held • in White-
church on Thursday evening un=
der the auspices. of the Women's
Institute.. The program consisted
of • a , vocal duet by...Messrs. Gar-
net Farrier`and•:Towle; solos. with
guitar accompaniment. by .Ther;
.ese :Caskinette: solo by Ezra Well
wood, "The Hillbilly;', "The 'Lit-
tle. Brown Jug''; clarinet duet by
Garnet - Farrier and Clayton
Scholtz:. violin solo by Mrs. Jas.
Falconer disguised' as a Russian
violinist: step .dance by Mr. Cecil
Falconer; accordian solo by -Mr.
-Robert Carrick accompanied by
Mrs: , Sclr'oltz, on the. ' piano and
a vocal duet, by' Messrs. • Garnet
Farrier and; Dustin.Beecroft. "Li'l
Liza Jane. Then 'Mrs. 'G:•
pie,• Mrs.. Caslick and Mrs. St.
Marie wire called to the 'plat -
.forth by Major Bowes in the per-
son of Charles Martin ,to act as'
;judges of a contest. conducted by
four • men, ilessrs. Dustin Bee-
croft, James Falconer. Ezra Well -
wood and Gibson Gillespie, .who
were each prksented with a large
.basket containing. a doll and a
complete layette of baby clothes.
This' contest was to .see which
man :could dress the doll prop-
erly- and put' it to sleep in the
shortest time and proved quite
hilarious 'to t' audience. First
prize v.'er.t" Dustin Beecroft,
The.. items r'a.n e :Program Were
judged by the time of applause
given each number "which :was
timed. by seconds on a watch. Mr.
Robert Carrick 'was 'tile winner
for the ;rening. After_ closing
with Goes. Save • the King lunch
was served and a dance.followed
tc�..ra..us�ic_....h� .•.,�.._O�r,�_W=a�3..d..'
Parachuted. To Safety
A plane from Centralia airport
crashed in a swamp on the farm
of Elsner Arbuckle, Corn. 12. East*
Wawanosh on Friday. Caught in
,3 storm •the pilot parachuted ,+.o
aafety and was 'uninjured.' The.
?lane -was wrecked.
Friends from here attended the
fun.eraI:._of.__the.late- -'Mrs: A4lar
Kaake , at Kinloss , ..on . Tuesday:
zea-:sfafir y and Mr. ind Mrs.
Donald McCosh on the arrival of
baby boys.
'Mrs. Robt. McLean spent San -
day with her daughter, Mrs. Wm..
:Holland, Kincardine. .
Mr. Earl Percy, of : Huron spent
Sunday with relatives Were.. .
Mr. and Mrs: George' Huntley
of Putnam . spent Mdnday with
their mother, Mrs. Wm. Kaake,
also . called to see Mr. H. Lane
at Wingham hospital
Wren •Iona Terry, is spending
this `week with Misses Edna and
May Boyle.
On Sunday next, July 2nd, the
District Orange Lodges will hbld
their -annual service at the Ang-
"limn church at 7.3.0 p.m.
Misses Jean' and Beth Johnston
of Kincardine, Miss Ma'bel.John-.
ston and Mr. Lloyd McNeil of
Lucknow spent Sunday with Mr:
and Mrs. Frank Johnston.
The Presbyterian. congregation '
and S. S. held a very successful
picnic at . Mr. Wes Guest's on
Saturday last.. , -
Mrs. Howard Thompson and
Marie entertained 'tN^,.' Girls W.
A. at their horrie • - Saturday
afternoon at a• quilting. -
Mrs. Frank Johr "spent a
few days with her date -titer, Mrs.
Sy d Gardner who' ifi ill with
pneumonia; .
Mr. Wm, Montgomnry of Del
troit and his sister George
Emmerson of Huron spent , Sun-
day . with .Mr. 'aria yrs: Harold
Percy and Mrs. Wm. Percy.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Forester
and children cf Ripley visifed on
Sur.day ' with. Mr, and Mrs. Perry
Hodgins. .
The Home Helpers •annual
meeting was held fr' she Pres-
byterian church on Wednesday
+_.-Gntifi-ie Reid of 'lees-
water was the guest speaker and
spoke an encouraging'message t'f
the • Work of Home =Helpers. Mrs.
John Ernmerson was elected pre-
sident' and Miss Margaret Rob-
ertson secretary
Mr. and Mrs Aihur l'hiliip
and babe visited ..Last;week.ti4th
tl:`e letter's parents.. Mr. and Mrs.
J'. R. Lane leac-ing Wednesday ta
visit other relatives near Weil-
named George K. Armstrong as.
policeman to' cornrnence, his dut-
ies July 1st. He received his
honorable discharge from the