HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-06-29, Page 4.i, Js� PAGE FOUR • The. Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario LISTEN "TO • • Self Polishing , quid' VV, ax Vii: • Paste .L.aste Floor. On Every,. Friday Morning At,. 10.15 3 if Pries Awarded Each Broadcast • FROM CKNX VOI. NGHAM For Sale At Ail Grocery. and Hardware •'Stores aa� • FINLAYSON ,bROS. ' LUCKNOW FOURTH .CONCESSION, (Ixntended. for, last' week) The Kairshea . Club held. • their June meeting at the home of Mrs. George Lockhart whena large number .of rrmembers and friend's met, .After the usual opening ex= erciseswand. business .a : very • in- teresting . program followed. The roll call ..was, well .responded • to • giving the name of a bird and its call. The papers from' head- quarters ead quarters were read by Mrs., _ H. Lavis and Mrs. Herb ''Biicktoni A solo . was sung by Miss . Olive Blake accompanied by her sister, Mrs, Don Mclvor. Readings were given 'by Mrs. Douglas Graham, ,-:Miss-Dean -McLeod-and-Mrs-A-;- chie Maclntyre. Instrumentals Were played by -Mrs. Phihpand :....... ,Lillian..,.Carrathers.-The -:topic :-on "Birds, and their • habits", was tak- en by lata, Dan McKinnon, Rev: Mt... Dann also sang a solo ac- 1 coixipanied by Mrs. Philip.. A hearty . vote .of thanks was ten- i ' doted' the hostess 'by Miss Anna' s ' ' Graham. A lengthy and ;interest- ing =spelling match was held I J when. Mrs. • Ted Collyer won the t prize., The . meeting :closed with A the National Anthem when lunch was : served and a social time spent. Thenext meeting Will be • WHITECHURCH Mrs. Robert Phillips of God erichi visited last•'.week tvith -1VI and Mrs , W. • R. Farrier and othe relatives. • Mr. and Mrs.• Albert'Coultes family 'visited •o1 `iS.unday,: wit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kerr Of Paisley : ', et • • Mr" Ezrr Wellwood attended 'Cities Service meeting • at Gorier ich last Wednesday evening, an Mrs. Wellwood visited with Mrs Harry Tichborne. •• *Mr.- and Mrs. Ben McClenag han and family • of this conimun ity. and ,Mr. , .and Mrs. John Fal- coner.' of Wingham visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Wellwood. • - Mr.' and Mrs. (Hank Krueger of Detroit visited last week with her mother, Mrs. David Gillies: Miss Annie Kennedy spent last Thursday at London. A Major Bowes; program was held • in the llnstitute Hall last Thursda; evening with a good crowd present. Mr. Charlie .Mar- tin Mar -tin acted •as "Maj•or Bowes". A dance 'followed, with music by the Cervi-Waddel orchestra: • This 'community extends their sympathy, to .Mrs. James Laidlaw, in the :loss of her mother, •'Mrs. Strang -hair o-f"Goderi:ch` wlio" ' pas- sed ay..last. wed . The funeral was; en- 'Frfday When , quite a linmberr from hereattended `. The 'W Ms° meeting of : the Presbyterian ;church "was "held ast Wednesday • in . the church with. Mrs. Albert Walter.presi<d. ng.. She read: the '.scripture les, on and prayers were given by Mrs. Wm. J. Coulter and •'qrs.: ohn Craig. • The topics were aken by Mrs. Murray and Miss rine . Kennedy. h y a. d held at the home of Mrs. Dan. McKinnon, CAJARO AGAINST .. • . DEADLY CARBON MONOXIDE! Replace wi=g MUFFLERS TAIL PI EXHAUST PIPES • For Easier Installation • it or Smoother Performance 916 • For 'Minirnum Bach Pressure • For Greater Safety Because—Moto-Master is ENGI- NEER.ED and built SCIENTIFICALLY a .specific unit for each model and make of car or truck. • 0 Assnddatp' Stege Campbell's Garage.. Wingharn, Ont. TIURSDAY,. JUNE 29th, 11.944 ST.�HELEN'S Mr. John. . Cameron . received' word ` of the death on 'Tuesday morning of hi& youngest sister; Josephine, Mrs. Pickwoad of New York City after an illness of sev eral Months. Mr. and Mrs. Donald -Edwards, Mr.. Alex Edwards and Miss Mc- Lennan of Watford, Mr. Camexon. McTaggart of Richneend Hill :and Mr. McTaggart of Cliesley' were recent guests of- Mr. and -Mrs. F.. G. To.dd and M. and Mrs. Tom Todd. •. ' Johi .Andrew, little son of Mr., ..and • Mrs tanley- Todd:.was-laap.- tized .in the United church on Sunday; morning.. Visitors:: with Mr. and Mrs. Todd for.: tie 'oc; casion •included. . Mr. and Mrs. John Young 4 -Miss Ruby .Young of .Loyal, ;Mr.- ge,:"Mrs: Frank Wil- son, . Miss Ruby Wilson of Nile, Mr. and Mrs. John Patton of Loy- al and Mr. and Mts. Chas. Young and Miss Redfern of Goderich. Wilfred Ramage. of the Royal Navy who has been stationed at Halifax is spending part of his leave at his . home here.,. Many friends here were sorry to learn that 'Sgt. Ivan Magoffiri has 'been reported missing ac- cording to word received by his parents on • Saturday. Ivan went overseas last fall as an air gun=. ner with the. R.C:A:F. • The first .meeting of .the Home Nursing course will be held in the community hall on Thursday, evening • commencing at 8.39 sharp°II� • Anyone who wishes to take the .course and has not yet enrolled '.may do so on Thursday night. Mr. Charles McQuill.in ''.of the• Lady Nelson- was home on .a short visit during the week -end. The .Womeh''s Institute meeting will be -held -.next Thursday; July 6th with •'the program" in charge of the children. ' PARAMOiJNT The June meeting ,of the Wo: men's Institute was ' held , as _ a gran dinothers meeting tat ' the :home of Mrs. R. G. • HamiIton., There . were 30 ladies present of which . ten :were.. grandmothers. Mrs. Margaret Patterson of Luck; nci,w, who is 87, 'was the.' oldest grandmother in 'attendance. 'The' Meeting opened with the Institute. Ode with • Mrs. R: Reid presid- ing. Mrs: 0. `Richards • gave a paper on historical research and addressed the •' grandrn.othera, Papers ' were also read• by Mrs. •L. Taylor and ' Mrs. Jas, Mac- Donald. Miss Alice Reid gave an interesting talk. It was decided that' each member donate one yard of print each month for quilts. Contests were conducted by Mrs. W. Dexter and Mrs. N. R.ay Hard. •• Miss Jean Bushel cif Toronto 1 visited with Mr. and 'Mrs. Dick Richards. . • i\Ir. and, Mrs. Ernest Button and Russell Button' of Lucknow visited with theirsister, Mrs. Ale ex McNay. • ' Mrs. Frank McCharles is • at- tending her niece, Miss Edna Barkwell who had the •misfort-• tine -to fall off a bicycle. Mrs. B. Smith of Toronto and •Mis,s 'Jean MacGillivray, of ,Lori- den Lon-den visited with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver •' 1McCharles.' • MAFEKING Mr. and 4yirs. Will Begley of Hamilton are, enjoying some: holi- days this week with Mr. and Mrs. Herb' Curran.. - Mrs. Percy Blundell and Mel- vin of Goderich whO visited, last • ith her parents returned home on Sunday evening.' • ''The' sympathy of the commun- ity • is extended t� relatives and friends of Mrs. Sarnuel Cook Who passed away on 'Monday morning after •a 'lingering illness. Mrs. Richard' Kilpatrick and Dou'glas .visited on Monday with Mrs. Omar Brooks. of Nile. ra � M. and Mrs:. Chas: Hodgins and babe of Kinlough visited. friends in this district on Sun- day. • • PRIVATE SALE. including one complete bedroom suite & other articles . of 'household furniture, Mrs. V. 'iL Prest, Bank House. HOUSE FOR SALE in • Lucknow, 6 -room, kitchen attached; wired, town water. Apply at .Sentinel. Office.: • . FOR . SALE . Good. Gerhard Heintzma; piano and' 'stool, in first 'class ,. condition: Apply td' W. J.. Liittle, Lucknow. WANTED .Gadd hornet' for mal. collie dog, good .cattle dog, fond, of chhildren. Free to right . party. Apply. at Sentinel Office. TEACHER WANTED for S.S. . No. 3, Kinloss Township. State .qual- ifications and salary;;expected, P. A. MURRAY, secretary, l ,:R. 1, Holyrood.. TENDERS TENDERS. WANTED' for fifteen cords of 16 -inch dry, .hardwood, to be delivered at, ,S.S. NO. 5, Kinloss Township by September 1st, 1944. Tenders w01 be receiv' ed by they undersigned t� July 10th,•_1944. • • ' HARVEY HOUSTON, R.R. 3, .Holyrood. COMING EVENTS DANCING AT PARAMOUNT • Every . Friday evening. Car- ruthers' popular orchestra. Door prize..- • •• . NOTICE As I intend to be away for a weeks _ the ._office.....will.:.. }ae•....closed_ from July ,1st until July 10th. .• ' ' • • James E. Little:" NOTICE TO ' CRiDITORS IN THE MAre 'of the 'Estate of Kenneth R. McKenzie, deceas- ed. . NOTICE isherebygiven that all persons having,claims against the estate of the Iate Kenneth R. McKenzie who -died at. the Town- ship of Kinloss in the County of Bruce on the twenty-second ' day of,February, February, A D 1944, are not- ified to send their claims duly verified to the undersigned be- fore the 1st" day of August; 1944. After the said ' date the estate will be distributed amongst the parties 'entitledthereto having ;regard -only to. such claims as are then received. ' DATED at • Walkertorji, this twenty-fourth day of June, A.D. 1944. J.• C_' McKenzie, • R.R. 5, Lucknow, Ont. F. P: McKenzie, • Lucknow, : Ont:; Executors. P. Stuart MacKenzie, • • Walkerton, Ontario. . Solicitor for the said Exe- cutors.. • Notice To Creditors All persons having claims a- gainst the 'Estate. of '•James H. 'Reid; late of the Township of Huron in the County of Bruce,' Retired Lumberman, deceased, who died on or abotiit the Twenty-• ,who day. of Anril A.D., 1944, are hereby notified to deliver or ,send to Edith. Lowe, R.R. No. 3, Lucknow, Ontario, or A. P. Ste- wart, Lucknow, Ontario, Execu- tors of the Will of the said James H. Reid, on or before the 15th day of July A.D. 1944, full par- ticulars of their claims in writ- ing. And further take notice that after the said -15th day of July: A.D. 1944 -the assets of the said estate will be distributed 'arnong the parties entitled thereto hav- ing -regard only . t i • claims of which the Executors : shall then have had notice. • Dated :at Lucknow, Ontario, this 20th day of • June A.D. 1944. • Edith eLov -e R.R. No. 3, Luckttow, On' A. P. Stewart Lucknow, Ontario, • CARD OF THANKS Many thanks to the' Legion for the smokes received. . Angus C. _MacDonald Central Mediterranean. Forces. '. Although I hope to be -able 'to thank, personally; • all who con. fributec't to mygi'ft and virile 'have• their names in my Book. of Re= membrartee,. I fear . that I .may ` miss some •ote, , and: therefore . 1 wish to express.? my thanks and my appreciation. in this;: pub'1io Frances E. McLean. • WANTED' TO PURCHASE—Pul- lets eight weeks of age and old,. er. .Barred Rock, New Hemp - Shire, White Leghorns. . Good prices paid. If you require ' day- old chicks, we have -there—last hatch July 14 -tit -,White Leghorn,. Barred Rock, New Hampshires, • White Rock, Hybrids. Non -sexed as low. as $8.95 per hundred.. Pul- lets .$10.95. Heavy cockerels $7,95. Write .Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario, Notice To Creditors :. All persona having claims a- gainst the estate of William Arm- strong., late of the City of Lon= don; in the County.. of MiddIesex,,• and Province of Ontario, 'gentle- man, who died on or about the. thirtieth day of December, A.D. 1943, are notified to send to J. •H. Crawford, Wingharn, Ontario:, on 1 or before the third day of July;. • A.D.' 1944, full, :particulars of their claims in writing: Immediately after tie said third day ekjuly. the as sets of the said testator • ,ill, be' distributed amongst the'. part- ies entitled—thereto, having re- gard° •only to claims of which the executors shall then have notice. DATED this ,seventh • day of....'., June, A.D. 1944.. ' J_, H. Crawford; Wingharh; Ontario; • ' Solicitor for the : executors... 1 I.NSURANCE SOVEREIGN LIFE CAR, FIRE &' CASUALTY Free Advise: on all Insurance matters. t No Obligation Enquiries Welcomed PHILIP S. STEWART 'PHONE 8 LUCKNOW • North American Life A. MUTUAL COMPANY A. Grant MacLennan. District Representative Ripley, Ont. Phone 28-r-8. . T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST IN.LUCKNOW FIRST WEDNESDAY‘ OF EACH MONTH FRO 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. AT W I. SCHMID'S STORE 1 P. Stuart MacKenzie BARRISTER & SOLICITOR' Weit:•;...Ontario.: IN LUCKNOW Each Wednesday OFFICE IN THE LEGION 'BUILDING' i