HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-06-29, Page 1$2.00 A Year—In Advance; 500 Extra. to U. S. A. LVCKNOW, .•O11fTARIO TH Ji%SDAY,; JUNE 29th, 1944' EIGHT. PAGES PLAN FALL FAIR DIM ; .IN TORONTO-'IFI'VE SONS ARE ATTRACTIONS', The death of John Angus Mac-.. ,,,Kennan, a native of Ashfield and Meeting last ' week, the exe- former Lucknow resident, oc- curred suddenly at his home. at Scarborough in•.Toronto on 1VIon- .day. . , Upon arrival of the C.N.R: train in Lucknowthis afternoon :(Thursda ), the, funeral.. will be held. to 1 intail cemetery,: where a :graveside' service will be held at three 'o'clock. Mrs. MacLennan was formerly Donalda MacLeod of. Lucknow... vutive and sports committee of the . Lucknow. Agricultural Soc- .- iety drafted tentative plans for .attractions at the Fall Fair en Wednesday, September ,27:th. • '3 The square dance •contest, so popular last ,year, is •to be re- peated and relay races; and tug- „.of-War ug: of -war' contests are 'to be among . added attractions. These are planned as. inter -township corn - petitions between the Municipal- ities. of Kinloss, Huron; Ashfield and ' West Wawanosh. Rural- School ' Competitions'War again be featured, 'as. well. as =a program .of sports. It is expected that the Walkerton Girls Bitgle Band will be back again, and a troop is ,being, :.engaged for • a grandstand performance. The prize list is being .exten- . sively revised., • with increased Prize money ' being offered • in 'various classes to ' .stimulate keener competition. Presentplans point to Luck- now,'s 1944 show teing exception- ally outstanding. • ` Holding:Prize Draw Under auspices of the Society a . prize draw will be held on Fair • Day for five valuable prizes which include a ' 27 -piece tea set of English Bone China, . donated by 'Wirt. Schmid; a four=rliece sil- ver, tea service;. a pure wool motor rug, aold seal congoleum rug •donated by Wm. •Hc Fnell and 'an Axminsterrug 27'' x '50 inches. Tickets are now on .sale° at 25c or five for s1:00. JEHOVAH WITNISSES' WANT. P.,OLICEry .PROTECTION' A carload of: young men, claim - .ed to be •Jehovah Witnesses, were • .in town the • first of, the week seeking' police . prot&tion in order to. ,hold meetings here. . •They were..'advised to •refer their request, to the provincial police and were given no,encour • agement to return to Lucknow: Choirs Held Pleasant Social Evening Friday The Junior -and Senior choirs of the United Church held a 'plea- sant social evening on Friday in honor, of Mr. and Mrs. Jack9°Ack- • crt, reeent newlyweds, ,and as a farewell to Miss Dorothy Sharpe of the High School teaching staff who leaves the village 'at the close of the term, and ,who has given valued service' as church • organist during het stay. here, as well as contributing in many rather ways of :her rnu'sica1 • abil- ity:' Many of the choir members .carried ' out the idea of coming • in costume to represent the name of a song, , which provided an amusing feature of the evening. The' following interesting .pro- gram was given: piano solo, Wil- fred Black; duet, Margaret Rae and Doris Taylor; piano solo, Margaret. Treleaven; quartette, Ruth Winterstel& Patsy : Miller. Ruth Dahmer and, Mary Johnt ston; piano solo, Miss Sharpe; solo, Mrs. D. R. McLean; .quar- tette, Harold Allier, Alex ,McNay, Eldon Henderson and Raynard Ackert. e Rev. J. W. ' Stewart extended congratulations, to Mr. ,and Mrs. Acketrand expressed apprecia- tion of Miss Sharpe's' assistance during the year, and sincere re- gret. in her departure from the ,village; Rev.. Stewart ,.spoke in similar vein at the morning ser- vice on Sunday, which marked Miss Sharpe's final occasion at the organ:- At this service Mrs. McLean and . Eldon Henderson took leading parts in the choir ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. George McGill- ivray, Huron Township, an- noi.nce the engagement of their. 'youngest d'aughter, Anna Jean ,McGillivray' to Pte. Lloyd H. Wylds, R.C.A.P.C., elder son .of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wylds of Lucknow. ' The . marriage to take ,place on Saturday, July 1st: Pays. Visit Here Mr. A. G. (Andy) Smith of Toronto paid a brief call in the •village on Thursday. morning. Mr. Smith is • a member . of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board and was on. his way to Listowel to address a . service club meet- ing that evening. NOW IN SERVICE George Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor ,,of town, re= ported for duty •'yesterday at London,' having enlisted 2 week ago,. in. the Royal, Canadian ' Air George's' father, ,Who is ;a Vet- eran, of the last war; can now boast of five sons and a, son -in - lava iii the servic ..Edwin, Lewis; Albert and Norman and his Bon- in -law, Garnet liencieon, are overseas with • the ' Canadian Army, and now George, Jr:, has donned the airforce blue: Honored ; On Their 35ti Wedding Anniversary On:the occasion of their 35th wedding anniversary, Mr: and Mrs. Robert Ritchie were guests -of--hhenv^q r at a gathering of their family and immediate relatives held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wilson of `Lucknow 'on Fri- day. 'There were 25 in attend- ance ' to spend a very pleasant social evening and ,extend best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie. Mrs. :Ritchie was formerly' Alice Gardner. Their, marriage'. thirty-five year ago was sol- emnized. by Rev T: E. Sawyer of Ashfield Circuit. Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie have a, family of one daughter, ' Mrs. A. J..Wilson, • (•Tia= 7 lie) and three sons, J_ G., Andrew ,..J Along with -other gifts received by ' Mr: and' Mrs. Ritchie Was„ a” lovely basket of flowers present- ed by their .grandchildren. Made Two. Quilts . .• .The ladies- of the Ninth Con cession Victory Club met' at the home of .Mrs. George Stuart on made for the Recd Cross. T:••' Crippled By Rheumatism Harris Purdon, son of Mr. and Mrs. James. Purdon of West Wa- wanosh, is ' slowly, recovering from apo attack of acute 'rheum- Stri.,04,en with the trouble late in the,. winter, Harris has not been able- to 'walk since Marten 3rd. But improvement in his con- dition is ' steady, if slow, and a few days •ago he tried getting about on • crutches for the. first time, with some success. IVAN MAGOFFIN LISTED MISSING' Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Magoffin of West Wawanosli received 6f - ficial word on Saturday , morning advising therm that their son, Sgt. Air Gunner Ivan Magoffin was missing after air. operations over- seas on. Thursday, . June 22nd. • No. further details are «as yet available .and his family," and *friends are living through anx- ious days hopefully awaiting •bet- ter news. '. Ivan went ' overseas last Oct ober and was taking an advanc- ed course of training before 'com- mencing operational flights which he expected would start about April 1st.: In. recent letters, how-' ever,' Ivan had made but little reference to these operations. Thg young airman will' be twenty-three .'next 'month. Apart from time spent at Manning Pool. Toronto, and in Hamilton, Ivan received all ,-his training at Air Schools in Western Canada and received his. Wings as an air-gun- nPr at.,MacDol'iald; Man tola^ Lacking a High' School educa- tion, Ivan' plugged hard . in • an ef- fort to qualify as a pilot, and lacked only -five marks of his goal. He then chose to • be an air -gunner, rather than' revert to ground: crew. Ivan is the eldestof sik child- ren -01 Mr. and -Mrs.-Thorrias -Ma_ goffin who reside on the' Clifton' farm . on the . 12th` Concession. Ivan was born its Toronto, but . as a youth' came to this district 1 with his parents.' • He has three sisters and two brothers, Mrs. Calvin. Irwin rene), Kinloss; 'Miss P'erne Magoffin, London; Lansley of East Wawanosh and Yvonne and • HOLIDAY, SATURDAY • Dominion Day, July lst, is. be- ing observed . in Lucknow on Sat- urday, FOUR GRANDSONS IN AIR FORCE Mrs.. Isobella MacLeod of Luck now has, four 'grandsons in the Air Force; One, has-been, wound ed. one is- missing, one. is a•war prisoner and. ;a fourth was re- cently included in' the • King's. honours' list. The honored airrrian is Flight -- Lieut. Donald Fink, son of Mr - and Mrs. 0:. H:.Fink of Hamilton. He . is serving with the Air Force in India. and for, gallant. and 2f- •fici•ent service'. was ipcluded in the' King's birthday honours. list as a member of the Order of the British Empire (M.B•.E:).. Flight--. Lieut. 'Fink's mother' was form- erly -Maggie• MacLeod. Dan Mac- Leod of :town,; is the• young air- man's uncle. • . Mrs. 1VIacLeod's' .three other grandsons' in. the. service are Geo... Jim and Murdoch MacLeod. sons. of Jack • MacLeod who is the •sta- tion agent at `Capreol. George was 'recently invalided home from overseas after suffer- ing combat wounds<:that, cost him 'the ,sight of an eye. Jim and•Murdoch are twin bro- thers and although serving. with different squadrons. were both reportedL..missixhg--roar-- .'the .-same day. ,Jim has since been reported asap prisoner of war, but no fur- thrr word has' been received of Murdoch's fate. Jim, we under stand, is in Stalag •Luft III, the prison. 'camp where • fifty allied prisoners, including six Canad- ians,' ,were shot after a ..mass w -h break; . aricT" reh ,"incident- yMr. Eden told. the British House of Commons was cold-blooded min -- der. . Since the outbreak of the, war, Mrs:: MacLeod has knitted con- stantly. Securing the wool at her own expense, she has knitted a= bout one hundred pair of socks, many of which have been donated to local boys entering the ser AGED LADY PAgSES MAKE DRAW FOR - :.Criticahy ill for the- past few. days, the death of 'Mrs. Sam Coo'tc occurred on Monday. She was in her 84th year and was formerly .Mary Ann Raynard. • • The funeral service was held on . Wednesday afternoon at the h-o`me of Mi. and , ,M.rs.•` Isaac Cranston with.°interthent in Dun; gannoi emetery. . • HOT WAV7 Orr~ Tuesday the temperature soared to an official 90 degrees. At one o'clock Wednesday it was 92 .,degrees with the temperature still rising. • . • REMARKABLY ALERT AT 'EIGHTY-EIGHT vr Mrs. Wm.' Blake of Ashfield, who was 88. years of age last Jan- uary, is remarkably alert of mind and body . arid' in the end oyment. of splendid health, exceptfor a touch of rheumatism that re- quires her to use • a cane, to .get -about: ' Mrs. Blake, who makes lier home in Ashfield with her son Ernest, spent Monday with rela- tives in town: Mr. Blake had made the trip to the Village to take his daughter' Muriel to the farm for the day. •Muriel, who• was •totally invalided with'in fantile .pa °+ralysis in the fall of 1937, enjoys getting .out to the old home -Whenever the oppor- MAKING REPAIRS.' 'TO VILLAGE ROADS Repair work is being done on village roads, particularly hard surfaced „portion's ' :which have failed to stand up. A 'section' of `hard surfacing near the flax mill 'has been Porn up and •.a coat of gravel,, applied to provide a pro= per • base. Some patching of breaks has been done • .and some drainage work is also planned, The only additional hard sur- facing that will be done this year is from the Massey -Harris corner one block south and 'a: block east. PLAN FOR STREET DANCE SOON Meeting for , the first time in their new quarters in the former I.0.O.F. •Ha.l], op'Friday evening. The Clansmen laid ' plans , for summer 'activities. 'The Club re- cently acquired ' this new nieet- .i'ng •place and •have obtained a lease on, it for a year. Arrange-. merits have been made with the Rebekahs, who 'own' the furnish- ings: and they Will continue. to use the 'building as.a lodge, room, • The Cl'ub's blood 'donor corn- remittee reported on their efforts to obtain donors for the last two clinics. and, their plans to••-eon- ilentrate more than ever On the sr_ext clinic. which will be held in mid-August. 1 TREBLES SERIES, As a result of the lawn bowl= • ing nietnbership . drive this spring.' 60 niembers''have joined the club. A number of these are beginners and to .induce, everyone totake part, in. the .sport, . a 'roi nd robin trebles : series has ' been arranged, with 17. ,rinks in the.draw vWhich was made`'last week: Rules regulating the series, al- low one substitute on ' each team each .game, but skips : can sub- stitute only . for another skip. - Teams : requested to play and failing to do so within a week will' default the game and ,be withdrawn from the competition. Games are to be 15 ends with. provincial ; rules to govern. The skip is responsible for arranging his games and notifying the play- ers on his team. Skips ' must also report the result of games' to Gordon Taylor... - The rinks are as follows, with the skip of each threesome being .: the first named: Wes Huston; Jack Henderson, Rex Ostrander.,: . W.:'I. Miller, W. P., Reed, 'Geo. Bower.' I Joseph Agnew, : Ronald John- ston, W. S. k McLeod. ' ' Gordon Taylor; Allan Stewart, J. D. 'Ross.. ,.. • Russ Robertson, S. C. Rathwell,'' Noble Johnston:. Clark Finlayson, •Dr. Jas. L• it- tle, 'Denald::-Iienclerson. , f-io�v_.a�:d,Aganeav,..�R,::T.,��Aougl.as;...•� -. Harvey Treleaven. , Dr. W. 'V.• Johnston, J.' A. 'Mac- Donald, L. Megan.. . • ' Wellington McCoy, Art Cann, W: J. Davison.. ' Wm, MacPherson, Denzil Stat- ters, Wallace Twamley.. George, Hassall, : Dinnie Mac- Donald, P.: M.' Johnston. Wallace Miller, Redvers John - stop; Wm: Hornell. Robert Rae, Jas. Smith, J. .L. McMillan. • :. Will. Schmid, G. H. Smith, Campbell Thompson. ' Austin. Solomon, • ' Roy Black, Bill Chin: s Dick " McQuaig, A. C. Agnew,, H. R. Allin.. ,ordon Fisher, Temple. Clarke, IC -van Lloyd: • Scores Attend ' Opening Of Home Nursing -Course The Red Cross Home Nursing. Course commenced here' on Tues- . day; night with an attendance of about double what was origin- ally indicated. Over' forty sign- ed up ,for the course at,the' start but since .then many more have made application and the enroll - anent is not yet fully completed. Lectures are being held -week- ly in the s,'chodl, and for the opening lecture on Tuesday night,' additiona] chairs had to be brought• in : to accomodate the class.. «-ho 'at that, sat in . pairs in the "single" seats in the school room. it Tuesday's lecture on hygiene and sanitation was delivered • by Mrs. W. S. Reid, while Mrs: H. R. Allin gave a demonstration • on scrubbing, of hands for sick room attendants., Others assist- -i -supervisors and in regist- ering new applicants' were Mrs. Wilfred Hackett, Mrs: K. C. Mur - die. Miss Lena Robinson and Mrs:: L. C. Thompson. A similar .tours . commences at Helens' tonight (Thursday). W. S.' Reid, head of the sports committee, reported on the work done in putting the park softball diamond ,in -playing shape. A town, factory and- school team are in prospect to make a three - team , loop. The suggestion :was. advanced that' The Clansmen is- s}te a -challenge to all and sundry for an exhibition game. The' Club decided on holding regulail.,monthly, Meetings oar the last' Tuesday of each month. Pre- ceding the July meeting, the, ev- �..i1Yi1ag..^a'YY,,5'tYY",..._.a.:`SatlV 7`dv �.."�'. -col- lection will. be staged byb' ' the members. During the third week in July, The Clansmen plan on holding . a street ,.dance;. and in August will hold their annual carnival. :This will include the usual prize,draw feature and Wm. Schmid, W. A. Porteous° and ' Wes Huston were appointed a cornn1ittee to arrange Has Seen 86. 'Summers John,G. Smith of Osage, Sask.,. and one of . The Sentinel's oetoot genarian subscribers, is 86 years of age he tells us in renewing his subscription for another year.' • MEN'S & BOYS', Work Clothing. The Store with the Stock. THE