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The Lucknow Sentinel. Lucknow, Ontario
WURSDAY, I- NE 22nd, 1911 •
-The June' meeting of W. M. S.
4Cras held as Grandmothers' meet-
ing at the home of Mrs. ' Peter
'Cook. There were 30 ladies pres-
•• OA of which eleven were grand
mothers.. The meeting opened
With ;singing of "What a friend
we have in Jesus" and the Lord's
.prayer repeated in unison. The
devotional part .of the meeting
was ' taken . by Mrs. Will Gard-
xzer. Mrs. Fred Anderson & Mrs.
'-Ernest • Gardner lead sin prayer
for,. youth?A. reading was given
by Mrs. Ernest Gardner, "The•
Little. Churches", We. were . fav-
`died with: •a, 'solo by Mrs. Peter
Cook entitled "The 'stranger from
Gahlee" Mrs Howse addressed
the.:grandmothers in a very pleas.-'
'Mg .and touching manner tell*
her experience of her '• own saint-
ly grandmother'and.ffow by her
devotion to prayer and her heav-
enly Father had such •ari�,jnflu-
ence on, the lives of her family
and grandchildren. She conclud-
ed with a contest "Our Grand-
mothers" which" was very ap-'
propriate'to our meeting,.. Letters
of appreciation for overseas par -
,cels . received were read from
David Axiderson and Jim Hunter:
Mrs. ,Jack McDonagh has charge
of next meeting's program,. Miss
Elsie 'Ritchie, Mrs: Jack Gardner,.
Mrs.: Peter Cook Were .appointed
to 'collect Garden Party money.
A. reading was given ,,by .Miss
Lis Hunter, ,The study book
Chapter on, Health and -Hygiene
of other lands was. given by Mrs,
Wesley Ritchie. Mrs: Howse 'clos-
ed the meeting with prayer and
benediction after • which lunch &
a social hour was spent.
Mr.'Lane Gardner of the Nagy
stationed at Halifax spent ' a day
or sohere with his friends last
week. . •
Mrs. tF.itzgerald of Dungannon
was a recent .visitor with Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Gardner.
ed the
a few from Zion attend -
Webster 'picnic held at
ark; G.oderich. • •
Misses . Beth,. Jean; and . Mabel
Johnston of H p- lyro'od, Messrs,
Torn a'nd' Llbyd MeNa71- of -Luck
riow called on lVlr. + :anad Mrs. ' Sid
Gardner, on•. Saturday'evening.
• Mt,•and.'Mrs.' Frank• Jirhnstori"
and Carmen of•,Holyrood visited
Sunday with ' Mr., and Mrs. Sid'
Gardner. Mrs.`;Johns'tdri remain-'
•ed fora few days with her dau-
ghter, Mrs. Gardner, who has.
been quite ill with pneumonia
but is making .favourable recov-
Mr.•.& Mrs. Morley Wail spent
an, evening last 'week with •Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Schumacher.
Miss Elsj e • lit rhie visited Mrs.
Jas. Wraith recently.. ••.
'Mr., Jas. Adamson, A. Adam-
son and Mrs. 'Peter'son of . Kely
ington, ' Mr. Ralph Ada'tnson :of'
"Toronto : and - '1Vfr:• arid' $Glia., Wrin.•"
Davidson and Doris of`Teeswater
visited • Mr:. and Mrs., Earl • Flod�"
gins, last. week:
• Mrs. -Norman Whitehead' is' as-
`listing y Mrs, Frank Thorn isoii for
a `few •days: • .
Past wars have always
brought, .some • degree
Of it flatio .i
Scarcity prices could '
no longer be demanded
Goods were scarce ...Prices
andwages sky rocketted to
unnatural heights.
and "spiralling" prices
Then one. day the war
in • due. time goods be
came plentiful- again.
and came .• down with
' a bang.
merchandise dropped
in 'value—retailers
went bankrupt
people stopped buying be.,
cause they thought prices
would go. still lower .
factories closed and
U$IIM TO w01 mi spo to 'mem PDOORDWAII ads adverfisnrmmld is one of a seoies being isseeed by the 0oderwment of Carman f6 ea+pbastse
WOO 'SONDAT.MOT page Mme. g. D. T. the impedance of preventing farther Increases ir the rust Of' living no and deflation tales.
That is why • in this
war prices are ' con-
trolled -so that they
will not ruin buyers
in a riseor sellers in
a skimp:
farms were
distress was general
and deflation was in
the saddle.
Mee CiiViiiigti=i064 i'.dliiYe saQiy cegtii:ratr.-=-;ratiivav
'Inger-Victory Bonds -increased taxation --are all
part of a grand' strategy to head off Inflation—
thus preventing Deflation. . • .
, 'CREWE • .
Miss .Pearl Jones of Toronto; is
visiting her. sister Mrs. Benson
Miss Susie Kilpatrick spent the
week -end with Mr. • and, Mrs. Jim
Guests with Mr. and. Mrs.. Mar-
vin Durnin 'for the week -end
were. • Mr.:, and Mrs. Carmen
Robson, :• Mrs.- u.a ie Granat and:
•Lindsay Du "' amilton and
Mr, Robt..Durnin of Toronto.
Mr; Harold 'Blake is visiting ,.his
sisters in Toronto. and, Stcath-
-aeries,ryw_. . __. • _. .
. • Mr. and Mrs..J:acob ]:minter •anal•
'Freeda Of- Zion spent -Sunday -
With, Mr: Jack and =Miss_ Agnes •
Mr. 'and 'Mrs. ,S.• .J, Kilpatrick
:and K Mr: .and • Mrs.. Geei Blake, .
Jimmy and .Linda attended .the.
Webster picnic 'at Harbor park, . •
Mr. and Mrs.• Joseph ..Hackett
..spent. Sunday at. Wilfred Dren..,.
nap's. .
Memorial' Service '13e1d •
At Crewe :''On Sunday • • - '
• A memorial service :.was 'held
in • Crewe .Church. for Wm. Gra-
haDurnin, who •lost his life iri
a plane -over; overt England on
June .4th. „Rev.- " Vickerson' con- •
'ducted • the :service :and took for .
his text; "In the Lord is their
reward, and the care of them. are
in the'. most high". :During the
service.•Mr.;; Aubrey Toll of Au-
burn rendered two.. lovely and •
appropriate' solos, "Beyon the
• Sunset" : and "Shadgws": Mem'- '
bers of 'the bereaved family ".are
Mrs. Cameron Robson. (Bernice)•
of Hamilton.; 'Alan with the •R.. 'C.
• in England; Homer. with. •
the Navy; •. Mrs. Lewis .MoCardy
(Lorainne); of Goderich; • and
Lindsay.of Hamilton, '•, and the
mother,• ---Mrs 'Fanny '•I7iirnir of
Goderich. Other friends attended. ,• •
., •
from • Fergus, Toronto; Hamilton,;
Durharri,:`tuckno' * and :God'erien. , •
4 '
Among .the beautiful , floral°'ttib . -
.utes..were a memorial ,Wreath
from • the family. and a basket
'rof •
oses from . Crewe . congregation:
The -sympathy of"-tliis: community
goes .. out to the .bereaved, ones.
Mrs.. Norgord..of Chicago; is
spending_ a. few days with her
parents, 1Vfr. and Mrs.• Robt. Mc
Mr. Joseph'J. Martin of Albion,
Michigan, called on relatives here
on .Wednesday: • •
Kintail branch of Women's .In-
stitute was well represented at
the District. Annual for -North
Huron which met. at Dungannon
on Thursday. •
The nupils and teacher of Hem-
lock City school had a few busy
days gathering waste paper and
rags: This 'was their opportunity
to help the war effort., • •
There will be no regular
church service in \ the Presbyter-
ian church next Sunday • as Rip-
ley • congregation' is having their
anniversary service. ' Sunday
School will meet as usual:
A large congregation 'attended
`the Decoration Dav' service -,, in
South Kinloss church Sunday af-
ternoon. A very appropriate ad-
dress ,was given by Rev. H. F. -
Dann:. •
Visitors Monday with Mr. and
Mrs. Richard McQuillin were her
sister, Mrs. Agnes Stephenson.
of Varna, Mrs. Herb . McQuillin -
of Toronto and Mrs. Ellen Alton
of town. '
Mr. Jim . England was in .Lon-
don over the week -end to .visit
his daughter Marjorie , who is. a
patient in the W.M.G.H. after an
operation. Mrs. England ret zrned,
home with - him: after -being with
Marjorie these lastfew weeks.
Mrs. D. H. Alton who has not
been well for some tithe was able
to visit her daughter, Mrs. W. 0. •,
Reed Friday last. '
Mr. Jim ,McNall of Windsor
spent a recent week -end at his
home. here.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brown and
children of Port Albert, Mr. and
Mrs. Wri . Stimson visited at tV.
G. Reed's Sunday.
Mrs: Robeit,McNall has return-
ed' home from visiting Mr. 'and
Mrs. Prank • Malall. in Londen� . ..